1、5号宋体,居中空一行黑体4号,居中关于教育改革的研究马海楷体五号楷体五号宋体五号加黑摘要:近年来,我国世界一流大学的工作取得了积极的进展,但也存在着若干误区。一是单纯地瞄准发达国家一流大学的成就,却忽视了取得这些成就的内在机制;二是在注重向发达国家学习的同时,忽视了借鉴历史上我国近代大学成功的办学经验。有鉴如此,当前应反思我们的大学制度,积极推进制度创新。宋体五号加黑 关键词:世界一流大学 大学制度 制度创新关键词之间不用分号,空两格。(大约200字左右)(中文摘要的内容和关键词应与英文摘要相对应,关键词3-5个,词与词之间用空格分开)一级标题、小四、Times New Roman、加粗空一行
2、、Times New Roman、小四Times New Roman、小三、加粗、居中ContentsIntroduction.1I. A Historical Retrospection of Metaphor.21.1 Aristotelian School: MetaphorA Device of Rhetoric.2二级标题、小四、Times New Roman、不加粗、缩进一个字母1.2 The Platonic SchoolLanguage is Metaphorical. 51.3 The Study of Metaphor from the 20th Century to th
3、e Present.6II. On Similarity72.1 Similarity: A Fundamental Criterion for the Classification of Metaphor.72.2 Similarity and Culture.92.3 Similarity and Category.102.4 The Relationship Between Similarity and Knowledge.13三级标题、小四、Times New Roman、不加粗、缩进约3个字母III. On the Mechanism of Metaphor.153.1 Blacks
4、 Interaction Theory.153.1.1 Introduction to the Interaction Theory.153.1.2 Some Defects of the Interaction Theory163.2 Lakoffian Conceptual Metaphor Theory.193.2.1 The Philosophical Basis of Lakoffian Theory.193.2.2 Lakoffian Theory on the Mechanism of Metaphor213.2.3 The Deficiencies of Lakoffian T
5、heory in Expounding the Creation of Similarity.263.3 Conceptual Integration Theory.29四级标题、小四、Times New Roman、不加粗、缩进约6个字母3.3.1 An Introduction to the Conceptual Integration Theory. Four Mental Spaces. Three Processes of BT.333.3.1.3 Optimality Principles of BT.343.3.2 The Advantages
6、 of BT in Solving the Paradox of the Two Former Theories.343.3.2.1 The Generic Mental Space.343.3.2.2 The Blending Space and Emergent Structure.353.3.2.3 The Other Advantages of BT.40Conclusion.42References.45另:目录中的页码和标题必须和文中一致!(论文打印用A4纸)页面设置 左4 右 3 上 3 下 3 一级标题 上面小三Times New Roman,空三行,单倍行距一级标题Times
7、 New Roman三号、顶格加粗、下空小四一行每个自然段前顶格,段与段之间空一行 Introduction 正文小四、Times New Roman、 1.5倍行距The study of metaphor has long been with us and the focus of the study is the mechanism of metaphor. It is the most significant and indispensable part of the study. For more than two thousand years, the study is carri
8、ed on mainly from the perspective of rhetoric, viewing metaphor as a device of rhetoric, an embellishment of language. The representative of the theories in this long period is Aristotles Comparison Theory and Quintilians Theory of Substitution. Because metaphor is not only a rhetorical phenomenon,
9、but also one of cognition, the interpretation force of these theories is very limited. In 1936, I.A. Richards put forward Interaction Theory. Later Max Black m.(以下省略,此部分字数最少不少于300字)一级标题单独起页、Times New Roman三号、顶格加粗、下空小四一行一级标题标题上面小三Times New Roman,空三行,单倍行距二级标题、Times New Roman四号、顶格加粗、下不空行I. A Historical
10、 Retrospection of Metaphor2.1 Aristotelian School: Metaphor-A Device of Rhetoric Andrew Ortony, one of the most influential writers on metaphor, has pointed out, and there are few who would disagree with him, that it is still the case that “Any serious study of metaphor is almost obliged to start wi
11、th the works of Aristotle” (Ortony 3).(此处指引文来源:作者 页码)In Poetics, Aristotle expounds the essence, function and the way of explanation of metaphor as three nuclei. He defines metaphor as “the application of an alien name by transference either from genus to species, or from species to genus, or from s
12、pecies to species, or by analogy, that is, proportion”(Aristotle 71). Then he gives four kinds of metaphor:引文:前缩进10个字母、后不缩进、上下各空1行Since lying at anchor is a species of the genus lying, one can say there lies my ship (genus-to-species metaphor), since ten thousand is a species of a large number, one
