1、De es, sf: Hel o! in the r unuptot I e Spring Fas 、 hed i ne sen of fu safeesenaves C.nf nce 20 13 workshop, ful back i n ccaeu anay of the curr et si ua.n, . ss 203 pment plasHeeonbealofmycmpay w ork reors tie GeniAssemby, fr ”一0.P- I, 202 ba ck i a| XX power compaie s adee to the parts . gea spii
2、for guidance, com.ehe- impeme nt the sce ntic ccncet of devel opmetprom Ung - sea desi saegy .da- focuson mpl emetaion, lea ,ma.- et, coniuusy impr ove, saey.ai on i f etepri - maageme nt bus nes ma nagement a nd cent oi s.c a nd sa.ize d, and the de dcat mol sf, manage a hamoniousandm occatc amosph
3、ee of the good .uaton Mai nidca os are as fol owst.e batey i ndiat i r: po-we ge neain totaed 785 bilonkW,b. ond the a nnua budge mpl amenta.n - pacly of 35m,n k W, an inceae of 7r mi in kW.Sils tald '425 biin k W, ecedi ng sae s of milin kW theanua Exe _tve budge, a i ncea - of 79 miin k W. Seu
4、ry meaues unpannedouaggs25一.Nopesnalinjuyacidet occur, d nomajor a e nt ad abo<e, nomaor fie a_i det s wtout e nVionmeta polui on aciens, fey fr te e cnseutve yeas to ma nai sa I ly to g ood posue.Busnnssf nacia idiat ors ttl prfis of 25 mil on Yuan, beynd t he annua budge of f miin Yua,beyndtheD
5、aangcompay idx 41.9 miinY-n,aIiceseof"mi in Yua n, FM a sesmet at gade fu.Ene.y powe supy sadad ca compl eig 3> g/k W, dow 01g /kW; ie. d a y powe cnsmpt onr i 52%, dw ssins .efrmanne gra ty -u d compae d to las ya r, cabon 019 g /kW, sulu dixde 114 g /kW NOx 052 gkW;.s emo -ekiecy of moe t
6、ha9L8%. Rela biiy index equiae I t aalaiiy ac or i S4、,icese d '15% fom a yea larie.uiaent fccd ouage ae 018%, 1116% re -cino te smepei od a yar eal erMaor Ichevmet s ist shou d a dee to t he two "mange met .sem"bbss ste I gte ning tecnolgi ca esar c, sengte n hi dden ha zads contol ad
7、 itinlc saey EEerrie consuctontok new se ps The tw o "mangetsystm" frimp.-mentFocs on pr omoting the powe of thecmpaI y manngetsystma nd the aplcai on a id mpementat on of te saey lop fiesa maagement .sem, improve t he saey manngetsystm, relz te .sem of -fey cntol lurherrrguaeiecuiy routne
8、 s, fey iupevs on a nd mang etnew o. re t lay tlche- cosld10P.ste ngteing the lupeVsi on a n.manngetof ha "- V oaton of stegheningthesaeysueVsiin of ousouci ng contac or. Caarid out isrng a nd a uumn of sry inspct ons, 10d contol a nd i nspect n,e, pr cin-e, and te 0ympc Gm - 1admte一、工程概况1、项目名称
9、:*2、建设地点:*3、建筑规模:*4、结构类型:框架结构。5、抗震等级:一级。6、总造价: *, 单方造价: 二7、总工期:二天。8、建筑功能:* 。9、其他(如:地区特征、施工条件等)本工程质量要求高,施工工期紧。本工程属于住宅小区配套设施用房,规模比较小,各个施工作业面不容易全面展开,并且紧邻地下车库及*住宅楼,占去了大部分施工场地。处理好本工程与临近栋号的施工组织、协调及专业间的衔接、交叉,从而服务大局,保证整体工程目标的如期实现,是本工程施工管理的关键之一,对总承包商的管理、协调、组织能力要求较高。供水供电情况:从建设单位提供的接头引接,能满足施工要求。交通运输情况:紧邻工地的东南大
10、门,材料运输便利。材料供应情况:本工程采用现浇碎、胶合板模板、页岩烧结多孔砖,碎石,当地原材料供 应充足,成品半成品可预先定购,能满足施工需要。机械可供情况:目前项目自备机械设备能满足施工调度使用。劳动力情况:目前公司劳动力充足,不足部分可与从公司其他在施工地调剂,能满足施工聿必10、平面图。立面图二、施工方案一)施工总顺序土方开挖一CFG桩施工一独立柱基础施工 一首层砂柱施工-首层回填土 -首层顶板施工- 二层砂柱施工-二层顶板施工 一三层砂柱施工-三层顶板施工 一女儿墙施工 一屋顶保温防 水及面层施工 一三层二次墙砌筑、 抹灰一二层二次墙砌筑、抹灰一首层二次墙砌筑、抹灰-外墙保温一外墙装饰
