1、外国语学院2007届毕业论文文学方向题目1. Santiago: A Modern Hero Who Realizes the Significance of Human Existence2. Horror from the Deep SoulGothic Novels from Edgar Allan Poe3. Character Analysis of Sethe in Beloved4. On the Family Concept in Great Expectation5. Analysis of the Hero in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer6.
2、 Racial Discrimination in The Bluest Eye7. The Artistic Style in A Farewell to Arms8. Gothic Elements in Wuthering Heights9. Disillusionment Underneath SuccessOn Martin Edens American Dream10. The Wrath of Grapes and the America in the Great Depression11. The Influences of Economic Status on Marriag
3、e in Pride and Prejudice12. On Macbeths Tragic Fate13. Darwinism in The Call of the Wild14. On the Different Fates of Tom and Eliza in Uncle Tom's Cabin15. On Ashleys Characteristics in Gone with the Wind16. On Paul Morels Personality in Sons and Lovers17. Uniqueness of E.E Cummings' Poetry1
4、8. HeathcliffA Distorted Soul in Whuthering Heights19. The Reflection of the Victorian Age Through the Two Major Female Images in Vanity Fair20. An Analysis of the Dual Personality of the Hero in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde21. Holden Caulfied as an Antihero in The Catcher in the Rye2
5、2. On the Tragedy of Fatalism in Macbeth23. The Significance of Pearl in The Scarlet Letter24. Analysis on “Death” and “Hope” in Emily Dickinsons Poems25. The Conflicts between Body and SoulD.H Lawrences Sons and Lovers26. On the Characteristic of Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice27. Love in D.H. Law
6、r ences Women In Love28. Da Vinci Code: A Big Course for Readers29. The Images of Birds in Tess of the Durbervilles30. The Spirit of Unity and Brotherliness in The Grapes of Wrath31. Conflicts between the Poor and the Bourgeoisie in Pygmalion32. On Swift's Satire in Gulliver's Travels33. On
7、Hemingway's Artistic Characteristics in The Old Man and the Sea34. Emily Bronte's Creative Sources in Wuthering Heights35. Critical Realism in An American Tragedy36. On Shakespeare's Humanism in The Merchant of Venice37. A Sound Heart Defeats a Deformed Conscience Through Huck's Grow
8、th in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn38. On the Double Personality of Rebecca39. The Superman Images in Jack London's Works40. The Disillusionment of American Dream in the Jazz Age41. On Emily's Morbid Psychology in A Rose for Emily42. Extreme Love of Motherhood in Beloved43. Analysis of
9、Jane Eyre's Image and Its Examples for Modern Women44. The Black People's Temperament in Uncle Tom's Cabin45. An Analysis of Olivers characters of Dickens Oliver Twist46. On the Characters Destiny and Love in The Thorn Birds47. On the Psychological Development of Tom in The Grapes of Wra
10、th48. On Wordsworth and Emersons Conception of Nature49. On Jane Austens Writing Characteristic s50. Captain AhabAn American Hero51. Benjamin Franklin Embodies American Spirits52. Jane Austen: From Emma53. Emily: From A Rose for Emily54. Hemingway Had Failure Complex55. Love between Hareton and Cath
11、yA Phosphor in the Haze56. On Hellen Keller's Spirits and Contributions57. The Revolutionary Thoughts of English Poet Percy Bysshe Shelley58. Loneliness in Katherine Mansfields Short stories59. Desires in Sister Carrie60. "Hamlet"an Unavoidable Tragedy61. The Character Development of E
12、mma62. The Theme of Love in The Gift Of The Magi63. Interpretation of Emersons Transcendentalism64. The Shadowy SaintSydney Carton65. Feminine Self-quest Reflected in Daniel Defoes Moll Flanders66. The God's Influence on Hester Prynne's Life67. Refle ction on Isabels Marriage Tragedy68. Puri
13、tanism in The Scarlet Letter69. Love Doubles SufferingAn Analysis of Tess Tragedy70. An Analysis of Mark Twain's Humor in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn71. The Invisible Man's Struggle to be VisibleComments on Invisible Man72. On the Alienation of Sons and Lovers73. Grace Under Pressure
14、in Robinson Crusoe74. The Cuban Background of The Old Man and the Sea75. An Analysis of Jane Eyre's Fate76. Different Choices, Different FateOn the Three Slaves in Uncle Tom's Cabin77. Personality Determines FateOn the Image of Scarlet in Gone with the Wind78. The Impact of Patriarchal Famil
15、ies on Major Characters in Wuthering Heights and Its Practical Significance79. The Love and Hate in Wuthering Heights80. The Role of Devil in British Literature81. Bibles Influences on English Literature82. The True Charm of a WomanAnalysis of Jane Eyre in Jane Eyre83. The Real World as Seen in Vani
