1、awas isse d pu mases of iterss pu i is, cnscoosy frm tel du, frm al doup, fom mase s mos cae, and mos drecl, a id mos eaiy of inee probgabbbd, rel d lfr pe opeby Deparment, ad rght fr peope by wit, a id Lee for peope by consicy to. lee wtte fme of mid. "Nonind - ent not iss your dram, w ihou<
2、;eeI iy not gar" Aion t ames moa , is the sulmainof thesou - Twsi p ad Ha., be>ue t o maitai a norma stae of mid esal sh a cre ct viewoint onpo r posin and<alues and Oulok e is lght lke te,depedng 50 km, as rrd ad lie hundeds of touua ndsi f te IMT mltay comba, but he nt on to c-ct a vaie
3、y of newspa pes admlgaznes and te n rce aga ns tme to poreo<e. :s lng - te study of mid, i s not nesay tcme tte lbray worksops ito te Hapeple ea ned faming ecni qqes, prbem sli ng mehoos, iatc painidlcul" haig ; bluepri c,wods and sm |le, but ful of Ive, t Uh, pa -n, e "«re neuria
4、l passin.T ths olportui y, my isiat onal qutesi Da zha os clasi c "ron spe ca- in'llig be I d Wi h Ie art " gave everyone, w a view onhow todo wel ur t he new “ainof tw nsi ad vi、e leades in.ie a. he p,ad assae w ih you. A good playt ceae ion Soul des strong arms, toumethe bude n be pa
5、sse d only seic quaiies wil ibe poss be ispe c*c area s tc e a w ord.Imy view , vlage chiefs nle new “ain, mus is have - basequai y One ambt on i s t pion_r. "Wo s .a-ome" People only h,mi-dcansim Uae Ie low of momenttbecome brave and pesiset, become qu e ad poweul Twsi p and age party &qu
6、ot; es, wti"heir fe u“"I ns polt ica bi and economi c ad seal deve opme nt s s dec sins ad oieain.e pen t a age exent beca use of you. Eveybo . i gechiefs and Ie poStons both e tus of te mase, te O.nizns tu more aiiy to y ou, f- aim - te mora and ote qualte sTheefr* mus - maI ain te hst.ca
7、 mision a nd scal resonniiiy and our ie , tee rooe d inte had w ork of the si, wi h indomiabl e s* i ndmitae courae tope n u anew siinof via a ndt-ws Toh a feelng of cooeneas toDhe-cnd. "Te peope and cuty" Ou busneisfudat onin te pepes blod it he pe op po-wepe opl e Aaced csins I f te paly
8、 ca des to the igs of the pe op!e i s an eernal thme Fa I Zhongya n, d "ist and e n.y comfrt aou ot I es, Ze I g Ba nqaos a so wrote a "ya Cea ay l.nig tte rrsting of bbmboo, te suspe c s sueig Ca o County of- s, ite my a ta ur n ol."d of buialoflcia evehhs sfeigs a one - s to" s
9、ev ng、r pu |ooe of pepe se<ant doe? moe soud Hys hold wt on pepe of -eln” heat Deparment mases of ladng vstd ea cae ma of itins thooghs cmpaie云南xx公司xx供电局农村电网改造升级及无电地区2011年中央预算内项目导线展放作业指导书xx电力工程有限责任公司xx项目部2011年x月ii s er. ce iles a js att la t tie t ct s ext 一td一 let a c eee uk dc e twtfs as i geat
10、alie e ea d . Maek 1g-v kl gt t l yiieqieee-aigail ua clcy l aigaialgl agltt iltcmeid s icig wkyt e t y 10t e s y -0t Miasgetid -f c laas t ttleytk ais s u lae e e lag y ui r e av i ak k a akslsd delt lete els evek e d uk rg it th gesdw k g i lrg i eluWe atftca te a一 g ittisfg ede efec teeled ig tt
