



1、有关综二的作文这是我以前收集的有关综二每课可能出的作文,愿与大家分 -亨。1. Why does the author urge us to learn about our planet?what worries does he have about it? The author urges us to learn about our planet mainly because the earth is only one we have.we should learn how the earth works.an appreciation of its funtion can help us

2、understa nd better whether what we are doing can ben efit the earth or no t.as a matter of fact,we are changing the atmosphere,the surface zthe water of the earth.often for some short-term advantage when the Iong-term implications are unknown.as a result,we have damaged the earth without knowing it.

3、and there has been a serious pollution in many big cities,the earth is gradually losing baniance.it is high time that we took steps to better the environ merit.therefore,the citize ns of any country should have at least something to say about the di recti o n in which we are going.the author worries

4、 that if we don't understand the importanee of protect!ng the earth,we abandon the future.十月已经考过拉,个人认为不会再考。2. How do you distinguish the hero and the celebrity?The hero and celebrity are both famous people.however;they are not of the same kind.there are several ways to distinguish them.First, a

5、hero becomes famous because of his un comm on courage,achieveme nts.a nd self-sacrifice made most often for the ben efit of others.his accompHshme nts are still evide nt in our own day.but in contrast,a celebrity becomes famous not so much because of any enduring achievement as because of much publi

6、city.Sec on d,to become a hero, one n eeds accomplishme nt,but to become a celebrity, one only needs luck.the hero was distingushed by his accomplishment;the celebrity by his image and trademark. Fin ally,there is ano ther disti nction: heroes in spire respect;celebrities inspire en vy.the main reas

7、 on is that the celebrities are exactly like comm on people except for the atte ntion they get from the media,and many people believe that they could become another celebrity with good luck.3. Why do America ns gen erally value time?give examples to show this attitude towards time. In the united sta

8、tes,many people keenly feel the shortness of each lifttime.they are aware that once a day in their life is gon e,it will n ever come back.a nd america ns believe no one stands still.if you are not moving aheadzyou are falling behind. So they value time and want every minute to count.This attitude to

9、wards time is shown in the fast pace of life in the country.whatever they do they always seem to be in a rush. You find people hurrying to get where they are going.they hurry to eating places for a meal and finish it as quickly as possible.Also American do what they can to save time.they produce a l

10、ot of labour-saving devices such as chothes and dish-washers;they rapidly communicate through phone call,telex and e-mail and cut dow n on pers onal con tacts.4. What do you think of Snyder in the storyz,take over;boszrT?I think snyder had a strong will and could remain calm in time of emergency and

11、 hardship? Afterthe shipwreck,snyder and other nine men had drifted in a lifeboat for twenty days and they were run ning out of water with only a pint left in the can tee n.as sny der judged it,they were about two himdred miles to the coast.snyder knew it clearly that if they had drunk up the water;

12、they wouldhave had nothing to look forward to but death- only the craving for water could keep them alive.as a commandephe had to think of them all.therefore,although he was as thirst as others,he hadn'tdared to shut his eyes in maybe seventy? two hours and kept the other nine men away from thel

13、ittle water with a gun pointing at them.he could see from the way they glared that they hated him very much. Whe n he could no Ion ger go onzhe asked the bos'n to take over the gun and fellasleep.at that time,the bos'n who had been the biggest threaten. guessed his thoughts and took over his

14、 responsibility.继续中,5. Why do parents overrindulge their children?what harm does overindulgenee do to children?也考过6. What is culture shock?what is it caused by and what are the major symptoms?Culture shock is a feeling of anxietyjoneliness and confusion that people sometimes experienee when they mov

15、e from one culture to another. It may be called an occupational disease.when people are suddenly transplanted into a new enviroment,they lose the things they are familiar with,and find the social system,beliefs,values and ways of living are all different.they do not know how to cope with the new sit

16、uation. They are just like fish out of water and as a result they feel frustrated and anxious.they suffer from culture shock.An obvious symptom of culture shock is rejecting the new environment. Foreigners in a strange land get together to complain about the host country and its people. Another symp

17、tom is regression .the home country is irrationally glorified and all the difficulties and problems there are forgotten. other symptoms are a desire for dependence of residents of one's own nationality,a terrible longing to be back home.7.Suppose you are the millionaire.explain how you get to kn

18、ow.Hughie Erskine and what you do return for the pound he gave you when you first met.也考过8? How did the author manage to get his diaries out of Nazi Germany?When the author was going to leave berlin during world war second,he decided to get his diaries out of berli n although he should have destroye

19、d them.there was eno ughin his diaries to get himhanged zif the gestapo ever discovered them.He laid out the diaries in two big steel suitcases and placed a number of his broadcast scripts, each page of which had been stamped by the military and civilian censors.in addition,heput a fewGeneral Staff

20、maps on top.he managed to get the Gestapo officials to check his suitcase in the headquarters.!n the headquarters,the official's attention was attracted by the few Gengeral staff maps,which made these officials feel better to find something to seize.more over;they were impressed by the censors&#

