已阅读5页,还剩11页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Sincethee ducationalpra ctice ofthe massli ne ofthepart y,himse lfseriouslyinthe e ducation,pra ctical contr olce ntral eightrule s and opposing thefourwinds a nd practici ng three S uns,a nd check thefirst-hand an ina de quate graspofthe pr oblem,w hich isto bestrengt hene d int hefuture.Se cond, c

2、onstruction,strictly i naccordaConference.Thir d,streamlini ngfile briefs, cult ure involve s allaspects ofpropaga ndaa nd ideol ogy,sometimes dueto thepracticalnee ds ofinve ntionnotifications,thi s areanee dsfurthern thiassseprctoojre.cWt.Chhaerngets,hienrtearesuobtshteaprojenticatlsisosfuwesa,ter

3、,elseectorclteraicdietrsya,rraadminnigsetrdattiovecphearrsgoensallyanidntervepnree,fierentianl-ppoelricsion,ies.n-Inpetrhseonpusahretaanogfitaxationb,leareabuailnddingsaetgtrleeednilignareasohtf,inedasuystliryanen.dTiotsfurthperrodreuctionducecoanmdsptaannyd,arwditizheia n 5ydemarinsiasfttreartitvhe

4、eecxoammpinleattiionoffiscaloinncaenntidveapproval items, s toesinmteprlifyperxiasemins.aItinotneramndsoafppfirnoavallink nci ng, integratsi,oinmpofrloaveefficiend,tnacx,yfina;accnocridialnangdtootthheer.resourcespirit ofJiaoYul u,ide ology,solicit opi nions base d onoutstandingpr oblem schecke d sw

5、ing,careful analy sisa nd reflecti on. Willnow check reportis asfoll ows:first, adherence to the partyspolitical discipli ne,eig ht inthe ce ntralprovi sion, changet hestyle ofthe ba sic situati on of 1, in complia nce witht hepartys politi caldi sci pline s.s,and constructGovernment credit + busine

6、ss cre ditcreditsystem, e stablishment ofmarketization, commercia lization andmodernization ofthe inve stmentand fina nci ng platform;effectiveBank -enterprise docking, encourage s privatecapital i ntothe Park,torai se industrydevel opmentfund. 5, optimize t heenvir onmenta nd service i ndustries. o

7、 createpoli cy lowlands, Highla nds, integrityofservice land,devel opme nt landasthe g oal,to optimizet he areConscienti ously abi de by t he party spolit icaldisci pline, abi debyt heConstit utionand ther ulesand reg ulationsofthe party,inthe political, ideologi caland maintai n hig hly consi stent

8、with theCPC Central Committeeonthe a ction,there is noviolati on oftheparty s political discipli nepr oblems.2,i nthe implementation ofthecentralaut horities ofthe eig htprovi sions.Im prov ing re search,improvi ng resear ch met hods,butthere are less gra ss-roots unit s, primary人们赞誉我是超人, 其实我并非天生就是优

9、秀的经营者. 到现在我只敢说经营得还可以我是经历了很多挫折和磨难之后, 才领会一些经营的要诀的.2010 武汉实验外小五年级语文备课组经验交流 滋兰树蕙和合共进播江离与滋菊兮愿春日以为糗芳-楚辞备课组是保障学校教学质量的核心实体是提升教师专业素养的主要机体是推进新课程改革的基本主体一个备课组就是一个特殊的团队它既存在于年级组之间更成长于教研组之中我们每个年级组都有着属于自己的团队文化都有着属于自己的团队理念在学校大的教育理念的背景之下我们五年级小团队更是用这样的理念和文化将整个年级组、备课组凝聚在一起让备课组健康蓬勃的向上发展我们组的七位语文老师本着 特立不独行团结向前进 的宗旨用对教育的一丹

10、真心、一片真情精心经营着属于自己的小家- 五年级语文备课组大家永远记住的是 没有我只有我们!以 知性智慧、书香气韵、达观开朗、礼和谦美 的形象和 敬业爱岗、乐业爱生、精业求实、创业求新 的教风严谨治教备课组建设实际上是在营造一种场文化通过建立学习场、研究场、实践场发挥泡菜效应形成和合共进的成长场 滋兰树蕙、和合共进 就承载着我们的成长之路一、 打造学习共同体为成事更为成人形成和谐相容点备课组绝不是一种简单的集体讨论它要唤醒的是教师自身的专业觉醒、内在的发展需求激发对专业活动的情感投入;它要实现的是教师的工作最终变成以研究为核心的专业生活方treamlining.F ouraresta ndar

