



1、湘少版六年级下册英语填空题专项强化练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 用括号中所给单词的恰当形式补全句子。1My hobby is _(swim).2I had _(a) English party yesterday.3My mother will _(take) me to the hospital.4_(That) are cows.5December is the _(twelve) month of the year.6It is one of the _(tall) towers in the world.7_(Do) you have

2、a good time last Sunday?8We used words and sentences to tell _(story).9There are so _(much) people.10Here _(be) a lot of things for Hope School.2. 根据汉语提示完成句子。1He _ (活着) to be ninety-nine.2My father _ (买) some presents back home yesterday.3It looks like you are goin

3、g to _ (保存) hungry.4I have _ (大约) twenty dollars.5We are going to study _ (化学) in middle school.3. 用所给词适当形式填空。1Sarah _(read) the story last weekend.2The book talks about a lot of _(film).3Lets _ (go) to the bookstore.4What _ you _(do)

4、last night?5Lets go by car. Its faster than _(walk).4. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Ben likes food and he likes _ (cook) for others.2My sister likes _ stories for children. She wants to be a _ (write) some day.3I want to see your dreams _ (come) true.4Liu Tao has a big d

5、ream. He wants to be a _ (science) in the future.5We should _ (study) hard.6_ (dance) makes people healthy and _ (beauty).7My brother Leo wants to be a football _ (play).8I like _ (play) the piano. I want to be a _ (piano).5. 用括号内的对应词填

6、空。1I send an email to my _ (mum).2Don''t forget to write the date _ (last).6. 读一读, 根据提示和首字母完成句子。1If you want to be s_. You s_ do much sports every day.2Look, the man is swimming q_ (not slow).3This baby is crying s_.4People should p_ the E_. We s_ 

7、;use too m_ water.5Shanghai and Wuxi are b_ beautiful c_.6The lion is very strong and he has s_ teeth.7Jim couldnt find his parents, he c_ loudly.8Dad t_ him to the hospital near the shopping c_ just now.9B_ some food and water, many people here need them.10“Having

8、 a party with animals?” It sounds i_.7. 词型转换。1country(复数)_ 2far(比较级)_3thief(复数)_ 4same(反义词)_5I(同音词)_8. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Look, I_ (have) a new bike.2Who_ (see) my pen?Helen did.3Jack is a_ student. He studies all his subjects_. (good)4The boy always_ (cry). I dont know why.5Why did y

9、ou become_ (happy)?Because I got a red packet.6Dont shout. Your brother_ (do) his homework.9. 写出下列词的反义词。1strong 2short3small 4fat5happy10. 给下列单词归类。ship   uncle   Canada   January   train   Britainriver   mother   lake   March1    2  &#

10、160;3    4   5   11. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1My mother _ (be) a teacher. I want to _ (be) a teacher like her.2Everyone in our class _ (like) English.3I play ping-pong _ (one) a week.4Kim had breakfast six _ (time) a week.5_ (

11、do) you watch TV last night?12. 填空题。1English, math, Chinese and science are _ (subject).2I _ (clean) my room last weekend.3How many _ (desk)are there in your class?  There are 40.4Do you often _ stories to your friend? Yes, I do.13. 填空题。1I didnt like

12、 rain before. Because I couldnt _ _. 2He couldnt _ last year.  3I can _ _ very well.    4I can _ _ now.     5There was no _ thirty years ago in my life. 14. 选词填空。(1) I have fi

13、fteen _. I like drawing with them.(2) How _ books do you see?(3) My school is big and _ .(4) _ in your hand?(5) Do you _ any toy cars?15. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Mike wants _ (visit) Taipei this summer holiday.2Yang Ling will stay there for three _ (month).3Please show _ (they) ou

14、r photos.4My parents _ (be) very busy this Sunday.5Lets make some _ (plan) for this summer holiday.6Liu Tao is _ about the _ (excite) plan.7I want to be a _. I like _ (travel) around the world.8Its Sunday today. What about _ (watch) a

15、football match?16. 填入适当的词。1“Dont play football in the street.” The policeman shouted at the children _. (angry)2I feel _ (excite) about the _ (excite) film.3Those flowers are _ beautiful (real).4He started _ the piano at the age of four. (play)5She saw a little girl _ (cry) in the street.6Cant you hear them _ (sing) in the classroom?7All of them are _ to their new _. (friend)17. 语法填空。1I _(have)got two good _(friend).2My aunt can _ 


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