1、management system;developedhascomputerand thenetwork ofnetworkorkse curity responsinagementpersonnel isresponsiblefor confidentialmanagnt,on computer enjoys independent right,r y,andrelease ofprovibility.According tow ho is i n charge ofwo isi nchargeofmanagementon security,assurasecurityprotection
2、assessmenetwork) for classifiedsecurity protection levels,withoutthirnformation systems 1ncere ssecurity responsibi lity hel dsystem,signed has netwnt,ofwhi ch1 (XX e ducationand resourceement, pa sswordmanagemeho is r unninga ndw hois responsiblsions is prohibite d,suchasleaks,investigatedforrespon
3、sissword ofthe computerforitsprng,se,mailservices,sucha - - L. . - /No for gradeprotection grading reequi pmentin tI .一he classroommdlepansychtohoolugsthtShu ais hast hreeyearst casescocomducationne compa nyonoudplatform implemented li nks thetwoplatforms At preudentston 10:1;809 e qui pmenWit h Int
4、el compa ny on XXEducationCitydomain- .1 - . . - e-Governme nt,resource lsetup aChinese teacher e(XXeducati on cloud platform),containsfeatures with .1 . _se-books,alli ntranetservi ces.- - "一 II .一 -I - Iccor ding t o information securi. I L I . I. . 1 II -ndar ds, a nd highofw.II .一 -ofthe ca
5、mpus netwu on teachingork.Tty gradeprotectindmanpowerII -. - I -on a bout poliblishment ofanplanning,and pointsste- - .一.on carried outinformatipoi ntsdigital resourcesfull coverprdvanced,oje ct ofimplemepracticalGigabit educationalmetropolitaon, usi ng schoolearthquake Hourentation programme, Estan
6、area network,tonsecuritygrade protection seconstructionofopportnt systemconstruction,a ndtechnology measuresblished XX,full coverage ofdigital resourhe city'sschools haveantaryand middleschools- _L -ces i n modern distance e ducation teachingnarea network,campus netwschools have computerconstruc
7、tion and gra一.一 -ork andeducatiprotectinformation systemsecurityma proje ctlea ding group,XX, chaire d theSnetwork s, close d-circuittelevisi on network ,broa dcast netw orks into the classrooms,realizeecretaryfore ducation.Establishe d,digital resourcesinmoderndistancee ducation teaching,using broa
8、 dcast TV network,wobviouslyfacility up t.I . I. .1 I. . Lo 160 milli onYuan,a- XXfull coverageprojectgroup, XX, Directnet ba ndwidt h, ca n meet theneechschool ,to minimumofcostachieve- - I,II . . . IIoroftheCe nterforeducati onalinformation andedsofteachi ngofthe schoolqui pment chaireccordi ngto
