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1、四年级上册英语试题和答案 on the light C. Sweep the floor、在以下每题的四个字母中有一个是元音字母,请把它选出来。10分1.()A. Cc B. Ii C. DdD. Vv2.()A. Ff B. KkC. YyD. Aa3.()A. Oo B. Ll C. SsD. Nn4.()A. Hh B. Qq C. UuD. Xx5.()A. Ee B. Pp C. MmD. Rr一、与出汉语意思 rayo nlightpictureboardwi ndowclassroom二、根据括号中的中文找出相应短语,并将代表答案的选项填在横线上。Miss White: Let

2、s clean the classroom.Please(擦黑板),(扫地)and(挂上图片).Mike: Sarah!(请开门).John: Amy!(请翻开灯).A. Please ope n the doorB. lease turnD. Clea n the board E. Put up the picture四、选择填空20分()1. ThismyA. am B. is C. are D. /()2. What stheclassroom? A board, two lights, many desks and chairs. A. onB. inC. underD. near()

3、3. We have 6 newA.light B. lightsC. ni ghtsD.ni ght()4.go and have alookA.Le t sB.LetC. let usD.let s()5. Amy: Wheres your seat?Mike:A. It n ear the door.B. Let s go andhave alook! C. I t sthe door.D. It sn ear the door.()6. Mike:Miss White: Tha nk you!3. wi ndow,the, let,clea n,meA. Let me clean bo

4、ard.B. Let s meclea n the board.C. Let me clea n the boardD. Let clea nthe board()7. Let s clean the window.A. Yes. B. OK. C. Sorry.D.Excuse me.()8. Where is the milk?you know?A. Do B.do C.Are D.are()9. Letclea n the fishbowl.A. myB. IC. meD. our()10. Wherethetwenty desks?A. beB. amC. isD. are七、连词组句

5、。10分1. n ew,my, is, desk, 1this2. day, every, fun,have,we4. near, door, It s, the5. computer, the,gree n,is把对话选出答案12341. Where s my pen? a. Manybooks.2. Let s clean the window.b. Oh, it s nice.3. What s in the desk?c. It s in your encil-case.4. Thank you.d. All right.5. Look at the picture.e. Youare

6、 welcome.一、判断以下每组单词画线局部的读音是否相同,相同的划,不相同的划10 分()1. A. bedB. bag()2. A. penB. pencil()3. A. lampB. fat()4. A. pictureB. fifty()5. A. catB. car二、写出汉语意思En glish bookChin ese bookrulerAmy: Sure. Here you aresharpe ner schoolbagno tebook三、请为单词们找到自己的家,并把单词的序号填到相应的横线上。10分1. lio n水 果:学习用品:食 品:动 物:人 物:四、根据情景提

7、示,在四个选项中选出最恰当的一项。8分1. Mike 问Amy有几本书。Mike:Amy: I have 6.A. How many books do you have?B. How many books can you see?2. Mike 想看看 Amy的新书包。Mike:A. May I have a look at your new bag?What s in your new bag?3. Amy问Mike书包的颜色。Amy:Mike: Purple.A. What colour is your bag?B. What s in your bag?4. Amy 想知道老 师的办公室

8、怎么走,那么她应该怎样问路呢A. I don t know the teacher s office.B. Excuse me. Where is the teacher s office?五、读一读,用 a, an填空。10分1.1 havebag.2. Here isapple for you.3. Who hasEn glish book?4. This ispen.5. Please show meoran ge.六、读一读,用am ,is ,are真空。10分1、Shemy sister .2 The wall white .3、I from America .4、Youright

9、.1. quiet2、strong5、Itso nice .scie neetwenty ten forty eight八、连词组句。七、你能把它们从小到大排队吗? 10分 thirty forty-two sixtee n eleve n twelve nin etee n10 分1、have , a , pen ,1 , new4、music5、forty二、写出以下字母的前后邻居10分1.Cce2.HhLI3.PpRr Ss TtVv三、请圈出以下单词中的元音字母。10分2、what , it , is , colour1、a p p I e 2、 v e g e t a b I e 3

10、、s o u p3、how , boxes , you , do , have , many4、m i I k 5、 c o m p u t e rWhere is your book?It s under the desk.D. It s a window.cake n ame(3ruler bus (5good go (your thirty(stude nt cute五、看一看,根据图片和所给字母补全单词。、读一读,写一写,译一译10分ooriter leramp4、is , my , heavy , schoolbag九、读一读,将相应的句子连线。5分1、How much is it?

