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1、 外文资料翻译学 院: 电子工程学院 系(专业): 电子信息工程 班 级: 电子061 姓 名: 学 号:指导教师评语: 签名: 年 月 日一:外文原文3G TECHNOLOGYAlthough the technology behind 3G may seem complicated, the ways in which 3G will affect all of our lives are easy to imagine. Just imagine having a combined camera, videocamera, computer, stereo, and radio incl

2、uded in your mobile phone. Rich-media information and entertainment will be at your fingertips whenever you want anywhere there is a wireless network. Mobile communication is moving from simple voice to rich media, where we use more of our senses to intensify our experiences. But not all of this wil

3、l happen at once. 3G is an evolution to a communications ideal that no one completely understands yet. What we do know is that mobile multimedia will hit the Japanese markets in 2001, and Europe and North America will follow soon after. 3G brings together high-speed radio access and IP-based service

4、s into one, powerful environment. The step towards IP is vital. IP is packet-based, which in simple terms, means users can be "on line" at all times, but without having to pay until we actually send or receive data. The connectionless nature of IP also makes access a lot faster: file downl

5、oads can take a few seconds and we can be connected to our corporate network with a single click. 3G introduces wideband radio communications, with access speeds of up to 2Mbit/s. Compared with today's mobile networks, 3G will significantly boost network capacity - so operators will be able to s

6、upport more users, as well as offer more sophisticated services. 3G - At home3G is going to affect our home and social lives in many ways. The services that 3G enables will help us to manage our personal information, simplify tasks such as grocery shopping, make better use of our time and offer serv

7、ices that are just fun to use. Operators will be able to develop myriad new service opportunities to attract and retain new customers. Here are some examples: · You're sitting on a train and use this "dead" time to log on to your bank account, check your balance and pay a few bill

8、s - all through your 3G device. You save time and can be smarter about managing your finances. · On a touring vacation, you arrive in a new city. You haven't made any reservations in advance, because you can do this when you get there, by using your 3G handset to obtain up-to-date informati

9、on, including hotel vacancies. Having booked a room, you can use your mobile to view video clips of local tourist attractions and talk to someone from the local tourist information bureau at the same time. 3G - At work3G will not just support the needs of businesspeople who travel a lot, but will al

10、so help new, flexible working practices, such as home-working and remote access to corporate networks outside traditional working hours. Businesspeople are often high-volume airtime users, so they represent a big opportunity for mobile operators. Here are some examples: · At work you receive a

11、message from your "smart" refrigerator at home. The message tells you that certain items need restocking and an order has already been prepared for the local grocery store, which you can approve, so that your groceries are ready to collect on the way home. · You are on the road, and u

12、rgently need to discuss a draft presentation with a number of colleagues back in the office. Pulling into a service station, you use your 3G device to hold a telemeeting with your colleagues and, at the same time, you can all view the draft presentation and make changes on line. · A maintenance

13、 engineer is repairing some equipment on a client's premises and hits a problem. Using his 3G device, he contacts his department and downloads a demonstration video that guides him through the repair process. TECHNOLOGY 3G brings together two powerful forces: wideband radio communications and IP

14、-based services. Together, these lay the groundwork for advanced Mobile Internet services, including personalized portals, "infotainment", mobile commerce and unified messaging -encompassing high-speed data, superior quality voice and video and location-based services. Making 3G a reality

15、depends on technology developments in different areas. These include amendments to the radio interface to support wideband communications and in the core network. Supporting technologies, such as WAP and Bluetooth, also have an important role to play. This section provides a brief overview of some o

16、f the main technologies and developments involved. Ericsson supports all of these technologies and has played an active role in their development. · GPRSGeneral Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is an enhancement to existing GSM and TDMA networks that introduces packet data transmission, enabling &qu

17、ot;always on" mobility. This means that users can choose to be permanently logged on to e-mail, Internet access and other services, but do not have to pay for these services unless sending or receiving information. When EDGE is added to GPRS, these data rates will increase up to 384kbit/s. GPRS

18、 will be implemented by adding new packet data nodes and upgrading existing nodes to provide a routing path for packet data between the mobile terminal and a gateway node. The gateway node will provide interworking with external packet data networks for access to the Internet and intranets. Benefits

19、:· Faster data speeds and "always on" mobility · Almost instantaneous connection set-up · Connection to an abundance of data sources around the world, through support for multiple protocols, including IP · A step towards full 3G services. · WCDMAWideband Code Divis

20、ion Multiple Access (WCDMA) is a wideband radio technique that provides far higher data rates than other radio techniques available today, up to 2Mbit/s, and highly efficient use of radio spectrum. The higher bandwidth that WCDMA provides will deliver the full potential of 3G. For example, WCDMA all

21、ows simultaneous access to several voice, video and data services at once. WCDMA is fully compliant with IMT-2000 and is the air interface technology for standards in the 2GHz bandwidth (the IMT-2000 core band), known as UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunication System) in Europe and ARIB (Associatio