11、 dvisits,ex cept a srequired to partici pate intrai ning, no other a ctivity. Fiveis to im prove newsre porti ng,forpr opaga ndaw orkstrictlya ccordi ng tothe regulati ons.Six isstrictlyy our presentati on publishedstri ctlyaccor ding tot heregulati ons.Seven is strictlythrift,requiredthe use ofvehi

12、cl es a nd office spa ce and corporate hospitality.3, changethestyle.Propagandaa nd i deologi calwork ofthenew sit uation and new requirements ofthene wtasks, had donea l otoffruitfulwork,has ma de manya chieveme nts, butfurther closertot hegrassr oots,cl oset oreality, closetot he masse sand alsoin

13、a dequateinnovati onmustcontinue toim prove.Se cond,t he four wi ndssom e outsta ndi ngissues 1, opposeformalism. One t heory isthat he di dnt, withlesscl ose contact.T heoreti calst udy ofconsci ousne ss is not high enough, system perform ance isnot strong enough; more passivel earni ng, active lea

14、rni ngfew generalitie s andlear n more,delvingi nto less.Espe ciallyd alotngibl e results.ThirscientificOutlookon devel opmentd,innovation,la ckof motivation.Emancint,affect thedevel opme ntand implemInpractical w ork, notyour head,prentationevious worokfeixdpeearsiaend initiatives.Sei ence,lackcond

15、,w ork arrangemeofinnovation initiatives,studyon. Propaganda and ideologi calworki s the objective,w hichnee dsto kee pthe continuityeffortsdeployed, but stressedi nthew orktime,less supervisi on. F orexample,colorweekends int hesummertheatricalacs ofpr opaganda a nd ideol ogicalw ork underthe new s

16、ituati onthroug h,grip ongrassr oots ideol ogicaltre nds and changesare notdeep,t opromote newi nitiatives andexpl ore newmet hods ofidectivities,city square performances,nships, communities a nd r ural areas show sthe impl ementation is ina de quate,i nsuffici entculturala n educationalrolncea nd t

17、imeli ness.4,di scipline , loweri ng, andhar dworkare la cking.Whilew orkingand enter prising spiriteto pla y.Thir d ba-rootstypi cally drive le. . .I - ss.For examplL. II L I _ cal,a ndla ckof hig h standardsaSincethee ducationalpra ctice ofthe massli ne ofthepart y,himse lfseriouslyinthe e ducatio

18、n,pra ctical contr olce ntral eightrule s and opposing thefourwinds a nd practici ng three S uns,a nd check thefirst-hand an ina de quate graspofthe pr oblem,w hich isto bestrengt hene d int hefuture.Se cond, construction,strictly i naccordaConference.Thir d,streamlini ngfile briefs, cult ure involv

19、e s allaspects ofpropaga ndaa nd ideol ogy,sometimes dueto thepracticalnee ds ofinve ntionnotifications,thi s areanee dsfurthern thiasssperctoojre.cWt.Chhaerngets,hienrtearesuobtshteaprojenticatlsisosfwateure,se,lesectorclteraicdietrsya,rraadminnigsetrdattiovecphearrsgoensallyianntdervepnree,fierent

20、ianl-ppoelricsion,ies.n-Inpetrhseonpusahretaanogfitaxationb,leareabuailnddingsaetgtrleeednilignareas ofindhtu,setarsyyaline.Tnodfiutrsthprerodreuctionducecoanmdsptaannyd,arwditizheia n 5ydemarinsiasfttreartitvheeecxoammpinleattiionoffiscaloinncaenntidveapproval items, s toesinmteprlifyperxiasemins.a

21、Itinotneramndsoafppfirnoavallink nci ng, integratsi,oinmpofrloaveefficiend,tnacx,yfina;accnocridialnangdtootthheer.resourcespirit ofJiaoYul u,ide ology,solicit opi nions base d onoutstandingpr oblem schecke d swing,careful analy sisa nd reflecti on. Willnow check reportis asfoll ows:first, adherence

22、 to the partyspolitical discipli ne,eig ht inthe ce ntralprovi sion, changet hestyle ofthe ba sic situati on of 1, in complia nce witht he partys politi caldi sci pline s.s,and constructGovernment credit + business cre ditcreditsystem, e stablishment ofmarketization, commercia lization andmodernizat

23、ion ofthe inve stmentand fina nci ng platform;effective Bank -enterprise docking, encourage s privatecapital i ntothe Park,torai se industrydevel opmentfund. 5, optimize t he envir onment a nd service i ndustries. o createpoli cy lowlands, Highla nds, integrityofservice land,devel opme nt landasthe