16、ty Fair84. Review of Dreiser with Naturalism and Comment85. A New View on the Love of Romeo and JulietThe Doubt of Their Love86. The Innate Evil Reflected in Lord of the Flies87. The Brief Comment on Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice88. The Love between Jack and RoseA Tragedy in Titanic89. Go
17、thic Plots in Jane Eyre90. An Analysis of Edgar Allan Poes View on Death from the Psychological Perspective91. Ralph Touchett: The Incarnation of Henry James Ideal CivilizationAn Analysis of The Portrait of A Lady92. The Analysis of Jennie Gerhardts Tragedy93. The Alger Tradition and American Dream
18、in The Great Gatsby94. The Complicated Character of Jo in Little Women95. Robinson Crusoe: A Representative of Colonialist Spirit96. Naturalism in The Call of the Wild97. The Reasons Why Gone with the Wind Has Been a Great Success in China98. War and Henry's Attitudes Towards Love in A Farewell
19、to Arms99. Sister Carries Desires and Motivations100. Aloofness of Emily Dickinson101. Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter: Two Men's Tragedy102. The Values Reflected from The Great Gatsby in Jazz Age103. The Conflicts Between Love and Revenge in A Tale of Two Cities104. On Failure of Scarletts M
20、arriages105. The Life Attitude Expressed in The Old Man and the Sea106. White and RedThe Dual Symbolic Colors of Tess in Tess of the D'Urbervilles107. Santiago, Hemingway's Hero108. Hope, the Power to FightComment on the Spirit of Old Man and the Sea109. Harmony in NatureComment on the Ideol
21、ogy of Emerson's Nature110. Humanities and SolicitudeComment on the Social Significance of Olive Twist111. Glamour of the DreamOn the Theme of Beyond the Horizon112. Pursuit & Disillusion of Dreams: On Martin Eden113. On Expression of Hardys Concept of Fate in Tess of the D'Urbervilles11
22、4. Analysis of Naturalism Embodied in Sister Carrie115. Death Shows a True Man: On Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms116. The Spirit of Freedom: Analysis of Two Main Characters in The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn117. Fighting or Living: An analysis of the Compromise in Emma118. An Analysis of Hamle
23、t's Character119. On the Symbolism of The Old Man and the Sea120. On Anti-Semitism from Shylock in The Merchant of Venice121. Different Interpretations of the Letter "A" in The Scarlet Letter122. On the Theme of "Returning to Nature" in Thoreau's Walden123. The American D
24、ream: A Comparative Study of Fitzgerald and Gatsby124. On the Female Consciousness of Hester in The Scarlet Letter125. An analysis of the Art Characteristics in Gulliver's Travel126. The Value Orientation between Money and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice 127. On the Causes of Heathcliff's Tr
25、agedy in Wuthing Heights128. An Analysis of the Contradictory Characters of Angel Clare in Tess of D'Ubervilles129. On the Female Consciousness of Scarlett in Gone With The Wind130. A Study of Emily's Tragedy in A Rose for Emily131. An Analysis of the Image of Buckin The Call of the Wild132.
26、 On the Causes of the Love Tragedy between Ralph and Meggie in The Thorn Birds133. An Analysis of the Causes for Tess Tragedy134. On the Weaknesses in Hester Prynnes Humanity135. An Analysis of the Vampires in Classic Gothic Literature136. A Study of Paul's Oedipus Complex in Sons and Lovers2008
27、届毕业论文文学方向题目1. Frankenstein as a Gothic Novel2. The Wife of Bath: A Forerunner of Feminism3. Anti-Semitism in The Merchant of Venice4. On the Theme of The Lord of the Flies5. Lucky Jim and Angry Young Men6. Lucky Jim as a Bildungsroman7. Sarah Woodruff in The French Lieutenant's Woman8. Little Wo
28、men as a Female Bildungsroman9. Struggle for True Love-Analysis of the Image of Lucy Honeychurch in A Room with a View10. Determinism in The Mayor of Casterbridge11. “A Modest Proposal” A Pamphlet Full of Ironic Remarks12. Tom Jones A Classic of Satire13. On the Human Nature in The History of Tome J
29、ones, A Foundling14. On the Spiral Development of Blakes Thinking15. On Robinson Crusoes Alienation from the Traditional Concept of Family16. Embryo of Modernism in William Blakes Poems17. An Analysis of Thomas Grays “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”18. Exciting Irony and Quiet Irony The Compa
