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1、中北大学外语系毕业论文文本规范 (2010,12修订)一、 毕业论文构成部分 毕业论文一般由1. 题目页(title page 中英文两页)、2. Dedication (optional)、3. 致谢、4. 英文摘要(含关键词)、 5. 中文摘要(含关键词)、6. 目录、7. 正文、8. 参考文献 9. 附录(optional)等组成。各部分的内容与要求分述如下:1. 题目 (Title):毕业论文题目要求简明扼要,具有概括性。英文不宜超过16个单词 (原则上),汉字不宜超过16个字。英文题目要打印在论文的专用封面上, 专用封面内要有英文题目页。2. 摘要、关键词 (Abstrac

2、t; Keywords):摘要应反映论文的全貌(包括概括研究课题的内容、方法和观点以及所取得的成果和结论)。字数300个英文单词,但不得少于150词。关键词以3-5个为宜,不得少于3个。 Keywords所包含词首字母不用大写(专有名词除外),词与词之间用分号点开, 空2 格。3. 目录 (Table of Contents):目标标题要求层次分明、清晰。标题字样、页码应与正文中的标题和页码严格一致。目录按三级标题编写,即I, 1.1, 1.1.1;等。(参见示例1)。正文前页码用小写罗马数字表示。例1: A Sample of Table of Contents:I. Presentatio

3、n and Analysis of Data (每个实词首字母大写)(注:数字与题目间空2格)1.1 The university English programs (只是标题首字母大写)二、三级标题数字与内容之间没有点1.1.1 Accent and schema related problems in listening (只是标题首字母大写)标题左对齐 目录中三级标题不斜体 二、三级标题仅第一个单词首字母大写,专有名词除外 4 正文或论文主体 (Body): 选题背景和依据:说明本论文课题的来源、目的、意义;简述本课题在国内外的现状和存在问题,简述本论文拟解决的主要问题及应实现的主要目标

4、。方案论证:说明本论文研究指导思想和研究方法,阐明为何要选取本研究(包括各种方法的对比分析以及采用本方法的优点)。过程论述:对研究过程进行陈述,要求论点公允、论证充分、逻辑性强、层次分明、表达自然贴切。正文引文(含直接引用和间接引用他人观点)须表明出处,且与参考文献严格对应可查。结果分析:对研究过程中所获主要数据或主要现象进行定性或定量分析,得出推论或结论。结论或总结:对整个研究工作进行归纳整合(包括本课题研究的主要成果、本课题研究中尚存的问题及进一步开展研究的见解和建议)。正文总字数5000字(以英文单词为准),但不得低于4500字。双学位学生与本科生同等要求。5 致谢(Acknowledg

5、ements):简述自己馔写毕业论文的体会;对指导教师以及相关人员致谢。6 附录 (Appendix or Appendices):对于一些不宜收入正文但作为毕业论文不可缺少的组成部分,或有参考价值的内容,如:survey form, interview questionnaire, consent letter, etc,可编入附录中。7 参考文献 (Bibliography):参考文献的引用和著录应符合APA规范(参见示例2:参考文献著录规范)。文献条目不得少于15种,其中外文资料不得少于8种。引用的资料应具有权威性,对毕业论文有直接参考价值。参考文献排列英文文献在先,中文文献在后。参考文

6、献依首字母按照英文字母表顺序排列。 参考文献的著录及引述格式参见示例二。参考文献必须与正文中引用一致,严禁弄虚作假,否则论文按不及格处理。 书名与杂志名斜体,文章名不斜体,且书名与文章名仅第一个单词首字母大写,专有名词除外。冒号后第一个单词首字母大写,文章名中作品名第一个单词及实词首字母大写 8 论文正文页码用阿拉伯数字表示,置于页面下方中间位置,只打数字即可,不采用“-8-”或“4 of 20”的形式。自论文正文开始上标页眉“中北大学xxxx届毕业论文”(黑体,小四号字体)。双学位为“中北大学xxxx届英语双学位毕业论文”(黑体,小四号字体)。二、毕业论文格式要求1 论文全文采用T

7、imes New Roman字体:论文题目18号;一级标题(章标题)16号,分别冠以I、II、III、IV、V等序号(不必标示Chapter等字样);二级标题(节标题)14号,分别冠以1.1, 1.2;2.1, 2.2等序号;三级标题(节以下标题)均采用12号,分别冠以1.1.1;2.1.1等序号,同时该标题斜体打印;正文采用12号字(注意:论文采用三级制;非三级制标题宜改写或转换为三级制)。 例:Sample of title levels in each chapter:I Presentation and Analysis of Data (每个实词字头大写)(注:数字与题目间空2格)1

8、.1 The university English programs (只是标题首字母大写)1.1.1 Accent and schema related problems in listening (数字不斜体, 标题单词全部斜体、只是标题首字母大写)2 论文正文段首缩进四个英语字符。打印行间距为1.5倍行距;段前段后0 段间距不变,与行间距相同。逗号后空一格,号句后空两格。正文两端对齐,3 中英文摘要和目录的页码的标注格式为 i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi(具体页码),居中;正文(包括参考文献和附录)页码标注格式为1,2,3 居中,论文封面不标识页码。4 论文采用A4复印纸(1

