1、篇一:?市安委会?关于开展平安生产大整治进一步推进“打非治违专项行动的通知? 苏安 2021 7 号 1?苏州市平安生产委员会苏安 2021 7 号关于开展平安生产大整治进一步推进“打非治违专项行动的通知各市区人民政府,苏州工业囲区、苏州髙新区、太仓港口管委会:市安委会各成员 单位,各有 关部门根据?市政府关于集中开展平安生产领域“打非治违专项行动的通知? 苏府 2021 109 号 和?市安委会关于印发全市十个重点领域集中开展平安生产“打非治违专项行动 方案的通知?苏安 2021 6 号、?关于印发“打非治违专项行动办公室工作方案扎实推进专项行动深入开展的通知?苏安办 2021 5 号精神,
2、为进一步推进集中开展平安生产 领域“打非治违专项行开工作, 现就全市开展平安生产大整治活动通知如下一、整治目标深入贯彻落实省委省政府、 市委市政府领导指示批示精神, 进一步推进平安生产领域“打 非治违 专项行动,有效整治影响平安生产的并类事故隐患、突出问题和薄弱环右,严格督 促企业单位落实平安生产主体责任,落实平安措施,强化平安根底,切实控制和减少平安生产事故 , 坚决杜绝 重特大事故的发生。全市各地要以逍路交通、 水上交通、消防平安、建筑施工、危险化学品、 企业职业卫生、 特种设备、 冶金、旅游、接送学生车俩等十个重点行业领域为重点,对在检查中发现的事故 隐患抓紧整治,当地政 府和相关部门要
3、组织对重大隐患进行现场督办,确保隐患得到及时有 效整改,着力解决和消除一批久拖 不决的“老大难问题。二、时间安排自 2021 年 6 月至 7 月,为期两个月。三、整治重点准渡口非一道路交通领域。重点整治疲劳驾驶、超速、超员、超载、超限行驶、高速公路违 停、不按 规定线路行驶、无证驾驶、驾驶证与所驾车型不符、“醉驾、“毒驾等严重违法行 为,以及客货运 企业平安管理和驾驶人员平安教育不到位等问题,打击取缔“黑车、 ' 黑站、 “黑班线。- 水上交通领域。重点整治非客运船载客、不具备营运资格船舶非法营运、未经批 法渡船营运、危化品船舶进岀港及作业未申报、 船舶未定期平安检查、 不按要求配
4、备船员或船员不适任、 超限超载不适航、 大船小证,以及演业和农业用船季节性从事旅游观 光、非法载客航行等非法违法行为。三消防平安领域。重点整治新、改、扩建设工程未依法 设计审核验收投入使用,非法搭建建构筑物,建设、设计、施工、监理、消防设施 检测等单位 违反技术标准,生产经营单位堵塞消防疏散通道,消防设施不完备,值班操作人 员无消防资格证书、不 具备相应技能,使用不合格或国家明令淘汰的消防产品等非法违法行 为。四建筑施工领域。重点整治非法从事建设,非法转让平安生产许可证,非法用工、 无证 上岗,违章操作、违章指挥和违反劳动纪律,劳动防护用品配备不符合规定,重大根底 设施建设制度不 完善、管理措
5、施不落实,未按程序办理施工许可,施工单位无资质或超范国 承揽工程,违法分包、转包 等非法违法行为。五危险化学品领域。重点整治未经正规设计、未通过平安条件审査进行建设、投入 生产 运行,无证无照、证照不全或过期、超范用生产经营建设,未开展平安设施自动化改造 , 危险作业无审 批无监控、 变更程序不标准, 现场平安警示标志不淸、 平安防护设施不全, 未 开展重大危险源平安评估、 报告备案,未经培训无证上岗等非法违法行为。六企业职业卫生领域。重点整治作业场所有毒有害因素未检测,防护设施设程不符 合防 护要求,职业病危害警示标识、岗位操作规程未明示,未落实员工职业病危害告知,员 工未正确有效佩 戴劳动
6、防护用品,未按规左落实触毒员工健康监护并建立员工健康监护档案,使用有机溶剂MSD餉容不标准或成心隐瞒、应急防范措施不到位等非法违法行为。七特种设备领域。重点整治特种设备制造企业、评审机构和检验机构超范用生产、 无证 生产、无证操作,气瓶充装、检验单位无证充装、过期不检、充装超期报废气瓶和无条 码气瓶,特种设 备使用、维保单位负责人和操作人员平安教育不到位,违章使用、违章操作、 违章指挥,以及电梯使用 单位和维保单位组织平安技术评价检测不标准等非法违法行为。八冶金行业。重点整治非法建设,无证无照、证照不全或过期从事生产经营,特种 设备 平安设施未经过检验, 法人代表、平安管理人员、特种作业人员未
7、经培训持证上岗, 作 业现场管理混乱、 岗位平安操作规程缺失、 平安防护措施不落实, 使用国家明令淘汰的落后 生产工艺设备等非法违法行为。九旅游行业。重点整治旅游景区、旅游饭店、旅行社、旅行社租用旅游客车辆平安 管理 不到位,游乐设施、特种设施设备平安隐患排査整改不及时,以及旅游单位平安生产责 任制不落实,安 全根底工作、平安教育培训薄弱,平安管理台帐不健全、应急预案不完备等 突出问题。十接送学生车辆。重点整治学校、校车效劳提供单位在接送学生车辆管理上的组织 机构和责 任不落实,未获得校车使用许可并取得校车标牌车辆从事接送学生效劳、接送学生 车辆未泄期进行平安 技术检验、驾驶人不符合条件,以及
8、使用拼装或者到达报废标准的机动 车接送学生等非法违法行为。四、工作要求- 加强组织领导。开展平安生产大整治活动,是进一步推进全市集中开展平安生产领域 '' 打非治违专项行动的的重要举措。各市区政府、各相关部门、以及乡镇街道 一左要高度重视,领 导班子成员都要继续亲自带队检査,亲自协调督办,切实加强领导,把 组织好、落实好、开展好此次大 整治作为当前的一项重要工作任务来抓。- 抓好督查指导。各市区和相关牵头部门要组织对基层专项行动开展情况进行 全而检査, 对重点地区、重点环节和突出问题要开展专项督查。要通过座谈会、现场会、协 调会等方式,加强催促 指导、促进经验交流,及时发现并协
9、调解决整治过程中的突岀问题。 要采取抽查、暗访等手段,催促相 关单位有效整改隐患、消除违法行为。三 严格整改措施。所有检查督査活动都要有执法文书、检查记录或会议纪要,记录 中要 包括隐患的根本情况、检查的根本情况、执法文书的出具情况、隐患的整改措施情况等, 并催促企业落 实整改“五到位措施。对整治中发现的类违法违规平安生产行为,要依法 依规及时打击:对不能保 证平安的,要采取责令停产停业整顿等措施,确保整治期间的平安。四 及时汇总情况。务地、各相关部门要按照要求,及时对大整治活动和“打非治违 情 况进行总结汇总,泄期通报工作进展,切实落实“打非治违工作责任。各市区对专 项行动进展情 况要做到&
10、#39;' 一周一统计 ?、一月一小结:市相关牵头部门也要按规定篇二:?宁波会员企业名单 1?2021 会员企业名单篇三:?浙江省宁波市2021年中考英语试题word版,含答案1?宁波市 201 5年初中毕业生学业考试英语试题姓名准考证号I . 听小对话 . 选择图片共 5 小题;每题 1 分,总分值 5 分1.Which sign do the speakers see on the wall?What photos did Andy take?3: When can David watch football games?What is Michael going to do on
11、Father's Day?How will Tony go swimming?B.听长对话.答复以下问题共5小题;每题2分,总分值10 分 听下面一段较长的对话,答复第 6至 7两小题。Where does Maggie advise Fred to go?A. A farm. , B ? A gym C? hospita 1 ?How many sleep should Fred count?A. 300. B. 500. C. 700. 听下而一段较长的对话,答复第 8至 10三小题。Who left the guitar on the dining table?A. Judy ?