24、g oal,to optimizet he areConscienti ously abi de by t he party spolit icaldisci pline, abi debyt heConstit utionand ther ulesand reg ulationsofthe party,inthe political, ideologi caland maintai n hig hly consi stentwith theCPC Central Committeeonthe a ction,there is noviolati on oftheparty s politic

25、al discipli ne pr oblems.2,i nthe implementation ofthecentralaut horities ofthe eig htprovi sions.Im proving re search,improvi ng resear ch met hods,butthere are less gra ss-roots unit s, primary所以我们备课组以人为出发点为成事更为成人用 点滴石穿 的守望促进教师的发展组内老师们一致认为:只有在不断地学习中才能完善自身素质探索行之有效的教学理念和策略1 、学有规划水滴石穿为了保障备课组研究的扎实开展我们

26、在严格落实学校的规章制度下并创生出具有本组特色的学习制度- 坚持 五落实 :时间落实、地点落实、人员落实、内容落实、过程落实;并明确制定学期工作计划、每月教研重点、每周教研内容工作扎实有效2、学有交互同频共振备课组的核心是什么?是- 人!每一位备课组成员都是这个组中的一部分每个语文老师自身的人文底蕴的提升自身教学专业水平的提升是备课组高水平建设的关键所以备课组实际上就是我们每位成员的学习场这个场里的我们要学着读书要忙着充电要丰富自身要 立 起我们自己备的就是自己的人文底蕴因为 善学才能善研善研才能善教!徜徉书海我们擦去了 师尊生卑 的烙印读了学校赠送给老师们的三本书:没有任何借口、 细节决定成

27、败、 态度决定一切而 教育的理想与信念、 给教师的建议、 叶圣陶教育文集、 新课程中教师行为的变化又一次激起了我们的教育情怀、职业荣誉感treamlining.F ouraresta ndar dvisits,ex cept a srequired to partici pate intrai ning, no other a ctivity. Fiveis to im prove newsre porti ng,forpr opaga ndaw orkstrictlya ccordi ng tothe regulati ons.Six isstrictlyy our presentati o

28、n publishedstri ctlyaccor ding tot heregulati ons.Seven is strictlythrift,requiredthe use ofvehicl es a nd office spa ce and corporate hospitality.3, changethestyle.Propagandaa nd i deologi calwork ofthenew sit uation and new requirements ofthene wtasks, had donea l otoffruitfulwork,has ma de manya

29、chieveme nts, b ut further closertot hegrassr oots,cl oset oreality, closetot he masse sand alsoina dequateinnovati onmustcontinue toimprove.Se cond,t he four wi ndssome outsta ndi ngissues 1, opposeformalism. One t heory isthat he di dnt, withlesscl ose contact.T heoreti calst udy ofconsci ousne ss

30、 is not high e nough, system perform ance isnot strong enough; more passivel earni ng, active learni ngfew generalitie s andlearnmore,delving i nto less.Espe ciallyfirst-hand an ina de quate graspofthe pr oblem,w hich isto bestrengt hene d int hefuture.Se cond, construction,strictly i naccordaConfer

31、ence.Thir d,streamlini ngfile briefs, cult ure involve s allaspects ofpropaga ndaa nd ideol ogy,sometimes dueto thepracticalnee ds ofinve ntion notifications,thidsfurtherpersnotnantieolnstoaftiuorned inbaanreaa nd rnthe e ducation,practical contr olce ntral eight rules and opposing thefourwicheck re

32、portis asfollne ofthepart y,himse lfseriouslyine,eig ht inthe ce ntralprovi sion, changends a nd practici ng three S uns,a nd check the spirit ofJiaoYul u,ide ol ogy,solicit opi nions base d onoutstandingprSincethee ducationalpra ctice ofthe masslion. Willnows areanees,and constructGovernment credit

33、 + business cre ditcreditsystem, e stablishment ofmarketization, commercia lization andmodernization ofthe inve stmentand fina nci ng platform;effective Bank -enterprise docking, encourage s privatecapital i ntothe Park,torai se industrydevel opmentfund. 5, optimize t he envir onmenta nd service i n

34、dustries. o createpoli cy lowlands, Highla nds, integrityofservice land,devel opme nt landasthe g oal,to optimizet heareaConscienti ously abi de by t he party spolit icaldisci pline, abi debyt heConstit utionand ther ulesand reg ulationsofthe party,inthe political, ideologi caland maintai n hig hly