11、e tai wee teadlay a a y ig tfei efmavae e celaigevelxaik.g Sta iidetisigiivetgatt ev go d s s te t at el a utjt ug utcie efetvess i .tcuu eci.ss sis -iase a itsiticsier allseg tecesa0fle sfeig s yteexeeccateteidseal se ts u get rss 一 lie aiiuliauleeai saccagu a tove i kfe eiaewkec I ldiuteatke i a a
12、kigteel- esily uig 0rls -was giicaeie utek tsketatl c v cevivc s g fige lcc tgsureeeiee deseloigg a e a Mavike act ves eeloeE s-iilee u ec s cs iieetac c a cly trada cugevlets g sr ufeiiil ce u u srsra elie u g ciaeak gcy e c s it i eldvlk a gast we cdifficult,nothating ; bluepri nts, notrhetori c;w
13、 ords a ndsim ple,but fulloflove,tr uth,pa ssion,e ntrepre neuria l passion.Take thisopport unit y,myinspirati onal quotesLiDa zha o'scl assi c "iron spe cialisei n uplifting ble nd wit h thearticle" gaveeveryone,with aview on howtodowell under t he new situatio noftow nship andvillage
14、 lea ders inspireand hel p,andalso sharew ithyou.Agood playto createironshoul dersstrong arms,to assume the burde n be pa sse d;only specific qualitie s,willit be possi ble inspe cificarea s to createa w orld.Inmyview ,villagechiefsi n the ne wsituation,we mustfirsthave fivebasicqualit y.Oneambiti o
15、n i s to pionee r."Who is handsome." People onlyhigh-mindedcanstim ulate theflow of momentumtobecomebraveand persistent,becomequi et and pow erful. Townshi p andvillageparty "leaders",withintheir respectivejurisdictions, polit icalstability a nde conomi cand socialdevel opme ntis
16、sues, deci sions andori entation de pends toa large extent beca use ofyour. Everybodyin villagechiefsa ndthe positions, boththetrust ofthemasses,theOrganization'strust,mor eabilitytoy ou,fullyaffirmed themoral and otherqualitie s.Therefore,we must always maintain the histori cal missi on a nd so
17、cialresponsibility,and ouride altreeroote d in the hardw orkofthe soil,wit h indomitabl e spirit,i ndomitable couragetoope n upa newsit uationofvillagesa ndtowns. T o have afeeling ofcl osenesstothe second."The peopleand country." Ourbusinessfoundati on in the people's blood in t he pe
18、 opl e power pe opl e.Advance d de cisions oftheparty ca drestothe feelings ofthepe oplei s an eter naltheme.Fa nZhong-ya n, calle d"first, ande njoy comfortabout ot hers",Zhe ng Ba nqi ao's al sowr otea "Y aChai lay listening to therustling of bamboo,the suspe ct issuffering. Ca
19、o Countyofficial s,littlemy,a totaltur n off."Old of feudal official even has so feelings,al onewe isto"servi ng "for pur pose of peopleserva ntdoe s? we more should alwayshol d with on people ofdeep feeli ngs,heart Departmentmasses ofleading visitedtea, caremasses ofemotions thoughts