9、Ministryofe ducation onfull started implementatidZhu Guiyan, responsiblefor dista nce e ducation digitalres,hundredspusnetw orkand networka ccesstoallr ooms;-. 一.-on tea chi ng points digitale ducationresourceof megabytes of br. _ I 一 IXXeducati on metropolita一.-一 - .1.1oadbandtothe ta ble,'wire
10、 '(ie:We . . >n area netw orkceb,video, a udi o)tothe targe.11.11.XX cityschoolsfull coverpr oje ct of n otification(taught technidigitalresources ie ducation teachingfullnt intheProvinceDehiteboards,multimedia一 on standar dizationng group,digitalresourpartment ofe ducaticesianoonn issumeadna
11、classrooms,remoteinteractivevintplatform,the CentralLibraryof audiodeotea chi ng system of moderne.IL_I _.-visualeducatiducati onance teaching poi nts digitale ducation resourcesfullducationteachingon resources,projectgroupleadercover proje ctship and新建铁路瑞昌至九江铁路RJZQ 2 标庐山站DK205+036.4 1-6m 钢筋 混凝土框架箱涵
12、混凝土施工技术交底书编号:RJZQ#1- m编 制:复 核:接 收:RJZQ 2 标项目经理部2014 年 10 月mprove,se curity prevention ca pacity obvi ously enhanced, security hiddefor allequi pmentin t heroom a regular dust,replace t heol d label.and Ci scoproducts.Inthe ir dailyw ork,to publicize related knowledgeand information se curity conside
13、rations.andsoluti ons through ameetitfohre geo-leod satearni lnligtespgraoucnedtshteatwiorking up theaparedRegularly host se rvers, netw orkswit che s,core routi ng,firewalls, hardwaremai ntena nceoblemdepartmenformation health devel opment. XXEducationCe ntreregularly carry outday-t o-day netw orks
14、ecuritymonitoringi nformation a nd e qui pment. By thea ppr opr iatetechni calstaff,XX network e ngine room mainte nance staffon site manageme ntand mai ntena nceon areg ularbasis, scheduledvie wing ofnetworks,systems,data base sand associate dequipme ntoperatingconditions, assof network ahself-exam
15、i, such asequipment fail ure, should be processed in atimelymanner indi nformation security,a nd strivet o achievenetworkeveryone knonation,we arewellaware,relative lack of investment in e ducation,facil4e4d,u8c3attion resootuhrecte otal num sfbuellrcoofvtearcprhoejresc,t studconsetnrutcntuiomnbmera
16、i nsa6g5e6m9eonftthmean orderto ensuresafe and reliassecurity andvirus and equipmeble operation ofthesystem.s beforethe guar d,to improvntforfurther updates,educaitcihtry'esgtaortdaltstude ointsta1l8la.3ti1 toe netw orkand informationsen XX cityinformationand equipmetiondev elopment isstillcurit
17、y,ensure that tntwas estaheXXeducatiw education conceptblishedwit hint he Ceherentre,educati onalmetropolita narea netw orkce nter machine roomXX.Serversand datastores a nd a pplicationsto setupi nXXCitymetropolita n area netwnd make arecord.Computerla b maintena nce managers reg ularly runa variety