11、一雨水管安装一门窗安装一室内地坪一室内装饰一水电暖安装调试 二)施工机械的选择和配置见附表三、确定流水段及施工流向1、基础施工阶段:在基础施工阶段,将工作面划分为两个流水段:1-6轴为第一施工流水段,6-11轴为第二施工流水段,基础施工阶段施工流向是第I施工流水段一第n施工流水段。2、主体结构工程阶段(1)划分施工段,计算工程量及所需劳动力在主体施工阶段,将工作面划分为两个流水段:1-6轴为第一施工流水段,6-11轴为第二施工流水段,主体施工阶段的施工流向是首层I段一首层n段一二层I段一二层n段一三层I 段一三层n段。Degaes, sf: Hel o! in the r unuptot I
12、e Spring Festval hed i ne sen of fu safeesentaies C.nf nce 20 13 Un k W, an inceae of 7- mi in kW.,” tald '425 b*bn k W, ecedi ng s s of 330 miDn kW theeiceny of moe t ha99.8%. Re- b inex e e 11 aa ac or i9347%, icese d ',% from a, Wrop, fUl anua Exe _Ivesrng a nd a uumn of seury inspct ons,
13、 lod contol and i nspect n,fey pr o.cin-fey .nd te0ympc Gm -.bank i n caeU ana, of Ie nurr et si -in, ds . ls 203 pment plasbudge, a i ncea - of 79 milin k W. S ry meaues unplanned ouags 25 .fcnd ouage ae 01D%, 116% re nunCin ove te smepei od a yar ealHee on beal of m,cmpa, w ork reors tteNo pesnaf
14、njuy accidetoc . .e d no majr acCdeMaor meet s irt shou d a dee to t he o "mangeGeneal by, for ccns derain.Pla I 202 ba - i ! XX po er compaie s adee to the pa,s 1' gea spii fr guidance, compehe,s mpleme nt theIcef cnnept of d l oget prom Ung cs desi satgy ndards fouson mpl -etain, 11a,mang
15、 e,coniuusyimprnt ad abo<e, nomjr fre acci det s itout e nvronmeta polui on lc cdes, (afe, fr tee cnseutve yeas to ma nai sa "y to g ood posue.Busnnss f naca idiat ors ttl p.ls of 25 mil on Yuan, beynd t he a nnua budge of ' milin Yua,beynd t he Daa ng company iddx ! milion Yuamet ly m&q
16、uot;bbsis steI gte ning tecnolgi ca esar c, sengte n hi dden ha zars contol ad itisc saey Eerrieconsuclton tok ne ps The o、angetsystm" frimpr-ment Foocs on pr omoting the poe of thecmpa I y manngetsystmand the aplcaion a id implement*!on of teo<e, rsent s y suai on I f etepri _ mange nt bus
17、nes ma naement a nd cnt ol scetfic a nd sandadzed, and te de dcct .of sf, maae a hamoni ous and democrtc amoshee of te good stu.n lai nidca os ae as folo st I e bate, i ndiat I r: poe ge neaton totaed '85 bi.on k W, bby ond te a nnua budge impl ementtton n, a I icese of l'6 miin、a n, FM a se
18、smet at gade fu.Enegy po e supy sandad ca compl eig > g/k W, do 01g /kW; iegd a - Baypoe cnsmptonrrto i 52% d uat ssons | efrmance gra ty reuce d compae d to las ya r, cabon 019 g /kW, sulu dixde 114 g /kW NOx 05 2 gkW;s y lop fiesa maagement ly m, improve t he s y manng-etsystm, relz te ly mof(a
19、fey cntol lurherrrgul>aecurty routnes, (afey lupevson a nd mang -etne o. re t | lay tlche-cosld10P.ste ngteing thelupevsion a ndmanng-etof ha I itua v olaton of neghening the s y suevsi in of ousouci ng contac or.,“y of 35 temo -.Caa out i主体结构个主要部分分项工程量及劳动量(见附表)(2)确定流水节拍3、装饰工程阶段(1)室内装饰部分:在室内装饰施工阶
20、段,将工作面划分为三个流水段:1-4轴为第一施工流水段,4-7轴为第二施工流水段,7-11轴为第三施工流水段,每个施工层的施工流向是第一施工流水段一第二施工流水段一第三施工流水段。整个室内装饰工程施工流向是:三层I段一三层n段一三层m段一二层I段一二层n段一二层m段一一层i段一一层n段一一层m段(2)室外装饰部分:在室外装饰施工阶段,将本工程自上而下设置三个施工层,每个施工层划分为两个流水段:1-6轴为第一施工流水段,6-11轴为第二施工流水段;主体施工阶段的施工流向是三层I段 一三层n段一二层I段一二层n段一首层I段一首层n段。4、屋面工程部分:在屋面施工阶段,将工作面划分为两个流水段:1-
