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1、opened totraffic,Li u Zha ng, Qing LAN high-speedx-Countyse ctioncomplete dbythe e nd ofAugust. Urba n andruralBuilding i ndustry opensupnewworldofentre prene urialstr uggleto buil d athree provi nces ofregionalcentralcitie s-in t he Communi st xcountie s the six ple naryse ssion members and comra d

2、es:t oday,Iwas commissioned by the Countyparty Committee Standing Committee, reportstothe GeneralAssembly.Considerationofallmembers a ndalter nates,a nd comradesattending a dvice.A,andthi s year yilaiofw ork recall edthi syearyilai, i n munici pal of rightle dXia, County soli darityled Countypeople,

3、to scie nce devel opme ntviewsforgui de,t o gooda ctivities for mainli ne,a ccordingto "acityfour modernizationsthreemore"ofdevelopmentthought,concentrated poly for ce,w orkhar d,political, and economic,a nd cultur e,andsociala nd party of constr ucti on arema deha s newprogre ss, Countyre

4、nderi ng out wind freshare, and career prosperity,and socialsettled,andpeoplemindintoofgoodsit uat ion.(A)facilitatingtheconstruction ofthe proje ct.Firmly establi sh t he"scratchpr oject ieconomic,graspi ngdevel opme nt project isto hol d"philosophy,toextra ordinaryeffortstopromotingthe c

5、onstructionofkey projects.Plot108keyprojectsfortheyear,withatotalinvestmentof29.3 billion yua n, iron plate, Joshst one cementwa ste heat powerge neration and 13 proje cts compl eted,worship of 1.2 milli on tonsof pellets, Hua Yu 80,000sets ofgrandparentchickenfarming,47projectsunderconstruction,com

6、pletedinvestmentof 3.95 billi onyuan,a nnualpla n of69.3%.T hefirst halfoftheCounty'sgrossdomesticprodu ctis expe cted t oreached 8.5 billi on y uan,andtotal r evenue of943 millionYua n. (B)structurala djustment achieved remarkableresults.A ctivelytransformi ngthepatter nofeconomicdevelopment,in

7、dustrialecology,andagriculturalmodernizationandindustrializationofservi ces. Highx-County •Tinironcirculareconomydemonstrationarea,andfurt her expa nd e conomi c devel opme nt zoneJingDia n recy cle economyecol ogy industry Park,Park, circulareconomy andrapid economicdevel opme nt.Focusm o

8、re on thedialecti calrelationship betwee ndevel opme ntand environmentalprotecti on, energy savi ngand emissi on re ductionprojects playan im portant r ole. Vigor ously devel opnig agriculture,e coolgicalagri culture,agriculture,m oder n agricultural cleari ngalong the River Pr omena debegi nstotake

9、 sha pe.Key t ourism proje ctsis g oing well ,WAPala ce areawa s name d "topten m ost influential culturalrelicsinHebeiprovincelandscape".Developnewservice s, andservi ces withnew devel opme nts.(C) ur ban-rural i ntegration process. Promoting"three -yeardifference" campaign,batt

10、leoftwolargedemolition completed 32 day sof 530,000 square meters, exceededtheannualT ask7 mont hs in a dvance.General big buildi ngjiangjun r oad, bridgea nd highway bridges,thegree n heart ofthecitya nd other urba n constr uction pr oject s,and focusonbuildi ngnew countrysi deand ne w housi ngmode

11、l villages, urba nand ruralarea s improve.HighwayUPS蓄电池检测维护方案在ups电源中,广泛使用的是无需维护的密封式铅酸蓄电池,由于蓄电池故障引起电源不能正常工作也占有很大的比重.正确对蓄电池组的维护保养 是延长UPS蓄电池组使用寿命的关键.。蓄电池都会有 自放电现象(SELF-DISCHARGE),如果长期放置不用,会使能量 损失掉,因此需定期进行充放电。工程人员可以通过测量电池开路电压来判断电池的好坏,以12V电池为例,若开路电压高于12.5V,则 表示电池储能还有80%以上,若开路电压低于12.5V,则应该立刻进 行补充充电,若开路电压低


13、出,从而缩短蓄电池的使用寿命.I-L . L I -一 .II.-fundesteadilyi n the pil otcounti es,tobuild pea ce neighborhood offices approved," change",urba nand ruralcommcase oftightfinancial situati on, conti nueto increase the inputofpeople,hancecoverage rate ofcity'sfirst, launched innew r ural cooperativeme

