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1、21世纪研究生英语(综合教程2)练习题答案unit5,6,7,8 Unit FiveText A Using Popular Movies in Psychotherapy. Key to the exercises1. Reading comprehension(1) This essay mainly discusses cinematherapy. The psychotherapist is using popular movies in psychotherapy.(2) The goal is to help clients look at their situations fro

2、m a novel perspective, because we sometimes understand ourselves best while listening to a story about another person.(3) Bibliotherapy is a technique employed in the 1930s by psychiatrist Carl Menninger, who assigned fiction and nonfiction readings to hospitalized psychiatric patients to expand the

3、ir horizons and redirect their attention. Cinematherapy is a similar intervention, but it benefits from many practical advantages that movies have when people watch TV more than they read books.(4) “One True Thing”: a movie about an estranged daughter Renee Zellweger and her mother Meryl Streep who

4、is dying of cancer, proved useful in treating a woman who entered psychotherapy in hopes of improving her relationship with her 21yearold daughter.(5) In the current therapy environment, it is important to get at critical issues as quickly as possible. Films can do that better than almost any other

5、art medium because they are emotionally rich, treat relevant themes, and are easy to obtain at the neighborhood video store. It is much more likely that busy people will spend two hours watching a film.(6) Because, first, we want clients to watch films in an environment that is therapeutically frien

6、dly. Second, it is sometimes necessary to watch a picture several times to mine the therapeutic gold. With videotapes, it is just a matter of rewinding and playing again. Finally, viewing a movie therapeutically is different from seeing it merely for pleasure. When we are absorbed in the plot of a m

7、ovie, we do not pay as much attention to character development. The heart and soul of cinematherapy is in noting how characters change during the course of the story.(7) The author asked him to see the picture because he was not completely conscious of how life with his own father had shaped his beh

8、avior; after seeing the movie, he used the word “abusive” for the first time. It was a key change and very essential to treatment. He could not see the man he was becoming until he saw a character from the movie acting out that role.(8) Because his mother described his father as godlike and thought

9、of him as a wonderful man, kind, gentle, and courageous, the author was convinced he would never be the man his father was; after he saw the movie “Saving Private Ryan,” a strange thing happened. For the first time, he realized how his only 23 father really was in World War . He was mortal, and thus

10、 real. He was just a very young man, alone, afraid, and trying to survive. Then an unbearable weight was lifted from his shoulders.2. Vocabulary(1) integrate(2) eloped(3) reconciled(4) exclusively(5) munch(6) abusive(7) lecturing(8) articulate3. Paraphrase(1) Our teenage son is lively and troublesom

11、e. But the reason that I come here is that Im very concerned about my daughter aged 21.(2) During the period of the past 21 years, I have always tried to persuade my kids to believe that if they want to live a better life, they should receive a higher education.(3) She said: “if you tend to love the

12、 things you own rather than to think about something that you have lost, you will feel happy easier.”(4) From an aesthetic point of view, some films we use are not ideal; critics, in fact, dislike many movies we most often want clients to watch, which is not important.(5) I was willing to take the r

13、isk of understanding his mind without scolding him concerning his film choice. I prepare for more useful conversations selected from movies in the future.(6) She didnt realize that the more she described him as a wonderful man, like God in his qualities, the more I was sure I could never reach his e

14、xcellence.4. Cloze(1) down(2) and(3) rationally(4) unfamiliar(5) as(6) into(7) effective(8) learn(9) out(10) gives(11) different(12) easily(13) but(14) with(15) use(16) behavioral(17) helpful(18) by(19) problems(20) needs5. TranslationA. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.经历过一次痛苦的离婚,一场使得

15、十多岁的女儿对自己形同陌路的监护权争夺战以及一次中年危机之后,斯蒂芬德沃曼决定以自己遭遇的麻烦为原形制作并导演一部电影。影片中的妻子长有一张蜥蜴的面孔。他在加利福尼亚州圣莫尼卡市距前妻的住宅仅5个街区的一个电影院里首映了这部电影。德沃曼为筹拍离婚,音乐喜剧卖掉了他的商业电视及广告咨询生意的一半,现在他希望保本甚至赚点钱。46岁的德沃曼说:“这绝不是为了报复。我压根儿没有这种念头。”B. Translate the following sentences into English.(1) The arrogant young man is so critical that he found it

16、 hard to identify with any of the characters in this novel.(2) The pharmaceutical factory has teamed up with a research institute of a medical college to develop a new cough medicine.(3) The latest movie of the famous director is concerned with later marriage.(4) They set the stage for a military co

17、up after the presidents death.(5) My older brother owes his success more to his ability than to my parents support.Text B The Foundations of PersonalityKey to the exercises1. F2. F3. T4. T5. F6. T7. F8. TUnit SixText A On the Sense of Humor. Key to the exercises1. Reading comprehension(1) According

18、to Lin Yutang, humor is the highest form of human intelligence because it goes with good sense, the reasonable spirit and some subtle powers of the mind. Its very useful in changing the quality and character of our entire cultural life because of its chemical function. For example, it helps humorist

