



1、语音单词辨音 选出划线局部与其它三个发音不同的一项。5 分 ( )1. A. book B. moon C. cook D. good( ) 2. A. now B. know C. how D. cow( ) 3. A. even B. better C. get D. let( ) 4. A. meat B. teacher C. head D. sleep( ) 5. A. water B. cake C. same D. Kate二、词汇( 一) 根据汉意,把字母组成一个正确的单词。(10 分 )1. 动物 (a, m , l, i , a, n )2. 图片,相片 ( i, t, u

2、 ,p , c, r ,e )3. 保龄球 (o, w ,l, i, b , n , g)4. 有趣的 (t, e, r , i, n, g, n, e, i, t, s)5. 不同的 (f, f, e, n, t, i, d, r, e)6. 模型 (d, e, l, o, m)7. 假日 (a, y, d, o, l, h, i)8. 音乐 (s, u, m, i, c)9. 明天 (r, o, r , o, m, o, t, w)10. 父母亲 _ _(a , r , e, n , t, s, p) 二 按要求写单词 15 分 1.fat( 反 义 词 )词)2.big( 比 较 级 )

3、3.young( 反 义4.bus( 复 数 ) 5.write( 同 音 词 ) 6.my( 人 称 代 词 )10.get 过 去 式 11.one 序 数 词 12.I 同 音词't 完全形式 三 英汉词组互译15 分 1. 今天下午 2. have a trip 3. 看望我的祖父母 4.stay at home 5. 试一试 6.sweep the floor7. 去购物 8. go fishing 9. 回家 10. see the sunrise11. 看电视 12. play golf 13. 打篮球 14. make a plan15. 长城 三、选择,将选项填在括号

4、内。 20 分 1. He 's _ English boy. He's from England.A. an B. a C. the D.不填 2. They often play football after school.A. an B. a C. the D.不填 3. A: Here you are. B:.A. That 's OK. B.OK. C. It 's OK. D. Thanks. 4. A: are you going to visit? B: New York.A. Where B. Who C. When D. How 5. The

5、re are many apples the tree.A. in B. to C. of D. on( ) 6. Linda is books.A. reading B. reads C. read D. looking( ) 7. I go to school foot every dayA. by B. on C. with D. at( )8. 12:00 I have lunch.A. In B. With C. On D. At( ) 9. A: What do you want to _? B: I want some fruits.A. tell B. listen to C.

6、 go D. buy( ) 10. It 's too expensive. Please give me a _ oneA. cheap B. empty C. strong D. beautiful( )11. The big ball is than the small one.A. light B. lighter C. lightest D. the lightest( ) 12. Who is, Li Ming, Liu Yang or Wang Lin?A. the tallest B. taller C. the tall D. the taller( )13. A :

7、 Are they your classmates? B: A.Yes , they aren't. B. Yes , they 're C. No , they are. D. No , they aren't.( )14. A : Can you play the violin? B: A. Yes , I can 't. B. No , I can't. C. No , I can. D. Yes, I do.( ) 15. are the biggest animals on land.A. Monkeys B. Pandas C. Tigers

8、 D. Elephants( ) 16. We are going to play football .A. afternoon B. this afternoon C. morning D. in this morning( ) 17. Jim and I going to the park.A. am B. are C. is D. be 18. Where the apples?A. is B. am C. are D. be 19. A : Where did you buy it? B: I it in the supermarket.A. bought B. buy C. buys

9、 D. to buy 20. Let me _ you.A. helped B. help C. helps D. to help四、连线 5 分 1. What color is it? A. It's 8 : 00.2. Where are you from? B. He's Billy.3. What time is it now? C. China.4. Are you Mr . Green? D. Yellow.5. Who is the boy? E. Yes , I am.五、补全对话 每空一词。 10 分 1. A: me, Are you Mr . Green

10、? B: No, not.2. A: Hello! This is Annie. May I to Linda?B: I 'm sorry. She at home.3. A : Happy New Year ! B: !4. A : Thank you very much. B: You are .5. A : Sit down, . B: .六、按要求改写句子。每空一词 10 分 1. I have some new books .变为一般疑问句 you new books ?He going to eat breakfast.3. I go to school by bike.(

11、就画线局部提问 ) do you go to school?4.She is 12 ( 就画线局部提问 ) is she?5. I am Jack.( 变为同义句 ) is Jack.七、阅读短文判断对错。对的写 (T), 错的写 (F).(10 分 )Wang Dong is my best friend. We are in the same class. He's taller than me. I'mthinner than him. His hair is shorter than mine. I'm younger than him.We both have

12、 new bags and pencil-boxes, but my bag is smaller than his . His bag is heavier than mine. He often puts some toys in it. After class, we often play games together. He is very funny. I go to school with him every day.( )1. Wang Dong is taller than me.( )2. My bag is bigger than his .( )3. We both have new bags and rulers.( )4. We often play games together after school.( )5. I go home with him every day.参考答案一、1( B ) 2. ( B ) 3.( A ) 4. ( C ) 5.( A )二 1. thin 2.bigger 3 .old 4.buses 5.right 6.I7.heavier 8.(the) most beautiful9.does 10.get 11.first 12.eye 13.swimming 14.having 15.can not11.w


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