1、模糊联想记忆FUZZY ASSOCIATIVE MEMMORIESPresented by Yang BaishengE.E. Dept.Xidian UniversityOUTLINEwFuzzy Hebb FAMs(续) 6.Binary Input-Output FAMs 7. Multiantecedent FAM Rules 8. Adaptive Decompositional InferencewAdaptive FAMs (Product-Space Clustering in FAM Cells) 1.Adaptive FAM-Rule Generation 2.Adapti
2、ve BIOFAM Clustering 3.Adaptive BIOFAM Example: Inverted PendulumBinary Input-Output FAMsBIOFAMs map system-variable to control, classification, or other output data.For example: A BIOFAM maps traffic densities to screen (and red) light durations. In inverted-pendulum example, the system maps the sy
3、stem-variable ( ) to control data ( ).dvvd,fMultiantecedent FAM Rules (多前提FAM规则)1.Consider the FAM rule: “IF X is A, THEN C is Z,” or for short. 2.The rule is “IF X is A AND Y is B, THEN C is Z,” or for short.CTAACM);,(CBA),( CAWhat to do?Multiantecedent FAM Rules (多条件FAM规则)2 Single-antecedent FAMs:
4、Multiantecedent FAM Rules:),(BCACMBMABAFACMAACCBCACCBCMBBCCTBBCM),( CB),( CACTAACM);,(CBADefuzzify it to yield the exact output.Multiantecedent FAM Rules Suppose we present the exact inputs , to the single-FAM-rule system that stores(A,B;C).We present the unit bit vectors and to as nonfuzzy set inpu
5、ts.Thenix),(),(jYiXjiIIFyxFBCjYACiXMIMICbCajiCbaji),min(jyFiXIjYIFProperty of Hebb MatrixMultiantecedent FAM RuleswRepresenting with its membership function wFor all in :z)(),min(zmbaCjiZCmCBIOFAM prescriptionMultiantecedent FAM RulesAlso, We can get the FAM rules:),;,(DCBA),(CBICAIyxFTjYTiXjiCbCaji
6、Cbaji),min()(),min(zmbaCjiIF we encode : and with correlation-product encoding, decompositional inference gives the BIOFAM version of correlation-product inference:),(CA),( CBCorrelation-Product EncodingAdaptive Decompositional InferencewLet define an arbitrary neural-network system that maps fuzzy
7、subset of to fuzzy subsets of . can define a different neural-network. qnXIIN:)()(),(BNANBAFYXBACCCqpYIIN:AXCZThe neural-network change with time.Adaptive FAMs(Product-Space Clustering in FAM Cells)wAdaptive FAM-Rule GenerationwAdaptive BIOFAM ClusteringwAdaptive BIOFAM Example: Inverted PendulumAda
8、ptive FAM-Rule GenerationLet denote quantization vectors in the input-output product space .We count the number of quantizing vectors in each FAM cell . ijkkkijij1521kkkijFkmm,1kpnII Adaptive BIOFAM Clustering Through neural-network learning algorithm, learn to distribute input-output data in the in
9、put-output product space. Data clusters reflect FAM rules, such as the steady-state FAM rule ”IF is ZE AND is ZE, THEN is ZE.”f确定状态变量(条件变量)和控制变量 (结论变量)收集相应 的 训练样本(大量的有代表性的)根据训练样本的分布区间,划分为相应的模糊数,并赋于模糊语言量。自适应DCLAVQ对样本聚类。统计落在每 个可能单元中的突触矢量个数,计算每个规则的权值据区间划分进行规则合并 产生规则库,建立FAM系统BIOFAM聚类提取规则的过程Inverted Pend
10、ulum1、确定状态变量和控制变量 状态变量:摆线与垂直方向的 夹角 摆线的运动角速度 控制变量:马达作用于摆线的力 2、训练样本 在这里我是利用MATLAB工具包里的倒立摆模型生成了 1000个倒立摆轨迹样本作为训练样本。45,45s150,150fMembership Function-40-200204000. -100 -50050100 15000. Bank & Synaptic Histogram02040600100200300400FAM Rules00),(),
11、(),();,(iBCACBCACaAMBMABAFMCBMCAMCBAmnnnmiiimmACcacacacacacacacacacacacaCAM21212221212111FAM Rulesw去模糊 按照质心法解模糊得马达作用力为-2.18。(20,-30)PS,NS ZEPS,ZE NS(0.83,0.31)(0.83,0.22) 0.31)(FmFZE)(FmFNS 0.22CbaCbCaBAFjiji),min(),(仿真演示系统小车轨迹scopeFAM RulesFAM RulesREFERENCEw基于FAM模糊控制器的研究中南大学 蔡自兴,文敦伟 2003.08w单级倒立摆的模糊控制及仿真山东师范大学 赵 莉 2004.09w二级倒
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