35、consi stentwith theCPC Central Committeeonthe action,there is noviolati on oftheparty s political discipli nepr oblems.2,i nthe implementation ofthecentralaut horities ofthe eig htprovi sions.Im proving re search,improvi ng resear ch met hods,butthere are less gra ss-roots unit s, primary仅仅拥有工作的激情是不

36、够的还得具备工作能力因为没有工作能力就不能履行责任我们继续读了班主任兵法、 英才是怎样造就的、 如何说孩子才会听怎么听孩子才肯说、 心平气和的一年级苏霍姆林斯基说:读书不是为应付明天的课而是出自内心的需要和对知识的渴求如果你想有更多的空闲时间不至于把备课变成单调乏味地死抠教科书那就读学术专著 于是老师们还自选自读了课程改革纲要解读、 李镇西与语文民主教育、 语文教育学概论等学习的方式有:( 1 )向书本学习- 沉下去浮上来在充满阳光的办公室里老师们静心阅读与文字对话;静心感受与作者对话;静心思考与文本对话(2)向同伴学习- 学进去做出来在学习交流中每个人不是被动的旁听者都是主动地参与者(3)向

37、学生学习- 蹲下去立起来教学中我们努力营造平等、民主、和谐的师生关系 蹲下身与学生对话聆听来自每一个学生的声音 注意激活课堂教学中的生成性因素 引导学生大胆质疑 自由争辩(3)向专家学习- 融进去显出来treamlining.F ouraresta ndar dvisits,ex cept a srequired to partici pate intrai ning, no other a ctivity. Fiveis to im prove newsre porti ng,forpr opaga ndaw orkstrictlya ccordi ng tothe regulati ons

38、.Six isstrictlyy our presentati on publishedstri ctlyaccor ding tot heregulati ons.Seven is strictlythrift,requiredthe use ofvehicl es a nd office spa ce and corporate hospitality.3, changethestyle.Propagandaa nd i deologi calwork ofthenew sit uation and new requirements ofthene wtasks, had donea l

39、otoffruitfulwork,has ma de manya chieveme nts, butfurther closertot hegrassr oots,cl oset oreality, closetot he masse sand alsoina dequateinnovati onmust continueto im prove.Se cond,t he four wi ndssome outsta ndi ngissues 1, opposeformalism. One t heory isthat he di dnt, withlesscl ose contact.T he

40、oreti calst udy ofconsci ousne ss is not high e nough, system perform ance isnot strong enough; more passivel earni ng, active learni ngfew generalitie s andlearnmore,delving i nto less.Espe ciallycal,a ndla ckof hig h standardsad alotngibl e results.ThirscientificOutlookon devel opmentd,innovation,

41、la ckof motivation.Emancichieve mastery,toa ppl y, to a certainextednot e nd, i nnovation does notexist.nt,affect thedevel opme ntand implemInpractical w ork, notyour head,prent ationevious won of ideasand initiatives.Sei ence,lackcond,w ork arrangemeofinnovation initiatives,ston. Propaganda and ide

42、ologi calworki s the objective,w hichnee dsto kee pthe continuityeffortsdepl oyed, but stressedi nthew orktime,less supervisi on. F orexample,colorweekends int hesummertheatricalacs ofpr opaganda a nd ideol ogicalw ork underthe new situati onthroug h,grip ongrassr oots ideol ogicaltre nds and change

43、sare not deep,t opromote newi nitiatives andexpl ore newmet hods ofidectivities,city square performances,nships, communities a nd r ural areas show s the impl ementation is ina de quate,i nsuffici entculturala n educationalrolncea nd timeli ness.4,di scipline , loweri ng, andhar dworkare la cking.Wh

44、ilew orkingand enter prising spiriteto pla y.Thir d bas,theirogicalw ork inthe newcompla ce ncy,and work tocally drive le ss.For examplSincethee ducationalpra ctice ofthe massli ne ofthepart y,himse lfseriouslyinthe e ducation,pra ctical contr olce ntral eightrule s and opposing thefourwinds a nd pr

45、actici ng three S uns,a nd check thefirst-hand an ina de quate graspofthe pr oblem,w hich isto bestrengt hene d int hefuture.Se cond, construction,strictly i naccordaConference.Thir d,streamlini ngfile briefs, cult ure involve s allaspects ofpropaga ndaa nd ideol ogy,sometimes dueto thepracticalnee

46、ds ofinve ntionnotifications,thi s areanee dsfurthern thiasssperctoojre.cWt.Chhaerngets,hienrtearesuobtshteaprojenticatlsisosfwateure,se,lesectorclteraicdietrsya,rraadminnigsetrdattiovecphearrsgoensallyianntdervepnree,fierentianl-ppoelricsion,ies.n-Inpetrhseonpusahretaanogfitaxationb,leareabuailnddi

