1、Oh, my God!天哪Stay away from the gas! Stay there!离机油远点儿 在那别动Help! Help!救命 救命Somebody, help me!救命啊Help, help!救命 救命Oh, my leg!我的腿Hey, get over here. Give me a hand.过来 帮我一下You, come on! Come over here! Give me a hand!过来 帮我一下On the count of three.数三下一起用力One, two, three!一 二 三Help! Please, help me!救命! 救救我H
2、elp me! Please, help me!救命 救救我Get him out of here. Get him away from the engine.把他抬走 离引擎远点儿Get him out of here.把他抬走Help me! Please, help me. I'm having contractions!救救我! 请救救我! 我开始宫缩了How many months pregnant are you?怀孕几个月了Only eight months.八个月How far apart are they coming?间隔时间呢I don't know, a
3、 few just happened!不知道 这是头一次Hey! Get away from there!快躲开Listen to me!听我说Look at me! You're gonna be okay. Do you understand me?看着我 你会没事的 知道吗But you have to sit absolutely still.但你必须坐着别动Hey! You! Come here!你 过来I need you to get this woman away from these fumes. 让她离这些烟远点儿 Take her there. Stay with
4、 her. 带她到那边去 陪着她If her contractions occur closer than three minutes, call me!如果宫缩频率接近三分钟就叫我You gotta be kidding me.不是吧I'll be right back.我马上就回来 好吗Thank you.谢谢你Hey! What's your name?你叫什么名字啊Stop! Her head's not tilted back enough. You're blowing into her stomach. 停 她头部后仰不够 气都送到了她胃里You
5、sure? 你肯定吗That's exactly what I was doing.我刚才就是这么做的啊I'm a lifeguard. I'm licensed.我是救生员 有执照的You need to think about giving that license back.你该考虑一下把那执照还回去了Maybe we should do one of those hole things. 也许我们该试一下插孔Stick the pen in the throat?用钢笔在喉部插孔Yeah, good idea. You go get me a pen.好主意呀
6、你给我找个钢笔去Does anyone have any pens? Do you have a pen?谁有钢笔 有钢笔吗Come on!来吧Come on! Come on!醒过来 醒过来Big deep breaths.深呼吸Big breaths.深呼吸Move! Move! Move!离开那儿 离开那儿Get her up! Get her out of there! Go away!带她离开 带她离开那儿 走开啊!You okay?没事吧Yeah. Yeah.恩You?你呢Stay with her.陪着她Dude, I'm not going anywhere.老兄 这还
7、用说I didn't know which one would work best.不知道哪个最好用They're all OK.都不错Thanks.谢了Excuse me.不好意思Did you ever use a needle?你用过针吗What?什么Did you ever patch a pair of jeans?你缝过牛仔裤吗I, uh.我.I made the drapes in my apartment.我在家做过窗帘That's fantastic. Listen.好极了 听我说Do you have a second? I could use a
8、little help here.有时间能帮我个忙吗Help with what?什么忙With this. 这个I'd do it myself, I'm a doctor, but I just can't reach it.我是一名医生 本可以自己来的 可够不到.You want me to sew that?你想让我缝那伤口吗Like the drapes.就像是缝窗帘一样No, I used a sewing machine.不 我是用缝纫机缝的窗帘No, you can do this, I'm telling you.不 你行的 真的If you
9、wouldn't mind.如果你不介意的话Of course I will.当然可以Thank you.多谢了It's for your hand.给你的手消毒Save me some. for there.for the wound.给我留些 给伤口消毒Any color preference?对颜色有要求吗No. Standard black.没有 标准黑颜色Hey, you!嘿 你What's your name?叫什么名字Me? Charlie.我吗 CharlieCharlie, we need help with the fire. No one will
10、 see it if it isn't big.Charlie 帮忙生火 火光不够大就没人会发现我们Okay, I'm on it. 好 交给我吧What's your name?你的名字呢Sayid. I'm on it, Sayid.交给我吧 SayidI might throw up on you.我可能会吐你一身You're doing fine.你干的不错You don't seem afraid at all.你看起来一点儿也不害怕I don't understand that.我不明白Well, fear's sor
11、t of an odd thing.恐惧算是一件怪异的事When I was in residency,在我实习的时候 my first solo procedure was a spinal surgery on a 16-year-old kid.我第一次主刀是为一名16岁孩子作脊柱手术A girl.一个女孩子And at the end, after 13 hours, I was closing her up and I.在13个小时以后 临近结束的时候 在我缝合的时候I accidentally ripped her dural sack.我不小心撕开了她的硬膜腔It's a
12、t the base of the spine where all the nerves come together.神经集中的脊柱基部被弄碎了Membrane as thin as tissue, and.隔膜 隔膜组织So it ripped open.都被撕开了Nerves just spilled out of her like angel hair pasta,神经像细意大利面一样散出spinal fluid flowing out of her and I.脊髓液流了出来The terror was just so.crazy, so real.and I knew I had t