13、can say verily ten thousand noble deeds hath Odysseus wrought (species-to-genus metaphor). Since to draw away and to cleave are each a species of the genus taking away, one can say with blade of bronze drew away the life (species-to-species metaphor). And since old age is to life as evening to the d
14、ay, one can say that old age is the evening of life (ibid.). (此符号ibid.意为同上,引文出处与上相同。本例为整段引用,即block quotation, 前后空五号字一行 )In Rhetoric,(书名斜体) Aristotle says that the best metaphors are those that achieve the effect of bringing things vividly before the eyes of the audience. He argues that this effect i
15、s “produced by words which refer to things in action”( ibid. 92-93). “The best image involves a metaphor”(ibid. 96). From the above statements, we know that Aristotle views metaphor as a rhetorical device and an embellishment of language. Finally he establishes his theory on metaphorComparison Theor
16、y. It is the earliest theory in the history of the study of metaphor. Its main gist is:A metaphor can therefore only describe preexisting similarities. It cant create similarities (Lakoff & Johnson 1980: 153).(如果在论文中引用同一作者的不同的著作,应加上出版年代以示区别) 二级标题、Times New Roman四号、顶格加粗、上空一行、下不空行4.1 Blacks Intera
17、ction Theory(章内每节标号及标题左起顶格,四号字,加粗,前后空一行为小四号字。三级标题、Times New Roman小四号、顶格加粗、上下不空行 Introduction to Interaction Theory Interaction Theory was originated from I. A. Richards theory. In his definition he says: “In the simplest formulation, when we use a metaphor we have two thoughts of different things ac
18、tive together and supported by a single word, or phrase, whose meaning is a resultant of their interaction”(Richard 89). The most important in this definition is “two active thoughts interact with each other.” He first provided the basic terminology and conceptual framework for discussing metaphor.
19、He argued that metaphor consists of two terms, the tenor, or topic, and the vehicle, and the 二级标题、Times New Roman四号、顶格加粗、在页首时上下都不空行4.3 The Conceptual Integration Theory .三级标题、Times New Roman小四号、顶格加粗、上下都不空行4.3.1 An Introduction to the Conceptual Integration TheoryConceptual Integration Theory was pro
20、posed by Gilles Fauconnier and Mark Turner四级标题、Times New Roman小四号、顶格不加粗、上下都不空行.1 Four Mental SpacesIn BT, the basis unit of cognitive organization is not the domain but the mental spaces, which are a partial and temporary representational structure that speakers 一级标题标题上面小三Times New Roman空三行,单倍行距一级标题
21、单独起页、Times New Roman三号、顶格加粗、下空小四一行Conclusion The study of metaphor is, in essence, the study of how metaphor works. It is the nucleus of metaphor study. Modern scholars discard the perspective that metaphor is a device of rhetoric, an attachment to language, and claim that metaphor is of cognition a
22、nd is omnipresent; it is a way of human thinking. Moreover, they hold that metaphor creates similarity instead of comparing two things which are based on the preexisting similarity. Hence, the mechanism of metaphor is to interpret how similarity is created. Blacks theory and Lakoffian theory, due to
23、 some defects and deficiencies, are not able to give a clear description of the creation of similarity. They endeavor to expoundTimes New Roman三号、居中加粗、下空小四一行References杂志必写:年,期,冒号,空格,页码,句点1 Haspelmath, Martin. Against Markedness (and what to replace it with). Journal of Linguistics, 2005(41): 35-49.2
24、 Lyons, John. Semantics. London: Cambridge UN. Press, 1977.写完一个参考文献必须后写一句点前面均不空格6 冯志伟,徐福吉. 花园幽径句初探J. 2003年5月在HNG(第二届)学术研讨会上宣读的论文.7 潘天舒. 北京大学和世界一流大学经费比较J. 高等教育论坛,1999 (2)4: 8-10.8 苏云峰. 从清华学堂到清华大学M. 北京:三联书店,1991: 11-12.宋体五号一行没写下第二行往里缩进。汉语要写J/M等标号 说明:参考文献的排列顺序,先英文,后中文。英文按开头字母从A到Z的顺序排列,中文按开头文字的汉语拼音从A到Z的顺序排列。论文中若有任何标题正好写到这一页的最后一行,就把此标题移到下一页去。所有英文标点后都应再打一空格,否则标点前后两句距离太近。文中出现的英语和数字一律用Times New Roman 字体,包括参考文献。论文标题:三号、Times New Roman、加粗、居中Incorporating Culture into English Teaching in Middle Schools小四、加粗、Times New Rom
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