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1、 写 作 分 类 指 导一简 单 句 的 五 个 基 本 句 型在英语中,只含有一个主谓结构,即有一个主语或并列主语和一个谓语或并列谓语构成的句子,且句子各成分都只有单词或短语构成的独立句子或分句叫做简单句.在简单句中,主语和谓语是句子的主干,即句子核心.除口语中的一些特殊句型外,比如祈使句和省略句,英语句子必须有主语和谓语,否则不成句子,无法完整地表达思想.除主语和谓语外,简单句还可以有宾语,表语,补语,状语,定语等。简单句是复合句的基本组成单位,因此正确理解,使用简单句十分重要。 简单句的五种基本句型一览表 句型 例句主语+系动词+表语 We are middle school stude

2、nts.主语+不及物动词 The students work hard.主语+及物动词+宾语 Tom loves sports.主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语 My teacher asked me a question.主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 He painted the wall white.注意:1 做主语或宾语的通常是名词,代词,动词的-ing形式或不定式。2 作表语的通常是形容词或名词,也可以是here,there等极少数副词,不定式短语,介词短语等。3作补足语的通常是形容词,名词,介词短语,不定式,-ing,-ed分词等。4主谓句型常与副词,介词短语,动词不定式,分词

3、等状语一起连用。创新应用A 指出下列句子属于哪种句型,然后译成汉语。1 Actor Jet Li hit the deadlines this week.-2 My father bought me a new bike yesterday.3 We are making our society and our life even better.-4 On 27th February 2009,something very unusual happened in the USA.-5 The Beijing Olympic Games must be a success with all th

4、e efforts made by the people of the world.-B 将下列句子译成英语,并指出用的是哪种句型。1 那时我们正坐在电脑面前。-2 不断地做好事会带给我们精神上的安慰。-3选择“伟人”的男生百分率与女生的百分率相同。-4 上周,我们就“谁是你的偶像”对2600个学生进行了调查。-5在做了个小小调查之后,我发现这类技术已经可以用到了。,Available 主语+系动词+表语在这个句型里,系动词本身不能表达完整的意思,需用一个表语来补充说明主语的状态特征,身份等。系动词可以是be动词,也可以是look,taste,get,feel等,如下所示:状态系动词-be T

5、he doctors are very patients.持续性系动词-keep,lie,remain,stay,stand He always kept silent.表象系动词-seem,appear,look He seems to be very sad.感官系动词-look,feel,smell,taste,sound This kind of cloth feels very soft.变化系动词-become,go,grow,turn,fall She grew rich withina short time. get,come,run终止系动词-prove,turn out H

6、is plan turned out a success.注意:1 有的系表结构较为固定,需特别记忆。如:get ready,get dark,turn redyellow,go badmad,go wrong,keep silent,come true,fall asleep,fall ill等。2 考生易犯错误:A 缺系动词-They not in the classroom.当句子意思较完整但又没有谓语动词时,一定要加be.B 多用系动词。I am study English.行为动词除进行时态或被动语态需要加be外,一般不能再加be动词。C 半系动词后用副词作表语。The mixtur

7、e tastes terribly.除极少数副词可以作表语外,here,there等。一般的副词不能作表语,应当用相应的形容词。创新应用 用“主语+系动词+表语”翻译下列各句。1 烟越变越浓。-grow2 斯密斯先生的脸红了。-turn-3 他们在教室里。-be-4 苹果吃起来味道不错。-taste-5那小孩很快睡着了。-fall6 肉已经变味了。-go-7我们的愿望是学好英语。-be-8 他的话听起来有道理。-sound-9 树叶在秋天变黄。-turn10 这个计划从表面上看不错。-look- 主语+不及物动词 在这个句型里,不及物动词本身就可以表达完整的意思,不需要宾语和补语,但可有副词,

8、介词短语,分词,不定式等状语修饰语。不及物动词没有被动语态。常用词有:Arrive,appear,apologize,belong,consist,complain,die,dream,disappear,fall,flee,happen,laugh ,lie,live,listen,look,rise,sleep,succeed,smile,stay,sink,sit,talk,work,walk,break out ,come out ,take place,come true.例:The rain stopped. The machine works smoothly. The fact

9、ory lies to the west of town.He succeeded in the examination. My dreams hav e at last come true.When does Johns book come out?注意:有的动词既可作不及物动词又可作及物动词:We stood outside the shop.-I cant stand what you said.The plane took off on time.-He was ordered to take off his coat.创新应用用“主语+不及物动词”翻译下列各句。1 我不会游泳。-2