21、39;stamps.when they got to know that the author reported on the German army,they put Gestapo seals on his suitcases.at the airport,theauthor succeeded in preventingGestapo officials from checking his suitcases with the help of the seals.In such a risky but clever way,the author man aged to get his d

22、iaries out of Nazi Germa ny.9? What do you think is the most admirable quality of the old washwoman?I think the most admirable quality of the old washwoman is her strong sense of duty.The old washwoman was faithful to her duties.every piece of laundry she did was as clean as polished silver.every pi

23、ece was neatly ironed.yet she charged no more than the others.she would return the laundry to her dients no matter what had happened? even after she had been seriouslyill zas soon as she was able to stand on her feet,she began washing.just as she put it,she could not rest easy in her bed because of

24、the wash,and the wash would not let her die.she died shortly after she finished her last task.As we can imagine,she had been driven by a strong will to return the property to its rightful owners,to fulfill the task she had undertaken.her body was only supported by the force of duty and honesty.altho

25、ugh she diedzher spirit would live in the minds of people who knew her.10. Whe n was An drew Car negic so proud of the one dollar and twenty cents the first pay he brought home?Carnegie was very pround of the one dollar and twenty cents he earned for the first time in his life when he was only twelv

26、e.the money though small in amount,meant a great deal.First,when he got his first pay he felt that he had grow n up.he was no Ion ger a boy who had to depend on his parents;he had become a man who was able help support the family,a contributing member.this was important because at that time life was

27、 hard for the family and it was difficlut for his parents to manage alone.Also,he thought the money was the direct reward of honest manual labor.it represented a week of very hard work.this money gave him the satisfaction of being rewarded for what he had done.Although the job was almost unb earable

28、 for a boy of his age,he experie need the greatest satisfaction he had ever felt in his life.11. What is the major contributi on Rachel Cars on has made to the protecti on of the environment? Rachel cars on is a scie ntist who made great con tributi on to the protectio n of the environment among whi

29、ch there is a great book silent spring?When she was aware of the harsh facts concerning the present and future dangers to the environmen t,rachel cars on wrote a book known as sile nt spri ng.in this book,she soun ded a startling warning to mankind.the book showed quite clearly that man was endanger

30、ing himself and everything else on this planet by his indiscriminated use of chemical pesticides.as her title suggests 龙 here might come a spri ngtime that would in deed be sile nt.it have bee n destroyed by the man-made pois on used to kill crop-threateni ng in sects.The book exploded into the publ

31、ic conciousness.it received great praise from some,great criticism from others.however; no matter what controvery it stirred up,it was this book that created the enthusiasm for protecting the environment.1.1 1 n the story"who shall dwell how did the father's attitude towards the neighbors c

32、hange?what brought about the change?也考过啦13. Describe Cliff Eva ns's life before his sudde n death.Cliff evans lived with his mother;stepfather and five younger half brothers and sisters.His stepfather had never legally adopted him,nor did show any affection for him.at home cliff didn't talk

33、much and had never told his family about his problems.When he first began school,he was timid but eager to learn.and his IQ was pretty good.then in the third grade a teather wrote in the school record that he was uncooperative and slow.si nee the n he had no more con fide nee left.he never smiled no

34、r talked much.he had no frlends;he had never belonged to a club,never played on a team and never held an office.he came to school by himself a nd left by himself.i n class,he would sit back in the last seat.finally he became silent and Ionely.he became nothing.14. What are the major forms of bribery

35、?Bribery can be classfied into three broad categories.the first category consists of large amounts of money paid for political purpose or to secure major con tracts, for example,a certai n america n compa ny offered big sums of money to support a US preside ntial can didate when it was un der in ves

36、tegati on. also in order to get big con tracts,such payme nts are often made to ruling families or their close advisers.The second category covers payments made to obtain quicker official approval of some project.!n such cases,the money is often paid to key government officials concerned?The third c

37、ategory involves payments made in certain countries to make a business deal easy to get approved.for instances foreign company may pay to get permission to import equipment.a common type of this category is the''facilitateng payment,zto clear cargoes.these are smaller sums of moneypaid to cu

38、stoms officials15. What do you know about Randy and Carole in ''a social event,z?why are they anxious to getinvited to Scotty's funeral?Randy and Carole are a young hollywood couple.they have been married only a short time.both have achieved a certain degree of success in pictures,but th

39、eir careers in the show business are still in the promising stage.Scotty woodrow,a world-famous movie star has just died,a nd randy and carole are an xious to go to his funeral,which will be a gathering of celebrities and is regareded as a big social eve nt.it is said that flowers have come from the

40、 u.s. preside nt and the British Quee n.Randy and carol think it is extremely important for their career to be seen there with a lot of bigshots .but the y have n't got an in vitation while some of their Hollywood frie nds' also young actorsand actresses like themselves,and been invited.that