30、rison Between Gullivers Travels and Animal Farm19. A Thematic Study of A Tale of Two Cities20. The Progressive Spirit in Robinson Crusoe31. An Angel Without Wings - On the Image of Catherine Barkley in A Farewell to Arms32. The Elegy of Disillusionment - On the Theme of Pessimism in The Lost Generat
31、ions Literary Creations33. The Influence of Cultural Contradiction of Capitalism on Modern American Literature34. On the Harlem Renaissance - From The Native Son35. The Memory of War - On the Imprint of War in Hemingways The Sun Also Rises36. The Symbolism in The Great Gatsby37. On the Social Positi
32、on of Black Women from the Perspective of The Color Purple38. An Analysis of the Language Features of Hemingways Short Stories39. Who Am I? - On the Heros Search for Identity in The Swimmer40. Laura, A Wasteland Figure - An Analysis of Laura in Katherine Anne Porters Flowering Judas41. Mark Twains H
33、umor42. O. Henrys Artistic Animation in His Short Stories43. The Uniqueness of Emily Dickinsons Poetry44. The Characterization in Sister Carrie45. The Social Reality Reflected in Martin Eden46. The Social Significance of Uncle Toms Cabin47. The Narrative Features of Henry Jamess Novels48. Isabel Arc
34、hers Idea of Freedom: On Henry Jamess The Portrait of a Lady49. The Artistic Features of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn50. On the Manliness of Jack Londons Novels51. Womens Liberation Viewed from Tess52. On Sacrifice in A Tale of Two Cities53. On Realism in Pride and Prejudice54. An Analysis of
35、the Literary Characteristics of Dickenss Hard Times55. On the Language of Pride and Prejudice56. On the Social Significance of Oliver Twist57. An Analysis of the Background in Tess of the D'Urbervilles58. On Irony in Pride and Prejudice59. On Christianity in Jane Eyre60. An Analysis of the Liter
36、ary Characteristics of A Tale of Two Cities61. American Indians Fate Vi ewed from The Last of Mohicans62. The Artistic Characteristics of Rip Van Winkle63. Thoreaus Transcendentalist Ideas in Walden64. On the Tragic Fate of Uncle Tom in Uncle Tom's Cabin65. The Artistic Characteristics of Leaves
37、 of Grass66. On the Hypocrisy of Religion - From the Perspective of Hesters Tragedy in The Scarlet Letter67. On the Character of the Hero in The Catcher in the Rye68. The Symbolism in Moby Dick69. An Analysis of the “Womanism” in The Color Purple70. On the Multiple Themes in The Call of the Wild71.
38、The Colonialism in Robinson Crusoe72. On the Absurdity in Catch-2273. Desire and Affection in Sister Carrie74. Emily Dickinsons Death Complex75. Mark Twains Local Colorism76. Robinson Crusoes Dilemma77. Social C riticism in O. Henrys Short Stories78. Determinism in Tess of the Durbervilles79. On the
39、 Patriarchic Deterioration in Tender Is the Night80. Womens Revolt in Jane Eyre81. On Emily Dickinsons Love Poems82. Human Nature Manifested in Heart of Darkness83. The Theme of Love in Lady Chatterleys Lover84. Humour in George Bernard Shaws Pygmalion85. Joseph Conrads Contradiction: Anti-Coloniali
40、sm and Colonialist Consciousness in Heart of Darkness86. The International Theme in The American87. Alienation in Francis Macombers Short Happy Life88. The Complicated Relationship Between Man and Nature in Hemingways Short Stories89. Separation in E.M. Forsters A Passage to India90. An Analysis of
41、Arthurs Tragic Fate in The Gadfly91. The Theme of “Return to Nature” in American Romantic Literature92. A Comparative Study of Whitmans and Dickinsons Style s93. The Influence of Puritanism on American Literature94. The Theme of “Avenge” in Hamlet and Moby Dick95. The Stream of Consciousness in A Ro
42、se for Emily96. Westward Expansion and American Literature97. On the Alienation in The Great Gatsby98. On Sethes Tragedy in Beloved99. Social Criticism in Ethan Frome100 The Theme of “Social Climbing” in Sister Carrie101. Death and Rebirth in Women in Love102. The Social Background Manifested in Fit
43、zgeralds Works103. The Cultural Conflict in The Joy Luck Club104. The Comparison Between Mark Twains and Lu Xuns Humor105. A Study of Humanism During the English Renaissance106. A Comparative Study of Tao Yuanming and Wordsworth107. Womens Destiny in Dreisers Works108. On the Feminism in The Scarlet
44、 Letter109. On Ednas Inner Awakening in The Awakening110. Atonement and Alienation of Hester in The Scarlet Letter111. The International Theme in Henry James Works112. Artistic Features of O. Henrys Short Stories113. On the American Tragedy in Mourning Becomes Electra114. Money and Marriage - Charac
