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1、 六级考试听力备考资料:常用美国习语A a matter of time 时间问题 around the clock整天不断 as far as I know 据我所 a while back 不久以前 all along一直,始终 anything but 绝对不 at any time随时 Achilessheel 致命弱点 a rainy day不如意的日子 all thumbs 笨. 全文a matter of time 时间问题around the clock整天不断as far as I know 据我所a while back 不久以前all along一直,始终anything

2、 but 绝对不at any time随时Achilessheel 致命弱点a rainy day不如意的日子all thumbs 笨手笨脚的ants in ones pants/shirts坐立不安a breeze小菜一碟at no charge免费all tied up工作很忙as a matter of fact事实上a long way off还差得远呢a big fish in a small pond小地方的大人物at somebodys service愿意为某人效劳Bbe in the dark 蒙在鼓里be on a diet正在节食before long 不久,很快behin

3、d the time(s)落后于时代believe it or not信不信由你bit by bit逐步的,慢慢的break down 坏了,出故障break up分手by all means 当然by and by很快be sick/tired of 厌恶,厌倦be up to胜任,能做burn up 使愤怒break new ground创新be all ears 洗耳恭听be all eyes目不转睛by the book 照章办事below the mark不够水平,不合格be in another world 精神恍惚,魂不守舍break the ice打破僵局,打破沉默beyond

4、 the reach of sb.超出某人能力之外Boys will be boys!本性难移bite off more than I can chew 贪多嚼不烂big potato大人物burn a hole in ones pocket 花钱如流水break a leg大获全胜Ccall off取消cant help doing禁不住做catch ones eyes引人注意come a long way取得很大进展come by参观,访问cool off凉爽,消气count me out 别把我算在内count me in 把我算在内come down with(disease)得病cu

5、t sb. an arm and a leg非常昂贵call it a day 今天到此为止capital idea好主意cold fish冷酷无情的人Ddark side阴暗面day in and day out一天又一天day and night 夜以继日dirty dog卑鄙小人dont mention it 没什么提的,没关系的dark horse黑马,冷门drive someone out of mind让某人发疯do the laundry洗衣服do the trick起作用drag his feet落后,故意拖沓drive up the wall使发疯drop out of 退学

6、,失学easier said than done说起来容易做起来难dos and donts行为规范Eevery now and then有时every once in a while有时every other每隔一个every so often偶尔,有时Easy come easy go!来得容易去也快easy as pie非常简单eyes bigger than ones stomach眼小肚大Ffill ones place 代替fill ones position代替fly by(时间)飞逝for nothing免费from top to the bottom到处,从上到下fry an

7、 egg on the street天气很热few and far between 难得,少见fit in schedule时间合适food for though 发人深思的东西first things first 先说最重要的face the music面对现实Gget over 摆脱get rid of处理掉give me a break 饶了我吧go all out全力以赴get on someones nerves激怒,使生气get somewhere取得进展God knows天晓得gone with the wind随风而逝good for nothing 毫无用处give up s

8、b.对某人绝望了got me there难住我了give sb. a hand帮助某人give a hand 鼓掌get butterflies in ones stomach紧张不安go out of ones way or go out of the way不辞辛劳去做某事grin and bear it豪无愿言地忍受痛苦与挫折great minds think alike英雄所见略同Hhave a hand in参与做help oneself 自己动手have a short memory 健忘, 记忆力差have ones hands full with忙于hit the spot正合

9、口味have a big mouse 话多的人have words with sb.与人发生口角hit the sack睡觉hit the book 睡觉how come为什么have much on ones mind心头有很多事情hands down 轻松地,轻易地(赢得)head and shoulders above比优秀很多has a way with words长于言辞,会说话Iin a blue mood心情不好in any event无论如何in good shape处于很好的状态,身体好in high spirits心情很好in low spirits 心情不好in vain

10、白费力气in the dark 秘密的in a mass乱糟糟Is ice cold? 表示理所当然in the red 赤字,负债I.O.U 我欠你,借据in hot water遇到麻烦I have no idea which way to turn不知道该怎么做in person面对面,亲自Kkeep an eye on小心,关注keep in shape保持健康keep it between two of us这只是你我之间的事情kill two birds with one stone一石二鸟Llook for a needle in a haystack大海捞针leave well

11、enough alone 不要画蛇添足like apples and oranges用来表示无法相比的事物Mmake no difference没有区别,一样light up高兴起来make some difference有区别,有有make yourself at home随意,随便most of all最重要的是make ends meet收支平衡make each other half way相互妥协make sense有意义NNo money, no honey. 没有钱哪来爱情know-it-alls自以为无所不知的人Oon sale 减价销售one in a million百里挑一

12、out of breath 上气不接下气out of ones mind发疯out of stock 没有存货了out of print绝版out of the question不可能out of question没问题once and for all最后一次,干脆out of earshot不在听力所及范围out of this world非常好on pins and needles如坐针毯Pplay it by ear即兴,事先没准备picture sb. as something把某人当做Rrush hour交通高峰期run out of用尽ring a bell 听起来耳熟rain o

13、r shine不论晴雨Ssave your breath别白费口舌stick around在附近逗留或等待sell like hot cakes畅销six sense第六感shed crocodile tears假装哭泣,假慈悲Sunday dress最好的衣服speak the same language 志同道合sugar report情书small potato小人物see the world见多识广,见过世面stand a chance有机会six of one and half-a-dozen of the other半斤八两,没什么区别Ttake into account将考虑进去

14、take it easy放松the more, the better越多越好the sooner, the better越快越好this is my treat我请客turn a blind eye to视而不见turn a deaf ear to充耳不闻think little of不喜欢,认为不好turn ones back on somebody不理某人talk sb. into sth.劝某人做某事think much of/highly of/well of喜欢time will tell时间会证明一切talk sb. out of sth.劝某人不做某事talk big讲大话too good to be true不现实turn ones back on拒绝,抛弃two thumbs up举双手赞成throw cold water on泼冷水take things as they come既来之则安之Uunder the weather身体不舒服under no circumstances无论如何up in


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