41、's why they are worried and are trying hard to find ways of getting themselves invited in the last minute.不知有用否,下册待续。 大家一起努力吧。下册,1. .Illustrate with examples the basic ingredients of good manners Dr peale mentions in his article ''courtesy".Dr peale lists three things as the basic i

42、ngredients of good marmers:a strong sense of justice,the ability to share another persorfs inner feelings and the capacity to treat all people alike.Once a man was driving along a longmarrow and dusty road ahead of another car.suddenly he stopped off the road and told the driver of the car behind to

43、 get ahead of him.he did not want the other person to put up with his dust all the way.this is a man with a strong sense of justice. Acourteous person can also understand the pain or unhappiness of others.he/she offers help without hurting the feelings of the other person because he/she shares their

44、 emotionsas if they werehis/her own.Fin ally, a pers on with good mann ers treats all people alike,whether they are plain citizens or big shots, he/she never asks whether the other person deserves their good marmers?17. How did Mr Fotheringay discover his unusual powers and how did he take advantage

45、 of them?18. How was Kaz's life damaged by the bomb?Kazlife had been a comfortable one before the washer father had been born to a family of somewealth and social positi on in Hiroshima, a nd he had migrated to America n,he mved back to hiroshjma,bringing his american baby kaz with him.the house

46、 he built was a spacious one with a courtyard in front of the place and two guardens in back.However; 。 n the explosion of the atomic bomb,kazlife was totally changed.the house was blown to pieces,her father who was at that time woking on the side facing zero,had the front of his body bur nt, her br

47、other who was at school,got hurt when his school fell dowm aro und him.but they were luckier tha n others,they at least survived .and they began to rebuild their lives.the house they raised out of the wreckage of the old nearly resembles a hovel.although in time the visible wounds healed,kaz suffere

48、d seriously from radiati on sick ness.after a year or so,she began to mend. The men tai and physical after-effects of the bomb would trouble kaz all the rest of her life.19. Do you think Laura had a memorable Christmas?Laura had a particular Christmas with her family on the farm.her father had just

49、lost his job and aletter from her uncle showed that her uncle's family was in great troubleand in need ofmoney.without much left after they had sent money to her uncle's.the family decided to return to first priniples.thus they spent the chrismas on the little farm that her parents had bough

50、t and had hung on to.they had a wonderful time there.they cut a tree in their own woods.they ate and slept,and read by the light of oil lampwas very satisfied with the gifts:a picture from a sec on d-ha nd art shop and a small brooch that had belon ged to her grandmother.no matter what she didaura s

51、eemed to radiate happiness.it was her obvious pleasure that had brightened everything.Laura had n ever had such a Christmas before,a nd she considered the holiday both beautiful and memorable.20. ? What are the three geographical characteristics of Britain?The beauty of Britain is as hard to define

52、as it is easy to enjoy.The first characteristic is that it is varied within a small range,It seems that nature has carefully adjusted things-mountains,plants, ivers akes 厂 to the scale of the island itself, there is a st onishing variety almost everywhere,a nd everyth! ng is in miniature.some mounta

53、in s,for example,although not very high,have all the air of great mountains Secondly,surprise goes with variety.the country is full of happy surprises.one can always be pleasantly astonished while traveling.The third characteristic of the Iandscape is its exquisite moderation.it has been born of a c

54、ompromise between wildness and tameness,between nature and man.there is compromise in thesurburb,where the inhabitantsfeel that they have one foot in the city and one in the country.there is also harmony in the country where the cottages fit snugly into the landscape.21. Which do you think are the t

55、hree most important elements of love?what do they entail?(已考过)22. What kind of student do you think Phillips is in the text.how I designed an A-bomb in my junior year at princeton?give facts from the text to support your conclusion.Phillips describes himself as a ubelow-everage ,z studefact,he did v

56、ery poorly in the first semester of his junior year at P inceton university zD's and F's dominated his grades.so got a note from the dean ' which said that he had been put on academic probation. if he failured one more course,hewould have to leave the university.But this does not mean th

57、at he is a slow learner;on the contrary,he can be very smart if a course interests him.he succeeded in designing an atomic bomb,which not only shows that he is intelligent and diligent ' but also that he is persistent and qui ck-witted.In the process of designing the bomb,he came across a lot of

58、 difficulties.but he never gave up.he worked day and night trying to solve one problem after another.seven days before the design was due,he cleverly obtained the last bit of informat:ion he needed from a chemical company without betraying his purpos23. Why did the narrator say that his cousin John

59、Bullyer did more to shape his life than any other person?The narrator and his cousin john bullyer met for the first time when they were in their early sixties.however;the narrator thought his cousin did more to shape his life than any other person.John came intohis lifethroughhisaunt carrie.therewere hundreds of comparisonsbetweenthem.most of which were to his disadvantage. by comparisonsszthe narrator got to know that johnwas goodatbothmath andsport,and he


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