1、deepen understanding oftheConstitutiprogrammeforadvancefullstri -. _ I . acting politica lnew conceStrategylayout isnewof hiptnewtng actingnd XIGeneralSecal requirements.1.Constitccordingto County arningofthe partyonDepartment on County "two learn aork during adv ocate of"four grassroot s&
2、quot; "immediatelyondo" "drop" "weakbirdfirstfly"and theion,a deep understa ndi ng oftheparty'do" lear ningarrangs nature , pur pose, guiementsofspecificprogrammeand IBoardle ding principle s,goal s, organizati on, goodarning education implementation programmes
3、pirit,accordingto distingn Na npi ng resear ch st udy propose d of "gravityXia moved", and "innova tion mechani sm",importantt hought,Masterastyle,grasp conditi ons,rights a nd obligations of partymembers, bearing ik ;(5) insistedi nnovation,and coordi nation,and green, a nd ope
4、n, andshared development is relationship Chi na devel opme ntglobalofone dee pchange,a ccordi ngto newdevel opme ntconceptdojob;(6)practintheuishlnmindts targeted sol utionpr oblemofre quireme nts, ensure le arninge ducation madeeffective一I . d_ IL . II. 一. -qualifie d party membercriteria andcondit
5、ions.Learningthecodeofself-discipliness,lmembers consci ously respeCPC, theCPC'sdisciplinary regt hXI GeneralSecretary serie simporta- 一 一. - It sOrdi nance andsoon, mastering self-dintspe ech spiritarme d mind,and guidepractice,a nd Promotethew ork andbe qualifie d partymembers angs", mast
6、ering vari ous typesofdisci plinaryoffence and le arning arra ngements ar e here bymakesthefollnd punishmentpr ovisions. 2.serie sspoke. o XIGellpartymembers t- 一Iyout povert y for bauearningand unifythe XIGeneralSecretaryseriseriesch, GeneralSehought moraland Chinese traditionalvirtueheba sic re qu
7、ireme nts.Ma in understand masterfollowing aspects content:(1)idealfaith is Communists spiritS hang of"calcium",setrig htofworl dview,and Outlook onlife,and values;(2) China dream is nationalofdream,a nd nationalofdream, a nd people ofdre am,is Chine se modernyilai m ostgreat ofdream, core
8、 Essential sis nationalprosperit y, andnati onalrevitali zation,and pe opl e ha ppi ness;(3) Chinafeature sSocialist isa chi eved Chine se greatrevival ofway,e nhanced roa d confide nce, and the oryconfide nce, and systemconfide nce ;(4) "four afull"潼南县朱家小学校关于森林防火工作应急预案1、总则1 1 编制目的贯彻落实“预防为
9、主、积极消灭”的森林防火工作方针,切实做好森林火灾的各项应急处置工作,正确处理因森林火灾引发的紧急事务,确保学校在处置森林火灾时准备充分、决策科学、反应迅速、措施有力,把灾害损失降到最低程度,维护广大师生的生命财产和学校安全。1 2 工作原则坚持统一领导、分级负责的原则;坚持以人为本、安全第一的原则;坚持密切协作、快速反应的原则;坚持预防为主、预防与应急相结合的原则。1 3 编制依据依据 中华人民共和国森林法、 中华人民共和国突发事件应对法、 中华人民共和国森林防火条例等法律、法规,以及国家处置重、特大森林火灾应急预案、教育部教育系统突发公共事件应急预案、重庆市森林火灾应急预案 、 重庆市突发
10、公共事件总体应急预案和 重庆市森林火灾应急预案等制定本预案。14 适用范围本预案适用于发生森林火灾时学校应急工作。1 5 预案启动的条件有下列条件之一的,立即启动本预案,采取应急处置措施:(1)森林火灾距学校、幼儿园较近;(2)发生森林火灾,学校附近有化工厂或存放有有毒有害物质;(3)森林火灾发生地靠近或跨越师生上学放学道路;(4)森林火灾对学校财产和师生生命安全有重大威胁时;(5)县森林防火指挥部发布火灾预警。ullstrictlyrule partyis al lmembers common responsibility,must impleme ntationt oeach branch
11、and ea ch namemember s.3 . Playa va nguard andexemplaryrolein life.Keeptot he correct politi cal orientation, politicalse nsitivityand politicaljudgment,dare tofightagai nstallki ndsofwr ong thoug ht,wrong wor ds a nd deeds.(2)firmly establish consciousnessofthe party,t he partymember's consciou
12、sness.Focus on some party members sense oforga nizationa nd discipline,they do not partici pate in t heOrga nization,is not re quire dtopay mem bership dues for along time,donot playa vanguard a nd exemplaryrole ,some don'teven me ntion membership,failtomakeadistinction betwe enright a nd wrong,
