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1、70中学初四英语模拟测试卷题号听力笔试总分IIIIIIIV一三四五六七八得分、单项选择选择最佳答案。(本题共15分,每小题1分)()21. -1 ll have second trip to Qingdao next month-Great. Have nice day there.A. the, / B. a, a C. a, /()22. Which season do you like?Winter. I like the snow.it snows,I will feel.A. The more heavily, the happierB. The heavier, the happi

2、erC. The heavily, the happy()23. - There to be no need that again.I agree with you.A. seems, to doB. seemed, doing C. seem, do()24. -Do you know just now? -Maybe their teacher.A. whom are they waiting for B. whom they are waiting C. whom they are waiting for()25. Do you prefer romance films science

3、fiction?I prefer science fiction romance films.A. to, toB. to, orC. or, to()26. Did everyone in your class donate things for the poor children?-Yes.us, Mr. Blake gave away many books.A. BesidesB. ExceptC. But()27. Marry felt because the dishes she cooked tasted.A. well, wellB. good, goodC. well, goo

4、d()28. - Lets go to see my cousin this Saturday,?Great. I want to see him very much.A. will youB. shall weC. wont you()29. - I heard them in the next room.-They had than ever.A. arguing, argument B. argue, many arguments C. arguing, more arguments()30. -Do you know where Dr. Lin is? -He is doing an

5、that poor boy in theoperating room.A. operate on B. operator in C. operation on()31. Have you found the information about that man you can used for the report?-Not yet.A. whichB. whoC. what()32. do you invite your friends to your house dinner?Once a month.A. How soon, toB. How long, for C. How often

6、, for()33. While you are much safer inside than out, lightning can strike(伤害)you even in thehome. Which is Not the right way to protect you indoors?A. Stay near the telephone.B. Unplug (拔掉插头)televisions, computers, etc.C. Stay away from windows.()34. Here is a chart about the students Chinese Compet

7、ition.is the most humorous of all the four groups.GroupTerms(项目)Group OneGroup TwoGroup ThreeAnswer correctly707378Answer humorously708968Co-operate well909391A. Group OneB. Group Two C. Group Three()35. Which word of the following has a different stress from others?A. pleasant B. apologize C. argum

8、ent 三、完形填空(本题共10分,每小题1分)The word “ generosity has been d evaued somewhat recently. A man may give his friend a house in the beautiful suburb( 市郊);A rich man could fly halfway round the world to meet his friends for his birthday party. In this case, generosity is 36 an action of showing off than a si

9、ncere action of giving.Real generosity is: to offer 37 and love without expecting anything in return.Real generosity, when you meet, is simply so pleasant. And it belongs to the rich and the poor. A traveler in a faraway place felt it 38 he shared bread, room, even bed with a farmers family.Another

10、story is about 39 university student from Oxford. He did something out of his natural sense of generosity when he learned that his roommate couldnt afford an impossibly expensive textbook, a book which was very rare in second-hand shops. 40 that his roommate was far too proud to accept such a book a

11、s present from him, the rich student bought a new copy for 35 pounds at Blackwells bookshop. He dirtied it up a bit and tore off the paper cover, made a few dog-ears (卷页) and pencil 41 against what he thought might be important parts, and wrote an invented name in the front. He even remembered to ag

12、e the ink 42 putting it over fire. Then he went back, looking extremely proud of himself and claiming to have got the book in a second- hand bookshop. Beaten them down to two pounds! ” To make his friends believe him, he showed a receipt (收据)for the money by buying himself 43 book at the same place.