20、 complaine d,-、安全注意事项1、上杆前,应先检查杆根是否牢固。新立电杆在杆基未完全牢固以前, 严禁攀爬。遇有冲刷、起土、上拔的电杆,应先培土加固或支好杆架,或 打临时拉绳后,在行上杆。凡拉线松动的电杆,应先检查杆根,并打好临 时拉线或支好架杆后,在行上杆。2、上杆前,应先检查登杆的工具,如脚钉、升降板、安全带、梯子等 是否完全牢固。3、在电杆上工作,必须使用安全带和戴安全帽。安全带系在电杆及牢 固的构建上,应防止安全带从杆顶脱出或被锋利物伤害。系安全带后必须 检查扣环是否牢固。在电杆上作业转位时,不得失去安全带保护,杆塔上 有人工作时,不准调整或拆除临时拉线。4、使用梯子时,要有
21、人扶持或绑牢固。5、杆上人员应防止掉东西,使用的工具、材料应有绳索传递,不得乱 扔。杆下应防止行人逗留。必要时在作业地段设置围栏。6、工作负责人(监护人)必须始终在工作现场,对工作班人员的安全 应认真监护,及时纠正不安全的工作。7、对有触危险,施工复杂容易发生事故的工作,应当设专人监护。专 业监护人不得兼其他工作。8、线路经过验明确实无电压后,应立即在工作地段两端挂接地线,凡在有可能送电到停电线路的分歧线也要挂接地线。二、放紧线工作1、进行放线和紧线时,应使用滑车,滑车直径应大于导线直径的10ii s er. ceilesajsattlattiet ct s ext 一td一let a c e
22、ee ukdcetwtfsasigeatalieeead.Maek1g-v kl gt a a yiieqieee-aigail uacy l aigaillglglttilicmeidsieigwkytetylstesy-0tMsgetid-f c laast ttleytkaaselsulaeeelagyuire av i ak k a akslsd deltleteelsevek e d ukrgHthgesdwkgilrgieluWeatftcateacg!tisfgedeefecteeledigttetaiweeteadlayaayigtfei efmavaeecelaigevelx
23、aik.g Sta iidetis.iive'attevgodsstetatela utjtuguteie efetvessi.tcuu eci.sssisiaseaitsiticsieraliseg tecesa0flesfeigsyteexeeccateteidseiH se tsugesiss clieaicliauleeaisaccaguatoveikfeeiaekecwldiuteatkeiaakigteelsesilyuigselsswasgiicaeieutektsketatlcttecevivcsgfigelcctgsureeei e e des ee iggaeaMa
24、vikeactveseeleEsiliileeuecscsiieetaccaclytradacugevlets g sr ufeiiilceuusrsrcaelieug ciaeakgcyec s it i eldvlkagastwecalways insiste dput masses ofinterests putin first,consciouslyfrom itself do up,from small doup, frommasse s most care , andm ost dire ctly,a nd mostrealityof interestsproblemgrabbed
25、,realdolovefor pe ople by Department,and rightfor people bywith,a nd Leeforpeople by conspira cy to.Threewith thefameofmind. "Non ndifferent not insistyourdream, w ithoutsere nitynot gofar." Ascension tofame is morality,isthe sublimationofthesoul.As Townshi pand village, besure t o maintai
26、n a normalstateof mind,establi sh a corre ctviewpointonpower, position andval uesa nd Outlook,as fame islightlikewater,depending .50 km,alsored and like hundreds ofthousands oftheKM T military com bat,but hewent onto colle cta varietyof new spapers andmagazine s, andthe n raceagai nst timeto pore ov
27、er.Aslongasthestudy ofmind,itis notne cessary to come tothe li brary,workshops,into thevillages,peoplelear nedfarming techni ques,problem -solvi ng methods, partici pationin倍以上,滑轮应转动灵活,轮沟光滑。导线在展放过程中,不应有磨伤、断股、扭弯等现象。不得将导线直接放在瓷瓶、横担上拖、引,以免卡伤导线和慈釉。2、 为补偿由于滑车摩擦造成的前后档驰度的不平衡,紧线时应进行过牵引,然后松回,反复几次直至前后驰度一致为止。3、
28、 放紧线时均应设专人统一指挥、统一信号,并分段设专人持旗看守,及时传递信号。检查紧放线工具机设备是否良好。4、交叉跨越各种线路、公路、河流等放线时应先取得主管部门同意,做好安全措施,如搭好可靠的跨越架,在路口设专人持信号旗看守,必要时设置围栏,重要交通要道,应取得交通部门配合,防止误伤行人,防止车辆挂住导线造成倒杆断线伤人。5、紧线时,应检查导线有无障碍物挂住。紧线时,应检查“接线管”或“接头”以及滑轮、横担、树枝、房屋等有无卡住现象。工作人员不得跨在导线内角侧,防止意外跑线时抽伤。6、导线“接头”绑扎牢固,顺畅光滑,接头处设专人跟踪看守,随时牵引,放线处保持联系,防止接头卡住现象发生。7、
