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1、精品文档托福模拟试题(二)1Section 2Structure and Written Expression Time-25 minutesThe Structure and Written expression section is designed to measure your ability to recognize language that is appropriate for standard written English. There are two types of questions in this section, with special directions fo

2、r each type. StructureDirections: Questions 1-15 are incomplete sentences.Beneath each sentence you will see four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C),and (D). Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, ifnd the number of the question and fill in th

3、e space that orresponds to the letter of the answer you ahve chosen Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.Look at the following examples:Example IFor many centuries-theprincipal raw material Sampleanswer for making ropes and sails.2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作法家原创1 / 18精品文档(

4、A) then was hemp(B) the time hemp was(C) hemp was(D) hempThe sentence should read, “For many cenries hemp was the principle raw material for making ropes and sails. " Therefore, you should choose (C).Example IIThe sea anemone, a marine animal related to the jellyfish, Sample answerlooks like a

5、plant-like other animal species.(A) so(B) rather than(C) instead(D) rather notThe sentence should read, “The sea anemone, a marine animal related to the jelly fish, looks like a plant rather than like other animal species. " Theerefore, you should choose (D).Nowbegin work on the questions.1. Mo

6、st substances expand when they evaporate so that the density of a substance ' s gas is -of its liquid.(A) than the lower density(B) lower than that(C) the density is lower than that(D) the lower the density2. The process by which nerve cells send signals is 一 clearly understood.(A) none(B) no(C)

7、 not(D) nothing3. Arcticanimals-a means of controlling bodytemperature in such a cold, barren climate if they areto survive.(A) need(B) needing(C) to need(D) was needed4. state of California is also known as the “Golden State “ because California ' s hills were oncebelieved to be made of gold.(A

8、) The(B) There is a(C) That the(D) As the5. Aspartame is a combination of proteins that is much sweeter(A) than sugar does(B) does cane sugar(C) cane sugar(D) than cane sugar6. Current patterns and topography mapsof the seas -from satellite photographs.(A) can be drawn(B) can drawn(C) to draw(D) dra

9、wn7. By the middle of the nioneteenth century, the scientists and engineers in the United States had began to exert - over technology.(A) influence worldwide a great(B) a great worldwide influence(C) influence a great worldwide(D) a worldwide influence great8. -billions of barrels of oil exist in th

10、e vastcaverns beneath the Pacific Oceans(A) It is estimated that(B) An estimate that(C) That is estimated(D) That the estimate9. The extent of the stimulant effect of coffee onpeople depends on the circumstances the plants grow.(A) which(B) which in(C) in which(D) in10. The guitar solo first - as a

11、popular form of musical performance in the twentieth century.(A) to emerge(B) emerging(C) has emerged(D) emerged11. 一 complex organic compounds originating in cells.(A) Lipieds(B) Lipids are(C) Lipids which are(D) Lipids while they12. In the western part of Nevada -,a major touristand entertainment

12、center.(A) lies the city of Las Vegas(B) the city of Las Vegas lies there(C) around the city of Las Vegas lies(D) there lies the city of Las vegas around13. Work on superconductivity, -, has attracted a relatively small number of researchers.(A) is a very specialized field(B) which a very specialize

13、d field is(C) a very specialized field(D) a field very specialized which14. 一, the fist Amendment to the Constitution provided for freedom of speech, press and assembly.(A) In 1791 they drafted(B) The draft in 1791(C) In 1791 was drafted(D) Drafted in 179115. When - in desert climates, the Navajo co

14、nstruct lean-tos as temporary summer shelters.(A) travel(B) to travel(C) traveling them(D) traveling由国考试托福模拟试题(二)1 DThe sentence should read, “in many cities in the world, the air is muchmore polluted than it was in the 1970s.” there fore, you should choose (D).Example IIThe computer plays a vital r

15、ole in development, A B communication, and disseminating of ideas in today ' s world.C DThe sentence should read, “The computer plays a vital role in development, communication, and dissemination of ideas in today' s world. " Therefore, youshould choose (C).Now begin work on the questio

16、ns.16. For years small communities of researchers have living undergroundAin parts of the arctic where the climate is harsh andthe winds areB strong. D17. Thomas Edison made the first microphone for self by combining a thin A B C reed and a metal conductor together.D18. Not only do hydroelectric pow

17、er systems provide people with irrigation and drinking water, but they also provide importantly sources of electrical power.19. The Federal Communications Commission supervises the suitable and quality of radio.20. All cars, alike most trains and a few propeller planes, depend on combustion inside a

18、 piston cylinder.21. The expansion of adult education centers had resulted partiallyfrom the service-based economy,which encouraging employees to update their skills for the changing job market.22. The most significant evolutionary characteristic of the primates are the development of the opposablet

19、humb.23. Ludwig Beethoven was often indifferent to the titles of his composed and was generally oblivious to the names given them years after their completion.24. Benny Goodman' s orchestra, playing his original compositions and arrangements, achieving a fine distinction among his peers and cont

20、ributed numerous innovations to modern big band jazz.25. Mosquitoes are almost completey deaf, although its tiny ears can distinguish noise from silence.26. Weed is a horticultural term referring toward unpleasant, unwanted, or intolerable plant growth.27. susan B. Anthony, the first woman to vote i