13、failing toobservepoliti caldi sci pline andrules,and soon.Always keep inmindthatheis a Communist,stre ngthen party spirit,liste ning party, party, party, party,party party guardi ng part y,atthe party,t heparty fort hepart y.(3)strengtheni ng the consci ousne ss oftheparty'seating,a nd sbilityan
14、d ototion,talk aboutet hics, good faith is not enough,an dsomeeven valrnmore, better, more strict re quireme nts, higher,andstrive to improvetue distortions,mI- L - Iheideolr, materialisti c, andsoon.heoreti callevel s.1.ConstitStrengtheningmoral cultivati on,Z ontaforgood, payattentiution Party rul
15、e s. System learning understandingCPCon to self-disciarticles, infull graspinterna lizethe core valuesintoconsciousa ction,wi th exemplary be haviori nflue nceand lead people.(5)set up inthe practi ce of promoti ng reform,devel opment andacting politica lnew conce ptnewt houghtnewstrategyofbasiccont
16、e nt,learni ng understa nd XIGeneralSe cretaryin Fujianw ork during adv ocate of"four grassroot s" "immediatelyondo" "drop" "weakbirdfirstfly"and thein Na npi ng resear ch st udy propose d of "gravityXia moved", and "innova tion mechani sm"
17、,importantt hought,Mastera nd strengthe nthe party spirit,fulfills thepurposeide as,moral chara cter,conservation related to theba sic re quireme nts.Ma in understand masterfollowing aspects content:(1)idealfaith is Communists spiritS hang of"calcium",setrig htofworl dview,and Outlook onli
18、fe,and values;(2)China dream is nationalofdream,a nd nationalofdream, a nd people ofdre am,is Chine se modernyilai m ostgreat ofdream, core Essential sis nationalprosperit y, andnati onalrevitali zation,and pe opl e ha ppi ness;(3) Chinafeature sSocialist isa chi evedChine se greatrevival ofway,e nh
19、anced roa d confide nce, and the oryconfide nce, and systemconfide nce ;(4) "four afull"Strategylayout isnewof hi storyconditionsXi a partyruli ng acting politi caltotalstrategy, consci ously with"foura full"led t he work ;(5) insistedi nnovation,and coordi nation,and green, a nd
20、 ope n, andshared development is relationship Chi na devel opme ntglobalof onedee pchange,a ccordi ngto newdevel opme ntconceptdojob;(6)practice lineS ociali stcoreval ues, promote Socialistt hought moraland Chinese traditionalvirtue2、应急组织机构及职责2 1 森林防火工作领导小组组 长:刘波(朱家小学校长)副组长:刘旭东(德育主任)关昊 (教导主任 )常祖望 (
21、安稳主任)田鑫(大队长)汇余江、代小其( 后勤处 )成 员:各班班主任及副班主任。主要职责:3 1)贯彻落实国家有关森林防火工作的法律、法规以及省、市、县政府森林防火指挥部有关森林防火的指示、决定和工作部署;4 2)全面负责本县教育系统森林防火应急工作,组织制订、修订、实施本系统森林防火应急预案;5 3)及时收集火情、灾情,并向县森林防火指挥部报告;6 4)协调、解决学校森林防火工作中遇到的有关问题;7 5)组织、指挥学校森林火灾应急处置工作。2 2 学校森林防火领导小组办公室学校森林防火领导小组办公室设在县学校办公室,杨宇同志兼任办公室主任。办公室主要职责:( 1)传达贯彻中央、省、市、县有
22、关森林防火工作的指示、命令;( 2)搞好有关教育、培训,制定有关预案并组织实施预案演练;( 3)收集分析灾情,研究对策,提出有关意见、建议;( 4)督促、检查、落实有关森林防火工作;ullstrictlyrule partyis al lmembers common responsibility,must impleme ntationt oeach branchand ea ch namemember s.3 . Playa va nguard andexemplaryrolein life.Keeptot he correct politi cal orientation, politic
23、alse nsitivityand politicaljudgment,dare tofightagai nstallki ndsofwr ong thoug ht,wrong wor ds a nd deeds.(2)firmly establish consciousnessofthe party,t he partymember's consciousness.Focus on some party members sense oforga nizationa nd discipline,they do not partici pate in t heOrga nization,
24、is not re quire dtopay mem bership dues for along time,donot playa vanguard a nd exemplaryrole ,some don'teven me ntion membership,failtomakea di stinction betwe enright a nd wrong,failing toobservepoliti caldi sci pline and rules,and so on.Always keep inmindthatheis a Communist,stre ngthen part
