1、对外经济贸易大学跨文化交际(英)期末考试I. True-False: Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T for true ” and F for fhlse”.(每题 1 分,共 20 分)1. The term intercultural com muni cati on” was first used by Geert Hofstede in 1959.2. Hall defi nes culture as the software of the mind that guide
2、s us in our daily in teracti ons.3. In most of Africa, Arge nti na and Peru, putt ing onesin dex fin ger to his temple means You are crazy.4. Stereotypi ng is a complex form of categorizati on that men tally orga ni zes your experie nces and guides your behavior toward a particular group of people.5
3、. Values are social prin ciples, goals, or sta ndards accepted by pers ons in a culture. They are the inn ermost kin of the onion.”6. People from some cultures may lower their gaze to convey respect, whereas this may be un derstood as evad ing or eve n in sult ing in other cultures.7. Un butt oning
4、one coat is a sig n of ope nn ess, frien dli ness or willi ngn ess to reach an agreeme nt.8. In order for in tercultural n egotiati on to be successful, the parties must provide for a win-lose situati on.9. Edward Hall theory states that the four levels embody the total concept of culture like an on
5、ion symbols, heroes, rituals, and values.10. Successful in tercultural bus in ess com muni catio n invo Ives knowing the eth nocen trisms of pers ons in other cultures. Un dersta nding the min dsets of both on eself and the pers on of ano ther culture will result in more efficie nt com muni catio n.
6、11. Ethnocentrism is the belief that somebody elscultural background, including ways of an alyz ing problems, values, beliefs, la nguage, and verbal and nonv erbal com muni cati on, is better tha n our own.12. People in the United States place a greater emphasis on history and do not like cha nge as
7、 compared with people of Asia n and Lat in cultures.13. When deali ng with Germa n bus in ess people, you should avoid jokes and other forms of humor duri ng the actual bus in ess sessi ons.14. In the bus in ess circle, America n bus in ess people use first n ames immediately.15. Companies should av
8、oid sending female employees to the Middle East, as in Arab coun tries men may refuse to work with wome n.16. In Southeast Asia, you should avoid prese nti ng your bus in ess card with your right hand.17. When accepti ng a bus in ess card, Germa n bus in ess people carefully look at the card, observ
9、e the title and orga ni zati on, ack no wledge with a nod that they have digested the in formatio n, and perhaps make a releva nt comme nt or ask a polite questio n.18. The OK sig n may be in terpreted as ask ing for money by Japa nese bus in ess people.19. Non verbal com muni cati on is importa nt
10、to the study of in terculturalcom muni catio n because a great deal of nonv erbal behavior speaks a uni versal Ian guage.20. In short, in tercultural com muni cati on compete nee requires sufficie nt aware ness kno wledge, motivati ons, and skills. Each of these comp onents alone is sufficie nt to a
11、chieve in tercultural com muni catio n compete nee.II.Tran slati on:Tran slatethe followi ng Chin ese terms in to En glish and第2页共9页第#页共9页English terms into Chinese.(每题 1 分,共 20 分)第#页共9页第#页共9页1. stereotypes3. eth nocen trism5. high-c on text culture7. speech act9. vocal qualifiers2. parala nguage4.
12、masculi nity6. mono chro nic time8. conv ersati on taboospower dista nee第#页共9页第#页共9页11.译码12.偏见第3页共9页11.译码12.偏见13.文化震惊14.不确定性回避15.概念意义16.语用错误17.礼貌原则18.归纳法19.空间语言20.礼仪与礼节III.1.III.1.Multiple Choice: Choose the ONE appropriate answer. (每题 1 分,共20分) dersta nding ano ther culture.a. en able
13、s bus in esspeople to know why foreig n associates believe and act as they dob. is best achieved through doand donts” listsc. is importa nt for bus in esspeoplebecause they can appear to be better in formedd. isn tn ecessary for bus in esspeopleNon-li near Ian guages.a. are object orie ntedb. see ti
14、me as a con ti nuum of prese nt, past and futurec. are circular, traditi on orie nted and subjectived. lead to short-ra nge pla nning in bus in ess practicesWhich statement about values incorrect ?a. Values are social prin ciples, goals, or sta ndards accepted by pers ons in a culture.b. Values are
15、lear ned by con tacts with family members, teachers, and religious leaders.c. Values will be in flue need by what is see n on televisi on or read inn ewspapers.d. People in various cultures have basically similar values.People from cultures that follow the mono chro nic time system tend toa. do one
16、thi ng at a time.第4页共9页b. be committed to people.c. borrow and lend things often.d. build lifetime relationships.5. Which statement regarding haptics isincorrect ?a. In Thailand, it is offensive to touch the head.b. Japan is considered a dont touch culture.c. Greece is considered a touch culture.d.