11、 2、What s this inEnglish? 3、Who s that girl? . 4、How many books do you have?5、A. Five Yua n B.C. Five.E. She s my sister.四、判断以下各组单词划线局部读音是否相同,相同的打“V不同的打“X10分1、)2、bike this ()4、that three ()6、box six ()9、what where()10 分looranboall1. What s in your schoolbag? 2. Do youl ng hair sho t hair六、 找出与其他单词不同

12、类的一个。5分1、A. fish B. long C. short2、A. hot dog B. hamburgerC. hat3、A. kangaroo B. monkeyC. key4、A. eraserB. crayon C. light5、A. notebookB. math bookC.sports七、 选择填空。5分1、This is his photo. Look!is tall. A. He B. She C. He s2、Heshort brownhair A. have B. has C. there is3、Listenmusic.A. to B. of C. for4、

13、She is a girl.Name isLucy. A. His B. Her C. It s5、Shemusic.A. like B. likes C. to likelike music? 3. Who s your bestfriend? 4. How many friends do you have? 5. What colour is your eraser?a. Yes, I do. b. Some book. c. I have manyfriends.d. Zhang Qiang is.e. It sgreen1 丨2 丨3 丨4 丨5 丨九、读一读,连词造句。10分have

14、, n ew, I, a, friendvery, She, music, likes, muchis, heavy, You, too, schoolbagdo, have, How, you, banan as, manyblack, short, has, He, hair十、根据汉语,完成句子。10分1. Are you a老师or学生?2. She s a 女孩,not a男孩3. I have a好朋友.4. May I use your尺子?八、读一读,把相对应的句子连线。10分5. This is my书.6. There is a 包, a 铅笔 on the desk.十一

15、、情景交际,选出正确的选项。 5 分 1、当你向同学们介绍你的好朋友留 着黑色短发时, AHe has long black hairB. He has short black hairCHe has bigeyes and long hair. 2 、当你要告诉同学们你喜欢科学 课时,应该说: AI like math.B. I likescience.C. I like computer games. 3 、当你问你的同学是否会拼写新 学的英文单词时,应该说: ACan you help me?BCan you see the words?CCan you spell these word

16、s? 4、当你鼓励同学勇敢地试一试时, 应该说: APlease have a try.B. Pleasecome in.C. Please help me. 5、当你告诉妈妈你有一位美国朋友 时,应该说: AMom, I have a new friend.BMom, I have an American.CMon, I have a Chinese friend.一、 看图补全单词。 10 分女孩 老师 书 铅笔盒 尺子g _ _l t_ach_r b_ _kp_ncil-c_se r_l_r二、 将单词写在正确的类别栏里。 10 分 lion, pen, egg, school, goo

17、se, noodles, squirrel, notebook, ice-cream, hamburger动物类 -文具类 -食品类 三、 选词填空。 10 分1. am a student.(I, My, Me)2. is thin.(she, She, Her)3. friend is tall.(I, We, My)4. name is Sam.(He, his, His)5. schoolbag is heavy. (Your, your,You)四、从B栏中找出与A栏中问句相应的答语并连线。10 分1.Who is the girl?2.May I have a look?3. Wh

18、at s one plus one?4. Where is my pen?5.What colour is1. Let s clean the !A. 墙是白色的。2. The wall is .B. 我有 32 本书。3. I have books.C. 我们一起清扫教室吧!your bag? 6.What s his name?7. How many pens do you have? 8.Areyou eleven? 9.What s this in English?10.How are you?a. It s yellow. b. She is my friend.c. His name is Tom. d. I have ten.e. Sure. f. I m fine, thank you.g. It s a book. h. No


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