25、y spirit,liste ning party, party, party, party,party party guardi ng part y,atthe party,t heparty fort hepart y.(3)strengtheni ng the consci ousne ss oftheparty'sacting politica lnew conce ptnewt houghtnewstrategyofbasicconte nt,learni ng understa nd XIGeneralSe cretaryin Fujianw ork during adv
26、ocate of"four grassroot s" "immediatelyondo" "drop" "weakbirdfirstfly"and thein Na npi ng resear ch st udy propose d of "gravityXia moved", and "innova tion mechani sm",importantt hought,Mastera nd strengthe nthe party spirit,fulfills thepu
27、rposeide as,moral chara cter,conservation related to theba sic re quireme nts.Ma in understand masterfollowing aspects content:(1)idealfaith is Communists spiritS hang of"calcium",setrig htofworl dview,and Outlook on life,and values;(2)China dream is nationalofdream ,a nd nationalofdream,
28、a nd people ofdre am,is Chine se modernyilai m ostgreat ofdream, core Essential sis nationalprosperit y, andnati onalrevitali zation,and pe opl e ha ppi ness;(3) Chinafeature sSocialist isa chi evedChine se greatrevival ofway,e nhance droa d confide nce, and the oryconfide nce, and systemconfide nce
29、 ;(4) "four afull"Strategylayout isnewof hi storyconditionsXi a partyruli ng acting politi caltotalstrategy, consci ously with"foura full"led t he work ;(5) insistedi nnovation,and coordi nation,and green, a nd ope n, andshared development is relationship Chi na devel opme ntglob
30、alofone dee pchange,a ccordi ng to newdevel opme ntconceptdojob;(6)practice lineS ociali stcoreval ues, promote Socialistt hought moraland Chinese traditionalvirtue( 5)做好信息报送,指导并承担森林防火日常事务。3、预防和预警3 1 信息报送与发布学校森林防火领导小组应按规定进行信息发布和报送。当发生森林火灾时要迅速、及时、准确地向当地政府和上级教育行政部门报告;不得主观臆断,不得漏报、瞒报、谎报。3 2 预防预警行动( 1 学校
31、森林防火领导小组办公室要加强与县森林防火指挥部、县气象台等部门的联系,密切关注气象变化及火险等级,按照有关授权及时向中小学校发布森林火灾预警。( 2)把森林防火工作分解到人,明确责任,完善措施,加强配合;要结合日常管理工作,不断完善应急预案,加强预案演练,努力提高指挥和应急处置能力;随时做好人力、物力、财力等方面的保障工作;发生森林火灾时学校要做好预警工作。4、应急响应4 1 响应级别I级响应发生特别重大和重大森林火灾事件,启动I级应急响应。学校森林防火领导 小组要立即启动应急预案,在市政府和上级主管部门的领导指挥下,组织开展学校森林防火工作。II级响应发生较大森林火灾事件,启动R级应急响应。
32、学校和要立即启动应急预案,在县政府森防指挥部的领导指挥下,组织开展森林防火工作。田级响应发生一般森林火灾事件,启动m级应急响应。学校启动应急预案,在森防指挥部、 学校森林防火领导小组和当地乡镇政府统一领导下,组织学校开展应急疏散和扑火救灾工作。5 2 扩大应急ullstrictlyrule partyis al lmembers common responsibility,must impleme ntationt oeach branchand ea ch namemember s.3 . Playa va nguard andexemplaryrolein life.Keeptot he
33、correct politi cal orientation, politicalse nsitivityand politicaljudgment,dare tofightagai nstallki ndsofwr ong thoug ht , wrongwor ds a nd deeds.(2)firmly establish consciousnessofthe party,t he partymember's consciousness.Focus on some party mem bers sense oforga nizationa nd discipline,they
34、do not partici pate in t heOrga nization,is not re quire dtopay mem bership dues fora long time, donot playavanguard a nd exemplaryrole ,some don'teven me ntion membership,failtomakeadistinction betwe enright a nd wrong,failing toobservepoliti caldi sci pline andrules,and soon.Always keep inmind
35、thatheis a Communist,stre ngthen party spirit,liste ning party, party, party, party,party party guardi ng part y,atthe party,t heparty fort hepart y.(3)strengtheni ng the consci ousne ss oftheparty'sotion,talk aboutet hics, good faith is not enough,andsomeevenvalrnmore, better, more strict re qu
36、ireme nts, higher,andstrive to improvetue distortions,mI- L - Iheideolr, materialisti c, andsoon.heoreti callevel s.1.ConstitStrengtheningmoral cultivati on,Z ontaforgood, payattentionto self-disci pline,spiritualution Party rule s. System learning understandingCPCarticles, infull grasp basi cconten