22、n of Radio Industry Businesses) in Japan. Ericsson has been at the forefront of WCDMA development. The company delivered an experimental WCDMA system to NTT DoCoMo in Japan back in 1998. Ericsson has also set up WCDMA test systems around the world. At 2000, Ericsson announced its first family of WCD

23、MA base stations. · EDGEEnhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution (EDGE) enables GSM and TDMA operators to offer 3G services using existing network frequencies. By making changes and additions to standardization of evolutionary phases of the air interface and the backbone networks, as well as th

24、e migration to ALL-IP and multimedia networks. · cdma2000cdma2000 is a decidedly efficient 3G standard for the delivery of high bandwidth data and high capacity voice services. The evolution of the cdma2000 standard will enable mobile systems to offer data throughputs of 2 Mbit/sec and beyond.

25、The higher bandwidth that cdma2000 provides will deliver the full potential of 3G. For example, cdma2000 also allows simultaneous access to several voice, video and data services at once. cdma2000 is fully compliant with IMT-2000 requirements for 3G. cdma2000 will be implemented in the existing freq

26、uency bands of CMDA and TDMA at 800 and 1900 MHz, as well as in new spectrum at 2GHz in Japan. Ericsson is a leader in cdma2000 development, and a key driver in the standardization of evolutionary phases of the air interface and the backbone networks, as well as the migration to ALL-IP and multimedi

27、a networks. · BluetoothBluetooth is an open standard for two-way, short-wave radio communications between different devices. It marks the end of cables and cords between mobile phones, palmtops, portable PCs and printers, for example. Furthermore, Bluetooth enables information between such devi

28、ces to be synchronized. Diary information held on a PDA can be updated automatically when within range of a Bluetooth-enabled PC. Bluetooth is also going to be important for machine-to-machine communications - one of the largest growth areas in telecommunications. Bluetooth is a key development for

29、terminals and other devices using mobile networks. It is available now for 2G networks and as 3G systems, will play an increasingly important supporting role in the future of mobile communications. Ericsson has already announced Bluetooth devices, including the T36 Bluetooth phone and a Bluetooth he

30、adset. Bluetooth was originally developed by Ericsson, but is now under the auspices of the Bluetooth Special Interest Group. It has widespread support among telecom equipment vendors, computer and chip manufacturers. · SymbianSymbian is an independent joint venture supported by companies inclu

31、ding Ericsson, Nokia, Motorola and Psion. Symbian aims to promote a mass market for mobile information devices in two ways: · First, through the development of core software, application frameworks, applications and development tools for mobile multimedia devices (such as PDAs, smartphones and

32、communicators) · Second, by "evangelizing" standards for the interoperation of mobile information devices. Symbian's EPOC operating system is already available and Ericsson devices such as the R380 are EPOC-enabled. · WAPWireless Application Protocol (WAP) is a global, open s

33、tandard that gives mobile users access to Internet services through handheld devices. It enables users to easily access a whole range of Mobile Internet and other data services from mobile devices such as smartphones and communicators, and without the need to plug into a separate laptop or data-enab

34、led device. WAP enables this through a built-in "WAP microbrowser" that lets information be accessed direct from a phone, in the same way that web browsers provide access to on-line services via an Internet-ready PC. Typically, a WAP screen will display a number of hyperlinks to various se

35、rvices or information portals. As well as WAP phones, Ericsson has also announced a WAP Service Developer's Kit (WapIDE) and the WAP Gateway/Proxy, which bridges WAP applications and services in Internet and intranet environments with mobile networks. In addition, Ericsson provides application e

36、nablers, such as Ericsson Localized Internet (ELI) for location-based services, and WAP Application Server (WAS) providing a run-time and development environment for WAP applications. Ericsson is one of the four founding members of the WAP Forum. Since 1997, when it was established, the WAP Forum ha

37、s gained widespread industry support - hundreds of companies are members of the worldwide WAP Forum。 The latest version of the WAP standard, WAP 1.2.1, has recently been launched. Our dedicated WAP consutants are ready to assist operators and service providers sharpen their competitive edge. They he

38、lp today's businesses adapt to the new economy and create cost-effective, innovative ways to communicate with customers.二:外文资料翻译译文3G技术虽然在 3 G 后面的技术可能很复杂, 但是3 G 将会在我们生活中产生的影响是我们可以想象的。 仅仅想像在你的行动电话中加入照相机、摄像机、计算机、音响以及收音机功能。这样,无论何时何地你都将能够通过无线网络获得大量的媒体信息和娱乐。移动通信正在由单一的语音通信向多媒体方向发展,通过此途径来加深我们对外界的感觉。 但不是