13、Ten years later, the poorer student 44 to know the truth. Actually he was suspicious( 怀疑) at the very beginning, though he didnt ask his richer friend to tell the truth. He appreciated the invaluable generosity as well as the valuable book.Real generosity lies in the 45 thoughtfulness, not its price

14、 or wrapping of the gift. It is one of the things which make us human and should be honored more than we do now. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。()36. A. lessB.muchC. more()37. A. generousB.kindnessC.happy()38. A. whenB.whereC. what()39. A. aB.anC. the()40. A. KnewB.KnownC. Knowing()41. A. marksB.booksC. things()42. A

15、. toB.forC. by()43. A. otherB.anotherC. others()44. A. knewB.gotC. wanted()45. A. receiversB.writersC. givers四、阅读理解(本题共20分,每小题1分)(A)Limit ( 限制)your movements during an earthquake to a few steps to a nearby safe place. Stay indoors until the shaking has stopped and you are sure it is safe to leave.If

16、 you are indoors:Drop, Cover, and Hold - Take cover under a study desk, table, or bench, or against an inside wall, and hold on. If there is no desk or table near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building.Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors

17、and walls, and anything that could fall, such as lighting fixtures (灯具)and furniture.If you are in bed when the earthquake strikes, stay there. Hold on and protect your head with a pillow, unless you are under a heavy light fixture that could fall. In that case, move to the nearest safe place.Stay i

18、nside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside. Most injuries ( 伤亡)during earthquakes happen when people are hit by falling objects while entering or leaving buildings.Be aware that electricity may go out or that sprinkler systems or fire alarms ( 火警以及自动 喷淋装置)may turn on.Do not use eleva

19、tors.If you are outdoors:Stay there.Move away from buildings, trees, streetlights, and utility wires ( 电线电缆). If you are in a moving car:Stop as quickly as safety permits, pull to the side of the road, and stay in the car.Avoid stopping near or under buildings, trees, overpasses (立交桥),and utility wi

20、res. Do not attempt to drive across bridges or overpasses that have been damaged.If you are trapped under debris:(废墟)Do not light a match.Do not move about or kick up dust.Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or clothing.Tap on a pipe or wall so that rescuers (救援人员)can find you. Use a whistle (哨子)if

21、 possible. Shout only as a last way- shouting can cause you to breathe in lots of dangerous dust. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。()46. The underlined word crouch in the passage means in Chinese.A.救援B.演习C.蹲伏()47. The passage told us in situations what we should do when an earthquakehappened.A. 3B. 4C. 5()48. If you ar

22、e in bed when the earthquake strikes, you should.A. Get up as soon as possible, and look for a safe place.B. Stay there and hold on and protect your head with a pillow, unless you are under a heavy light fixture that could fall. In that case, move to the nearest safe place.C. Call for help, and stay

23、 there.()49. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Use elevators to go down as quickly as possible.B. Shout is the only best way to help rescuers (救援人员)find youC. Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside.()50. The best title for the passage should be.A. W

24、hen Will The Earthquake HappenB. How To Protect Yourself In The EarthquakeC. How To Stop The Earthquake(B)Event Schedule of the Beijing Olympics(Month: August)Events9101112131415161718192021222324JumpingMMFFShootingFFFFFFFFFSwimmingMFFFFFFFFFBasketballMMMMMMMMMMMMMMFFBadmintonMMMMMMFFFBeachMMMMMMMMM

25、MMMFFWeightliftingFFFFFFFFFFM: MatchesF: Finals根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案。()51. It is a Event Schedule of .A. BeijingB. the 2008 OlympicsC. lessons()52. We can see the Finals of basketball on .A. everydayB. Aug. 5C. Aug. 23 and 24()53. has the most Finals.A. SwimmingB. ShootingC. Weightlifting()54. Jumping ca

26、n be seen in the 2008 Olympics on days.A. sevenB. fourC. nine()55. Which is NOT true according to the information in the form?A. There are matches on each day from Aug. 9 to Aug. 22.B. Of all the events in the table, Weightlifting will end earliest.C. Badminton has six Finals and three matches.(C)If

27、 you have a friend, youll feel happy. If you have a best friend. youll feel rich. If you have a friend who gives his hands to you in emergency, youll feel lucky. Thank God. Im a happy, rich and lucky girl. During my life, friendship is the most valuable wealth and unforgettable memory.1998, my hard

28、year. Because of very poor health, I had to stay in hospital. But it was my second year at high school! I worried about my study and my future. What I felt was not only pain, but also hopeless. Just then, my friend - a politics teacher in my high school - came to help me. As I know, this old man is

