



1、高一上知识归纳U14a. compare vt. , vi.搭配compare A to B . 把 A 比作 B compare A with B .把A和B比拟起来(l) Try on both these coats and compare them.把这两什外套都试穿看看,比拟一下。 (2)1 compared the translation with the original.我把译文拿来和原文对照一番(3) Be rudely compared my homemade bread to a lump of rock.我的作品不能和你的相比。tall.和她的妈妈相比,她算是很高了。)

2、我听说过那个人,但没见过面。我不认识那个人。但我听说过他。你们如何庆祝圣诞节?他把我家里做的面包比喻成硬石块,真是无礼.(4) My works does n't compare with yours.(5) Compared with /to her mother, she isb. know of听说过。知道有(某人或某事(l) I know of the man, but I have n't met him.(2) 1 don't know the man, but I know of him.c. celebrate vt.庆祝节日等,过节(1) How do

3、 you celebrate Christmas?(2) Today is her birthday, so we're going to celebrate it.今天是她的生日,所以我们要庆贺一番。celebrate的名词形式为 celebration ,例如:We gathered together for the celebrati on of her birthday.我们聚在一起庆祝她的生日。d. dress up 盛装,使打扮(1) We dressed up for the weddi ng.我们为参加婚礼而盛装打扮。(2) The mother dressed her

4、 baby up.那位母亲将自己的宝宝打扮一番。e. duri ng prep. 在期间,在之间(1) It rain ed during the day.白天下了一整天的雨。(2) She kept on talki ng during the meal.整个用餐时间中她讲个不停。(3) 1 went swimming in the sea twice during the vacation.休假期问,找到海水浴场游过两次泳。(4) Mr. Scott phoned you duri ng your abse nee.你不在时,斯考特先牛给你们过。比拟duri ng与 forduring与表

5、示“何时,的用语连用,for那么与表示“时间的长度的词连用.(1) 1 was in hospital during Jun e.我六月间一直住院(2) 1 was in hospital for a mon th.我住院一个月。3 He stayed with mc for five days during the summer. 那年夏天他与我一起呆了五天.During 与 in表示在某时间中所发生的事,during与in都可使用,但有时要注意比拟用法。(1) We' re going on vacation during/in August.我们八月份要去度假。(2) He wa

6、s injured in the match.他在比赛中受伤了。(3) He was on the bench during the match.他在比赛时间内做替补选手.f. common adj.普通的,常见的* com mon = shared by two or more people,意为“共有的,“公共的.work for the com mon good(为公益工作 ),work for the common cause (为共同的事业而工作 )common = usual and ordinary,意为"普通的'"一般的'"平常的t

7、he com mon reader ( a com mon say ing (普通读者),the common people ( 老百姓), 俗话),a com mon mistake (常见错误),the bus in ess of com mon life(日常事务)in com mon 表示"共同的 ,We have many things in com mon.(我们有许多共同之处 .) The husband is French, the wife is German and the servant is Italian, but they have En glish as

8、 a com mon Ian guage.丈夫是法国人,妻子是德国人。仆人是意大利人,但他们都说英语。(2) Toni s trouble is very com mon to boys these days.汤姆的毛病是目前男孩子们所儿同的.(3) They have nothing in com mon (with each other).他们(互相之间)没有共同之处。区另叮com mon, gen eral ordinary禾口 usual 在意思上有所差异.(1) Colds are common in wi nter.冬天感冒是很普通的。(2) I use ordi nary gas

9、oli ne.我用普通汽油.common 侧重“普通.表示“时时发生,人所共有,井含有“并不高贵.地位低下之 意味.其反义词为rare .com mon say ing(俗话).a common wish( 一个共同的愿望).general侧重“普遍之意.表示在大多数人或事物中流行并受到关注,不含有“地位低 下之意,其反义词为specific .ordinary 与common根本同义.均指“普通的.不是特别的。Common旨因许多事物或人 所共同具而常见的性质;ordi nary指由于与一般事物之标准或品质相同而普通的性质,侧重“平凡的普通的 义词是superior .an ordin ar

10、y(or a com mon )eve nt(an ordin ary(or a com mon )pers on(usual用来指事物,意为“通常的,惯常的之意,其反义词为unusual .女口: It's a usual thing with himg. believe vt. 相信;认为.表示“随时可以碰到.不值得惊奇,其反 一件极平常的事),一个普通人).,含有“随集体风俗或个人习惯而常常发生(这对他来说是平常事).我认为他是对的. 我相信他的报告。(1)1 believe him (to be) right.(2)1 believe his report.3 Long ago

11、, people believed (that) the earth was flat.很久以前,人们相信地球是平的。注意believe 接从句,如果所接宾语从句有否认含义时,通常不否认从句而否认believe ,与之相似的还有 think , suppose、imagine , expect 等.(1)1 don ' believe that he is at home.我相信他不在家.(2)He doesn ' t believe that she knows the truth, does she?他认为她不知道事实,是吗?比拟believe 与 believe inbe

12、lieve表示“相信事物的真实性或人的老实后接名词,代词或从句作宾语,也可接复合宾语(名词+不定式);believe in 中的in是介词,后接名词或代词,表示对某人的信 任,对真理,主张、宗教的信仰。(1)1 believe him. = I believe what he says.我相信他的话.(2)1 believe in him. = I believe that he is a good man.我信任他(为人可靠)。h. create vt.创造,创作,塑造,制造(事端)IGod created the world.上帝创造了世界。(2)AII men are created e