10、孩子们在操场上玩。-3 飞机消失在天空中。-4 近几年,我国发生了很大的变化。-5 玛丽没有回答。-6 她一言不发地走了。-7 她总是在发牢骚。-8 面包的价格已大幅度上涨。 主语+及物动词+宾语及物动词需要一个动作的接受者即宾语,才可以表达一个完整的意思。做宾语的通常是名词,代词,不定式,动名词等。1 常接不定式做宾语的动词:want,hope wish agree promise refuse help arrange dare determine fail manage offer prepare pretend ask choose expect等。I want to do it my

11、self.-He determined to learn medicine.2 在tell know advise show teach decide learn 等动词后常接带连接词的不定式短语作宾语。He taught us how to use the tool.-I didnt know whether to laugh or to cry.3 常接动名词做宾语的动词:advise admit avoid consider delay enjoy excuse finish deny allow escape forgive imagine mind keep miss practic

12、e prevent risk suggest appreciate cant help put off give up等。She denied making a mistake.-Youd better put off having the meeting.4 注意下列词:remember,forget regretwant need require deserve be worthstart begin continue创新应用 用“主语+及物动词+宾语”翻译下列句子。1 我们爱科学。2 我们过着幸福的生活。3 他想看那部电影。5 他知道下一步做什么。6 我的手表需要修理了 主语+及物动词+

13、间接宾语+直接宾语 有些及物动词需要两个宾语才能表达一个完整的意思。间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后。有时位置可以对调,间接宾语前加上介词to或for.用to表示对谁做;用for通常表示“为谁做。1 to-give,tell lend sell teach send write show return bring pass leave offer hand promise refuse. Youd better hand it directly to the teacher.2 for-fetch make get cook sing spare do paint play find order s

14、ave Could you fetch a clean shirt for me?创新应用-翻译下列各句:1 你能把橡皮借给我吗?-2 我父亲买了本词典给我。3 他给我看他的通行证。4 玛丽为我们唱了首歌。-5 那位老人给我们讲了个故事。6 恩格斯给他写了封信表扬他。7 他替我读了这封信。 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语这类句型中的谓语动词都是及物动词,尽管后面跟了宾语,但句子意思仍不完整,须在宾语后面再跟一个成分,表示宾语的动作或说明宾语的状态,特性,身份等.这个成分称为宾语补足语.宾语和宾语补足语之间是逻辑上的主谓关系;宾补主要由形容词,名词,介词短语,分词或不定式来充当.1 常接形容词

15、作宾补的动词:beat boil cut drive find get hold keep leave make leave make paint push set think turn.They found the story very interesting.-He kept the window open.2 常接名词作宾补的动词:name think make find elect choose consider call appoint People call me old John. We electedmade him our monitor.3常接分词或不定式做宾补的动词:使役

16、动词-let make have leave cause get等;感官动词-see hear watch feel listen to look at notice等。 I heard someone call my name. I heard someone calling my name. I heard my name called.4 当作宾补的是不定式,动名词或从句时,要用it作形式宾语。 I find it important to learn English. 创新应用翻译下列各句:1 那噪音快要使我发疯了。2 我们要使学校变得更美丽。-3 他请我们参加做游戏。-4 我要你把真

17、相告诉我。-5 明天我要找人来修理机器。-6 每天早晨我们都听到她大声朗读英语。-7 他们感觉汽车行驶得很快。-8 我们必须保持身体健康。-9 我们不会让他在晚上外出的。-10 我从来没看见这个字这么用过。- 写作分类指导二 There be 句型There虽占着主语位置,但真正的主语放在动词的后面。There be 句型中,除了系动词be外,还可用seem happen live stand come go used to等动词。There isstands a tree in front of the house.注意:1 There be句型表示“某地或某时存在某物”。若表示某人某物拥有

18、某物时,要用have句型。There is a small pond in the school.-I have many books.2 在there be句型中,主语后的动词形式。主语和动词是主动关系,用现在分词;被动关系用过去分词;表示将来发生的事则用不定式。 There is a purse lying on the groud. There are ten people killed in the accident. There are five soldiers to attend the meeting. 3 There be 句型的几种扩展形式:There used to be

19、. There is are going to be There seems to be.There happens to be. There will be.创新应用 用there be 句型翻译下列各句1 房子前面有棵树。-bestand-2 希腊有个伟大的思想家。-livebe-3 碰巧家里没人。-happen to-4 学校里有个小花园。-belie-5 那儿过去有座桥。-used to-6 教室里好像有个人。-seem to-7 我有一支钢笔。桌子上也有一支钢笔。-havebe- 不得不背的There be 高级句型1 There is no denying the fact tha

20、t . There is no denying the fact that Japan invaded China.2 There is no doubt that. There is no doubt that they will ask you for help.3 There is no sensepoint in doing There is no sensepoint in arguing with him. There is no point in doing so.4 There is no use in doing .比较 It is no use doing There is

