



1、大学英语四级翻译题练习题集Day11._(据我所知),this is the first time a Chinese rider has won the competition.2.You are never_(老到不能获得圣诞长袜所带来的快乐。)3._(他们几乎从来没有分开过) in thirty years of marriage.4.In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relatives_(起着重要的作用)in raising children.5.Frankly speaking, Id rather you_(不采用任何

2、措施)about it for the time being.Day21.I should say Henry is _(与其说是个作家不如说是)as a reporter.3.The sports meet which was planned to be held last Friday_(最终因天气不好而取消了)。4.Cancer is _(仅次于)heart disease as a cause of death.5.It is a pity that we should stay at home when we have_(这么好的天气)。Day31.Why didnt you tel

3、l me you could lend me the money? I_(本来不必从银行借钱)。2. We are a competitive company looking for creative people willing to work _(尽其所能)。3. I have no objection_(再听听你的故事)。4. Sorry I didnt realize _(这是个如此敏感的问题)。5. If this cant be settled reasonably ,it may be necessary to _(诉诸武力)。Day41. He wrote to say _(他

4、们终究还是不能给我一份工作).2. Theres a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means_(想找麻烦).3. I would_(不会诉诸法律)a court of law if I hadnt been so desperate.4. This popular sports car_(正在生产出来)out at the rate of a thousand a week.5. Mark often_(试图逃脱罚款)whenever he breakstraffic regulations.Day

5、51. I dont mind you_(延期做出决定)the decision as long as it is not too late.2. _(真是不凑巧),the one who I wanted to call on wasnt in.3. But for his help,I_(不可能这么早完成)。4. She never dreams of _(被派到国外)5. This leaflet tells you _(怎么在旅行期间防止生病)Day61. We should recognize that every company and every person is_(顾客和供应

6、者漫长链条的一部分)。2. Id rather_(你别发表任何意见)on the issue for the time being.3. He always dreams of _(有个机会)for him to bring into full play his potential.4. We had to start at exactly the same time,_(所以我们必须核准手表)。5. He has just arrived, but he talks_(似乎什么都知道了)Day71. Because of advances in the medical technology,

7、 heart surgery is not _ (像以前那么危险)。2. The heroic fighter would rather die with his head high _ (也不愿跪着求生)。3. Only one week later, Mr. Smith came to realize _ (不是我就是他错了)。4. When the World War Two was over, Britain _(释放了大部分的战俘)。5. When I refused to move my car, he _ (勃然大怒) and threatened to call the police.Day81My brother was very ill, so _ (我只得把医生请来) in the middle of the night.2. Dont you know its the first time _(他参加这种会议)3You should _(留心任何一点变化) in the patient while the doctor is away.4. _ (他是否是工作的合适人选)is


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