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1、湖北省武汉市英语试卷15 小题)1.let s go swimmi ngA It s a pleasuBre You re welcomeC Thanks a lot D It s a good idea2. - Is your mother a teacher?-Yes, she is. She at a junior high school .A taught B teachesC will teach D is teaching3. - A nice car! Is it yours?-No, it isn . I'it from a friend of mine two day

2、s agoA borrow B have borrowedC will borrow D borrowed4. - Where are the flowers?-You see, someone them to the window .A moves B had movedC has moved D would move5. -I hear Tom is leaving.-why?A. And B. But C. Or D. So6. 一 The East Lake is not far from the Yellow Crane Tower, so you can easily visit

3、in a day .-Fantastic! I can ' t wait for itA . none B. both C. all D. either7. -Could I borrow your bike, please?A . Of course you can B. It doesn ' t matterC. Yes, I ' d loveDo No, thank you8. -Hi! My name ' s TimIt ' s my first time to be he reA . Very well, thank you . B . It

4、' s all rightC. That would be very nice . D . Nice to meet you .9. I ' ll pick you up at the stop sign where 50 meters ahead the two roadsA . fit B. meet C. face D . reach10. -Mr. Wilson, can I ask you some questions about your speech?-Certainly, feel to ask me .A . good B . calm C. free D .

5、 happy11. . 力ny special in this shopping mall now?-Sure, we have the latest e-products on sale.C brand D service12. -I'll always stand by you when you are in ne ed-It ' s nice of yoYour support is really .A appreciated B thankedC helped D depended13. Jason, would you please this notice?-With

6、 pleasure.A put on B put offC put up D put out14. If you wish , you come in and have a cup of coffee A may B must C would D should15. What did your teacher say just now?-He asked me.A how could I work it outB when did I go to the libraryC why I am late for schoolD if I had get ready for the exam二、完形

7、填空(共1 小题)16.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项( A、B、C、D)中、选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。It was Friday The football game was Saturday and we were very excited My brother was going tobe the quarterback (美式足球进攻组织者)for our team . It was the first time he would be inthat 1 , He had been hoping to be the quarterback ever since he joi

8、ned the team . He said,“ Thate ' s tbig job . That ' s the one that makes the big difference”My mother said, 2, son. That' s the big target攻击目标),too. You know the other 3 wantto knoc k you down . You can get hurt .”"Don' t worry, I - so m4 and I ' m fastBesides, I have great

9、 players who will 5 them from coming at me. " my brother saidI couldn,6 well the whole night . I worried about my brother . My mother was 7 - he could get hurt.The next morning, he 8 early to get to the game . When we got there, it was about to start. The _9 ran out on the field . My brother lo

10、oked great . He saw us and 10 .Then it started . They were playing hard . One player in particular from the other team kept 11 at him . Then it happened. He knocked my brother down . My brother was slow to get up . My brother was screaming (尖叫), The coach ran out on the field . He told my brother to

11、 12 some time on the bench. He was afraid he had been hurt.My mother ran down to 13 on my brother . But all he did was a smile ." It ' s just a bruise伤).I' m fine And don' t worry , I ' ll be bTbis is 14 . I love leading the team .”After that game, my brother plays quarterback e

12、very Saturday . But my mother is still 15 .She can' t go to the games She just waits at home and hopes to see him walking in smiling .1. A. game B. list C. show D. place2. A . Go ahead B. Take it easy C. Be careful D . Well done3. A . parents B. players C. fans D. strangers4. A . handsome B. hea

13、lthy C. brave D . strong5. A . stopB. helpC . protectD . hide6. A . behave B. play C . sleep D. dream7. A . rightB . sadC. angryD. excited8. A. rested B. exercised C. left D . returned9. A . family B . team C. coach D. crowd10. A. laughed B. noddedC. greetedD. cheered11. A . pointing B . shoutingC .