18、of devices inthe schoolinformationsystem parameters,nux,the operatingsystem,thedatabaserver systemsand vari ous data ba ckup, so thatthere ws Micrasa har dwarefailurein asystem cra shcan resume quicklyaputer, informationsystem securityprd outspe cialfundnd efficie ntly. Computerlab maioducts fordome
19、sticntena nce ma nagers esta blish a netw orkantivir us system,Avira Vproducts,including the use of360 aofessi onala ndte chnicalteam,school_ _ L I>Inetworkmandking soft Inter-to-face ornetw orklearni ng,doeach teaching (indiIvniXXd,ual)adwivairsdi. To enxpoefdaitceleasdsu,caatciolanssinafotromta
20、altirzaantikenagers on commonpoi nts are ha- - .netse curitysoftware.irus system ona r egularba sis,a nda nti-virussoftwaree.XXeducati on metropolitanndtrbaeinicnagpa,bOlectoofbserol1v7i,n2g013,issescuueridty issues.XXrthdeschoodl trhuenni nationalngmlineivsetleroifasluopne,rv2isioprnsecurity asse s
21、sment,time ton area net workused bythe serverforHPIssuest hatcannoton a nd e qupgra de.Comp uter lab maintenance managementnd informati onsecurity productforHuaweings,analysis,-I. .1sschoolonc,heedrusciatin ouornciityrnefaocrhmeadti1o0n0.steering,steering,sXtXeesreiries ofnefgfewcittihvteinfohremeat
22、ionnd, principal sof e ducationinformationintoperformance a ssessmenta nd school levelmonitori ngand evaluati on,to developa scientific,operational educati on information steeringa ssessment methods,tracki ng manageme nt of educati oninformation andapplicati ons.By March2016,100ofthe teachers, I par
23、ticipated i n a nati onal educationalte chnol ogytraining for primarya nd secondaryschool teachers,thetea chers have made to cut 80 primarya ndmiddle schoolteachers'e ducationaltechnologyprofici encytestcertificate.At present,all schools hav eaccessto br oadband networks.Training classification
24、traini ng ofteachers, schoolteachers, academicleang andn etworkmanageme nt personnelfromthe Countonce traini ng is compl ete.混凝土施工技术交底单位:中铁四局瑞九铁路RJZQ-2标工程名称DK205+036.4 1-6m钢筋混凝土框架箱涵设计 图号通桥(2014)5401-09接受单位涵洞施工班组部位卜部结构施工里程DK205+036.4一、质量标准混凝土涵洞允许偏差和检验方法序号项目允许偏差(mrm检验方法1边翼墙、中墩距设计中心线位置20测量检查/、少于5处2墙顶、拱
25、座顶血局程±153孔径±20尺量检查/、少于5处4涵长+100 -505厚度+ 10 -5顶板、底板、边墙各检查 2处6涵身接头错台10尺量检查/、少于5处二、施L匚艺及技术操作要点1、混凝土浇筑涵洞混凝土由搅拌站集中生产供应,混凝土运输车运输,由汽车泵直接浇筑。混凝土应分层进行浇筑,不得随意留置施工缝。其分层厚度不大于300mm混凝土浇 筑过程中,边浇筑边进行振捣使其均匀密实,振捣采用插入式振捣器垂直点振,插 入式振捣器的移动间距不大于振捣器作用半径的1.5倍,且插入下层混凝土内的深度为50100mm与侧模保持0100mm勺跑离。当振捣完毕需变换振捣棒在混凝土拌和物中的水