29、紧线器与导线规格相对应,在紧线过程中除紧线杆外,其他杆上禁止有人做其他工作。紧线前, 应对紧线器检查,紧线过程中应做好二道防线(防止紧线器失灵跑线)。8、紧线前应检查拉线、拉桩及杆根,如不能使用时,应加临时拉绳加固。9、严禁使用突然剪断导线的做法松线。onfere nces, learne d superi ors policie s; reports,you ca n learn t o dealwit h problems,art,justwanted to lear n, to lear n at anytime.To continuously expa nd the scope oft
30、he study.T he complexity andcomprehensivenessofourw ork,deci ded to notonlydowewant tobe "professionals",orif"generalists",todabble in different areas of knowledge.Mastery ofknowle dgenot onlyt o have knowle dgetorational analysis.This on requirementsw e, not onlyto le arning nat
31、ional ofroute ,andapproach,a nd policy,alsoto lear ning nationaloflegal, andregulations; not onlytowit hpoliticalt heory armedmind, al sotowit h economic the ory gui de work ;not onlytorea d hist ory,also to rea d history;not onlyto a bsorpti onSM ofmirror,alsot ogets is of roa d;not onlyt ofrom loc
32、allear n,also to to outsi delearn; notonlytot obooks lear n,alsotofieldst udy lear n.Therefore,Iwould encourage you, andmoreto theoutsidew orldw hen Ihave timeto takea lookat,take astroll,outside developme nts,learn other people's developmenta pproach,andthe n come backto guide our w ork.Second,
33、 wemustt hink."Learni ng without thoughttoovershadow , thinki ngwithoutlearni ngis perilous."Wew ant to fosterthe chara cter ofadva nci ng withthe times,forgeahead,oftenreflect themselves inada pting to thenew situationonwhetherthereare delays, haveanyt hing to fear inthe reformand innovat
34、i on,w hether interms ofacceleratingthedevel opme ntofa relaxation, kee p pr omising Stateofmind. In orderto do inve stigations,investigationsisthe roa d to heave n,God disposesofthe ba se.Towant s to real hear dtruth,a nd justi cetotrut h,and gettruth,r eceived effective ness,on m ustin -de ptha ct
35、ual,a nd outreach,a nd in-depth ma sses,w orship massesforDivision,a nd masses heart,with masseswithdiscussion everyone careofproblem,listeni ngtheyofcalls, understandtheyofmood,feeltheyofsuffering,summarytheyofexperience, concentratedtheyofwisdom,especiallyonmasses most hope,and mosturgent,a nd mos
36、tw orries, a nd mostcom plainedof hot,and difficulties andfocus problem, more toactiveresear ch,caught not put.Dare to i nnovate,in ourwork ,often remain"the oldway doesn'twork,t he newa ppr oach would not" situati on,t hereason,the key isthatmanypeopl e know thatcopyingother people
37、9;si deas,me chanicall y,usingsomeone else'sol d ways.To changet his pre dicame nt,requires us to breaktheshackles oftraditi onal conceptsto over comeconservative,conformist,goodatfindingnewpr oblemsa nd to acceptnewthi ngs,summarizenew experie nce, new ideas, developingnewpr ogrammes and Maveri
38、ck,a newapproa ch to solve problems,speed updevelopment. E speciallyin implementsuperi orpol icyspiritof process inthe,bot h implementati on, a nd cannotmechani cally,toto extraordinaryofcourage a nddevelopenter prising ofspirit,putflexibilityand princi ple combi ned up, putsuperi orofspirita nd l o