39、这全部都将立刻发生。至今为止没有一个人能够完全掌握3G的发展的进程。我们唯一确信的是2001年多媒体移动通信将冲击日本市场,而且欧洲和北美也将很快发展多媒体通信市场。 3G在带来高速的语音通路之外还集以IP为基础的服务为一身,有强大的发展环境。向IP方向发展是至关重要的。IP技术是以简单的数据包传输为基础的, 可以使用户同时上网,但是不必花钱除了我们发送或接收数据。 IP 的自然无连接性可以大大提高存取速率: 文件下载只需要很短的时间,而且只需轻轻一点就能和网络连接上。 3G采用多频率通信技术,并且达到 2 Mbit/s 的通路速度。与现在的移动网络相比较,3G将会极大的提高网络容量-因此将能

40、够支持更多的使用者, 同时能够提供更多复杂的服务。 3 G - 在家庭中的应用3G将通过许多途径影响我们的家庭和社会生活。3G服务将为我们管理个人信息提供帮助,简单的任务例如在食品杂货店,如何合理的利用时间来提高我们的服务就是非常生动的应用。 经历将可以提出许多新的服务项目来吸引新顾客留住老顾客户。在这里有一些例子: ·你可以利用乘坐火车的时间登录你的银行帐号, 检查你的收支是否平衡还可以支付一些帐单 所有的这些都得通过3G实现。 你在节约时间的同时整理了你的财物。·在休闲度假中,你倒了一个新城市。 你没必要作任何的预订,因为你可以在到达之后再做这些,通过3G手机你能获得最

41、新的信息,包括旅馆空缺。有预订房间,你可以使用你的手机查阅当地的旅游胜地还可以同时与别人交流旅游信息。 3 G- 在工作中的应用3G将不仅仅满足很多经常出差的商人的需要,也将会有助于新兴的、轻松的工作,例如你可以在家通过网络进行贸易。商人是关注电视节目实际间最长的人,因此,他们为手机的设计者描述了一个很大的商机。以下是一些例子: ·在工作中你受到家中" 智能 " 电冰箱的一个信息。信息告诉你,冰箱中的一些事务需要更换了,并且这些需要的东西的清单已经准备发往杂货店,如果你同意,杂货店将为你准备搞所有的东西。·你在旅途中,急切地需要与在办公室中的同事讨论草稿

42、发表。到一个服务车站, 你使用你的 3 G 装置和你的同事举行电话会议,与此同时,你能看到全部草稿的发表而且在线上做出相应的变化。 ·一个维护工程师正在修理在客户提出的一些仪器并且遇到了问题。使用3 G 装置,与他的部门连络,下载的修理程序将示范录象机指导他修理。 技术3 G有二个有利的优势: 宽带语音通信和以 IP 为基础的服务。综合在一起,这些为先进的移动英特网服务奠定了基础, 包括个性化的入口,你的手机将会自动接收最新的电视信息,提供高品质的声音和图像。 使3G变为事实需要依靠不同地区相关技术的发展。它在改善介绍无线通信分界面,支持多频率通信扮演了重要的角色。在技术支持方面,

43、WAP和蓝牙都有很重要的应用。 这一段提初了一些主要的技术和发展的简短观点。 爱立信支持所有这些技术而且已经它的发展中扮演了重要的角色。 · GPRS一般的数据包语音服务 (GPRS) 是对现有的 GSM 和数据包传输的 TDMA 网络的提高, 使之保持移动通信的特性。 这意谓着使用者能着够随时登陆查看电子邮件, 进行数据存取和其他的服务, 但是不用支付这些服务的费用除非传送或接受数据。 当电子数据采集设备备集成到GPRS中,这些数据的传输率将会达到 384 kbit/s 。 GPRS可以通过不断增加节点和压缩节点来实现数据包在移动终端和网关中的传输。 网关将为英特网和企业内部网络提

44、供数据交互。 优点:·在移动通信基础上的快速数据传输·可以在瞬间建立连接·提供全球丰富的数据库资源,支持多种协议, 包括IP协议·逐步地走向完善的3G。 · WCDMA宽带码分多址接入技术 (WCDMA) 提供的数据传送速率远远大于现在我们采用的通信方式,提供高达2Mbit/s的传输速率, 大大提高了光纤对语音信号的传输率。 3G提供更宽的带宽是3G中存在的巨 大的潜能。例如,WCDMA能够使语音信号、视频信号和数据同时进行传输。 WCDMA完全遵照了IMT-2000提出的2GHz带宽标准(IMT-2000中心带宽),就像是在欧洲采用的UMTS(全球的移动传输系统)和日本采用的ARIB(语音信号工业标准联盟)。 爱立信在WCDMA的研发方面走在了前列。公司早在1988年就在日本为移动通信网络开始了WCDMA的实验活动。爱立信已经在全球建立了WCDMA的测试系统。在2000年,爱立信宣布了他建立了WCDMA的基站。 ·EDGE全球革命性的提高传输速率将是原来的GSM和TSMA运营商利用现有的设备提供3G服务。通过制定新的通信附加标准来对无线通信和网络中枢进化标准化,同时改革所有的IP业务和多媒体网络。 · cdma2000cdma2000对于提高宽带传输速率和递送高


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