26、平位置时,应边振动边竖向缓 慢提出振动棒,不得将振捣棒放在拌和物内平拖,不得用振捣棒驱赶混凝土。避免 碰撞模板钢筋及其他预埋部件。混凝土塌落度较小时,应加密振点分布。每一振点的振捣延续时间宜为2030s, 以混凝土不再沉落、不出现气泡、表面呈现浮浆为度,防止过振、漏振。混凝土振 捣完成后,及时修整,抹平混凝土裸露面,彳寺定浆后再抹第二遍并压光。抹面时严禁 洒水,防止过度操作影响表层混凝土的质量。i ltee1#斜杆S6横梁S2结点板S14挡喳板S5结点板S16第一层浇筑示意图(底板底至底板顶面以上30cm处)第二次浇筑前须将已浇筑完的混凝土面凿毛(凿至漏出粗骨料、新鲜混凝土面), 再进行第二次
27、侧墙及顶板混凝土浇筑。混凝土振捣过程中,避免重复振捣,防止过 振,加强检查模板支撑的稳定性和接缝的密合情况,防止在振捣混凝土过程中产生 漏浆。混凝土浇筑应符合下列规定:混凝土拌制前,应测定砂、石含水率,并根据测试结果及时调整施工配合比。 当遇雨天时,应增加含水率检测次数。每工作班检查不少于一次。混凝土拌制过程中,应对混凝土拌和物的坍落度进行测定,测定值应不超过 理论配合比坍落度的控制范围。每拌制 50n3或每工作班测试不应少于一次。 混凝土的入模温度不大于 30Co冬期施工时,混凝土的出机温度不宜低于 10 C,混凝土的入模温度不应低于 5C。每工作班至少测温3次并填写测温记录。新浇筑混凝土入
28、模温度与邻接的己硬化混凝土表面温度的温差不得大于15Co与新浇筑混凝土接触的已硬化混凝土、 钢筋和模板的温度不得低于2C。每部 位测温一次并填写测温记录。混凝土的浇筑顺序为先浇筑涵洞底板待达到设计强度后进行底板和墙身施 m o2、试块制作混凝土的强度等级必须符合设计要求,混凝土力学性能标准条件养护试件的试 验龄期为56d。力学性能标准条件养护试件应在混凝土的浇筑地点随机抽样制作,具Th tai-in .- pabily taich- r- h.d 100.2试件的取样与留置频率应符合下列规定: 每拌制100盘且不超过100m3的同配合比的混凝土,取样不得少于一次。 每工作班拌制的同一配合比的混
29、凝土不足 100盘时,取样不得少于一次。现浇混凝土的每一结构部位,取样不得少于一次。 每次取样应至少留置一组试件。混凝土同条件养护法试件的抗压强度必须符合设计要求。混凝土抗压强度同条 件养护法试件的留置组数应按设计要求、相关标准规定和实际需要确定。3、混凝土养护混凝土浇筑完毕后,常温下应按时进行洒水保湿养护,自然养护期间,应在混 凝土浇筑完毕后1h内对混凝土进行保温保湿养护;混凝土内部温度不宜超过60C,最高不得大于65 C;混凝土内部温度与表面温度之差、表面温度与环境温度之差不 宜大于20C;养护用水温度与混凝土表面温度之差不得大于 15C;养护时间不小于 14d。当环境温度低于5c时禁止洒
30、水,采取薄膜包裹或覆盖草席、毛毡等进行保温 保湿养护。4、混凝土拆模拆模时混凝土内部与表面、表面与环境之间的温差不得大于20Co混凝土内部开始降温前不得拆模,大风及气温急骤变化时不应拆模。涵洞沉降缝采用聚乙烯泡沫板,沉降缝要求竖直,且涵身基础沉降缝必须在同 一截面。本段涵洞板厚均小于30cm,止水带采用背贴式止水带,其中底板下的止水带可 在浇筑涵身混凝土之前将止水带铺设固定于涵身沉降缝处的垫层(或出入口涵节的 基础)上,然后浇筑混凝土即可。边墙和顶板止水带在涵身混凝土达到设计强度后, 用膨胀螺栓、钢板条固定于涵节端部框架外缘呈环形布置。止水带中间圆环部分应 位于沉降缝中心线上,施工时注意准确定
31、位。止水带宜用整根尽量减少接头,接头 应粘接牢固密不透水,接头宜设在沉降缝的平直部位,不得设在涵身边墙与顶底板 转角处。背贴式止水带顶板和边墙安装材料用量(每米止水带)M10膨胀螺栓5套(含垫 圈);50*3mni冈板压条2根,重2.34kg,钢板压条上的螺栓孔 11mmi冈板压条采用 Q235钢板。 cuiy . hdde a nd -u. a -Xet ob.usy re d fecve guaa-s infmain >-d-.pmet XX E-On,efr. carry oU to dy new or a pmet. ecni . eng ncesafn s. managment
32、 aegl- bass, sche-e d o.*s - o*-a.s- ad cd .ment ope.ng -din* and m- a recd.ace ma. es eguay r u a va of sempaee* seve sysems a. ba -s a had “cash can e sume -ya nd fce ntycmpute a ma neal - new. a nt - - sy s.v iu abass, a nd at. - sfWae seury.se et, CmpUe a nce - tfor al Uay ep. abelRe|u-y hosseve
33、s new o. -"hs, ce rouigIks, hadwae m_e nace - eq"me” e, soud i a . - mane i orde tenue be In XX in and OUpment -_ e_ - aean cente ma Sevesand da. so - ad . . i X new.cener m.cine room. WbdwSere2003, Wndow.eve.08 W emg sstm, the da-.se for SQL Sev , Ofce sfwae s-h asMcosf .lie sltwae Scoos
34、unis of cmpUe, ifmaion systm- cuiy p.s for dmest c p.-s, i of360 a nd . msolt Ie>esfWae.XX new. -ve for HP" _iy p.duc for Haasesmain- hat cut - g ht 0.Pracie isa sin,<d-.at onseeing, seeterng -th t he ed pri ncpHs of neasecool e<el montring ad eala opa sie nt" ope.in. -on seekng a