21、n the United Sates, founded the American Women ' t Suffrage Movement, an institution that have always had a woment s rights agenda.28. Criminal assault, committed against a memberof the public, may consist of harassing behavior, threatening, or physical harm to others.29. The realist movement in

22、 art was a reaction against abstract methods of portray reality.30. During the 1950' s skilled computer programmers scrce were in what is now Silicon Valley.31. If a atom gains any electrons, it becomes negatively charged and can combine with other atoms.32. The Parks and Recreation Department c

23、onduct extensive research on a great many aspects of the wilderness.33. The analgesic most commonly administeed in medicine is aspirin, who produces reduction of pain over a general area.34. Certain types of pumps work properly only in environmens with controlled precisely pressures.35. Whales, whil

24、e not as curious than the dolphins, show more persistence and use of communication in facing a problem.36. The belief in goblins have existed from the earliest times, and the leends of many different peoples includes tales of goblins and their relationship to humans.37. Electronic music enables arti

25、sts to experiment with many sounds effects.38. Denver, Colorado ' s capital and largest city, is industrial and baning center.39. A hamster ' s sharp teeth can chew through wood, plastic, or soft metallic such as aluminum.40. Anthropological studies have concluded that deeply hold belief and

26、 principles are highly ressistant to alteration.由国考试托福模拟试题(二)1 the passage?(A) to discuss the two different types of elephants.(B) Tio argue the superiority of the African elephant in adapting to the environment.(C) To demonstrate the relative intelligence of the two types of elephant.(D) To show th

27、e similarities of elephants.The main idea of passage is to discuss the wo different types of elephants. Thereore, you should choose (A).Example IIIn line 6, the term,“be accounted for' could best bereplaced by(A) be calculated to(B) be devided(C) be determined(D) be acceptedThe term “be accounte

28、d for “ in line 6 is closet in meaning to “be determined. " Therefore, you should choose (C).Now begin work on the questions.Questions 1-10The popularly applauded designs found in Frank LloydWright ' s integration of architcture, landscaping and interior design, gave evidence to his belief

29、that the form of a working or living space should follow from its function within the community.Line Whether working on residential or commercial projects, he concentraed on creating(5) an appropriate exterior and interior environment.In his residentilal housing, functionality translatedinto a harmo

30、nious relationship with the natural flora, fauna and geographic disposition of the land. The most famous modificationhe implemented in hisearly“ prairie school houses ” , the gently sloping rooflines that sought to capture the contours of the prairie, typified his concept of harmony with the land. O

31、ther features included, wide doorways, rooms ccentrally connected without hallways, extensive use of glass and widely overhanging eaves which provided extensive shelter. To emphasize the integrative aspects of his construction, he tried to incorporate built-in furniture wherever possible.The Larkin

32、Building, in Buffalo, New York, an examle of thoroughly practical factory headquarters, demonstrated that, when designing for the commercial sector, Wright ' s functionalism adapted itself to the projec at hand as eloquentlyas when he createdsingle-family units. The building itself is of suffici

33、entwidth to completelyconceal the factorybehind it, creating a neat, organized and efficient appearance. Even more notable than the exterior of the building, the interior displays Wright' s imaginativetalent to the greatest degree.In order to minimize on cluttered floor space, almost everything

34、in the office was mobile, particulrly the filing cabinets, which could be completely hidden from view with a simple push. The office desks were custom designed from solid steel with special fold-out chairs that madeit much easier to clean the floors. A special grade of tilewas used on the walls to f

35、acilitatecleaning.The zeal which the architect devoted to integrating the building with the needs of the officeenvironment extended to the installation of secial steel toilets which folded into the walls until needed for use.1. What is the main topic of the passage?(A) The life of Frank Lloyd Wright

36、(B) Frank Lloyd Wright ' s design ideas(C) The commercial buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright(D) Frank Lloyd Wright ' s Prarie School buildings2. Which of the folowing is NOT menitioned as a fieldwright worked in?(A) Landscaping(B) Interior design(C) Architecture(D) Painting3. In line 3, the wor

37、d “its ” refers to(A) the community(B) the function(C) the form(D) the space4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an important consideration of Wright ' s residentialhousing?(A) Plant life around the area(B) The ease of mainteance(C) Animals found in the area(D) The geography of the buil

38、ding site5. According to the passage, what is the most distinctive feature of a“prarie house " design?(A) The color(B) The furniture(C) The wood(D) The roof line6. In line 9, the word “typifed " is closest in meaning to(A) enjoyed(B) exemplifed(C) terminated(D) normalized7. It can be infer

39、red that Wright designed hisown furniture for the Larking building because(A) he couldn ' t find the appropriate colors(B) he could design his own for less money(C) he wanted the environment of the building to beintegrated(D) he didn ' t trust the quality of other furniture8. What is the Lar

40、king Building most noted for?(A) Its steel furniture(B) Its high-grade tile(C) Its overall practicality(D) Its exterior architecture9. In line 22, the word “mobile " most closely means?(A) Portable(B) Raised(C) sturdy(D) Small10. What qualities could probably be observed from the Larkin Building ' s interior design?(A) Neat and organized(B) Solid and stable(C) Extended and clean(D) Wide and efficentQuestions 11-20In America, the movement of housing away from the high-rise buildings of


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