12、 B? Karen ? C? Steven ?What* s wrong with Judy?A. She is ill. B ? She gets lost ? C? She fails tests ?10. When will the boy go and get the guitarA. In the morning ? B? At lunchtime ? C? At night ?1I . 听独白,填表格共 5 小题;每题 2 分,总分值 10 分听下面一段独白,然后从 A、玖C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成下而的信息记录表。1 A. China B ? Japan C ? India
13、1 A. visits famous places B ? studies in the library C? goes shopping1 A. busy B ? quiet C ? rich1 A. pet shows B ? talk shows C ? sports shows1 A. two weeks B ? two months C ? two yearsN? 完形填空共 15小题;每题 1分,总分值 15 分阅读下而短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A, B, C, D 四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最正确选 项 The first note I ever wrote for my m
14、other said "Hi, Mom! Have a nice day!Love, Marie ! ? I was twelve when I wrote it> 零钱包 . My mother worked as a cleaner in a clothing factory ? I knew that when she meals in the dining hall> note, and always carry it with her ?folded the small piece of paper into my mother s change purse,
15、she and notes ? They would be put in the fridge八 under a lamp, or beside the TV set? I , our notes may havebeen general of our days,? they were a lifeline-a communication with each other that noone elseOn October 20, 2021, my mother died after a long illness? I stood near her bed, herhand? I didn ,t
16、 cry the day my mom died, I didn't cry a week later when I went to collect her things ? I was Recently, I found a note that my mom? had me. It had been hidden inthe of myfavorite childhood book for years ? It read uDear Marie, I love you always? ? Miss you a lot ? Don't forget ! Love, Mom Th
17、at day, I cried?1 A. note B ? book C ? diary D ? letter1 A. prepared B ? gold C ? bought D ? cooked1 A. forget B ? keep C ? lose D ? pick1 A. carefully B ? wisely C? quickly D ? carelessly20. A. big B ? funny C ? secret D ? beautiful2 A. hardly B ? never C ? even D ? seldom2 A. programs B ? courses
18、C ? excuses D ? records2 A. her B ? me C? him D ? us2 A. shared B ? believed C ? promised D ? remembered2 A. reaching B ? watching C? pushing D ? holding2 A. and B ? but C? or D ? because2 A. gifts B? pains C ? dialogs D ? mistakes2 A. lent B ? sent C ? passed D ? left2 A. lines B ? poems C? pages D
19、 ? pictures30. A. serious B ? happy C ? patient D ? strictV.阅读理解共15小题;每题2分,总分值30 分 阅读以下材料,然后从 A,B,C,D 四个选项中选出能答复所提问题或完成所给句子的最正确 选项。31? Where is Jessy writing from?A. Sydney? B? NewZealand ? C? Paris ? D? Utah? 3 What did Donna and Frank do during their travelling?A. They visited museums ? B? They to
20、ok a boat ride ?C? They sat at a street park ? D? They watched movies in the cinema ?3 Which of the following is TRUE according to Anna's Moments朋友圈?A. It is too noisy around the farm ? B? Her idea of fun is horse riding ?C? She is going to London next week ? D? She cannot use Internet at the fa
21、rm ?BPatrick Johnson> an artist for the Washington Post, found some treasure in his new house 35, 000 dollars in a place where no one could see it. Although he hadcar and house payments 贷款in his head, he still decided to return all of the money to the previous 先前的 owner of the house,Mr. Williams