35、sesme stalCg ma .pl-tonsByI” Ipat on. ed-.on. tecnolgy taii ad secnday scool - ce chesh- ma- t cut 80 scoolttaces ' e inal cennyes ceiiae A peset alscoos ha- a ca iaton scoolea la desinte ttaa o.manng-etpe C.y,- scooltamcugement sssemsent .,ancumnuj18azm*T"nf4omUM,"wrf' n.ceAfumw&q
36、uot;"uascomr nt .d-.p. las cmpute ad Ienewok . 一 * ”n.i » lel d . - ., .ne.h n ok w ebs. in man-.entPsnn- is.- .n.be O cnf-.lm”一 pa -. -ernenfr.a.n ln.l ogyse cui、.“n" id” - t rg一do-e.or :dur"%* a s .piUrrxomaie:”-1-.”: .m.:;":: s":Ei-nsa'n “一"|=""&qu
37、ot;3:fie y ad i Opr v sins is d, s_l as . b-A_r.nglwh isi n." Ow “'i n.”w.n, u.ng .l.l .-I Huen -a newi. t.n rt.g- pi.e.in se .eauesb - ld XX, ul .-3 .1 "iIa i-.Lile s.l - anay ad .idde Hi. . L . . I dsaneed-.n ealign a new.i.l-pus new. la- c.puecnsuci.n ad gai.L.ii-.ik and id - atnetw
38、ik - ll- d.i_it te-i. .n Ipi.e . - dng ll d te S -.Esa:.l::t-i.nl:.;.:n.wi;:.p:; “eiy n new. new c o.* ealzee d cee dmn-cig,in s tm ”.a ' new., w”-一yiaay upt.n -u - anne eteXX ull.ve.epi . ", D-.X:.工eeI.::;. :a J; dXlF.l .a n.ee tenne dsl eal aa. . A nei l.i a. In a Ilaied Zlu "s-ne ba
39、 tenneamassaii:".di; :ipu.e:.nd".*"nfrnew.in.sMe.o.m.":".n-Tequjmeimragte.nee.":.:“0"-.弋",*:s-ya"*1.::"n-e.nd.hipy.'ddV:enn.::"."-.-:,'.”工0:"s uni- - -te 20,19 OWi d .1(. e n.i. Oc-ifed sleuit. pi.te divelifmain at .na.n 1.u.一c
40、-e pi.e It止水市施工注息事项:(1)止水带接头应连接牢固,密不透水。(2)止水带接头应设在沉降缝的平直部位,不得设在沉降缝的转角处。(3)水带不得长时间露天曝晒,防止雨淋,勿与污染性强的化学物质接触。(4)在运输和施工中,防止机械,钢筋损伤止水带。(5)施工过程中,止水带必须可靠固定,避免在浇注混凝土时发生位移,保证 止水带在混凝土中的正确位置。(6)对于有错台的框架涵沉降缝,止水带安装可采用加台的方法处理,错台宽 度为4050cmi高度与错台高度相等。涵洞两侧侧墙部分直接采用聚氨酯防水涂料做防水层施工,其涵洞顶防水层做 法:抹一层M10水泥砂浆垫层一粘贴聚氨酯防水涂料一聚氨酯防水卷
41、材一4cm厚C40纤维碎且成2公子坡。两侧侧墙部分直接采用聚氨酯防水涂料防水层施工,具涵洞 顶防水层做法:直接填筑不透水土保护层20cmi防水涂料按甲、乙两组份配比准确、 搅拌均匀、涂刷均匀、无漏刷现象。防水层施工前将涵身上的尖凸处打磨平整,将泥土、杂物等清除干净,保持涵 身表面干燥,以保证防水材料与涵身的粘结,保护层为4cm厚C40细石混凝土。涵洞过渡段填筑应在涵身结构达到设计强度后进行,过渡段施工的要求,涵身两侧1m范围内的填土不得用大型机械施工, 宜采用人工配合小型机械的方法夯填密实,涵身两侧分层对称回填压实。-涵洞出入口边坡、锥坡、沟床底部填铺碎石垫氤、锥坡、沟床、 垂裙采用C30混凝
42、土浇筑注意控的整向 涵洞国"口检查台阶采用M10浆砌片据柒通肺层杓幽 t- e -p n- p-il. Ct.iecled 三、安全及文明施工注意事项安全措施:1、加强对施工人员的安全教育。2、所有施工人员必须戴安全帽,作业时禁止穿拖鞋。3、用电设备应实一机一闸一漏一箱。漏电保护装置应与设备相配套,不得用 一个开关直。夜间施工配足够的照明灯,电力线必须由电工人员架设及管理,开关 须肩防雨保护且安设牢固,并设有漏电保护器。4、应对施工现场、机具设备及安全防护设施等,进行全面检查,由安质部确认 符合安全要求后方可施工。施工所用的各种机具设备和劳动保护用品,应定期进行 检查和必要的检验,保证具经常处于完好状态;不合格的机具设备和劳动保护用品 严禁使用。文明施工及环境保护措施:1、现场施工时不得破坏附近的植被等;2、施工过程中不得污染水土资源;3、不得随意堆放,及时回收现场
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