13、o deal with it.感觉如此恐怖.真实 可我知道我必须去面对So I just made a choice.于是我做出了一个选择I'd let the fear in. Let it take over. Let it do its thing.我让恐惧侵袭我全身 让它令我惊慌失措But only for five seconds, that's all I was gonna give it.但我只给它五秒钟 就这么多So I started to count.然后我开始记数One, two, three, four, five.一 二 三 四 五And it wa
14、s gone.然后恐惧感消失了I went back to work, sewed her up and she was fine.我重返工作 缝好了她 她没事了If that had been me, I think I would've run for the door.换作是我的话 我早就夺门而出了No, I don't think that's true.我看不会You're not running now.你现在并没跑掉啊You think they would have come by now.你以为他们现在就该到了Hmm? Who?什么 谁呀Any
15、one.任何人As if I'm gonna start eating chocolate.真以为我会吃巧克力吗Shannon, we may be here for a while.Shannon 我们可能要留在这一段时间了The plane had a black box, idiot.飞机有黑匣子 白♥痴♥They know exactly where we are, they're coming.他们知道我们在哪儿 他们会来的I'll eat on the rescue boat.我会在救生艇上吃I'll ea
16、t on the rescue boat.我会在救生艇上吃Hungry?饿吗Yeah. Thanks.恩 谢谢Any more.you know, baby stuff?身体还有情况吗No. I'm okay.没有了 没事了Well, hang in there.挺住Yeah, you too.恩 你也是You sure you're warm enough?够暖了吗Do you think he's gonna live?他能活吗Do you know him?你认识他吗He was sitting next to me.他坐我边上We must've bee
17、n at about 40,000 feet when it happened.事发当时我们一定在四万英尺高空We hit an air pocket and dropped.maybe 200 feet.撞到了一个气阱 然后下落了大概.二百英尺The turbulence was.紊流.I blacked out.我昏了过去I didn't.我没有I saw the whole thing.我看到了事发经过I knew that the tail was gone, but I.couldn't bring myself to look back.我知道机尾没了 可我.就是没
18、有勇气向后看And then the front end of the plane broke off.然后.飞机前端脱落Well, it's not here on the beach.却没落在沙滩这里Neither is the tail.尾部也没有We need to figure out which way we came in.我们要查明从哪个方向坠地的Why?为什么There's a chance we find the cockpit.因为那样就有机会找到驾驶舱If it's intact, we might be able to find the tra
19、nsceiver.如果它完好无损 就有可能找到无线电收发机We could send out a signal, help the rescue party find us.然后我们就能发射信♥号♥♥ 协助救援队找到我们How do you know all that?你怎么知道的这么多I took a couple of flying lessons.上过几堂飞行课Wasn't for me.不是自愿的I saw some smoke.just through the valley.我看到了一些烟雾 在山谷那边If y
20、ou're thinking about going for the cockpit, I'm going with you.如果你想去找那驾驶舱 我要和你一起去I don't know your name.我还不知道你的名字I'm Kate.我叫KateJack.我是JackWhat was that?什么东西That was weird, right?奇怪啊Is that Vincent?是Vincent吗It's not Vincent.不是VincentDid anybody see that?看见了吗Yeah.恩Terrific.可怕极了So,
21、 how's the drink?酒怎么样It's good.不错That wasn't a very strong reaction.反应不强烈呀Well, it's not a very strong drink.度数不够高Just don't tell anyone.不要告诉别人This, of course, breaks some critical FAA regulations.这显然有违联邦航♥空♥局的重要规章吧Excuse me.借过Sir, excuse me!先生 等等Guess he re
22、ally had to go.看来他真是憋不住了Sir, excuse me!先生 等等Ladies and gentlment女士们 先生们The pilot has switched on the "fasten seatbelts" sign.机长已经打开了"安全带"指示灯Please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts.请返回您的座位并系好安全带It's normal.正常情况Oh, I know. I've just never been a very good flie
23、r.我知道 只是我坐飞机就没好受过My husband keeps reminding me that planes want to be in the air.我老公一直提醒我说飞机想上高空Well, he sounds like a very smart man.听起来他很有见地啊Be sure and tell him that when he gets back from the bathroom.等他从洗手间回来后 我会把这话转告给他的Well, I'll keep you company until he does.他回来前我会陪你Don't worry. It
24、39;s gonna be over.别担心 会过去的It didn't sound like an animal, not exactly.听起来像是动物I keep thinking there was something familiar about it.那声音总是让我觉得似曾相识Where you from?你从哪来的Bronx.布朗克斯Monkeys.也许是猴子Monkey Island. Don't know if we're on an island.对 这里是猴岛 You ready?准备好了吗You showed me where the smoke