13、qual.人人生而平等。(3) Shakespeare created many famous characters.莎士比亚创作了许多有名的人物。(4) His words created an awkward situatio n.他的话引起了尬尴的场面。i. play tricks on捉弄,戏弄(1) The childre n used to play tricks on each other.那些小孩以前常常互相捉弄。(2) Do n't play tricks on old mere。别捉弄老年人。j. take in根据语境,有很多不同的含义(1) Please tak

14、e the washi ng in, if it rai ns.如果下雨,请把洗好了的衣物收进来。(2) He took in a deep breath.他深深地吸了一口气.(3) He was homeless, so we took him in.他无家可归,所以我们收留了他。(4) My mother takes in sewi ng.我母亲在家承接缝纫工作。(5) The tour takes in some famous old castles.这趟观光旅行包括参观假设干著名的古堡。(6) I could n't take in why you are an gry.我无法

15、理解你为什么生气。(7) The salesme n have take n in the old people and made them buy their poorquality goods.那些推销员欺骗老人,让他们购置低品质的货物。k. prepareprepare vt.直接带宾语(表示在准备什么)1. Mother is preparing a meal while we were doing our homework.我们在做作业的时候.妈妈在做饭.2. He is preparing his speech for tomorrow's meeting. Don'

16、;t interrupt him.他正在准备明天大会的演讲稿,别去打搅他.3. The teacher is prepari ng the stude nts for the coming exam in ati on.老师让学生为即将到来的考试作准备.prepare vi.与介词for搭配,表示在为作准备".4. Will you help me prepare for the eve ning party?你能帮我为晚会作准备吗 ?5. The farmer are busy prepari ng for the autu mn harvest.农民正忙于准备秋收.be prep

17、ared to do, be prepared for.表示结果,表示已作了充分的准备做某事"6. I'm not prepared (=ready) to liste n to your excuse。我不想听你的辩白.7. He is n ot prepared (=ready) to accept others' ideas 他不大愿意接受另 U人的观点.8. The stude nts are well prepared for the sports meet ing.学生们为运动会作了充分的准备.(for = to take part in)9. They

18、were not at all prepared for the bad n ews.他们万万没有料到这个坏消息.其它:10. He is getting prepared (= is preparing) for the exam.他正在为考试作准备.11. He's trying to prepare himself as a basketball player.他正在为成为一个篮球运发动而努力锻炼.l .情态动词 must, should , ought to, have to must表示必须“肯定,在表示推测意义的“肯定时,只能用于肯定句.如:1. You must n

19、9;t move some one if they are badly hurt.如果有人受了重伤,你不可以搬动他们。2 . We must get help .我们必须取得帮助.3 . She must be injured.她肯定受伤了. should意为应该,应当,语气比must稍弱.如:4. Everyo ne should kn ow some first aid.每个人都应当懂得急救知识.5. You should n't . move if you are badly hurt.如果你受了重伤.就不应该移动. “ought to 意为“应该,更强调责任、义务.如:6. E

20、lder brothers should take care Of their youn ger brothers and sisters.兄长应该照顾弟妹.7. Stude nts ought to atte nd class on time.学生应该准时去上课. have to强调客观上的“必须。8 . Do you ofte n have to go to the den tist's?你必须常常去看牙吗 ?9 . The childre n don't have to go to school on Saturday.孩子们周六不必上学.m.get together为动

21、词短语,常用来指为讨论或社交活动而进行的某种“聚会如:1 . Let's get together one evening and talk about old times.让我们找个晚上聚一聚.谈谈往事.2 . The stude nts of Grade Three got together for an En glish evening.三年级的学生们聚集在一起开了个英语晚会。3 . It's a long time since I got together with Robert.我已经好久没有和罗伯特相聚了。4 . We'd better get togeth

22、er to discuss the stude nts' suggestio ns. "said theheadmaster.校长说:“我们最好聚会一下讨论学生们提出的建议。5 . Teachers in our school often get together to have discussions on how to improvetheir teachi ng methods.我们学校的老师经常聚会讨论怎样改进教学方法。6. How often do you get together?" asked Mr Smith.史密斯先生问:“你们多久聚会一次? 7

23、. He has a large family and all the members get together once a year.他有一个大家庭,全家人每年团聚一次。8 . On New Year's Eve, whe n all the members get together, my pare nts are veryhappy.除夕之夜,当全家人团聚在一起的时候,我的父母亲总是非常快乐。9 . It was a very cold evening, but the room was warm and bright with all themembers getting t

24、ogether, singing and laughing over the dinner.这是一个寒冷的夜晚,但屋子里却明亮而暖和,全家人聚集在一起,边吃晚饭,边 唱着、笑着。10 . We often miss each other after we part, but whe n we get together, it seemsthat we have no thi ng to say.我们分别的时候经常互相思念,相聚时却又好象无从说起。 get together 还可作“收集解释。如:11.ln the past ten years, Mr Smith got together over two thousa nd stamps,in clud ing Chin ese and foreig n stamps.十年以来,史密斯先生收集了二千多张中外邮票。12. Quick, Tom, get


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