1、附件:项目全称承办单位名称举办时间邀请范围计划人数学员要求举办地点参观考察城市备注发展中国家农业机械化官员研修班项目简介表发展中国家农业机械化官员研修班中国农业机械化科学研究院2009 年 11 月 27 日-12 月 17 日工作语言英语发展中国家,原则上每国1-2 人。25-35年龄要求处级官员年龄不超过50 岁,司局级官员年龄不超过55 岁身体健康状况要求身体健康,无传染性疾病、严重高血压、心脑血管、精神类疾病,非肢体残疾、非孕期工作语言要求英语其 它学员不能携带家属北京举办地天气状况天气晴朗,平均气温110摄氏山东、河南、浙江考察地天气状况天气晴朗,平均气温412摄氏项目联系人赵小鹏、
2、杨栋办公电(杨)办单位联杨)手机方式传, 64883508E-mailiec-caams承办单位简介项目内容介绍中国农业机械化科学研究院是我国规模最大、创新能力最强的从事农业装备研发基础、应用、开发等多学科、综合性科研机构。自建院以来共组织完成了9 大类3000 多种农机产品的研制(占行业85%),取得科技成果2000 多项,在行业具有公认的技术中心地位; 是我国农机和食品行业共性关键技术、应用基础技术的辐射源;我国农机行业发展战略的策源地;国内外农机行业技术和信息交流的窗口。中国农机
3、院现拥有20 个专业院所,24 个下属公司,形成了以现代农业装备研发为主,关联产业多元发展、跨区域、跨行业的大型科技企业集团结构,具有独立的外事审批权和外贸进出口自主经营权和硕士、博士学位的授予权;在职4160人,其中高级专业技术人员564 人,中级专业技术人员1621 人,研究员130 人,享受政府特殊津贴专家80 人;是农机具技术标准和国际标准化组织的中国归口单位;也是国家农机具产品质量监督检验中心、食品机械产品质量检测中心所在单位;是国家商检局认定的国家进出口商品检验局农机产品认可试验室;以及国家农机工程技术中心、农机生产力促进中心等6 个国家级中心所在单位;是中国农机学会和中国农机工业
4、协会下属6 个分会的挂靠单位。在我院设立的国家农业现代化装备中心代表了中国农业机械研发的最高水平。中国农机院在国内农机和农产品加工技术研发和对外合作领域居于主导地位,是中美、中欧农业科技合作议定书项目的中方牵头单位,与世界上100 多个国家和地区以及国际专业组织保持密切的联系;我院自1988 年开始执行国家援外技术培训项目任务,至今共培养了来自70 多个发展中国家的近1000 名学员,通过培训工作我院成功实施了多项双 / 多边合作项目,极大地宣传和促进了我国政府援外技术培训项目的开展,同时也为我国农机适用产品技术“走出去”开拓海外市场创造了良好的条件。受中华人民共和国商务部委托,中国农业机械化
5、科学研究院将于2009 年 11 月27 日至 12 月 17 日举办“发展中国家农业机械化官员研修班”。通过培训,使参加培训的各国学员系统地了解我国也机械化的现状和发展趋势,重点介绍我国农业机械化发展的政策和趋势,经贸与技术合作的相关规定和政府支持方式等,从而使学员们了解中国农业机械化的进程和相关政策,更好地促进本国农业机械化工作,同时积极推进与中国在本国农业机械化领域的合作。培训采用课堂讲授和参观座谈相结合的方式。 主要涉及的中国农业机械化政策、 农业机械化发展经验、 农机标准化、农业机械化推广体系、农业机械进出口优惠政策和渠道、农业机械化跨区作业体系等专题,开展专题讨论、参观考察、调查访
6、问、经验交流及商业洽谈等(参见“课程内容”)。学习期满,学员修满全部课程,经综合考核成绩合格者,发给主办单位签发的结业证书。NameOrganizerTimeInvitedCountriesNumber of ParticipantsRequirementsfor theParticipantsHost CityCities to visitNotesContact of the OrganizerProject DescriptionOfficial Seminar on Agricultural Mechanization for Developing CountriesChina Aca
7、demy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences (CAAMS)Nov.27-Dec.17 2009LanguageEnglishDeveloping Countries , 1-2 participants for each country25-35Department Director not more then 55 year old , Division director not more thenAge50 year oldGood health , free of infectious diseases, severe high blood p
8、ressure, heart andHealthbrain blood vessels, mental diseases, non-physical disabilities, non-pregnancyLanguageEnglishothersNo family members accompaniedBeijingLocal TemperatureFine, average temperature is 1-10 Henan, Shandong, ZhejiangLocal TemperatureFine, average temperature is 4-12 Contact Person
9、(s)Mr. Yang Dong, Mr. Ma TengTelephone+86 10 64882244, 64883347Celax+86 -10-64849687,64883508E-mailiec-caamsAbout the OrganizerSeminar / Training Course ContentChinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences (CAAMS for short) was established in 1956, it's a c
10、omprehensive enterprise involving in researching, manufacturing and trading, supporting Chinese machinery and electronic industry and food industry with equipments and technology services. CAAMS used to be under the leadership of former Ministry of Agricultural Machinery and the Ministry of Machiner
11、y Industry and transformed into a large scale scientific and technological enterprise directly under the leadership of the Central Government in 1999.CAAMS is the largest research organization with the strongest innovation ability engaged in fundamental, application sciences with multiple discipline
12、s, comprehensiveness and gives priority to R&D on modern agriculture equipment while facing the needs of agriculture, countryside and farmers. Science the establishment of CAAMS more than 50 years ago, it coordinated the related Ministries and Commissions of our country to finish researching and
13、 manufacturing over 3000 kinds of agriculture machineries of 9 categories, gained more than 2000 scientific and technological achievements, made great contributions to the development of agricultural mechanization of our country and thus it has been recognized by the public as the technology center
14、in agricultural machinery industry. It is the source where key technologies, applied fundamental technologies extended to all over the country; it is the source of development strategy of agriculture machinery industry in our country and it is the window of technology and information exchanges at ho
15、me and abroad in the field of agricultural machinery industry.Entrusted by the Ministry of Commerce of the People Republics of China, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences (CAAMS) will organize Official Seminar on Agricultural Mechanization for Developing Counties (Working Language:
16、 English) from Nov.27Dec.17 2009.The objectives of the Course are to provide the situation and tendency of agricultural mechanization development of China. The main introductions are agricultural mechanization development policy and tendency, the policy of agricultural machinery import and export, t
17、he government supporting principles for economic cooperation and technical exchange on agricultural mechanization. After completing their course and getting through the final examination, the trainees will be awarded a certificate both by the Course Sponsor & Organizer.Through lectures and visits, the participants will be able to:1) Update their knowledge on agricultural mechanization policy of China;2) Understand in depth the popularizing system of agricultural mechanization of China;3) Master the key points of principles of agricultural machinery import & export;4) Extend the multi
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