14、 lookingD . rushing12. A . take B. wasteC. save D. kill13. A. call B. checkC. operate D. breathe14. A. funny B. easyC. great D. dangerous15. A . proud B . disappointed C. anxious D. calmA、B、C、D)四个选项中,选出最佳答、阅读理解(共3小题)17.阅读下面材料,从每篇材料后各小题所给的四个选项(案。W AZT TO SOME EXTRAXPC cxirrcntly hAVC p北野in all孤心91. T

15、he material above has something to do with .A . phone booksB. a websiteC. Oxford UniversityD. newspapers2. How many requirements (条件)are needed for getting the job?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 53. This advertisement is probably given by .A . a bicycle companyB. newspaper ownersC. Oxford DistributionD . the local

16、government4. If we do the job,.A . we can win free bicyclesB . we can design paper roundsC. we will pay extra moneyD . we will wear free uniforms5. How can we get more information?A . By sending an email .B . By going around all areas .C. By calling 01852 476666 .D . By asking a 13-year-old child18.

17、阅读下面材料,从每篇材料后各小题所给的四个选项( A、B、C、D)四个选项中,选出最佳答 案。Donna Ashlock, a 14-year-old girl from California, was very sick . She had a bad heart “Donnaneeds a new heart, " her doctor said,“ she must have a new heart, or s he will die soonFelipe Carza, 15, was worried about Donna . Felipe was Donna' s

18、friend. He liked Donna verymuch. He liked her freckles, and he liked her smile . Felipe didn' t want Donna to dieFelipe talked to his mother about Donna . "I am going to die," Felipe told his mother,“and I am going tgive my heat to Donna .”Felipe ' s mother didn ' t pay much at

19、tention to FelipeFelipe is just kidding, “ she thought, “Felipe is not going to die . He' s strong and healthiy ”But Felipe was not healthy . He had terrible headaches sometimes, " my head hurts, " he often told his friends. Felipe never told his parents about his headaches.One morning

20、 Felipe woke up with a sharp pain in his head . He was dizzy (眩晕的),and he couldn ' t breathe. His parents rushed Felipe to the hospital. Doctors at the hospital had terrible news for them."Felipe ' s brain is dead, “ the doctors said, , " "we can ' t save himThe parents we

21、re very sad . But they remembered Felipe ' s wo rds “Felipe wanted to give his heartto Donna,they told the doct orsThe doctors did several tests . Then they told the parents, “we can give Felipe ' s heart too DonnaThe doctors took out Felipe ' s heart and rushed the heart to DoOnaer doct

22、ors took out Donna ' s heart and put Felipe t inshhearhest. In a short time the heart began to beat.The operation was a success. Felipe ' s heart wbeating in Donna ' s chest, but Donna didn ' t know it. Her parents and doctors didntTheyiwaited until she was stronger; then they told h

23、er aboutFelipe. " I feel very sad, “ Donna said, “ but I am thankful to FelipeThree months later the operation Donna went back to school . She has to have regular checkups, and she has to take medicine every day. But she is living a normal life .Felipe ' s brother John says, “Every time we

24、see Donna, we think of.FeSpe has Felipe 's heart in her. That gives us great peace.”1. Felipe was worried about Donna because.A . she had frecklesB . she was very sickC. she would have a new heartD. she had a sharp pain in her head2. We learn from the passage thatA . Felipe promised Donna to giv

25、e her his heartB . Donna needed a new heart instead of her ownC. the doctors asked Felipe ' s parents to donate his heartD. Felipe never told anyone about his terrible headaches3. Donna knew nothing about Felipe ' s heart .untilA . Felipe ' s parents! her the bad newsB . the operation wa

26、s going to startC. she was well and strong enoughD. she went back to school4. It is clear thatA . Felipe ' s brother often goes to see Donna in hospitalB . Donna can live a normal life without medicineC. the doctors did several tests during the operationD. the Carza have great peace because of D

27、onna5. Which of the following may probably be the best title for the passage? A. The Gift8. The Operation C. The Peace D. The Illness19 .阅读下面材料,从每篇材料后各小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)四个选项中,选出最佳答案。Molly Boylan is one of the most successful business women in Canada after setting up her cosmetic (化妆品)company Blazes

28、in 1992 . Though she is very successful, she says that she finds it harderevery year in balance (平衡)her business with her family life . She sometimes feels that her two children know more about their baby-sitter than they do about her .Molly employs (雇佣)around eighty people in her factory and wareho

29、use, and ten others in her two new fashion stores, but her newest employee is the most important one for her. After years of worrying about her business more than her family, she has decided to make Sally Pamonte new general manager in her company. Molly will still be involved in decision- making, a