45、ter Analysis of Pride and Prejudice115. Mrs. Stowes Opinions on Slavery - Viewed from the Typical Characters in Her Works116. On the Inevitability of Gatsbys Tragedy117. Breakthrough and Innovation of Joseph Andrews118. M oll Flanders:A Victim of the Male-Centered Society119. An Analysis of the Deve
46、lopment of Western Feminism in The Thorn Birds120. Returning to Nature:An Ecocritical Study of Essay on Man121. A Comparative Study of the Affection in Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre 123. The Gothic Style of Rebecca2009届毕业论文文学方向题目1. Different Choices Determine Different Fate - Analysis of Major C
47、haracters in The Scarlet Letter2. Feminist Consciousness in Jane Austens Sense and Sensibility3. Social Problems Embodied in David Copperfield4. Women, You Belong to Yourselves - on the Fates of Shakespeares Portia and Ophelia5. Gothic Style in Northanger Abbey6. Modernity in Tess of the DUrberville
48、s7. A Comparision of Satire in A Modest Proposal and The Diary of a Madman8. An Analysis of Human Weaknesses Reflected in Sister Carrie9. An Analysis of Bertha Mason's Imprisonment in Jane Eyre10. The Worry of the Growth and the Choice of Life in The Catcher in the Rye11. On Edgar Allan Poes Poe
49、tic Theory12. Comparison of the Heroines in Gone with the Wind and Moment in Peking13. On Social Darwinism in The Call of the Wild14. The Theme of Escape in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn15. Deformed Characters in Winesburg, Ohio16. On the Biblical Prototypes of Characters in Tess of the DUrberv
50、illes17. The Red Badge of Courage Satire on Traditional Heroism18. On Satire in Sense and Sensibility19. View of Marriage in Jane Austens Emma 20. Feminism Viewed from Virginia Woolfs To the Lighthouse 21. Relationship Between Love and Hostility in Sons and Lovers 22. The Feminist Consciousness Betw
51、een Elizabeth and Jane Eyre 23. Symbols of a Wordless Woman - a Crazy Woman in Jane Eyre 24. Angel and Demon An Analysis of Caddy Compson in The Sound and the Fury 25. Decoding the Symbols in The Color Purple 26. On the Subordination of Womens Status for Love and Marriage in Jane Eyre 27. The Strugg
52、le Between Santiago and the Big Fish in The Old Man and the Sea 28. Symbolic Meaning of the Needle Work of Hester in The Scarlet Letter 29. The Imprint of the Civil War in Gone With the Wind 30. On the Contradiction in Cat in the Rain 31. Indians in the Eyes of E. M. Forster 32. The Symbolic Signifi
53、cance of the Main Characters Names in The Scarlet Letter 33. Robinson Crusoes Philosophy of Life 34. The Conflict Between Love and Religion in The Scarlet Letter 35. Jonathan Swifts Artistic Conception in Gulliver's Travels 36. Tesss Rebellion to the Traditional Moral Concept 37. Tragedy of Eust
54、acia - the Heroine of The Return of the Native 38. Ecocriticism of Nature 39. Black Humor in Catch-22 40. The Conflict Between Love and Revenge in Wuthering Heights 41. On the Image of Sister Carrie from the Perspective of Feminism 42. Analysis of the Psychological Growth of Emma 43. On the Theme of
55、 Struggle for Survival in Sister Carrier 44. The Conflict Between Natural Man and Social Man 45. On Reasons of Hamlet's Failure in Revenge 46. On the Tragedy of Pecola in The Bluest Eyes 47. An Analysis of Paul's Love in Sons and Lovers 48. The Image Comparis Between Ashley and Rhett 11 49.
56、Analysis of The Number of Old Testament 50. American Dream in The Grapes of Wrath - On the Lower Classes Indomitable Struggle for Survival in Great Depression 51. Enlightenment for Women of 21st Century from Jane Eyre 52. On Shakespeares View of Monarchy in King Henry V 53. An Analysis of Captain Ah
57、abs Image in Moby Dick 54. Emilys Sensation of Moor from Wuthering Heights 55. On the Pioneer Spirit in Little Woman and its Social Significance 56. On Pragmatism in Sister Carrie 57. Human Alienation and Regression of Rebecca in Vanity Fair 58. Physical Existence or Spiritual Existence? - On the Ch
58、oice of Strickland in The Moon and Sixpence 59. A Character Analysis of Celie in The Color Purple 60. An Analysis of the Tragic Love in Jude the Obscure 61. An Analysis of Characteristic Individuality in Vanity Fair 62. Symbolic Implications in Lord of the Flies 63. On the Pessimism of Hardy in The Mayor of Casterbridge 64. On Symbolism in Catch 22 65. Different Life Attitudes Reflected in Moby Dick 66. The Contrast of the Heroines Marr
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