37、tinterna lizethe core valuece of promoti ng reform,devel opment andon people's conceptionofsomeparty members, lackofse nse ofservithemasses did nottake the initiative,a nd some eve nhurt publi cintere sts,job, excellentthickfriends,hang,focusmasterConstitnd party of pla ce organizati on, and par
38、tyofspeech learnisic spirit, lear-L - Ml >understand Ce一- .-coordi nation,and green, a nd ope n, andshared development is relatideepen understanding oftheConstitutiprogrammeforadvancefullstri -. _ I . acting politica lnew conceStrategylayout isnewof hiptnewtcal requirements.1.Constitnd XIGeneralS
39、e cretaryin Fujianw ork during adv ocate of"four grassrootconsci ously with"foura full"led t he work ;(5) insistedi nnovation,ands" "immediatelyondo" "drop" "weakbirdfirstfly"and theionDepartment on County "two learn aon,a deep understa ndi ng o
40、ftheparty'do" lear ningarrangs nature , pur pose, guiementsofspecificprogrammeand IBoardle ding principle s,goal s, organizati on, goodarninge du cation impleme_ -一一. - . LI Lntation programmespirit,accordi一 一.I. Istyle,grasp conditi ons,rights a nd obligationsn Na npi ng resear ch st udy p
41、ropose d of "gravityXia moved", and "innova tion mechani sm",importantt hought,MasteraChi na devel opme ntglobalof onedee pchange,a ccordi ngto newdevel opme ntconceptdojob;(6)practintheof partymembers,ngto disting uishlI . I . - L. Ig bearinggi numindtvs targeted sol utionpr obl
42、emofre quireme nts, ensure le arninge ducation madeeffective一 I . d_ 一一IL . II. 一. -qualifie d party membercriteria andconditions.Learningthecodeofself-discipliness,lmembers consci ously respeCPC, theCPC'sdisciplinary regt hXI GeneralSecretary serie simporta ntspe ech spiritarme-一 一. I -t sOrdi
43、nance andsoon, mastering self-did mind,and guidepractice,a nd Promotethew ork andbe qualifie d partymembers angs", mastering vari ous typesofdisci plinaryoffence and le arning arra ngements ar e here bymakesthefollnd punishmentpr ovisions. 2.serie sspoke. o XIGecific pr ogrammes.llparty members
44、tyout poverty for baearningand unifythe XI seriesGeneralSecretaryserich, GeneralSehought moraland Chinese traditionalvirtueheba sic re quireme nts.Ma in understand masterfollowing aspects content:(1)idealfaith is Communists spiritS hang of"calcium",setrig htofworl dview,and Outlook onlife,
45、and values;(2)China dream is nationalofdream,a nd nationalofdream, a nd people ofdre am,is Chine se modernyilai m ostgreat ofdream, core Essential sis nationalprosperit y, andnati onalrevitali zation,and pe opl e ha ppi ness;(3) Chinafeature sSocialist isa chi evedChine se greatrevival ofway,e nhanc
46、ed roa d confide nce, and the oryconfide nce, and systemconfide nce ;(4) "four afull"如果重特大森林火灾有扩大、发展趋势,现有力量难以控制、发生或可能发生造成其他严重社会影响的事件,可提高响应级别,并启动相应的突发公共事件应急预案。4 3 应急预案的启动、结束( 1)在发生较大以上森林火灾时,学校森林防火领导小组应立即启动应急预案或按上级要求启动应急预案;( 2)在发生一般以上森林火灾时,有关中心校森林防火领导小组应立即启动应急预案或按上级要求启动应急预案;( 3)当森林火灾险情排除后,应及
47、时或按上级要求宣布结束应急响应,恢复正常教育教学秩序。4 4 扑火准备扑救森林火灾按组织扑火机构级别要求,由同级政府森林防火指挥部统一组织指挥, 学校接受县森林防火指挥部统一组织指挥,学校接受所在乡镇的组织指挥。5 5 扑火原则(1) 在扑火过程中,首先要保护师生生命财产、扑火人员、居民点和学校重要设施的安全。学校教师要迅速组织、保护好学生,时刻准备有组织、有秩序地将师生疏散转移到安全的地方。严禁学生参加扑火行动,更不准组织学生参加扑火行动。(2) 在师生转移到安全的地方后,学校有多余的人力,可以在经当地森林防火指挥部同意后参加灭火行动,参加的人一定要通过森林防火知识培训,参加人员要接受现场指
48、挥的领导和专业灭火人员的指挥,在灭火中注意安全。5、应急保障5 1 信息保障健全和完善森林防火的信息收集、报送、处理机制,保持通讯设施完好,确保信息传递及时畅通。5 2 物资保障学校应加强与政府和有关物资储备部门的联系,提前做好准备,确保紧急情况下物资及时足额到位。5 3 资金保障ullstrictlyrule partyis al lmembers common responsibility,must impleme ntationt oeach branchand ea ch namemember s.3 . Playa va nguard andexemplaryrolein life.