19、s see larger things; it goes to the very root of culture, and opens a way to the coming of the Reasonable Age in the future human world; its full of common sense, philosophy and simplicity, with which the prevalence of humorous thinking can finally be achieved.(2) The author uses Kaiser Wilhelm and

20、Franklin D. Roosevelt as two examples to illustrate his ideas that humor is very important in national life. The former is the negative example while the latter is positive.(3) The politicians are described as “the able, the clever, and the ambitious and haughty.the most cowardly and muddleheaded, l

21、acking in the courage and depth and subtlety of the humorists. They are forever dealing with trivialities,” while the humorists are described as having “greater sweep of mind.” As argued by the author, a humorist can definitely be a good diplomat, at least “any war can still be averted.”(4) (open)(5

22、) Simplicity is not only the outward symbol of deep thought, but also the ideal for civilization and culture; and it is the sense of humor nourishes simplicity. Therefore, “a sane and reasonable spirit, characterized by simplicity of living and thinking, can be achieved only when there is a very muc

23、h greater prevalence of humorous thinking.”(6) Starting from humorist who is of course full of sense of humor, the author proves his idea through a persuasive rational analysis: “.a humorist keeps closer touch with facts, . indulges in flashes of common sense or wit, which show up the contradictions

24、 of our ideas with reality with lightning speed, thus greatly simplifying matters. Constant contact with reality gives the humorist a bounce, and also a lightness and subtlety. All forms of pose, sham, learned nonsense, academic stupidity and social humbug are politely but effectively shown the door

25、. All is simple. All is clear.”2Vocabulary(1) share (2) virtuosity(3) presupposes(4) degenerate(5) perceived(6) cowardly (7) catastrophic (8) arduous3Paraphrase(1) I am not sure whether we have totally understood the importance of humor, the possibility of its use in changing the quality and charact

26、er of our entire cultural life, for example, its importance in politics, scholarship, and the whole life.(2) As for me, the most profound criticism about autocracy is that presidents of democratic nations can laugh; whereas autocrats always show a very serious facial expression as if they were doing

27、 something extremely important and they are the only persons that can save the world.(3) If we send these humorists to a conference just before an awful war is about to take place, we will see that a European war will never start however hard they try.(4) After all, the only important thing is the b

28、irth of a new race that is full of reasonable spirit, good sense, simple thinking, goodtempered and civilized.(5) At present, we must admit that simplicity of life and thought is the highest and most reasonable ideal of civilization and culture; we must also admit that when a civilization loses it,

29、and the complicated people do not go back to the naivete or simplicity, that civilization will meet with troubles and even collapse.(6) It is difficult to have a clear thought, thus it is even more difficult to achieve simplicity in that simplicity comes from clear thoughts.(7) Humor is the highest

30、form of human intelligence because it is definitely related with good sense and reasonable spirit, and we are quite able to find out discrepancies, stupidities and bad logic. Therefore, it is safe to believe that each nation will surely have their mentally healthy representatives.(8) Digestion and m

31、aturity are the preconditions of simplicity: as we grow older, our thoughts become clearer while those unimportant or even false aspects are eliminated and stop to bother us. Correct ideas take on clearer shapes and long trains of thought slowly become a simple formula which comes to us one bright m

32、orning, then we would arrive at a bright realm of wisdom.4 ClozeWX(3)8*2,7*3。3(1) to (2) Comedy (3) with(4) nature (5) surprises (6) spectator(7) types(8) happily (9) circumstances (10) another (11) humor (12) While(13) laughter (14) vary (15) partners (16) witnessed (17) everyday (18) sick(19) mann

33、er(20) merged5 TranslationA. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.我们现在必须承认:生活及思想的简朴性是文明与文化的最崇高最健全的理想,同时也必须承认当一种文明失掉了它的简朴性,而浸染习俗,熟悉世故的人们不再回到天真纯朴的境地时,文明就会到处充满困扰,日益退化下去。于是人类变成在他自己所产生的观念、思想、志向和社会制度之下,当着奴隶,负荷这个思想、志向,和社会制度的重担,而似乎无法摆脱它。幸而人类的心智尚有一种力量,能够超脱一切观念、思想、志向而付之一笑,这种力量就是幽默家的微妙之处。幽默家运用思想和观念,就

34、像高尔夫球或弹子戏的冠军运用他们的球,或牧童冠军运用他们的缰绳一样。他们的手法,有一种因熟练而产生的从容,有着把握和轻快的技巧。总之,只有那个能轻快地运用他的观念的人,才是他的观念主宰,只有那个能做他的观念主宰的人,才不被观念所奴役。严肃终究不过是努力的标记,而努力又只是不熟练的标志。一个严肃的作者在观念的领域里是呆笨局促的,正如一个暴发户在社交场中那样呆笨而不自然一样。他很严肃,因为他和他的观念相处还不曾达于自然。B. Translate the following sentences into English.(1) I appreciated his problem in learnin

