



1、.9A U8#;1.你为什么穿成这样? 打扮成一个侦探 给某人穿。衣服 某人被穿。衣服2.寻找某些重要的线索 。的线索3.丧失了 变质 出错4.一个侦探的故事5.给所有的四个嫌疑犯做笔录6.一名中等身高的办公室职员 他中等身高7.看上去不整洁和紧张8.说出真相9.我猜吉米在扯谎 躺现-过-过分 扯谎现-过-过分10.说一个谎话 对某人说谎11.严重的多12.一个25岁的电脑工程师 一个11岁的女孩13.警方已经证实。14.他最后被看见是晚上7点分开他的办公室15.在案发现场 不在案发现场 16.在别的某个地方被杀 去一个凉快的地方17.任何看到任何不寻常事情的人18.与警方联络19.一个高级侦

2、探首席侦探20.被刀捅伤 被某人捅伤21.结果流血致死22.勘察现场寻找更多有助于侦破此案的线索23.勘察现场寻找指纹24.警方也想知道受害者是否有敌人 使某人树敌25.一份待遇丰厚的工作26.根据记录 有犯罪记录why are you dressed like that ?be dressed as a detectivedress sb insb be dressed inlook for clues to something importantclues togo missinggo badgo wronga detective storymake notes on all of the

3、 four suspectsan office worker of medium heightHe is of medium heightlook undity and nervoustell the truthI guess Jimmy is lyinglie-lay-lainlie-lied-liedtell a lie lie to sbmuch more seriousa 25-year-old computer engineeran 11-year-old girlThe police have confirmed that.He was last seen leaving his

4、office at 7p.m.be at the scene of the crimebe not at the scene of the crime=be somewhere elsebe killed somewhere else=be killed in another placego somewhere coolanyone who saw anything unusualcontact the policea chief detectivebe wounded with a knifebe wounded by sbbleed to death as a resultcheck th

5、e scene for more clues which will help slove the casecheck the scene for fingerprintsThe police are also wondering if the victim had any enemiesmake sb enemiesa well-paid jobaccording to the recordhave a criminal record27.犯电脑罪 他没罪28.他被指控侵入数个计算机系统 指控某人做事/做某事29.料想 料想某人被动30.一个目睹者举报 向某人举报某事31.呼吸急促 做两个深呼

6、吸 气喘吁吁32.他衬衫上有血迹 一个衬衫上有血迹的男人33.案发现场34.提供一笔50000元奖金 为有用的信息提供一笔奖金35.导致凶手落网36.因谋杀而被捕37.任何可以提供有用信息的人 提供某人某物38.做违法的事39.这对老夫妻很悲伤40.可能有不止一个人41.被塑造成一个探案高手42.在青少年中流行43.被认为是犯罪小说之王44.犯了这个罪45.原来是.46.与这个案件无关 和。有关系47.急忙去赶公交车 匆忙做某事 如此匆忙以致于48.坐六个月牢49.一些保护自己抵抗犯罪的平安建议50.保护你的眼镜免受阳光的伤51.认识被绑架的男孩52.记得去关门 记得去做某事 记得做过某事53

7、.关闭所有窗户54.随身携带大量的钱be guilty of computer crimesHe is not guiltyHe was charged with breaking into several computer systemscharge sb with sth/doing sthsuppose thatsuppose sb to do sth / sb be supposed toa witness reported thatreport sth to sb breathe heavily take two deep breathsout of breathHe had blo

8、od on his shirta man with blood on his shirt=a man who has blood on his shirtat the time of the crimeoffer a reward of ¥50000offer a reward for useful informationleads to the arrest of the murdererbe under arrest for murderanyone who can provide useful informationprovide sth for sb=provide sb with s

9、thoffer sb sth=offer sth to sbdo something against the lawthe elderly couple are very sadThere was probably more than one personbe created as a master at sloving crimesbe popular among teenagersbe considered as/to bethe queen of crime novelsthe crime the boss has committedIt turned out+从句have nothin

10、g to do with the casehave something to do withbe in a hurry to catch the bushurry to do=do sth in a hurry=be in a hurry to do sthbe in such a hurry thatbe in prison for six monthssome safety tips to protect yourselves against crimeprotect your eyes from the sunknow the boy who was kadnappedremember

11、to lock the doorremember to doremember doing sthshut all the windowscarry a lot of money with sb55.防范我们周围任何可能的危险 守卫某物 防范某物防范做某事56.在他家门外发现一条金项链57.赢得写作竞赛58.把项链带去警察局59.被指控偷窃60.你和。相处得怎么样61.出来住在隔壁的男子 除了。 除了做某事62.做。来谋生63.一些贵重的珠宝被偷了 从某人那偷某物 某物从某人那被偷64.就在偷窃之后 就在。之前65.有人掉了这项链guard against any possible danger around usguard sth guard against sthguard against doing sthfind a gold necklace outside the doorwin the writing competitiontake the necklace to the police stationbe charged with thefthow do you get on with。?except the man who lives next doorexcept sth / sb except doing


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