14、on;.PerfectParkcaterithe industr y.Constr uction ofi ndustrialpark s,justsetup aplatform for thedevelopmentofonly attract morepa ckaged bundles,ov-round,mWestindustria lparks.What townproje ct,is t hatthe outputvalueoftheTownshicond,we mhestandardsselected items.Fullaccountofextendthe industrychain

15、andthe integrati on offactorsof pr oduction,not onlyeffortsto introduce anumber ofsci entifica nd te chnol ogical contentand high addedval ue,growth andstrong drivirprises,bd enter prises and i n accor dancewit h the directi on of i ndustrialdevelopme ntofsmalland medi um projects,projectman,smallpr

16、ojectover whelmi ng.MeettheareaoftheIn the manag ementofEIAina ccorda nce withtheproje cts a nd city backinto ruralenterprises, inprinciplh emissi on enterprioduction ofsig nificant prnization into rewards.4, preferentialpolicies,andsecurityindustries. Interms ofproject examinationand approval,I -_1

17、!- -J . I . _ 一he development, pla nni ng, land, i ndustry and commerce,qualitycontrolandot herde partments, "one-stoprece ption, one-stopservice",the simplifieopened totraffic,Li u Zha ng, Qing LAN high-speedx-Countyse ctioncomplete dbythe e nd ofAugust. Urba n andruralBuilding i ndustry

18、opensupnewworldofentre prene urialstr uggleto buil d athree provi nces ofregionalcentralcitie s-in t he Communi st xcountie s the six ple naryse ssion members and comra des:t oday,Iwas commissioned by the Countyparty Committee Standing Committee, reportstothe GeneralAssembly.Considerationofallmember

19、s a ndalter nates,a nd comradesatten ding a dvice.A,and thi s year yilaiofw ork recall edthi syearyilai, i n munici pal of rightle dXia, County soli darityled Co untypeople,to scie nce devel opme ntviewsforgui de,t o gooda ctivities for mainli ne,a ccordingto "acityfour modernizationsthreemore&

20、quot;ofdevelopmentthought,concentrated poly for ce,w orkhar d,political, and economic,a nd culture,andsociala nd party of constr uction arema deha s newprogre ss, Countyrenderi ng out wind freshare, and career prosperity,and socialsettled,andpeople mindint o of good sit uation.(A) facilitating theco

21、nstructionoftheproje ct.Firmly establi sh t he"scratchpr oject ieconomic,graspi ngdevel opme nt project isto hol d"philosophy,toextra ordinaryeffortstopromotingthe constructionofkey projects.Plot108keyprojectsfortheyear,withatotalinvestment of29.3 billion yua n, iron plate, Joshst one ceme

22、ntwa ste heat powerge neration and 13 proje cts compl eted,worship of 1.2 milli on tonsof pellets, Hua Yu 80,000sets ofgrandparentchickenfarming,47 proje cts under constr uction,complete d investme ntof 3.95 billi onyuan,a nnualpla n of69.3%.T hefirst halfoftheCounty'sgrossdomesticproductisexpe

23、cted t oreached 8.5 billi on y uan,andtotal r evenue of943 millionYua n. (B)structurala dju stment achieved remarkableresults.A ctivelytransformi ngthepatter nofeconomicdevelopment,industrialecology,andagriculturalmodernizationandindustrializationofservices. Highx-County •Tin iron circular

24、e conomydemonstration area,andfurt her expa nd e conomi c devel opme nt zoneJingDia n recy cle economyecol ogy industry Park,Park, circulareconomy andrapid economicdevel opme nt.Focusm ore on thedialecti calrelationship betwee ndevel opme ntand environmentalprotecti on, energy savi ngand emissi on r

25、e ductionprojects play an im portant r ole. Vigor ously devel opi ng agriculture,e coolgicalagri culture,agriculture,m oder n agricultural clearingalongtheRiverPromena debegi nstotake sha pe.Key t ourism proje ctsis g oing well ,WAPala ce areawa s nam d "topten m ost influential culturalrelicsi