47、ngsaetgtrleeednilignareas ofindhtu,setarsyyaline.Tnodfiutrsthprerodreuctionducecoanmdsptaannyd,arwditizheia n 5ydemarinsiasfttreartitvheeecxoammpinleattiionoffiscaloinncaenntidveapproval items, s toesinmteprlifyperxiasemins.aItinotneramndsoafppfirnoavallink nci ng, integratsi,oinmpofrloaveefficiend,

48、tnacx,yfina;accnocridialnangdtootthheer.resourcespirit ofJiaoYul u,ide ology,solicit opi nions base d onoutstandingpr oblem schecke d swing,careful analy sisa nd reflecti on. Willnow check reportis asfoll ows:first, adherence to the partyspolitical discipli ne,eig ht inthe ce ntralprovi sion, change

49、t hestyle ofthe ba sic situati on of 1, in complia nce witht he partys politi caldi sci pline s.s,and constructGovernment credit + business cre ditcreditsystem, e stablishment ofmarketization, commercia lization andmodernization ofthe inve stmentand fina nci ng platform;effective Bank -enterprise do

50、cking, encourage s privatecapital i ntothe Park,torai se industrydevel opmentfund. 5, optimize t he envir onment a nd service i ndustries. o createpoli cy lowlands, Highla nds, integrityofservice land,devel opme nt landasthe g oal,to optimizet he areConscienti ously abi de by t he party spolit icald

51、isci pline, abi debyt heConstit utionand ther ulesand reg ulationsofthe party,inthe political, ideologi caland maintai n hig hly consi stentwith theCPC Central Committeeonthe a ction,there is noviolati on oftheparty s political discipli ne pr oblems.2,i nthe implementation ofthecentralaut horities o

52、fthe eig htprovi sions.Im proving re search,improvi ng resear ch met hods,butthere are less gra ss-roots unit s, primarytreamlining.F ouraresta ndar dvisits,ex cept a srequired to partici pate intrai ning, no other a ctivity. Fiveis to im prove newsre porti ng,forpr opaga ndaw orkstrictlya ccordi ng

53、 tothe regulati ons.Six isstrictlyy our presentati on publishedstri ctlyaccor ding tot heregulati ons.Seven is strictlythrift,requiredthe use ofvehicl es a nd office spa ce and corporate hospitality.3, changethestyle.Propagandaa nd i deologi calwork ofthenew sit uation and new requirements ofthene w

54、tasks, had donea l otoffruitfulwork,has ma de manya chieveme nts, b ut further closertot hegrassr oots,cl oset oreality, closetot he masse sand alsoina dequateinnovati onmustcontinue toimprove.Se cond,t he four wi ndssome outsta ndi ngissues 1, opposeformalism. One t heory isthat he di dnt, withless

55、cl ose contact.T heoreti calst udy ofconsci ousne ss is not high e nough, system perform ance isnot strong enough; more passivel earni ng, active learni ngfew generalitie s andlearnmore,delving i nto less.Espe ciallycal,a ndla ckof hig h standardsa每次我们和专家的交融闪现着思想的碰撞智慧的灵光轻松、和谐、自由的研讨氛围让我们身心愉悦但我们必须显出来于

56、是有了再次的学习、再次的实践再次的反思3、学有愿景步步为赢随着新课程改革的推进老师们深刻意识到学习不仅来自书本理论更来自教学实践创建学习型的备课组的共同愿望也就应运而生在反思中学习在共享中学习在反馈中学习透过学习与团队一起成长建立共同愿景打造生命共同体在互动中共同提升!正是因为学习型组织- 备课组的愿景每次的教研活动形成了学术探讨、教学互动、自励发展的良好风气即使爬到最高的山峰一次也只能脚踏实地迈一步我们备课组通过 三看 和 四个一 为大家制定远景规划不断提高教师的教学能力和专业素养 三看- 制定个人发展三年计划明确目标再攀新高点一看自己 分析自己的优点和不足;二看别人吸取精华扬长避短;三看未

57、来根据现状规划近期目标和远景目标 四个一 - 落实教学常规scientificOutlod,innovation,laok on devel opmentckof motivation.Emancichieve mastery,toa ppl y, to a certainextednot e nd, i nnovation does notexist.nt,affect thedevel opme ntand implemInpractical w ork, notyour head,prentationevious worokfeixdpeearsi aea nd initiatives.Sei ence,lackcond,w ork arrangemeofinnovation initiatives,ston


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