29、also a famous lawyer with busy work. But he gave up his work more than one year and taught me in the hospital almost every day. He gave me both knowledge and the confidence for the future.With his help, I overcame the difficulty and became a college student. I couldnt express my thanks in words, bec

30、ause he did too much for me. He told me that he felt happy to help me and wished me to have a bright future. I was lucky enough to have such a good friend. I love and respect him. In my heart, he is my teacher, my father and my best friend forever.根据短文内容判断正、误,正确的填“A,错误的填B:()56.The writer didnt becom

31、e a college student because of his disease at last.()57.The writers best friend in the passage was his father.()58.The writers politics teacher gave him a hand when he was ill.()59.The teacher still worked as a lawyer every day when he helped the writer.()60.Without the teachers help, the writer cou

32、ldnt overcome the difficulty become acollege student.(D)The chart is about the students of Class Four who helped others in their free time. There are 50 students in Class Four. In 2005, when they just came to middle school, there were only10.08% of the students who often helped others in their free

33、time. But in the following two years根据图示所提供的信息选择正确答案。()61. About students often helped others in their free time in 2005.A. 7B. 5C. 8()62. The rate of 2005 was less than that in 2007.A. 66.72%B. 3.1%C. 63.62%()63. There were about students who didnt often help others in their free timein 2006.A.11B.

34、12C. 13()64. As time passed by students liked to help others in their free time.A. lessB. moreC. fewer()65. Which of the following is NOT true according to the chart above?A. The students who often helped others in their free time in 2007 were about two more than those in 2006B. The students who oft

35、en helped others in their free time were more and more from 2007 to 2005.C. The students in Class Four are more helpful.五、任务性阅读(本题共10分,每小题1分)先阅读(A)、(B)两篇短文,然后根据题目要求及所给语境完成下列四项任务。(A)someone respect much value activityFriendship is one of the greatest pleasures that people can enjoy. It is very diffic

36、ult to find a better definition of friendship.Knowing how 66 friendship is, we should be very careful in our choice of a friend. We must choose someone who has a good character, whose 67 are good and who shows kindness of heart. We should avoid those people who are easily changed.A true friend can a

37、lways be trusted, loved and 68 . If you tell a friend your secrets , he or she wont tell 69 else. Friends share each others joys and sadness. They help each other 6when they are in trouble, and cheer each other up when they are sad. The 70 important thing is that a friend always understands you. Ple

38、ase remember when you have made a good friend, dont forget him or her .(B)Have you ever wondered how the pictures of movies affect you? Research studies show that movies really affect you in quite different ways. The pictures of movies give you information and add it to your store of knowledge. The

39、movies you see influence your ideas. When you see pictures appearing certain kinds of people or certain ideas, you tend to develop a similar feeling toward them. The pictures of movies may also affect your emotions. When you go to the movies, your emotions are stimulated( 刺激、激发 ).This is a part of t

40、he movie magic. Film fashions in conduct, speech, and appearance also affect you.任务1:用方框里所给单词的适当形式填空,使文章通顺、连贯、合理。(每词限用一次)66. 67.68. 69. 70.任务2:根据英文释义及首字母提示,拼写单词。71. m film72. a to cause a change任务3:同义句转换,每空一词。The pictures of movies may also affect your emotions.The pictures of movies may affect your

41、 emotions 73 74.任务4:根据短文内容简答问题。75. What do the pictures of movies give you and add it to your store of knowledge? .六、交际应用(本题共10分,每小题1分)(A)从AG选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。(选项中有两项是多余的)A: Hey, Kathy. Im thinking about renting ( 租)a movie for tonights party.B: Okay. 76A: Well, what about action movies?B: Ah, I

42、dont really like action movies. 77A: Okay, 78B: Now, I do enjoy comedies.A: Fine. Well, what do you think of horror movies or love stories?B: 79 Love stories are often fun to watch.80A: Okay. Ill go to the video store and see what I can find. Thanks.A. I dont think youre right.B. Im not really crazy