9、76×255mm)单面打印。上、下、右边距为25mm;左边距为30mm,其中10mm供装订(含装订线)。5 论文装订次序为论文中英文封面、毕业论文任务书、致谢、英文摘要、中文摘要、目录、第一章、第n章、参考文献、附录(若有)。除正文章节之外,上述每一部分均需另页装订。6 所有曲线、图表、流程图、程序框图、示意图等须按工程要求采用计算机绘制,不可手工做图。三、毕业论文参考文献著录及引述格式 文献的著录顺序及引文著录格式参见示例2:参考文献著录及引述格式。四、毕业论文资料清单1 毕业论文任务书;2 开题报告;3 毕业论文:Title page (in Chinese and Englis

10、h); Acknowledgements; Abstract in English; Abstract in Chinese; Table of Contents; Body; Bibliography; Appendix.;4 论文评语:指导教师评语;评阅人评语;答辩委员会评语。(共三份);5 其它附件:各答辩组应按以上排列顺序编写毕业论文档案目录,毕业论文档案内的印章 和签名必须是原件;6 毕业论文电子稿(包括全部内容)。Title-Page Sample毕 业 论 文The Interplay of Speaking Manner in Cross-Gender Communicatio

11、n三号楷体三号楷体学生姓名: 学号: 三号楷体三号楷体学 院: 三号楷体专 业: 指导教师: 2011年 6月A Study on the Differences BetweenChina English and Chinese EnglishbyGuan JianA ThesisSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Bachelor of Artsin the Department of Foreign Languagesof North University of ChinaUnder t

12、he Supervision of Li YuhuiJune 20, 201113示例1:目录格式Table of ContentsAcknowledgements.iAbstract in English. iiAbstract in Chinese. iiiTable of Contents.ivIIntroduction 1II Translation Studies as an Independent Discipline .72.1 Translation and traditional language study .72.2 Literary and linguistic ori

13、entations . 82.2.1 The dichotomy of word and sense . 92.2.2 Categories and principles . 112.3Categorization and text-type .26IIITranslation as a Cross-Cultural Event .,.39 3.1Language and culture .393.2Recent translation theories. 43 3.3Dimension and perspective .513.3.1 The translation of metaphor

14、55 3.3.2 The translation of. 57IVTranslation, Text and Language . .65 Bibliography. 72Appendix or Appendices . .75示例2:参考文献著录及引述格式:APA格式 (In-text Citation: APA Style)第一部分:正文内引述1. 直接引述(汉语人名在正文中用拼音)One author:例:The purpose of the reading is “to check whether ”(Underwood, 1989, p.98 ).Two authors:例:The

15、common methods that “teachers” (Anderson & Lynch, 2003, p.11 ). More than two authors:例:“to ones own knowledge” (Cowan; Light; Matthew & Tucker, 1979, p.475 ).例:Lee,Rosen,and Rock(2000, p.124)found that “.”2. 间接引述One author:例一:Jones (1992) claimed that all hawks have eggs that are damaged by

16、 the insecticide DDT. 例二:In a recent study of reaction times, Walker (2000) described the method that 例三:Carter (1998) quoted Dr. Henry Eliason, No matter which road of life they travel, they will all end up at the same place (p.7) when Carter pointed out that death is at the end of every life. 3. M

17、ultiple authors and / or multiple resources:例四:Several other researchers (Mohan and Lo, 1985;Royer and Carlo, 1991;and Wang et al.; 1999)share the same view .例五:Other researchers (Zenger et al., 1999; Reynolds, 2001) also found that.第二部分:参考文献著录APA格式 (Documenting List of Sources: APA Style)A. Periodi

18、cals: Elements of a reference to a periodicalExamples of reference to periodicals1. Journal article, one authorBekerian, D.A. (1993). In search of the typical eyewitness. American Psychologist, 48, 574-576.2. Journal article, two authors, journal paginated by issueKlimoski, R., & Palmer, S. (199

19、3). The ADA and the hiring process in organizations. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 45 (2), 10-36.3. Journal article, three to five authorsBorman, W. C., Hanson, M. A. , Oppler, S. H. , Pulakos, E. D., &White, L. A. (1993). Role of early supervisory experience in superviso

20、r performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78, 443-449.4. Journal article, six or more authorsKneip, R. C. ,Delamater, A. M., Ismond, T., Milford, C., Salvia, L., & Schwartz, D. (1993). Self- and spouse ratings of anger and hostility as predictors of coronary heart disease. Health Psychology,

21、 12, 301-307.5. Journal article in pressZuckerman, M. , &Kieffer, S. C. (in press). Race differences in face-ism: Does facial prominence imply dominace? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.6. Magazine articlePosner, M. I. (1993, October 29). Seeing the mind. Science, 262, 673-674.7. New

22、sletter articleBrown, L. S. (1993, Spring). Antidomination training as a central component of diversity in clinical psychology education. The Clinical Psychologist, 46, 83-87.8. Newsletter article, no authorThe new health-care lexicon. (1993, August/September). Copy Editor, 4, 1-2.9. Daily newspaper