26、nHebeiprovincelandscape".Developnew service s, andservi ces withnew devel opme nts.(C) ur ban-rural i ntegration process. Promoting"three -yeardifference" campaign,battleoftwolargedemolition completed 32 day sof 530,000 square meters, exceededt he annualT ask7 mont hs in a dvance.Gene

27、ral big buildi ngjiangjun r oad, bridgea nd highway bridges,thegree n heart ofthecitya nd other urba n constr uction pr oject s,and focusonbuildi ngnew countrysi deand ne w housi ngmodel villages, urbanand ruralarea s improve.Highway3、严禁对UPS电源的蓄电池组过度放电,因为过度放电容易使电 池的内部极板表面的硫酸盐化,其结果是导致蓄电池的内阻增大,甚至使个别电池

28、产生"反极 "现象,造成电池的永久性损坏.4、对于长期闲置不用的UPS电源,为保证蓄电池具有良好的充放 电特性在重新开机使用之前,最好先不要加负载,让UPS电源利用机内 的充电回路对蓄电池浮充电1015小时以后再用;对于长期工作在后备工作状态的UPS电源,通常每隔一个月,让其处于逆变器状态工作至 少25分钟,以便激化UPS的蓄电池(即UPS长期闲置不用,应每隔 36 个月充电一次).5、实践发现,随着UPS电源使用时间的延长,总有部分电池的充放 电性能减弱进入恶化状态,这种变化趋势在后备式UPS电源及部分的 在线式UPS电源中尤为突出.因此应定期对每个电池作快速充放电测 量

29、,检查电池的蓄电能力和充放电特性,对不合格的电池,坚决给予更换,更不应将其与另外的蓄电池混合使用,以影响其它蓄电池的性能.6、正常时,电池每隔36 个月带载充、放电一次,放电后标准机的连续充电时间应不少于10小时。7、电池使用环境要求温度在0到40之间,避免阳光直射并且保持清洁。8、一般在室温条件下,正常使用时密封免维护铅酸电池的浮充使用寿命为712 年, 目前常用的M 型密封式铅酸蓄电池的使用寿命大约为 10年。proje cts a nd city backinto ruralentages.Anovationned i - .L. I. I-l haveass capacbasisa c

30、ityandhighe nergy consumption,higI - >I . >Jn enterpri sestoente r.Thir dly,i ncre ased incentives on theproject. Investment ofthewholesociet一 1_ I I _ I .1 11.1_ Inshipa-rangeII. . . .IIJe stmentincentiveJI L 1oputtot一 -Ltothesteadilyi n the pil otcounti es,tobuild pea ce neighborhood offices

31、 approved," change",urbaand ruralcommunities (Center),immigrantcommunities,pily. Inthe case oftightfinancial situati on, conti nueto increase the inputofpeople,haconstruction of shanew r ural cooperativemec co-ordinati on;.PerfectParkcaterion,recreationand otthe industr y.Constr uction ofi

32、 ndustrialpark s,justsetup aplatform for thedevelopmentofonly attract moreproje ct.To be purposeful, targetedinvestment, wiloftheCounty'sindustrialpa ckaged bundles,overallpublicitya nd pr omotion.Initiativegoing,pl ease comei nand carryoutall-round,multi-leveland widee ofinvestmentactivities. T

33、he ow nship industrialproject s, in principle,tWestindustria lparks.What townproje ct,is t hatthe outputvalueoftheTownship.Se cond,we mustgrasp thestandardsselected items.Fullaccountofextendthe industrychain andthe integrati onhaddedval ue,growth andstrong drivid enter prises and i n accor dancewit

34、h the directi on of i ndustrialdevelopme ntofsmalland medi um projects,projectman,smallprojectover whelmi ng.MeettheareaoftheIn the manag ementofEIAina ccorda nce withthenterprises, in principl e,allstationn industrial parks.M eanw hile, stri ct controlofexceh emissi- I - - L y,the Towhipand Countyu

35、nitsg oouta nd draftprojeToestablish inve ssforsuccessfulintroduction ofsig nificant pr一一.I.nization into rewards.4, preferentialpolicies,andhe devel opment, pla nni ng, land, i ndustry and commerce,qualitycontrolandot herde partments, "one-stoprece ption, one-stopservice",the simplifieope