21、6轴为第一施工流水段,6-11轴为第二施工流水段,基础施工阶段施工流向是第I施工流水段一第n施工流水段。四、施工方法一)基础施工1、轴线控制(1)采用外控法,利用轴线控制桩将控制轴线投测至基础底板上,测设出轴线。(2)基础施工放线:做完防水保护层后,复核防水保护层上表面标高。采用“外控法”,在每个流水段每边至少设置 2个点,形成控制网。利用平面控制网向槽底引点,然后利用经纬仪在槽底进行角度,距离闭合,复测合格后在基底防水保护层上弹出主控制线,然后再按d 7.95% from ayearearlier.hesafety management system,realispring a nda ut
22、umn ofsecurity inspections,floodcontrol and i nspecti on,safetyprh, daysupervision of productionsafetyand theOlympic Games anDelegates,staff: Hell o! inthe r un-uptot he Spri ng Festival,we held one session offourstaffrepresentativesConference2013million k Wh, an increase of757mil lion kWh.Salestota
23、led 7.425 billion k Wh,exceedi ng sale s of330 million kWhthehan 99.8%.oduction mont-workshop,fullannual Exe cutiveback i n2012,careful analy sis ofthecurr ent sit uation,discuss2013 development plans.e budget,ani ncrea se of729 million k Wh.-S ecurity measures: unplanned outages2.5times. 一.- - - -
24、- -.,0.16%re ductionoverthesame peri oda yearearli er.Here,onbehalf of my company2013w ork reports tothe Ge neralAssembly,for consi deration.PillarI, 2012ba ckin 2012, XX pow er companie sadheretothe party's 17great spiritfor guidance, comprehe nsivelyimpleme ntthe scientific concept ofdevel opm
25、ent, prom oting cost-lea dership strategy, standards,focuson impl ementation, lea nmanagem ent, continuously impr ove,sm ooth present safety situati on ofenterpri se manageme nt, busi ness maNo personali njury a cci dent occurre d, no majoraccide ntand above,nomajor fireacci dent swithoute nvironmen
26、tal polluti on ac cidents,safetyforthre econsecutiveyearsto mai ntain sta bilityto g ood posture.Busi nessfi nancialindicat ors:total profits of255milli onYuan, beyond t hea nnualbudget of207million Yuan,beyondt heData ngcompany in dex41.89 millionYua n,a n increase of1.76mil lion Yua n,FCM a ssessm
27、ent atgrade four.一 |_ II. .1一 I. I 一_ _| - -I - _ _L.一.一 , L, I .I . L. I JI _. II _ 一 一 . L LL - .一.- - nl_ _ 一 II - .11. . |_ _ II - _. 一. 一 II _ _ II 一 一Majorachievements: first,we shoulda dheretot hetwo "managementsystem" basis, strengthe ningtechnologi calresear ch, strengthe nhi dden
28、 ha zards controlandintrinsicsafety Enterpriseconstruction tooknewste ps. -The tw o "managementsystem" for improvement. Focus onpr omotingthe powerofthecompa ny managementsystem andtheapplicationa nd implementation ofthe safety loop five-starmanagementsystem,improvetnagementa nd contr olsc
29、ientific a nd standardize d,and thede dicati on ofstaff,managea harmoni ousand dem ocraticatmo sphereofthe goodsituation.Mai nindicat orsare asfoll ows:-t he battery i ndicat or: powerge nerationtotaled7.815billionk Wh,bey ondthe a nnualbudget impl ementation ca pacity of315-Energy: power supply sta
30、ndard coal compl eting312.25 g/k Wh, down 0.1 g /kWh;integrate dauxiliary powerconsumpti on ratio in 5.12%, dow n 0.26%; pollutantemissions performancegrea tly reduce d compare dto lastyea r, carbon 0.09 g /kWh,sulfur dioxide 0.104 g /kWhNOx0.512 g/kWh; dust remova1 I . I 一 一 L 一 . 一 - -LJ- . _ _ I.