23、 article, no authorNew drug appears to sharply cut risk of death from heart failure. (1993, July 15). The Washington Post, p. A12.10. Daily newspaper article, discontinuous pagesSchwartz, J. (1993, September 30). Obesity affects economic, social status. The Washington Post, pp. A1, A4.11. Entire iss

24、ue of a journalBarlow, D. H. (Ed.). (1991). Diagnoses, dimensions, and DSM-IV: The science of classificationSpecial issue. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 100(3).12. Entire issue of a journalBarlow, D. H (Ed.). (1991). Diagnoses, dimensions, and DSM-IV: The science of classification Special issue. J

25、ournal of abnormalPsychology, 100(3).13. Abstract as original sourceWoolf, N. J. , Young, S .L., Fanselow, M. S., & Butcher, L. L.(1991). MAP-2 expression in cholinoceptive pyramidal cells of rodent cortex and hippocampus is altered by Pavlovian conditioning. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts,

26、17, 480.14. Abstract from a secondary sourceNakazato, K., Shimonaka, Y., & Homma, A.(1992). Congnitive functions of centenarians: The Tokyo Metropolitan Centenarian Study. Japanese Journal of Developmental Psychology, 3, 9-16. (From PsycSCAN: Neuropsychology, 1993,2, Abstract No. 604).B. Books,

27、Brochures, and Book ChaptersElements of a reference to an entire bookCone, J. D., & Foster, S. L. (1993). Dissertations and theses from start to finish: Psychology and related fields. Washington, DC: American Psychological Associaton.Book authors or editors: Cone, J. D., & Foster, S. L.Date

28、of publication: (1993).Book title: Dissertations and theses from start to finish: Psychology and related fields.Publicaton information: Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.Examples of references to entire books1. Book, third edition, Jr. in nameMitchell, T. R., & Larson, J. R., Jr

29、. (1987). People in organizations: An introduction to organizational behavior (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.2. Book, group author (government agency) as publisherAustralian Bureau of Statistics. (1991). Estimated resident population by age and sex in statistical local area, New South Wales, June

30、1990 (No. 3209.1). Canberra, Australian Capital Territory: Author.Examples of references to articles or chapters in edited books1. Article or chapter in an edited book, two editorsBjork, R. A. (1989). Retrieval inhibition as an adaptive mechanism in human memory. In H. L. Roediger III & F. I. M.

31、 Craik (Eds.), Varieties of memory & consciousness (pp. 309-330). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.2. Article or chapter in an edited book in press, separately titled volume in a mutivolume work (two-part title)Auerbach, J. S. (in press). The origians of narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder: A

32、 theoretical and empirical reformulation. In J. M. Masling & R. F. Bornstein(Eds.), Empirical studies of psychoanalytic theories: Vol. 4. Psychoanalytic perspectives on psychopathology. Wahsington, DC: American Psychological Association.3. Chapter in a volume in a seriesMaccoby, E. E., & Mar

33、tin, J.(1983). Socialization in the contex of the family: Parent-child interaction. In P. H. Mussen (Series Ed.) & E. M. Hetherington (Vol. Ed.), Handbook of child psychology:Vol .4.Socialization, personality, and social development (4th ed. Pp. 1-101). New Yorlk: Wiley.4. Entry in an encycloped

34、iaBergmann, P. G. (1993). Relativity. In The new encyclopedia Britannica (Vol.26, pp. 501-508). Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica.Examlpes of references to reports1. Report from a universityBroadhurst, R. G., & Maller, R. A. (1991). Sex offending and recidivism (Tech. Rep. No. 3). Nedlands, Weste

35、rn Australia: University of Western Australia, Crime Research Center.Unpublished doctoral dissertationWilfley, D. E. (1989). Interpersonal analyses of bulimia: Normal-weight and obsese. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri, Columbia.Unpublished masters thesis, university outside

36、 the United StatesAlmeida, D. M. (1990). Fathers participation in family work: Consequences for fathers stress and father-child relations. Unpublished masters thesis, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.Unpublished contribution to a symposiumLichstein, K. L., Johnson, R. S. ,

37、Womack, T. D. , Dean, J. E. , & Childers, C. K. (1990, June). Relaxaton therapy for polypharmacy use in elderly insomniacs and nonisomiacs. In T. L. Rosenthal (Chair), Reducing medication in geriatric populations. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the First International Congress of Behavior

38、al Medicine, Uppsala, Sweden.ReviewsReview of a bookBaumeister, R. F. (1993). Exposing the self-knowledge myth Review of the book The self-knower: A hero under control. Contemporary Psychology, 38, 466-467.注:以上各例中有下划线的均为书或杂志名称,可用斜体字代替。第三部分:参考文献的排列方法:(先英文,后中文;按字母顺序排列;文章名、书名均首字母大写;字典等无法归类的表识Z)Beck, C. A. J., & Sales, B. D. (2001). Family mediation. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Borman, W. C., & Hanson, M. A


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