



1、Unit 2 I think that moon cakes are deliciousSection A(3a-4c)、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1 .How many traditi onal f _stories do you know about the Mid-Autu mnFestival?2. He was weari ng a white shirt and a blue t.3. We all a _her for her excellent work.4.I ve grown many vegetables and flowers in myg_.5.He nry l_

2、the map out on the table.二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1 .We are tryi ng to find out who_(steal)the camera from the house.2. Ch in ese _(traditi on) medici ne is very popular in westerncoun tries.3. Westerners usually have _ (dessert)before dinner.4. Miss Wang _ (fly)to France for bus in ess last ni ght.5. My gr

3、an dmother told me a folk story about a few_ (goddess).2三、完成句子,每空一词1. 今晚的月亮看起来多圆多亮呀!the moon looks toni ght!2. 为了挽救地球上的人类,后羿射下了九个太阳。In order to save the people on the earth,Hou Yithe nine suns. 3.我认为帮父母做家务活也是不错的主意。1 think that it s also a good idea _pare nts _ .4. 中秋之夜家人们通常聚在一起赏满月。Families usually g

4、et together and_ _ on theMid-Autumn night.5. 孩子们应该学会和朋友分享快乐。Kids should lear n to _frien ds.四、阅读理解Around the world,people have differe nt traditi onal foods to celebrate differe ntfestivals.Traditi onal foods also show a new year of good luck and good health.An En glish Christmas dinner has a meal o

5、f turkey,a nd it also in cludes pies andplum puddings( 李子布丁).ln GermanyChristmas is celebrated with bread,cookies andcakes,which are made like Christmas trees .In Fran ce,Christmas dessert is a cake filled with butter cream.In southern parts of India,there is a three-day festival in mid-January call

6、edPongal.It includes rice and a dish of rice cooked with sugar that is shared withfamilies and frien ds.Japa n celebrates the New Year with a seve n-day festival.It begi ns from JanuaryIst.Food is prepared before the festival so people don t need to cook during thefestival.On New Year s Day, various

7、 dishes called Osechi Ryori(御节料理 )are served 23each dish is a wish for the New Year.In most Asian countries,the New Year begins with the first full moon of the firstChinese lunar( 阴历的)month.Each place has its special food to welcome the comingyear:People in China prepare their food ahead of time to

8、avoid the possibility that _using a knife during Ne w Year s time might“cut luck ” .Foods with lucky names arepopular,such as fish,which sounds like“surplus( 剩余) ”.1 .What do you lear n from the passage?A. People have differe nt traditi onal foods to celebrate differe nt festivals.B. The New Year be

9、g ins from January 10th in Japa n.C. In France,Christmas dessert is a cake filled with butter.D. Traditional foods only show a new year of good luck.2.What is the three-day festival in mid-Ja nuary in souther n parts of In dia?A. Christmas.B. Po ngal.C. The New Year.D. The Lantern Festival.3.ln Japa

10、n,people all like eating_on New Year s Day.A.turkeyB.dessertC.Osechi RyoriD.dumpli ngs4. The underlined word “various ” in Paragraph 4 can best be replaced bya?A.differe ntB.sameC.expe nsiveD.few5. The underl ined word“ possibility ” in Paragraph 5 probably means “_ ” inChin ese.A.必须性B. 必然性44C. 可变性D. 可能性5知能演练提升5.goddesses三、 1.How round and bright 2.shot down


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