25、 was. I can get there myself.凯特 告诉我烟从哪来 我自己去I'm coming.我要去Well, you're gonna need better shoes.那你可要换双好鞋Whatever it was, it wasn't natural.无论那是什么 都不是自然界的Does anyone have any sunblock?谁有防晒霜吗Yes I do.恩 我这有So I was just looking inside the fuselage.我刚看了机舱里面It's pretty grim in there.挺可怕的Yo
26、u think we should do something about the.B-O-D-Y-S?我们是否该对那些.尸体采取点措施呢What are you spelling, man, "bodies"?你说什么那 哥们儿 尸体吗B-O-D-I-E-S.尸体That sounds like a good idea.好主意No, they'll deal with it when they get here.不 他们来了以后会处理的I'm gonna go out and look for the cockpit.我要去找驾驶舱了See if we ca
27、n find a transceiver to send a distress signal.看是否能找到无线电收发机 发射求救信♥号♥♥Help the rescue team.协助救援队You need to keep an eye on the wounded.你要照料一下伤员If the guy in the suit wakes up, keep him calm,如果穿西装的人醒了 叫他冷静but don't let him remove that shrapnel. Understand?不要让他拔出那碎片
28、 知道吗Got it.恩 好的What about the guy with the leg? The tourniquet.?那腿部受伤的那个人呢 止血带呢I stopped the bleeding. I took it off last night.止住血了 昨晚取下来了He should be all right.他应该没事了Yeah, cool. Good job.恩 没问题 干的好I'll come with. I wanna help.我也去帮帮忙I don't need any more help.不 不需要帮忙了No, it's cool. I don
29、't really feel like standing still, so.不 没关系 我不喜欢无所事事Excellent.好极了Can I ask you something?能问你些事吗Me? I'd be thrilled. I've been waiting.问我吗 荣幸至致 一直等着呢Have we ever met anywhere?我们见过面吗No. That would be unlikely.没有 不太可能I look familiar though, right?可看起来面熟 是吧Yeah.恩You can't quite place it
30、?对不上号♥了吧No, I can't.恩 对不上Yeah, I think I know.恩 我知道了You do?是吗Never heard that song?没听过这首歌♥吗I've heard it. I don't know what that.听过 就是不知道That's us! Drive Shaft!我们唱的啊 "驱动轴 "The ring.看这戒指Second tour of Finland.在芬兰的第二场巡演Never heard of Drive Shaft?你没听说过&qu
31、ot;驱动轴 "吗The band?那支乐队吗Yeah, the band.是啊 乐队You were in Drive Shaft?你曾经在"驱动轴"乐队I am in Drive Shaft. I play bass.现在还在 我是贝斯手Serious?真的Yeah. Charlie.是啊 CharlieTrack three. I do backing vocals.第三首歌♥ 我是和音My friend Beth would freak. She loves you guys.我朋友Beth会疯掉的 她爱死你们了Give me Bet
32、h's number, I'll call. I'd love to.把Beth电♥话♥号♥码给我 我很乐意电♥话♥她You ever heard of Drive Shaft?你听说过"驱动轴"吗We gotta keep moving.我们得继续走了They were good.他们以前很不错They are good. Still together.他们现在也很不错 还没解散呢We're in the middle of a c
33、omeback.即将复出You guys, is this normal?伙计们 这算是正常吗Kind of day turning into night,白天变成了黑夜You know, end of the world-type weather.世界末日一样的天气Is this.Guys?伙计们I'm telling you, you don't wanna go in there! There's too many bodies!你可不想去那里面 太多尸体了There it is again.又来了Oh, my God.天哪Well, let's do t
34、his.我们走吧Let's get this trans.我们来拿无线电.Transceiver.无线电收发机Transceiver thing and get out of here.无线电收发机 然后就离开Come on!开门 开门You okay?没事吧Yeah, you?恩 你呢Yeah.没事I'm fine. Charlie's fine, by the way. I'm okay.我没事 Charlie没事 顺便说一句 我没事Hey, you don't have to come up here.你不用上来No, I'm good.不
35、 没关系So, what does a transceiver look like?无线电收发机是什么样子Like a complicated walkie-talkie.结构复杂的对讲机Hey, can you hear me?听到我说话了吗I need that water.把水拿来Here. Here you go.给How many survived?多少生还者At least 48.至少48人Does anything feel broken?身上有骨折吗No, no. Just my head's a little dizzy, that's all.不 就是我的头
36、.有点晕 仅此而已It's probably a concussion.可能是脑震荡How long has it been?已经过了多久了Sixteen hours.16个小时Sixteen?16个?Has anybody come?有人来了吗Not yet.还没有Six hours in.our radio went out.起飞六小时后 我们的无线电失灵了No one could see us.没人看得见我们We turned back to land in Fiji.我们掉头去斐济降落By the time we hit turbulence.we were a thousand miles off course.但遇到了紊流 偏离了航线一千英里They're looking for us in the wrong place.他们搜救我们找错地方了We have a transceiver.这里有无线电收发机Good, good. We were hoping.好 这正是我们所希望的You shouldn't move.你最好别动No, no. I'm okay.不 我没事Transceiver's right there.无线电收发机就
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