35、g English very much, but I dont think I can help him.(2) He attended the party in the name of his father, because his father is far away in America.(3) Smith tried hard to think what could have hapened, but nothing suggested itself to him.(4) After having insulted his host unconsciously, the servant

36、 was shown the door.(5) Hilaire Belloc believes that “one never can see the thing in itself, because the mind does not transcend phenomena.”Text B Confession of a Humorist. Key to the exercisesUnit SevenText A Enterprising Women. Key to the exercises1. Reading comprehension(1) She is a woman who is

37、creative, hardworking and diligent, and she has a very strong sense of selfachievements.(2) She became successful in her business mainly by selfstruggling.(3) Oradee is an expert in planting flowers and knows much about this field, but she began to do business only after she randomly talked with her

38、 brother about the planting and export of flowers.(4) People can live a good life on this really highprofit business, which is what she had in her mind, i.e. to help to develop cutflower export industries.(5) It was soon after Chinas opendoor policy to the world.(6) Three.2Vocabulary(2)verge (3)turn

39、 (4)irrigate (5)bustling (6)contend (7) legwork 3. Paraphrase(1) Liew changed her job and began to work in a big department store. There, she worked very hard and was promoted from a buyer manager to a merchandise manager.(2) Liew says that she would never have achieved what she had today /she would

40、nt be so successful as she is today, if she were not fired at her middle age.(3) “Sometimes, you have to make full advantages of your situation.”(4) Though she had frequent and energetic contact with the outside world, she still often appeared in the busy Chatuchat market.(5) Although her fathers po

41、sition and reputation made it easier for her business, Wu had to do the practical work by herself.4Cloze(2) represent (3) globalization (4) mainly (5) employed (6) manufacturing (7) due (8) open (9) training (10) than (11) average (12) variations (13) earn (14) opportunities (15) men (16) work (17)

42、elder (18) responsibility (19) jobs (20) home5. TranslationA. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. 中国的男人在过去普遍要受三种优系统的权利(政权、族权、神权)的支配至于女子,除了受上述三种权力的支配以外,还受男子的支配(夫权)。这四种权力 政权、族权、神权、夫权,代表了全体封建宗法的思想和制度,是束缚中国人特别是农民的四根极粗的绳索。但是,当今世界的妇女,有权通过各种途径和形式,管理国家大事,管理经济和文化事业,管理社会事务。她们享有与男子平等的选举权和被选举权。B. Tr

43、anslate the following sentences into English.(1) He quickly donned a welcoming smile as his guest arrived.(2) Im rather skeptical about their professed sympathy for the poor.(3) They are somehow estranged.(4)That Government clashed with Opposition on the question of unemployment.(5) That song is so

44、reminiscent of my adolescence.Text B Women WarriorsKey to the exercises1.F 2.F3.F 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.F 8.FUnit EightText A Dollys False Legacy. Key to the exercises1. Reading comprehension(1) The focus is on moral and medical implications. Ian Wilmot believes what are missed in the discussion are: clonin

45、g is a very inefficient procedure; all the reasons for people to have a clone seem impractical; there is a lot we do not know about the effects of cloning, especially in terms of aging and the most appropriate means of controlling the development and use of these techniques.(2) The author lists a nu

46、mber of possible reasons:a. Couples unable to have children might choose to have a copy of one of them rather than accept the intrusion of genes from a donor.b. A cloned child was imagined to create hypothetical families a copy of one partner in a homosexual relationship or of a single parent, for e

47、xample.c. Cloning is also suggested as a means of bringing back a relative, usually a child, killed tragically.d. Copying is also suggested as a means by which parents can have the child of their dreams.(3) From this example we can know the authors against the idea of copying people. He thinks it wo

48、uld be ridiculous as well as impossible for all three of them (his wife, himself and the copy of him) to be confronted with one another. For more examples, refer to answers to the previous question.(4) Sentences indicating the development of the text are like:a. .cloning is a very inefficient proced

49、ure.b. Even if the technique were perfected, however, we must ask ourselves what practical value wholebeing cloning might have.c. Why “copy” people in the first place?d. Moreover, there is a lot we do not know about the effects of cloning, .(5) A lot remains unknown to us about cloning, such as the

50、issue of aging, genetic errors, biology associated with cloning and technical control.2. Vocabulary(1) sparked(2) incidence(3) emerges(4) intrinsic(5) frame(6)specifing(7) championed(8) justified3. Paraphrase(1) ZK(#(This is an inserted sentence) The fact that cloning is a very inefficient procedure

51、 is neglected in the debate about the morality of cloning.(2) The high failure rate of cloning disappoints people working with animals, which makes it hard to imagine to apply the technology to human beings.(3) Infertile couples may prefer a child copied from one of themselves to one whose gene comes from a third person.(4) How could a teenager who is a copy of me stand to look at me and accept that what I look like is what he will be like in future?(5) What should we do if the child cannot achieve what the parent expects of him simply because of bad luck?(6) In natural repro


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