43、 about horror movies.C. What kind of movies do you want to rent?D. do you like comedies?F. Oh, and I really like foreign films, too.E. There s too much violence in action movies.G. What about going to see a movie tonight.76. 77. 78. 79. 80.(B)填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。A: Lets go to a movie tonight.B: All ri

44、ght. What 81 are currently playing.A: Well, theres a western one at the neighborhood theater.Or, we can go to the drive-in movie ( 露天影院)to see two science fiction movies 82 you like.B: 83 that all ?A: No. The Cinema is showing a Japanese movie, and theres a new French movie 84 the Vogue (时兴影院 ).B: W

45、hats at the Broadway(百老汇)?A: Lets go there. Theres a movie got good reviews.B: Okay, call them and ask about the show 85 .I hate to come late.81. 82. 83. 84. 85.七、阅读表达(本题共 10(A)阅读短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词。(本题共5分,每空1分)“No man is an island. Without other people, life becomes empty and sad. We all need to hav

46、e friends. But some of us dont know how to make friends and how to keep the friends they already have.There are many books about friendship, but Dale Carnegies How to Win Friends and Influence People which was written in 1936, is the most famous. This book is about getting along with other people be

47、came a best seller. It was translated into 28 languages.The advice in the book seems to be simple, but it can help you. Here is a list of advice from the book. 1. Be friendly and politeBegin with “ excuse me or “ wouldyou please when you want to ask somebody to do something. Remember to say “thank y

48、ou and try to be as helpful as you can.2. Be nice to othersFind some time to do special things for other people. Making some soup for a sick neighbor may seem like a little thing to you, but it will make your neighbor feel much better.3. Remember namesIt is said that the sweetest sound to a persons

49、ears is the sound of his or her own name.Name of the bookHow to Win Friends and Influence People86Dale CarnegieWhen was it 87In 1936The 88 of languages it was translated into2889 is it aboutGetting along with other peopleA list of advice1. Be 90 and polite2. Be nice to others3. Remember names86. 87.

50、 88. 89. 90.(B)根据所给中英文信息完成应用文。(本题共5分)明天全体同学将去参观科学博物馆(the Science Museum),请你以学生会的身份通知全体同学。通知的开头和结尾已给出。要求用上所给中英文信息,至少五句话。When to meetAt eight tomorrow morningWhere to meetAt the school gateHow to go thereOn footWhat to takePens and notebooksWhat to pay attentionDont make any noise and dont take any pi

51、ctures in the museumHand in a report about the visit next MondayNoticeAttention please,We are going to visit the Science Museum tomorrow. WeThe Student Union八、书面表达(本题共 15分)人人都需要朋友,朋友能够与我们分享幸福与悲伤。但是如何交朋友,每个人看法 不同。请你以此为话题,谈谈你的看法。要求:1 .请根据所提供的信息材料和话题(不要逐句翻译),写出结构严瑾、内容完整、语言丰富优美、语法准确、可读性强的短文。2 .至少80词。4 .

52、不得使用真实的姓名、地名和学校名。5 .题目自拟。11参考答案一、听力测试(本题共30 分)1-5 AABCB 6-10 CACBB 11-15 CBBAC 16-20 CABCB15 分,每小题1 分)21-25 BAACC 26-30 ACBCC 31-35 ACABB三、完形填空(本题共36-40 CBAAC 四、阅读理解(本题共46-50 CABCB 五、任务性阅读(本题共10 分,每小题1 分)41-45 ACBBC20 分,每小题1 分)51-55 BCCBC56-6010 分,每小题1 分)BBABA61-65 BACBB66-70valuable activitiesrespe

53、cted anyone most71-75movie affect as well Information六、交际应用(本题共10 分,每小题1 分)76-80 CEDBF81-85 movies if Is at times七、阅读表达(本题共10 分)friendly(A)86-90Writer written What Getting(8) 应用文评分标准:符合下列要求的为满分:1 突出应用文的写作特点2 信息完整3 语言准确4 可读性强5 不少于 5 个句子不符合以上5 个条件之一的扣一分。NoticeAttention please,We are going to visit the Science Museum tomorr


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