21、 no use in denying the fact that she had an affair.5 There is no need to do There is no need to cry if you really try.6 There is no telling There was no telling what the next assignment would be.创新应用用上述句型翻译下列句子。1 毫无疑问,它是胜任这个工作的。- 2 把重要的决定留给没有经验的人是没有道理的。 3 试图跟这些人评理是没有意义的。 4 我已经没有必要回答。- 5 不知道他打算做什么?-

22、- 活用with复合结构With的复合结构是指“with+宾语+宾补”结构,充当宾补的主要是形容词,名词,介词短语,副词,不定式,分词。该结构可以作状语和定语,写作中恰当运用with结构,可以使表达简洁,也能提高作文的档次。创新应用 表达练习翻译:1 我们住在一所绿树环绕的房子。-2 晚餐后,我们呆在家里,所有的灯都亮着。-3 有很多事情要做,这个假期我得努力学习。-4父亲工作一天后觉得很累,头枕着胳膊睡着了。-5他的母亲做完家务后,坐下来看她喜欢的节目。-6他的弟弟这次数学考试不及格,有点沮丧,此时正躺在床上,两眼盯着天花板。-7我的妹妹得了感冒,门没关就睡着了。爷爷坐在椅子上,嘴上叼着一只

23、烟斗。活用v+it+adj.n.+to do sth常用于该句型的动词find feel think consider makeI find it interesting to learn English. He considers it his duty to help us improve English.翻译练习1 玛丽觉得帮助那些贫穷的孩子是她的责任。-2 她明确表示她这样做的原因是她觉得帮助这些孩子是一件高兴的事情。-3 她每年使十个来自贫困家庭的孩子上学成为可能。-4 她每个月给这些孩子寄一次钱。-5她认为做一名志愿者非常有意义。 对简单句基本句型的扩展<一>练习句子扩

24、展,有助于学生循序渐进地实现由句到段的过渡,同时,对于学生练好语句基本功也很有好处。如:1 The man was famous.主 +系 +表The American man named Mike was famous. 定语At the age of 17,the man was very famous because of being good at playing the piano. 状语At the age of 17,the American man named Mike was very famous because of being good at playing the p

25、iano.2 The student jumped. 主语+谓语 The naughty student with glasses on jumped. 定语 Hearing the good news,the student jumped with joy in class without any hesitation. 状语 Hearing the good news,the naughty student with glasses on jumped with joy in class without any hesitation.创新应用按要求扩展句子:1 Students buy b

26、ooks. 至少要含有非谓语动词,介词短语和从句作定语-2 Girls buy clothes. 至少要含非谓语,介词短语和从句作状语-3 Tom saw a bird. The bird was wounded. He took the bird to the zoo. The workers in the zoo praised him .He arrived home late. He was happy.至少含一个主从复合句和一个并列复合句 对简单句基本句型的扩展二对Children should look after parents. 主+谓+宾一句进行扩展,可得到以下一些句子:1

27、Growing-up children working far away should look after their parents living at home.定语2 Time permitting, children should look after parents as often as possible. 状语3 Time permitting, grown-up children working far away should look after their parents living at home as often as possible.对Chinese are m

28、aking China more powerful. <主+谓+宾+宾补>一句进行扩展,可得到下列句子:1 Hard-working and open-minded Chinese are making China full of resources more powerful.定2 With time going on, Chinese are making China more powerful than before as expected. 状语3 With time going on, hard-working and open-minded Chinese are ma

29、king China full of resources more powerful than before as expected.创新应用 按要求对下列句子进行扩展1. Students work. 至少要含有非谓语,介词短语和从句等作状语-2. Students get up. 至少要含非谓语,介词短语和从句等作状语-3. John suffered from cancer. 至少要含两个名词性从句和一个并列句-4. The man gave me a pen. 至少含一个不定式短语,一个现在分词短语简单句合并成并列句或复合句有时可把简单句合并成并列句,使句子的连贯性更强,表达也更为贴切

30、,自然。如:1. They were happy. They deserved their happiness. They were happy and they deserved their happiness.2. You must hurry. You will miss the plane. You must hurry or you will miss the plane.3. Honey is sweet. The bee stings. Honey is sweet but the bee stings.由简单句到复合句,从而实现高级句子扩展。1. I forgot to pos

31、t the letter. I wrote it yesterday.I forgot to post the letter which I wrote yesterday.2. He missed the first bus. He came to school late.Because he missed the first bus, he came to school late.He missed the first bus, so he came to school late.创新应用 按要求对下列句子进行扩展。1. He was tired. He went to bed. 合并成一个并列句2. Our teacher must be at home. The door is open. 合并成一个并列句-3. They were in truth sisters. It was clearly. 改为含名词性从句的复合句用介词短语简化状语从句所谓简化句子就是把含从句定语从句,名词性从句及状语从句的复合句简化为含非谓语


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