30、nd she s going to stay in touch with the people who work for her, but Sally is going to look after day-to-day running of the business so that Molly can spend more time with the kids .The new arrangement (安排)is going to start on Monday, and both of them are already excited aboutit. Sally says, "

31、 I ' m very nervous, actually, but I' m sure Molly will help me a lot in the early days, eventhough I hope she feels she can trust me not to make too many mistakes .”Molly, on the other hand, seems quite relaxed about the whole thing . " I know that Sally ' s going to bea very nice

32、manager. " she says, "She' s only been here a couple of days and she' s already shown rto work out a few problems we were having . The best thing though is that I feel a hundred times happier than I' ve been in years I mean, I honestly can ' t remember the last time I felt

33、as relaxed as this, and my kids are really excited about my being at home more . To be honest, I wish I had made this decision years 一一一 ” ago.1. The passage is mainly about.A . Molly and her childrenB . Molly finding a new managerC. the baby-sitter and the kidsD . Molly making a change about her bu

34、siness2. The underlined phrase “ be involved in " in the passage probably meansA . be interested inB . take part inC. be nervous aboutD. learn about3. Sally seems to be a good manager because.A . she has set up a new BlazesB . she keeps in close touch with the workersC. she has been able to sol

35、ve a few problemsD . she has been working for the company since 19924. According to the passage, Molly .A . will not run her business any moreB . seems satisfied with the new arrangementC. was not pleased with the baby-sitterD . was successful both in her business and her family5. The best thing for

36、 Molly now is thatA . she has more than eighty people working for herB . her kids know more about the baby-sitterC. she can have more time to be with her kidsD . she has got a new general manager in her company四、选词填空(共1小题)20 .仔细阅读下面五个句子,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结构、句意和逻辑上正确。(提示:选项中有一个是多余的)bMong to ab

37、sem use make humorous 炉nd for1. If you don ' t a flash, then it may be OK.2. When it began to rain, Ben was helping his mom dinner .3. It could be Mei ' s hair bOn dt might Linda . They both have long hair.4. The British teacher is very . He always tell us interesting jokes .5. If you are al

38、ways from class, you will fail the examination五、阅读填空(共1小题)21 .阅读短文,再在其后空白出写出各单词的正确形式。单词的第一个字母已给出。I want to buy a pair of sports shoes for a long time . I had spend months saving up the money to buy them and I finally had e 1, Last Saturday my friend Jake wanted to buy a new CD,so we decided to gosho

39、pping together.We took the bus into town and it was very c 2 ,so we had to stand all the way . Jake and I were talking when I suddenly n 3 that my bag was open and my purse had gone! The bus had just stopped and there was a boy near me who was going quickly towards the door . We thought he had stole

40、n my money so we got off the bus and f 4 him . The boy started running and then Jake ran after him shouting T 5'' Stop It was like a scene out of a film! A policeman saw what was going on and managed to get the boy.The embarrassing thing was that when the policeman s 6 the boy, he didn '

41、 t have my purse! He probably thrown it away before he was caught . The boy said we had made a mistake and we shouldn' tblame (指责) him for the stolen purse . He explained that he had o 7 started running because he was late for a meeting with friends . The policeman a 8 him to go and I felt reall

42、y stupid . I don ' t know whether he stole my purse or not as there was no proof (证据),I wish I hadn ' t been so careless and had kept an e 9 on my bag!I ' ve lost my front door key and 60 ponds. I ' m really fed up Jake offered to lend me the money to buy the sports shoes, but I donf

43、 t Ohintoitake itst isn ' t his fali失) that I had my pursestolen!六、书面表达(共1小题)22.你是一名中学生,想成为国际动物救助中心"International Animal Helpers (IAH)的一名志愿者,请你用英文写一封自荐信。内容要点如下:1.能参加周末活动;2从家乘地铁到“中心 ”约十分钟;3喜爱动物,愿意帮助他们;4懂一点医学知识;5补充一两点个人信息和想法。注意:1 文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;2词数:60 803不得逐条翻译,内容要连贯得体;4信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词

44、汇:subway n. 地铁 volunteer n. 志愿者medical adj. 医学的Dear Sir / Madam,My name is Li Ming,Looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Ming答案部分1 .考点:交际用语试题解析:句意:-我们去游泳吧。-好主意。It ' s a pleasure用客气;You' re welcome不用谢;Thanks a lot多谢;It ' s a good idefe意。此处应答提建议的句子,所以选 D。答案: D2 .考点:一般现在时试题解析:句意:

45、 -你母亲是老师吗?-是的,她是。她在初中教书。表示经常性动作常用一般现在时,句子主语She属第三人称单数,所以谓语动词也用第三人称单数,故选 Bo答案: B3 .考点:一般过去时试题解析:句意:-一个漂亮的车!它是你的?-不,不是。两天前我向我的一个朋友借的。borrow sth. from sb.从某人那里借来某物。borrow 表示的是借进,lend 表示借出。a friend of mine 我的一个朋友。根据two days ago 可知该用一般过去时,所以选D。答案: D4 .考点:现在完成时试题解析:句意:-花在哪里?-你看,有人把他们移到了窗口。moves 一般现在时;had

46、moved过去完成时;has moved现在完成时;would move过去将来时。叙述的时候,花已经被移走了。根据语境可知该用现在完成时,所以选C。答案: C5 .考点:连词连接词试题解析:句意:-我听说汤要离开了。-但是为什么?And 和,表示前后是并列关系;But 但是,表示前后是转折关系;Or或者,否则,表示前后是选择关系;So所以,表示前后是因果关系。结合语境,因此选 B 。答案: B6 .考点:代词不定代词试题解析:句意:-东湖离黄鹤楼不远,所以在一天内你可以很容易地参观两地。-好神奇!我等不及了。all 全“体大家一切”,用于三者或三者以上,也可接不可数名词。both 表示两者“

47、都 ”(强调全体)。either 两者之一 “ ”,用于两者(强调个体)。none “没有一个人物 ”,用于否定三者或三者以上的可数名词。根据语境,所以选B。答案: B7 .考点:交际用语试题解析:句意:-请问,我可以借你的自行车吗?-当然可以。Of course you can 当然可以;It doesn t matter没什么,不用谢;Yes, I ' d love to的,我乐意;No, thank you不,谢谢你。结合语境,所以选A。答案: A8 .考点:交际用语试题解析:句意: 峭!我叫提姆。这是我第一次来这里。-见到你很高心。Very well, thank you.非常

48、好,谢谢你; It s arlilght 没事,不要紧;That would be very nice. 那将非常好;Nice to meet you 见到你很高心。根据语境,所以选D 。答案: D9.考点:动词动词短语试题解析:句意:我会在站牌前方50 米的道路处接你。pick sb up 接某人;where 引导的是定语从句,修饰前面的地点名词stop sign ; the two roads meet两条路交叉,fit适合;meet见面,遇见;face面对;reach 到达。所以选B 。答案: B10.考点:形容词 试题解析:句意: -威尔森先生,我能问你一些关于你的演讲的问题吗?-当然

49、,随意问我。Good 好的; calm平静的;free自由的,无拘束的,空闲的;happy愉快的。所以选 C。答案: C11.考点:动词动词短语 试题解析:句意:也这家商场里有什么特别优惠吗?一当然,我们有最新的电子产品销售。offer 提供,提议, 出价,开价;price 价格; brand 品牌; service 服务。所以选A。答案: A12.考点:动词动词短语 试题解析:句意: -在你需要的时候我会一直支持你。-你真是太好了。真的感激你的支持。stand by 支持; inneed 需要;It ' s nice of yOU真是太好了;depended依赖。根据句意故选 A。a

50、ppreciated 欣赏, 感激; thanked 感谢; helped 帮助;答案: A13.考点:动词动词短语 试题解析:句意:-杰森,请你挂起这个通知,好吗?吗 ”,表示请求。With pleasure 非常愿意。-非常乐意。would you please +do sth. 表示 “请你做某事好put on 穿,戴;put off 推迟,延期;put up 张贴,挂起;put out 熄灭。所以选C。答案: C14 .考点:情态动词试题解析:句意:如果你愿意,你可以进来喝杯咖啡。have a cup of coffee喝杯咖啡;may可以,表示允许;must必须,一定; would将