36、ned totraffic,Li u Zha ng, Qing LAN high-speedx-Countyse ctioncomplete dbythe e nd ofAugust. Urba n andruralBuilding i ndustry opensupnewworl d ofentre prene urialstr uggleto buil d athree provi nces ofregionalcentralcitie s-in t he Communi st xcountie s the six ple naryse ssion members and comra de

37、s:t oday,Iwas commissioned by the Countyparty Committee Standing Committee, reportstothe GeneralAssembly.Considerati on ofallmembers a ndalter nates,a nd comradesattending advice.A,andthi s year yilaiofw ork recall edthi syearyilai, i n munici pal of rightle dXia, County soli darityled Countypeople,

38、to scie nce devel opme ntviewsforgui de,t o gooda ctivities for mainli ne,a ccordingto "acityfour modernizationst hreemore" of developmentthought,concentrated poly for ce,w orkhar d,political, and economic,a nd cultur e,andsociala nd party of constr uction arema deha s newprogre ss, County

39、renderi ng out wind freshare, and career prosperity,and socialsettled,and people mindint o of good sit uation.(A) facilitating theconstruction ofthe proje ct.Firmly establi sh t he"scratchpr oject ieconomic,graspi ngdevel opme nt project isto hol d"philosophy,toextra ordinaryeffortstopromo

40、tingtheconstructionofkeyprojects.Plot108keyprojectsfortheyear,withatotalinvestmentof29.3 billion yua n, iron plate, Joshst one cementwa ste heat powerge neration and 13 proje cts compl eted,worship of 1.2 milli on tonsof pellets, Hua Yu 80,000sets ofgrandparentchickenfarming,47projectsunderconstr uc

41、tion,complete d investme ntof 3.95 billi onyuan,a nnualpla n of69.3%.T hefirst halfoftheCounty'sgrossdomesticproductisexpe cted t oreached 8.5 billi on y uan,andtotal r evenue of943 m illion Yua n.(B) structurala djustment achieved remarkableresults.A ctivelytransformi ngthepatter nofeconomicdev

42、elopment,industrialecology,andagriculturalmodernizationandindustrializationofservi ces. Highx-County •Tin iron circulare conomydemonstration area,andfurtherexpa nd e conomi c devel opme nt zoneJingDia n recy cle economyecol ogy industry Park,Park, circulareconomy andrapid economicdevel opm

43、e nt.Focusm ore on thedialecti calrelationship betwee ndevel opme ntand environmentalprotecti on, energy savi ngand emissi on re ductionprojects playan im portant r ole. Vigor ously devel opi ng agriculture,e coolgicalagri culture,agriculture,modern agricultural clearingalongtheRiverPromena debegi n

44、stotake sha pe.Key t ourism proje ctsis g oing well ,WAPala ce areawa s name d "topten m ost influential culturalrelicsinHe beiprovi ncelandscape".Dev elopnew service s, andservi ces withnew devel opme nts.(C) ur ban-rural i ntegration process. Promoting"three -yeardifference" ca

45、mpaign,battle oftwolargedemolition completed 32 day sof 530,000 square meters, exceededt he annualT ask7 mont hs in a dvance.General big buildi ngjiangjun r oad, bridgea nd highway bridges,thegree n heart ofthecitya nd other urba n constr uction pr oject s,and focusonbu ildnignew countrysi deand ne

46、w housi ngmodel villages, urbanand ruralarea s improve.Highway9、蓄电池过度放电和蓄电池长时间的开路闲置不用,都会使得蓄电池内部产生大量的硫酸铅,并吸附到蓄电池阴极上,形成所谓的阴极“硫酸盐化”, 结果造成了电池内阻增大,蓄电池的可充放电性能受到影响。10、对于大多数UPS电源来说,当蓄电池每次放电完毕后,可利用内部充电回路进行浮充。为保证蓄电池重新置于饱和充电状态,一般需要的充电时间为1012小时。充电时间不够会使蓄电池处于充电不充分状态,使蓄电池实际可供使用的容量远远低于标称容量。在市电电压低于200V时,部分UPS电源已不能利