17、In Latin American countries, touching between men is unacceptable.6. The opinion that everyone has a position and clearly defined privileges is .a. a view of hierarchical structure of social relationshipb. a view of group orientation structure of social relationshipc. a view of individual orientatio
18、n structure of social relationshipd. none of the above7. General guidelines to follow when conversing with someone from another culture include all of the following except:a. politics is a safe topic in most cultures.b. avoid telling jokes.c. avoid personal questions.d. keep the conversation positiv
19、e.8. Which statement best describes anincorrect handshake?a. In the U.S., a handshake should be firm.b. An Asian handshake is usually gentle.c. Germans repeat a brusque handshake upon arrival and departure.d. A British handshake is firm and repeated frequently.9. Which statement referring to thought
20、 patterns isincorrect ?a. Asians typically use the inductive method of reasoning.b. Thought patterns impact oral communication.c. When using the deductive method of reasoning, one starts with the factsand goes to generalizations.d. Recognizing different thought patterns is important in negotiation w
21、ith different cultures.10. Which statement isincorrect ?a. Costly business blunders are often the result of a lack of knowledge of another cultures nonverbal communication patterns.b. Processes of reasoning and problem solving are the same in all cultures.c. Attitudes toward time and use of space co
22、nvey nonverbal messagesinintercultural encounters.d. When in another culture, an appropriate caution would be to watch thebehavior of the persons you are talking with and match their style.11. Language is important because it a. helps us shape concepts, controls how we think, and controls how we per
23、ceive others.b. allows us to be understood by foreigners.c. is determined by colonialism.d. is stable, easily understood, and free of diversity.12. Which of the following countries uses high-context language?a. Canadab. Germanyc. Japand. United States13. Slang is generally a. understood by everyone.
24、b. spoken by the masses.c. easily translated.d. used by subgroups.14. Nonverbal communication doesnot include a. chromatics.b. chronemics.c. haptics.d. semantics.15. Dominance, harmony, and subjugation are all value orientations that correspond to which of the following cultural problems?a. What is
25、the nature of human beings?b. What is the relationship of humans to nature?c. What is the orientation of humans to time?d. What is the human orientation to activity?16. Proverbs are significant to the study of intercultural communication because.a. they provide a compact description of a cultures va
26、luesb. they tell a great deal about what a culture praises and what it rejectsc. they unite a people with the wisdom of their ancestorsd. all of the above17. Which statement highlights weak uncertainty avoidance?a. One groups truth should not be imposed on others.b. Scientific opponents cannot be pe
27、rsonal friends.c. Citizen protest should be repressed.d. Negative attitudes are expressed toward young people.18. The main idea of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis is thata. language is just a device for reporting a persons experience.b. two languages can represent the same social reality.c. the social re
28、ality can be conveyed to a person who does not speak the language.d. language functions as a way of shaping a persons experience.19. Many multinational firms find that cultural shock can be alleviated bya. sending only top executives abroad.b. sending only young, single associates on overseas assign
29、ments.c. testing associates to see who is most qualified.d. selecting employees for overseas assignments who possess certain personal and professional qualifications.Which of the following statement is incorrect?第 7 页 共 9 页a. Knowing cultural variations in the use of silenee is helpful when con vers
30、 ing with pers ons in ano ther culture.b. We n eed to keep things in perspective and not get offen ded each time we deal with some one who has a differe nt attitude toward touch ingc. Good advice whe n com muni cat ing with pers ons in other cultures is to keep gestures to a mi nimumd. Although oral
31、 com muni cati on varies from culture to culture, non-verbal com muni cati on is almost always in terpreted the same in each culture.IV. Answer the following essay question.(共 20 分)Compare and con trast the followi ng proverbs from two differe nt cultures: ft is the duck that squawks that gets shot”
32、 and The squeaky wheel gets the grease” How do people from these cultures perceive silenee and talk? In light of their different perceptions, how might they view each other? What problems might arise in their in teract ions?V. Case An alysis: An alyze the followi ng conv ersati on from an in tercult
33、ural perspective.(共 20 分)The follow ing con versati on took place betwee n two Chin ese frie nds.A: Were going to New Orlea ns this weeke nd.B: What fun! I wish we were going with you. How long are you going to be there?A: Three days.B: Do you n eed a ride to the airport? Ill take you.A: Are you sur
34、e itsnot too much trouble?B: No, n o. It no trouble at all.第8页共9页Case Analysis: Analyze the followingconversation from anin tercultural perspective.参考答案及评分标准A卷VI. True-False: Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write Tfor true and F for false”.(每题 1 分,共 20 分)I. F2. F3.
35、F4. T5. T6. T7. T8. F9. F10. TII. F12. F13. T14.T15. T16. F17. F18. T19. T20. FVII.Tran slati on: Tran slate the followi ng Chin ese terms into En glish and En glish termsinto Ch in ese.(每题 1 分,共 20 分)1. stereotypes 定势/刻板印象言_:言民族中心主义2. parala nguage辅助语言/副语VIII.IX.3. eth nocen trism5. high-co ntext culture高语境文化念言语行为忌声音修饰4. masc
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