



1、M3U2 language重点短语背诵1. 由组成 be made up of= consist of = be composed of2. 占据(时间、空间)occupy = take up占据(数量)account for = make up某人忙于 sb. be occupied with/i n = occupy on eself with/i n=be in volved in doing sth=be en gaged in doing sth=be devoted/committed to doing sth=be absorbed/buried/lost in sth=thro

2、w on eself into sth (投身于)3. 以命名 name.after 凭名字 by name名叫的 by the n ame of = with the n ame以的名义in the n ame of4. 除之夕卜 aside from = apart from5. 为作出贡献 make contributions to6. 控制,取得对的控制 take control of.7. 做某事的方法 an approach to doing sth. = a way of doing/to do sth.随着假期的至 U来 with holiday approachi ng =

3、as holiday approaches与某人接洽 approach sb处理问题 approach the problem有机会利用或接近某事 /某人 have/get/gain/obtain access to sth./sb.8. 被取代 be replaced by/with用替代 replace A with/by B = substitute A with B=substitute B for A=swap/switch A with B=take the place of sth = be in place of sth9. 母语 mother tongue = native

4、Ianguage10. 区另U A 禾口 B make/draw a distinction between A and B = distinguish/tell/differentiate A from B=disti nguish/differe ntiate betwee n A and B=tell the differenee between =A differ/vary from B = A is differe nt from B以优异的成绩毕业 graduate with disti nction = graduate with honors11. 汉字 Chinese cha

5、racters个性强 /个性不强 have a strong/weak character动画片中的角色carto on characters12. 禁止某人做某事ban sb. from doi ng sth.被禁止做 be banned from doing 一个的禁令 a ban on sth.13. 一个独一无二的动物 a un ique an imal14. 得出结论 draw/make/arrive at/come to/reach a con clusi on 匆忙下结论 jump to a con clusi on最后 in conclusion = to conclude 从

6、得出结论 conclude sth from sth用结束 conclude sth with sth15. 遵守习俗 follow/observe the customs16. 应当,应该 ought to do sth=should do sth17. 和某人开玩笑 pull on e's leg故意拖拉,故意延迟 drag on e's feet是某人的绊脚石/累赘be a drag on sb18. 寻找工作 hunt for a job捕杀动物 hu nt ani mals19. 以貌取人 judge a person by one's appearanee

7、出现; 露面 make on e's appeara nce= appear 好像 appear+ 不定式 /(to be) n. /adj.20. 简化字 simplified characters使某人的生活简单化simplify on e's life21 .作为整体,总体上 as a whole总的说来,大体上 on the whole22. 把 A 和 B 结合起来 combine A with/and B23. 一个关于的演讲 a speech concerning sth.有关的人 people concerned担忧的人 concerned people 关心,

8、担心 be concerned about/for 禾口有关 be concerned with就而言 as far as sb./sth. be concerned24. 用墨水in ink25. 视力差 have poor eyesight26. 如果你方便的话 if it is convenient for/to you给某人带来便禾 Ubring convenience to sb.在某人方便的时候at on e's convenience必背重点句型1. Before the middle of the 5 th century, people in Britain all

9、spoke a Ianguage called Celtic.公元5世纪中叶以前,不列颠所有的人都说一种叫凯尔特语的语言。2. Then two important Germanic groups from the European mainland the Angles and the Saxons occupied Brita in.然后,来自欧洲大陆的两个日耳曼部族一一盎格鲁人和撒克逊人一一占领了不列颠。3. The most importa nt con tributio n was from the Norma ns, a Fren ch speak ing people who d

10、efeatedEn gla nd and took con trol of the country in 1066.最大的贡献来自与讲法语的诺曼人,他们于 1066年击败英格兰并控制了这个国家。4. However, t he Norman Conquest did not affect English as much as the Angles and the Saxons' sabout 600 years earlier, which led to Old En glish replaci ng Celtic.然而,诺曼征服对英语的影响并不及约600年前盎格鲁人和撒克逊人的胜利对

11、英语的影响,那场胜利导致古英语替代了凯尔特语。5. Eve n though the Norma ns spoke French for the en tire 250 years they ruled En gla nd, French did not replace En glish as the first Ian guage.尽管诺曼人在统治英格兰的整整 250年间一直讲法语,但是法语并没有取代英语成为第一语言。6. The questi on of whether En glish will keep on cha nging in the future is easy to an

12、swer. It is certa in thatthis process will continue, and people will keep inven ti ng new words and new ways of say ing thin gs.英语是否在将来持续发展这个问题很容易回答。可以肯定的是这个过程将会继续,人们将会继 续发明新的词汇和新的讲话方式。7. Some people are optimistic and believe that this process is good, while others worry that it may resultin Ian gu

13、age polluti on.有人抱乐观态度,认为这个过程是好的,而其他人则担心它会导致语言污染。8. The Chin ese Ian guage differs from Wester n Ian guages in that, i nstead of an alphabet, it uses characters which sta nd for ideas, objects or deeds.汉语与西方语言不同,区别在于它不使用字母,而是用汉字表示思想,物体和行为。9. Though these kinds of characters in dicate meanin gs, one of their shortco mings is that they do not showhow they should be pronoun ced.虽然这些类型的汉字能够表示意义,但是他们的缺点之一是其字形不具有表音的功能。10. His system used paper with small, raised dot


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