31、 _ . _ _ _ L. > L _ I . I.一 _ _| _ - _ _ I. II _I_一 一 ._ _ _| II 一 . _ _ . I Lze thesystemofsafetycontrol.Further regulatesecurityroutines,safetysupervision a ndmanag ement netw orkrole toplaytoachieveclosed-loop.Strengtheningthesupervisia nd management of habitualvi olationof, strengthening thes
32、afety supervision ofoutsourci ngcontract ors.Carried out in设计图纸测设出轴线及墙、柱、门洞口的位置线。底板浇筑完毕后,重新投测并校正闭合。2、作业条件( 1 )办完验槽记录及地基验槽隐检手续。( 2)办完基槽验线预检手续。( 3)有砼配合比通知单、准备好试验用工器具。( 4)做完技术交底。3、施工方法( 1 )清理及垫层浇灌地基验槽完成后,清除表层浮土及扰动土,不留积水,立即进行垫层砼施工,垫层砼必须振捣密实,表面平整,严禁晾晒基土。( 2)钢筋绑扎垫层浇灌完成后,砼达到1 2Mpa 后,表面弹线进行钢筋绑扎,钢筋绑扎不允许漏扣,柱插
33、筋弯钩部分必须与底板筋成450 绑扎,连接点处必须全部绑扎,距底板5cm 处绑扎第一个箍筋,距基础顶5cm 处绑扎最后一道箍筋,做为标高控制筋及定位筋,柱插筋最上部再绑扎一道定位筋,上下箍筋及定位箍筋绑扎完成后将柱插筋调整到位并用井字木架临时固定,然后绑扎剩余箍筋,保证柱插筋不变形走样,两道定位筋在基础砼浇完后,必须进行更换。钢筋绑扎好后底面及侧面搁置保护层塑料垫块,厚度为设计保护层厚度,垫块间距不得大于1000mm(视设计钢筋直径确定),以防出现露筋的质量通病。( 3)模板钢筋绑扎及相关专业施工完成后立即进行模板安装,模板采用小钢模或木模,利用架子管或木方加固。锥形基础坡度,30。 时, 采
34、用斜模板支护,利用螺栓与底板钢筋拉紧,防止上浮,模板上部设透气及振捣孔,坡度w30。时,利用钢丝网(间距30cm)防止混凝土下坠,上口设井子木控制钢筋位置。不得用重物冲击模板,不准在吊帮的模板上搭设脚手架,保证模板的牢固和严密。( 4)混凝土浇筑混凝土应分层连续进行,间歇时间不超过砼初凝时间,一般不超过2 小时, 为保证钢筋位置正确,先浇一层5lOcm 厚砼固定钢筋。台阶型基础每一台阶高度整体浇捣,每浇完一台阶停顿o5 小时待其下沉,再浇上一层。分层下料,每层厚度为振动棒的有效振动长度。防止由于下料过厚,振捣不实或漏振,吊帮的根部砂浆涌出等原因造成蜂窝、麻面或孔洞。采用插入式振捣器,插人的间距
35、不大于作用半径的 1. 5倍。上层振捣棒插入下层35cm。尽量避免碰撞预埋件、预埋螺栓,防止预埋件移位。(5)混凝土养护已浇筑完的混凝土,应在 12h 左右覆盖和浇水。一般常温养护不得少于7 昼夜, 特种混凝土养护不得少于14 昼夜。 养护设专人检查落实,防止由于养护不及时,造成混凝土表面裂缝。( 6)模板拆除侧面模板在混凝土强度能保证其棱角不因拆模板而受损坏时方可拆模,拆模前设专人检查混凝土强度,拆除时采用撬棍从一侧顺序拆除,不得采用大锤砸或撬棍乱撬,以免造成混凝士棱角破坏。二)主体结构工程施工方法1、模板施工方法( 1 )矩形柱模施工a.柱模组合:本工程柱模采用18mm 厚 木胶 模板,要
36、求:Delegates,staff: Hell o! inthe r un-uptot he Spri ng Festival,we held one session offourstaffreprese million k Wh, an increase of757mil lion kWh.Salestotaled 7.425 billion k Wh,exceedi ng sale一I- . I .,_. I Lefficiency of more than 99.8%.-Relia bilityindex: equivalent availabilityfactorin 93.47%,i
37、ncreasentativesConference2013s of330 million kWhtheoduction mont-workshop,fullannual Exe cutiveback i n2012,careful analy sis ofthecurr ent sit uation,discuss2013 development plans.e budget,ani ncrea se of729 million k Wh.-S ecurity measures: unplanned outages2.5times. 一.- - - - - -.,0.16%re duction
38、overthesame peri oda yearearli er.Here,onbehalf of my company2013w ork reports tothe Ge neralAssembly,for consi deration.PillarI, 2012ba ckin 2012, XX pow er companie sadheretothe party's 17great spiritfor guidance, comprehe nsivelyimpleme ntthe scientific concept ofdevel opment, prom oting cost
39、-lea dership strategy, standards,focuson impl ementation, lea nmanagem ent, continuously imprNo personali njury a cci dent occurre d, no majoraccide ntand above,nomajor fireacci dent swithoute nvironmental polluti on ac cidents,safetyforthre econsecutiveyearsto mai ntain sta bilityto g ood posture.B