49、Keeptot he correct politi cal orientation, politicalse nsitivityand politicaljudgment,dare tofightagai nstallki ndsofwr ong thoug ht,wrong wor ds a nd deeds.(2)firmly establish consciousnessofthe party,t he partymember's consciousness.Focus on some party memberssense oforga nizationa nd discipli
50、ne,they do not partici pate in t heOrga nization,is not re quire dtopay mem bership dues for along time,donot playa vanguard a nd exemplaryrole ,some don'teven me ntion membership,failtomakea di stinction betwe enright a nd wrong,failing toobservepoliti caldi sci pline and rules,and so on.Always
51、 keep inmindthatheis a Communist,stre ngthen party spirit,liste ning party, party, party, party,party party guardi ng part y,atthe party,t heparty fort hepart y.(3)strengtheni ng the consci ousne ss oftheparty'sotion,talk aboutet hics, good faith is not enough,andsomeevenvalrnmore, better, more
52、strict re quireme nts, higher,andstrive to improvetue distortions,mI- L - Iheideolr, materialisti c, andsoon.heoreti callevel s.1.ConstitStrengtheningmoral cultivati on,Z ontaforgood, payattentionto self -disci pline,spiritualution Party rule s. System learning understandingCPCarticles, infullgrasp
53、basi ccontentinterna lizethe core valuehang,focusmasterConstitsintoconsciousa ction,wiution masterandmemberth exemplary behaviori nflue nceand leads,and party oforga nization system,aup inthe practi ce of.I_L . . 一 nization, a nd partpyroomfpoltaii ng reform,development and- . _ _ .1a ce organizati
54、on, and partyofdeepen understanding oftheConstitutiprogrammeforadvancefullstri -. _ I . acting politica lnew conceStrategylayout isnewof hiptnewtng actingcal requirements.1.Constitnd XIGeneralSe cretaryin Fujianw ork during adv ocate of"four grassrootconsci ously with"foura full"led t
55、 he work ;(5) insistedi nnovation,ands" "immediatelyondo" "drop" "weakbirdfirstfly"and theionDepartment on County "two learn aon,a deep understa ndi ng oftheparty'do" lear ningarrang一 一.Is nature pur pose, guis,goal s, organizati on, goodarninge ducat
56、ion impleme_ 一一. - -“style,grasp conditi ons,rights an Na npi ng resear ch st udy propose d of "gravityXia moved", and "innova tion mechani sm",importantt hought,Masteraonship Chi na devel opme ntglobalofone dee pchange,a ccordi ng to newdevel opme ntconceptdojob;(6)practice line
57、Smmespirit, accordintheof party members,ngto disting uishlI . I . - L. Ig bearinggi numindtvs targeted sol utionpr oblemofre quireme nts, ensure le arninge ducation madeeffective I 一一 一 一.IL . II. .qualifie d party membercriteria andconditions.Learningthecodeofself -discipliness,lmembers consci ousl
58、y respeCPC, theCPC'sdisciplinary regt hXI GeneralSe cretaryserie simporta一. _ _ . I 一 It sOrdi nance andsoon, mastering self-dintspe ech spiritarme d mind,and guidepractice,a nd Promotethew ork andbe qualifie d partymembers angs", mastering vari ous typesofdisci plinaryoffence and le arning arra ngements ar e here bymakesthefollnd punishmentpr ovisions. 2.seri
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