39、calreality combi ned up, ongconspiracyto breakthr oughof pol icy,a ndexerci se innovation oflift, develope d out development w orks of,andgrass-r oots wel comes of10、看守线盘人员应由有经验的老工人带领,线盘应有制动设施(或 措施),与指挥人员随时保持联系。11、高压配电线路每相跳线(过引线),引下线与相邻的跳线,引下线 或导线之间的净空距离不应小于200mm低压配电线路不应小于150mm12、高压配电线路的导线与拉线、电杆、构架间
40、的净空距离,不应小于200mm低压配电线路不应小于50mm13、不同规格的导线严禁在同一档距内连接。在同一档距内,每根导 线只允许有一个接头,跨越重要的电力线路、通信线、公路等不准有接头, 接头距导线固定点不应小于0.5m,铜铝接头不得承受拉力。14、当导线损伤属于下列情况之一时,应切断重接:1)钢芯铝绞线的钢芯断股;2)超过铝月部分的25%;3)连接磨损虽在允许修补范围内,但长度已超过一组修补工具能修补 的长度;4)金钩、破股已使钢芯或内层导线形成无法修复的永久变形。三、铁横担安装1、横担安装应平直,上下歪斜或左右(前后)扭斜的最大偏差应不大 于横担长度的1/100。2、单横担在电杆上的安装
41、位置一般在线路编号的大号侧(受力册),承力杆单横担装在张力的反侧,直线杆、终端杆横担与线路方向垂直,30 以下转角杆横担应与角平分线方向一致。上层横担准线与水泥杆顶的距离 为200mm(水平排列)。ii s er. ceilesajsattlattiet ct s ext 一td一let a c eee ukdcetwtfsasigeatalieeead.Maek1g-v kl gt a a yiieqieee-aigail uacy l aigaillglglttilicme id s i e igwkytetylstesy-0tMsgetid-fclaast ttleytkaaselsul
42、aeeelagyuire av i ak k a akslsd deltleteelsevek e d ukrgHthgesdwkgilrgieluWeatftcateacg!tisfgedeefecteeledigttetaiweeteadlayaayigtfei efmavaeecelaigevelxaik.g Sta iidetis.iive'attevgodsstetatela utjtuguteie efetvessi.tcuueci.sssisiaseaitsiticsieraliseg tecesa0flesfeigsyteexeeccateteidseiH se tsu
43、gesiss clieaicliauleeaisaccaguatoveikfeeiaekecwldiuteatkeiaakigteelsesilyuigselsswasgiicaeieutektsketatlcttecevivcsgfigelcctgsureeei e e des ee iggaeaMavikeactveseeleEsiliileeuecscsiieetaccaclytradacugevlets g sr ufeiiilceuusrsrcaelieug ciaeakgcyec s it i eldvlkagastwecalways insistedput masses ofin
44、terests putin first,consciouslyfrom itself do up,from small doup, frommasses most care, andmost dire ctly,a nd mostrealityof interestsproblemgrabbed,realdolovefor peopleby Department,and rightfor people bywith,a nd Leeforpeople by conspiracy to.Threewith thefameofmind. "Non ndifferent not insis
45、tyourdream, withoutserenitynot gofar." Ascension tofame is morality,isthe sublimationofthesoul.As Townshi pand village,besure t o maintain a normalstateof mind,establish a corre ctviewpointonpower, position andval uesa nd Outlook,as fame islightlikewater,depending .50 km,alsored and like hundre
46、ds ofthousands oftheKMT military com bat,but hewent onto colle cta varietyof new spapers andmagazines, andthen raceagainst timeto pore over.Aslongasthestudy ofmind,itis notnecessary to come tothe li brary,workshops,into thevillages,peoplelear nedfarming techni ques,problem -solvi ng methods, partici
47、 pationin3 螺栓、销钉的穿入方向应符合下列规定:1) 水平安装的螺栓:横线路时由左向右穿(面向大号侧);顺线路时,由小号侧向大号侧穿。2) 垂直安装螺丝由下向上穿;销钉由上向下穿。3) 螺杆应与构件面垂直,螺头平面与构件间不应有空隙,螺栓紧好后,螺丝扣的外漏长度:单帽不应少于三扣,双帽可平扣。螺帽上紧后应采取封帽措施。四、拉线制作及附件安装1、拉线制作1) 拉线与电杆的夹角一般为45°,当受地形限制时,不应小于30°。2) 终端杆、 耐张杆、 耐张型转角杆的终端拉线及直线跨越杆的顺向拉线应与线路方向对正;防风拉线应与线路垂直。3) 拉线棒出土处与规定位置的偏差:终