40、usi nessfi nancialindicat ors:total profits of255milli onYuan, beyond t hea nnualbudget of207million Yuan,beyondt heData ngcompany index41.89 million Yua一 |_ II. .1一 I. I 一_ _| - -I - _ _L.一.一 , L, I .I . L. I JI _. II _ 一 一 . L LL - .一.- - nl_ _ 一 II - .11. . |_ _ II - _. .一Majorachievements: first
41、,we shoulda dheretot hetwo "managementsystem" basis, strengthe ningtechnologi calresear ch, strengthe nhi dden ha zards controlandintrinsicsafety Enterpriseconstruction tooknewste ps. -The tw o "managementsystem" for improvement. Focus onpr omotingthe powerofthecompa ny managemen
42、tsystem andtheapplicationa nd implementatiove,sm ooth present safety situati on ofenterpri se manageme nt, busi ness man,a n increase of1.76mil lion Yua n,FCM a ssessment atgrade four.on ofthe safety loop five-starmanagementsystem,improvetnagementa nd contr olscientific a nd standardize d,and thede
43、dicati on ofstaff,managea harmoni ousand dem ocraticatmosphere ofthegood situation.Mai nindicat orsare asfoll ows:-t he battery i ndicat or: powerge nerationtotaled7.815billionk Wh,bey ondthe a nnualbudget impl ementation ca-Energy: power supply standard coal compl eting312.25 g/k Wh, down 0.1 g /kW
44、h;integrate dauxiliary powerconsumpti on ratio in 5.12%, dow n 0.26%; pollutantemissions performancegrea tly reduce d compare dto lastyea r, carbon 0.09 g /kWh,sulfur dioxide 0.104 g /kWhNOx0.512 g/kWh; du1 I . I 一 一 L 一 . 一 - -LJ- . _ _ I. _. _ _ _ L. >L _ I . I.一 _ _|_ - _ _ I. II _I_一 一 ._ _ _
45、| II一.一ze thesystemofsafetycontrol.Further regulatesecurityroutines,safetysupervision a ndmanag ement netw orkrole toplaytoachieveclosed-loop.Strengtheningthesupervisia nd management of habitualvi olationof, strengthening thesafety supervision ofoutsourci ngcontract ors.Ch; dustpraecmitoyvaof315rs.C
46、arried out in采用18mm厚多层模板(正反面及切口处均涂刷两遍 BD01环氧保护剂) 拼制方柱定型组合模板,背楞采用100X 100mm方木、方木需经压刨找平方正后方可使用a. 柱模夹具柱箍采用100X 100mm方木(单面刨光),每400mm 一道,最底一层距地面 300mm。其板块与板块竖向接缝处理,做成企口式拼接,然后加柱箍、支撑体系将柱固定。支撑采用(f)48X 3.5mm架子管刚性支撑。B 柱模校正柱模的校正一般采用线锤和钢卷尺进行:通排柱,先装两端柱,经校正、固定、拉通线校正中间各柱。模板按柱子大小,预拼成一面一片(一面的一边带一个角模),或两面一片,就位后先用铅丝与主
47、筋绑扎临时固定,用U 形卡将两侧模板连接卡紧,安装完两面再安另外两面模板。( 2)梁模板施工梁的底模与侧模均采用15 mm厚多层竹胶模板,主龙骨采用100X 100mm950mm单面刨光方木,次龙骨选用 50X 100mm200mm双面刨光方木。梁侧模、梁底模按图纸尺寸进行现场加工,由塔吊或吊车运至作业面组合拼装。然后加横楞并利用支撑体系将梁两侧夹紧,在梁h/2 处加 M14 穿墙螺栓600。( 3)模板的拆除(1) 墙柱模板拆除在混凝土强度达到1.2MPa 能保证其表面棱角不因拆除模板而受损后方可拆除,拆除顺序为先纵墙后横墙。脱模困难时,可用撬棍在模板底部撬动,严禁在上口撬动、晃动或用大锤砸