22、? Would you have done the same?Just hours after he had bought the house> Patrick came into the small house, wherehe was planning to lay out his tools and hang things up. He looked up and noticed a little hole in the wal 1? He didn't know what it was inside, so he walked towards the wal 1.It w
23、as very dark inside, but an old box caught his eye?“ I caught the thing,it was heavy. I thought it might be some pieces of wood, he said ? Actually it was not? It was filled with lots of dollar bills? But he and his wife knew they had to return themoney to Mr. Williams ?°r ve go t two boys and
24、we teach them to be honest and to do what is right? I knewthis was ateachable moment that I would never get back again? Patrick said to his wife“So I thought we would do 宁波 1, 7 安委会 ?something honest with it. It's beena great thing for us and our kids?A. his wife B ? the bank C35. Patrick found
25、the boxA. outside the small house B C? in the hole of the wall D in the box when he found it.A. 35,000 dollarsC? many famous pictures Dtheir sons D ? Mr. Williamsin his wife* s roomamong his toolsB? some pieces of wood? some expensive treasures37.A. they didn't need the money at allB? their chil
26、dren liked money very muchC? they wanted to teach their children to be honestD? the previous owner of the house asked them to do so(C)Dear Boarding Students>excitement? I once? ThereAt this time of school year ? we can feel some students begin to experience as the summer vacation comes ? But some
27、 others still don't want to start packing again ask for your attention as we will have summer camps for the new students is much work to be done in packing andcleaning-up> especially during exam week期限 .Thedorm 寝室 teachers will work with each student each night to make sure you are getting th
28、e tasks done on time ? It would be helpful if your parents encourage you to do a little packing and cleaning from now on. It means you can take the posters off the wall, pack up win ter clothes, retur n all borrowed books to the library八 etc? Spending twentyminutes a day on your tasks will make the
29、last week of the term very easy, and you can spend more time on the important preparation for exams? If you plan to travel home,I' dThe coming weeke nd is a "closed weeke nd八 ? During that time no one is allowed to leaveschool ? After packing we need to prepare the dorms for moving out, and
30、 store储藏 students* large belongings ?The last exam is on Thursday and all students leave after their exam? The dorm willremain open until 5 p. m. on Friday for those students that could not get a ride or flight ? Please let us know if you need transportation to the airport?Thank you again for all yo
31、ur attention during the last? busy month of school? Asalways? you, welcome to call or email me with any questions?Peter MargioDirector of Campus Life453-757-2630pmargioC baylinschool ? comC? parents and students ? D.parent s ofboardiA. dorm teachers B ? boarding studentsC.WItlshDetiertheftollbwethte
32、甲ostethugf the wall.pOSh白处in Paragraph 2?ing ipsarent s totbaesskt?ifnotro theD? It's better to return all borrowed books to the library.40. The underlined word "belongings,' in Paragraph 2 means "in Chinese.A?体疗器材B?生活手册C. 随身物品 D. 交通工具41? Boarding students should_according to the passage ?A. remember to st
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