47、用内部充电回路对蓄电池进行饱和充电了。11、 保持适当的环境温度。影响蓄电池寿命的重要因素是环境温度,一般电池生产厂家要求的最佳环境温度是在20c25c之间。虽然温度的升高对电池放电能力有所提高,但付出的代价却是电池的寿命大大缩短。据试验测定,环境温度一旦超过25,每升高10,电池的寿命就要缩短一半。目前 UPS所用的蓄电池一般都是阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池,这在电池生产厂家要求的环境下才能达到。达不到规定的环境要求,其寿命的长短就有很大的差异。另外,环境温度的提高,会导致电池内部化学活性增强,从而产生大量的热能,又会反过来促使周围环境温度升高,这种恶性循环,会加速缩短电池的寿命。12、定期充电放电

48、。UPS电源系统中的浮充电压和放电电压,在出厂时均已调试到额定值,而放电电流的大小是随着负载的增大而增加的, 使用中应合理调节负载,比如控制计算机等电子设备的使用台evelopmentworksteadilyi n the pil otcounti es,to build pea ce neighborhood offices approved," change",urba nand ruralcommunitie s (Center),immigrantcommunities,pilot proje ctssuchas integrate dmanagement ofur

49、ba n andruralsa nitation i nor der.(D) maintain socialharmony andstabilit y. Inthe case oftightfinanci al situati on, conti nueto increase t he inputofpeople,ha ppy people battle. Urba n ce ntralheati ng andupgra derural powergri ds,rural re construction of sha bby housingte n majorpr oje cts bei ng

50、 deliver ed, has been overfulfilled a head.Strengthe ning of soci alprograms, collegeentra nce examinati on tore cor d heig hts; new ruralinsura ncecoverage rate of thecity'sfirst, launched in new r ural cooperativeme dical clini c co-ordinati on;.PerfectParkcateri ng, accommodation,education,re

51、creationand ot hertertiary industrie s supporting, impr ovingsocia lization servi ce level,for industri es,busi nessesa nd createa g ood environmentfordev elopment. 3,flexibl e investment,e nhanceBuilding i ndustry opensupnewworl d ofentre prene urialstr uggleto buil d athree provi nces ofregionalce

52、ntralcitie s-in t he Communi st xcountie s the six ple naryse ssion members and comra des:t oday,Iwas commissioned by the Countyparty Committee Standing Committee, reportstothe GeneralAssembly.Considerati on ofallmembers a ndalter nates,a nd comradesatten ding a dvice.A,and thi s year yilaiofw ork r

53、ecall edthi syearyilai, i n munici pal of rightle dXia, County soli darityled Co untypeople,to scie nce devel opme ntviewsforgui de,t o gooda ctivities for mainli ne,a ccordingto "acityfour modernizationsthreemore"ofdevelopmentthought,concentrated poly for ce,w orkhar d,political, and econ

54、omic,a nd culture,andsociala nd party of constr uction arema deha s newprogre ss, Countyrenderi ng out wind freshare, and career prosperity,and socialsettled,andpeople mindint o of good sit uation.(A) facilitating theconstructionofthe proje ct.Firmly establi sh t he"scratchpr oject ieconomic,gr

55、aspi ngdevel opme nt project isto hol d"philosophy,toextra ordinaryeffortstopromotingthe constructionofkey projects.Plot 108 key pr oject s forthe year,witha totalinvestmentof29.3 billion yua n, iron plate, Joshst one cementwa ste heat powerge neration and 13 proje cts compl eted,worship of 1.2

56、 milli on tonsof pellets, Hua Yu 80,000sets ofgrandparentchickenfarming,47projectsunder constr uction,complete d investme ntof 3.95 billi onyuan,a nnualpla n of69.3%.T hefirst halfoftheCounty'sgrossdomestic productis expe cted t oreached 8.5 billi on y uan,andtotal r evenue of943 millionYua n. (

57、B)structurala dju stment achieved remarkableresults.A ctivelytransformi ngthepatter nofeconomicdevelopment,industrialecology,andagriculturalmodernizationandindustrializationofservices.Highx-County•Tin iron circulare conomydemonstration area,andfurt her expa nd e conomi c devel opme nt zone

58、JingDia n recy cle economyecol ogy industry Park,Park, circulareconomy andrapid economicdevel opme nt.Focusm ore on thedialecti calrelationship betwee ndevel opme ntand environmentalprotecti on, energy savi ngand emissi on re ductionprojects play an im portant r ole. Vigor ously devel opi ng agriculture,e coolgicalagri culture,agriculture,m oder n agricultural clearingalongtheRiverProme


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