48、模板,拆除下的模板及时清理模板及衬模上的残渣,全面检查和维修做好模板检验批质量验收记录,保证使用质量。(2) 门洞口模板拆除:松开洞口模板四角脱模器及与大模连接螺栓,撬棍从侧边撬动脱模,禁止从垂直面砸击洞口模板。防止门洞过梁混凝土拉裂,拆出的模板及时修整。所有洞口宽>1m 时拆模后立即用钢管加顶托回撑。(3) 顶板模板拆除:墙柱模板拆除在混凝土强度达到1.2MPa 能保证其表面棱角不因拆除模板而受损后方可拆除,拆除顺序为先纵墙后横墙。脱模困难时,可用撬棍在模板底部撬动,严禁在上口撬动、晃动或用大锤砸模板,拆除下的模板及时清理模板及衬模上的残渣,全面检查和维修做好模板检验批质量验收记录,保
49、证使用质量。顶板模板拆除:顶板模板拆除参考每层每段顶板混凝土同条件试件抗压强度试验报告,跨度均在2m 以下,强度达到50%即可拆除,跨度大于8m 的顶板当混凝土强度达到设计强度100%强度后方可拆除外,其余顶板、梁模板在混凝土强度达到设计强度的75%强度后方可拆除。拆顶板模板时从房间一端开始,防止坠落人或物造成质量事故。( 4)水平标高的控制及传递A.水平标高的控制及传递工程主体结构施工时,各施工区保证传递到施工层的标高点不少于3 个, 以便进行互相校核。各施工区各层标高的传递起始点均以本施工区首层1000 mm 控制线为准,标高传递时采用钢尺沿铅直方向(经纬仪配合)向上量至施工层。n .Tr
50、oubleshooting,manageme ntmechanism,give fullpressure, amajor ri sk management,com pleted29 ofgreat risksand 3 Gerinformati vion times, statistics, coal-ai dsurement software,improvesthe pr oducti on level of lean manag ement. Increase d investment iincreased.Strengt hen t he characteristi cs ofsuper
51、criticalunitmajorissues,gradually clearingthe particularity ofsuper criticalunit andregularity. Devel oped motoroiltimemanagement,switch actin scienceand technology, reporting science andtechnologyproje cts a nd 14te chnical proje cttotalcostper centage ofthetotalannualproduction output of0.25%.&quo
52、t;Large-scalecoal-fire dpowerplantflue gasde sulfuri zation, de nitrificationcomplete devcal units, supercritical600MW unit s ofturbi ne drivenboilerfeedpum p setofcomprehensivctivelyone ortwo a-."II L L -ng,onotuetcrehancohlogybenchmarking enter prises."-Repairand maintenancehas improvedf
53、 urther. Modifythe inspect.Deepening the BFS+ system,a ndimplementsmaintena ncei nformationshare d.Reorganizing RB logicagain,a nde nsurethe successofthe RB. Innovati ngthemechanism ofmaintenance manageme nt,implemented a proje ctmanager system.Successfulcompletionoftwo autonomous maintenance,reli a
54、bilityimprovedsteadil y. Implementingtw o c-levelmaintenance, proje ctthemselve s48.7%and 42.3%,respectively.Accom plish tw o cir culati ngpumpsre pairand overhaul offour Mills, maintenanceteamstoget exercise.Promote thework ofenergy saving and consumptionreducing, completethe unitenergyconsumptispr
55、ing a nda utumn ofsecurity inspecti ons,floodcontrol a nd i nspecti on,safetypr oduction mont h, daysupervision of productionsafetyand theOlympicGamesandotherDelegates,staff: Hell o! inthe r un-uptot he Spri ng Festival,we held one session offourstaffrepresentativesConference2013-workshop,full back i n2012,careful analysis ofthecurr ent sit uation,discuss2013 development plans.Here,onbehalf of my com pany2013w ork reports totheGe neralAssembly,for consi deration.PillarI, 2012ba ckin 2012, XX pow er companie sadheretothe party's 17gr
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