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1、二年级下册第 6-10模块知识点归纳总结注意:(序号接1-5模块)55. 表示在星期几”时,要用:on直接加星期,并且星期的首字母要大写例如:on the Sunday ( ) xin the Sunday ( ) xon sunday ( ) xon Sunday( V )56. in bed在床上例如:He is ill in bed.他卧病在床。57. go shcpping 去购物类似短语还有:go swimming去游泳go fishing去钓鱼也就是说:go +某些词的ing形式,表示“去做这件事情”。例如: He usually goes shopping on Sunday.它

2、通常在星期天去购物。58. grandma birthday 奶奶的生日注:在人或物的后面加上,s表示:这个人(或者物)的 "例如:This is Daming ' s book是大名的书。This is my brother ' s:Toomfc哥哥的房间。The cat ' s eyes are blue.只猫的眼睛是蓝色的。59. these thing ( ) xthese things ( V )these 是 “这些 ” 的意思,后面要用复数形式。these things 表示 “这些事情”60.(1)询问对方正在做什么,要用What are yo

3、u doing?回答时用I am .或者用We are .因为 you 既有 “你 ”,又有 “你们 ”的意思。例如 What are you doing?回答用I am playing football. 或者 We are playing football.(2)询问对方经常做什么,要用What do you usually do?回答时用I usually.或者用We usually .例如 What do you usually do?回答用I usually play football. 或者 We usually play football.61 Children Dsay 儿童节

4、注首字母要大写。62 . child 的复数形式是child ren例: A child are dancing. ( x )Some children are dancing. ( V )The children is very happy. ( x )The children are very happy. ( V )注首字母要大写。63. School TV 学校电视台64. from 表示: “来自”例: I am Xiaohu from School TV. 我是来自于学校电视台的小胡。They are from Beijing. 他们来自于北京。65. class : “班级”注:

5、 ( 1)当 class 后面有数字、表示几班的时候,class 的首字母要大写。例:I am from class 1.(x )I am from Class 1.(V )( 2)当class 后面的数字是英文数字时,不仅class 的首字母要大写,英文数字的首字母也要大写。例:I am from Class one. ( x )I am from Class One. (V )66. ( 1) do a play 演话剧例: They are doing a play. 他们正在演话剧。(2) do a play with 和 演话剧例: They are doing a play wit

6、h some children.他们正在和一些孩子演话剧。67. say a poem 朗诵诗歌例: Daming is saying a poem. 大明正在朗诵诗歌。I like say ing a poem. 我喜欢朗诵诗歌。68. do a dragon dance. 舞龙例: They are doing a dragon dance. 他们正在舞龙。我和我的家人在公园。例: I am at the park with my family.注: ( 1) “在公园”还可以用 : in the park.( 2) at 和 in 的 区别: in the park 表示: “在较大的公

7、园”at the park 表示: “在较小的公园”但有时 in 和 at 可以互换。70. I am happy to say “我非常高兴地说 ”例:I am happy to say it ' s Children ' s Dffiy 收OdOy兴地说今天是儿童节。71. have a picnic 野餐例: They are having a picnic in the park. 他们正在公园野餐。注:have的第三人称单数是:has.have 的现在分词是:having72. on the train 在火车山例: Hello, I am on the train

8、now. 你好,我现在在火车上。73. . at the station 在车站例: The train is stopping at the station. 火车停在车站。74. go past 经过,路过例:Now, the train is going past a hospital. 现在火车经过一家医院。75. go up a hill 上山 / 朝着山上走例: The train is going up a hill. 火车在朝小山上开去。76. .go down a hill 下山 / 从山上往下来例: The train is going down a hill. 火车正在从

9、山上往下开。77. go up 向上例: We re going u瞰们向上。78. go down 向下例: We re going down.我们向下。79. turn around朝着相反方向转/转圈/旋转例: We are turning around.我们朝着相反方向转。注:turn的现在分词形式是直接加ing080. touch the sky 触摸填空例: We are touching the sky.我们触摸天空。81. touch the ground 触摸地面例: We are touching the ground.我们触摸地面。82. point up 向上指83.

10、point down!向下指84. shake 摇动例:Shake, shake, shake your shouldersS动,摇动,摇动你的肩膀。85. stamp 跺一跺例: Shake, shake, shake your shoe, and stamp it on the ground.摇动,摇动,抬起你的脚在地面上躲一躲。注:85和86条知识点出现在本模块歌曲部分,也需要孩子了解并掌握。86. can表示:“能、 会”,它的后面要求加动词原形例:He can sings a song( x )He can sing a song( V )87. in Huxi Road 在湖西路i

11、n Apple Street 在苹果大街 注: 湖西路、苹果大街都是专有名词,所有首字母要大写。88. turn left 向左转89. turn right 向右转注: turn 和 方向 中间不加任何词。90. go straight on 直着走91. go out of 从 出去例: Go out of the school. Then turn right. 从学校出去,然后向右转。92. Where is it? 它在哪?注:很多同学写成Where it is? 是错误的,需要注意。93. I am lost. 我迷路了。例: Daming is lost.They are los

12、t.94. Excuse me. 对不起打扰一下。通常用于询问对方什么问题之前。注:它和sorry 的区别:sorry 通常指因做错某事而表示抱歉。例: Excuse me. Where is West Lake Road?95. foot 脚注:它的复数形式是:feet例:one foot 一只脚(V )two foots 两只脚(x )two feet 两只脚(V )96. next to 在 的旁边;紧挨着 -例: The park is next to the zoo. 公园在动物园的旁边。97. in front of 在 的前边例: The park is in front of the zoo.公园在动物园的前面。98. (1) of course ! 当然!(2) of course not! 当然不!例:- Are you aboy?你是男孩吗?- Of course!当然了!例:-Are you aboy?你是男孩吗?-Of course not! I am a girl.当然不了!我是一个女孩。99. Nice to meet you . 表示: “见到你很高兴”当别人对你说这句话时,你要说: Nice to meet you, too. 见到你也很高兴!100. ( 1) on the left 在左边( 2) on the right在右边( 3)


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