51、,should应该。根据句意故选 A。答案: A15 .考点:宾语从句试题解析:句意:-你老师刚才说什么啦?-他问我是否准备好了考试。在宾语从句中只能使用陈述语序。故排除A和B。当主句用了一般过去时时,宾语从句要使用相应的过去时态。选项 C用的是一般现在时,不符合语境。故选D 。答案: D16 .考点:人物传记故事阅读类试题解析:短文大意:作者的哥哥是他们团队的四分卫。这是他第一次在那个位置上。自从他加入球队他一直希望能当四分卫。他的妈妈担心他会受伤。比赛开始后另一个队的一个球员撞倒了他。但他所做的只是一个微笑。“这只是擦伤。我很好。别担心。”1. D考查名词及语境理解。句意:这是他第一次在那

52、个位置上。Game游戏,比赛;list清单;show 表演; place 地方。联系上句. My brother was going to be the quarterback (美式足球进攻组织者) for our team 可知该选D。2. C考查动词短语及语境理解。句意:小心点,儿子。这也是个大的攻击目标。Go ahead前进;Take it easy放轻松;Be careful当心; Well done干得好。联系后面的句子 That' s the big target攻 击目标), too. You know the other 3 want to knock you dow

53、n. You can get hurt. 可知该选”C。3. B考查名词及语境理解。句意:你知道其他的运动员想击倒你。parents父母亲;players运动员;fans粉丝,密;strangers陌生人。根据句意结合语境可知该选B。4. D考查形容词及语境理解。句意:别担心,我很强壮,我很快。Handsome英俊的;healthy健康的;brave勇敢的;strong强壮的。根据并列成分 and I ' m fast知该选D。5. A 考查动词及语境理解。句意:还有,我有很多的球员,他们会阻止他们朝我来。Stop 停止;help 帮助; protect 保护; hide 隐藏。 St

54、op sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事,所以选A。6. C考查动词及语境理解。句意:整个晚上我都不能睡好。behave表现,举止;play 玩;sleep睡觉; dream 梦想。联系the whole night. I worried about my brother. 可知该选C。7. A考查形容词及语境理解。句意:我的母亲说得对,他可能受到伤害。Right对的;sad悲伤的; angry 生气的;excited 兴奋的。联系后一句he could get hurt. 可知该选A。8 C 考查动词及语境理解。句意:第二天早上,他早早地动身去比赛。Rested 休息; ex

55、ercised 练习;left离开,动身;returned归还。根据句意结合语境可知该选C。9 B 考查名词及语境理解。句意:队伍在田野上跑出。family 家庭; team 队; coach 教练; crowd人群。根据句意结合语境可知该选B。10 B 考查动词及语境理解。句意:我的兄弟看上去很好。他看见我们,点了点头。Laughed 笑;nodded 点头;greeted 问候;cheered 使振作。联系上句 My brother looked great.可知该选 B。11 D 考查动词及语境理解。句意:,特别是另一个队的一个运动员一直冲向他。Pointing 指;shouting 喊

56、; looking 看; rushing 冲。根据句意结合语境可知该选D。12 A考查动词及语境理解。句意:他告诉我哥哥在板凳上花费点时间。Take带走;waste浪费;save挽救;kill杀死。根据句意结合语境可知该选A。13 B 考查动词及语境理解。句意:我的母亲跑去给我弟弟做检查。Call 打电话;check 检查;operate手术;breathe呼吸。联系后面的句子But all he did was a smile."It ' sjUSt)a brUise mfine. And don ' t worry , I ' ll be back. Th

57、is is 14. I love leadinglhe)team. Bo”14 C考查形容词及语境理解。句意:这是了不起的。我爱带领这个团队。Funny有趣的;easy容易的;great了不起的;dangerous危险的。联系下句 I love leading the team可知该选 Co15 C 考查及形容词语境理解。句意:但我的母亲仍然是焦虑的。Proud 自豪的;disappointed 失望的; anxious 焦虑的;calm 平静的。根据句意结合语境可知该选C。答案: 1-5 DCBDA6-10 CACBB11-15 DABCC17.考点:广告布告类阅读试题解析:短文大意:该文是一则招聘广告。应聘此项工作应具有的条件是勤劳、踏实可靠、年龄在13 岁以上,短文给出了联系电话等信息。要想获得更多的信息还可以通过发送电子邮件来获取等等。1 D 细节理解题。根据常识可知这类广告最有可能发布在报纸上,所以该选D。2 B 细节理解题。根据图片中的描述可知要获得此项工作需要勤劳、踏实可靠、13岁以上等条件,所以该选B 。3 C 细节理解题。根据图片中的描述可知该广告可能


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