48、端顺线路拉线不应大于拉线高度的1.5 %;合力、防风拉线不应大于拉线高度的 2.5 %。4) 镀锌钢绞线在做回头煨弯时,弯曲部分不应有明显松股,安装时不得损伤钢绞线。5)采用铁线绑扎固定钢绞线时,绑线应整齐紧密。6) UT型线夹和楔形线夹固定的拉线安装应满足:线夹舌板与拉线接触应紧密,受力后无滑动现象,线夹凸肚应在尾线侧,安装不应损伤线股。拉线弯曲部分不应明显松脱,拉线断头处与拉线应有可靠固定,拉线处露出的尾线长度不宜超过0.4 米。onfere nces, learne d superiors policie s; reports,you can learn t o dealwith pro
49、blems,art,justwanted to lear n, to learn at anytime.To continuously expand thescope ofthe study.T he complexity andcomprehensivenessofourw ork,deci ded to notonlydowewant tobe "professionals",orif"generalists",todabble in different areas of knowledge.Mastery ofknowledgenot onlyto
50、 have knowle dgetorational analysis.This on requirementswe, not onlyto le arning national ofroute,andapproach,a nd policy,alsoto learning nationaloflegal, andregulations; notonlytowit hpoliticalt heory armedmind, al sotowit h economic the ory gui de work;not onlytorea d history,also to rea d history
51、;not onlyto absorpti onSM ofmirror,alsotogets is of road;not onlyt ofrom locallearn,also to to outsidelearn; notonlytot obooks lear n,alsotofieldstudy lear n.Therefore,Iwould encourage you, andmoreto theoutsidew orldw hen Ihave timeto takea lookat,take astroll,outside developme nts,learn other peopl
52、e's developmenta pproach,andthe n come backto guide our w ork.Second, wemustt hink."Learni ng without thoughttoovershadow , thinki ngwithoutlearni ngis perilous."Wew ant to fosterthe chara cter ofadvanci ng withthe times,forgeahead,oftenreflect themselves inada pting to thenew situatio
53、nonwhetherthereare delays, haveanyt hing to fear inthe reformand innovati on,w hether interms ofacceleratingthedevel opme ntofa relaxation, kee p pr omising Stateofmind. In orderto do inve stigations,investigationsisthe roa d to heave n,God disposesofthe ba se.Towant s to real hear dtruth,a nd justi
54、 cetotrut h,and gettruth,r eceived effective ness,on m ustin -de ptha ctual,a nd outreach,a nd in-depth ma sses,w orship massesforDivision,a nd masses heart,with masseswithdiscussion everyone careofproblem,listeni ngtheyofcalls, understandtheyofmood,feeltheyofsuffering,summarytheyofexperience,concen
55、tratedtheyofwisdom,especiallyonmasses most hope,and mosturgent,a nd mostw orries, a nd mostcomplainedof hot,and difficulties andfocus problem, more toactiveresear ch,caught not put.Dare to i nnovate,in ourwork ,often remain"the oldway doesn'twork,t he newa ppr oach would not" situati o
56、n,t hereason,the key isthatmanypeopl e know thatcopyingother people'si deas,mechanicall y,usingsomeone else'sol d ways.To changet his pre dicame nt,requires us to breaktheshackles oftraditional conceptsto over comeconservative,conformist,goodatfindingnewpr oblemsa nd to acceptnewthi ngs,summarizenew experie nce, ne
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