已阅读5页,还剩16页未读 继续免费阅读




1、the party'sfine style, carryforwar dthe traditi onal Chi nese virt ues, practici ng theS ociali st core val ues,vig orouslycarry forwar d the spiritofJiao Yulu, Hong qiCa nalspirit andspirit ofpersiste nce, honesty i n politics,strict statesma n,stickt othe spiritual height softhe Communi sts.Fo

2、urto dev otion,as,doplay arole i n qualifying. OfficialCommunistduty.Tofulfillthe party'spur pose,maintai nforthepeople themselves,and dedi cation,dev otion, maintain pioneer,pi oneeri ng andenter prisi ng spirit,a ctiveatthew ell-offextra practice,makecontributi ons.The i ncentivefunctionofpart

3、y organizationsatalllevel sshoul d givefull playt o advancedm odel s,establ ish are prese ntative,adva nced andtypica lofthe times,a ndguidet hebr oadmasses ofpartymemberstoemulate. Inhonorofthe 95anniversary offounding as a nopportunity to award in recognition ofa numberofoutsta ndi ng party member

4、s'advanced grass-r oots party organi zations,outstanding partyworkers, a nd put thepioneertrees.Third,the"reform" efforts forexample, besuretocha nge into. Lear ningt oteachE ducationin orderto solve the problem,ifit does notsolve thepr oblem, itw illform, goes throught he motions. Tos

5、tre ngthe n the consci ousne ssofpr obl ems and insisted on pr obl em-ori ented, problem-solvi ng learni ng educati onfortracti on,tr uly dee p investigati on i nto change , modificati on.Achecke dswi ng.Learninge ducation programmeforparty-buildi ngin our cityactuallypropose dtofocus on sol ution o

6、ffuzzy i deals a nd beliefswaver,consciousness,purpose of the partyweakse nse,honestya ndself-di sci plineaw arene ss is notstrong, depre ssed,sixissues ofethicalmi sconductst udy contents spe cificpr ogrammes forallparty membersand l eadi ng cadre s abov ethe county lev elshall focus onfurther refi

7、nementtothe problems.Specificto every party memberand everyca dre,al sore quiresa com binati on ofa ctual a nd controlled,focuseda nd rea lly puty ourse lfin,pe opl e seet hings, see, with theirow nspecific problems tole arnConstitution Party rules,series, a ddress, so pre cisionto findthe problem,l

8、ayinga soli dfoundation for furthercorre ctive acti on. B to make change. For checkput ofproblem, through establi shed rectificati on aiwa naccount, a ndtake speci alsupervisi on,and on accountPIN, appr oach,insisted do si delearnside modifie d,andthat knowthatmodified, whilefocuse d on put "tw

9、o learn ado"learni ng education rectificati onwit h grasp partyofmasslinee ducationpracti ceactivities and"threestrictthreereal" topi ceducati on pr oblem re ctification com bine d up,consolidati onex panded has madeofrectification results, stronglycorre cted "forofficernotfor&qu

10、ot;,andChiand endlesscorrected "fourwind",a nd reg ulationmasses side ofabuses,e nsurew orkadva ncem orepowerful,and pr oblemsoluti on more com pletely.T hird, w e mustconsoli date our a chi evem ents. Formore public, some partymembers whofocus on theoutstandingissue s,combi ning concentra

11、ted保育员(初级)职业技能鉴定培训班教学计划及教学大纲保育员初级教学大纲1、 教学目的和任务:随着我区幼儿教育事业的快速发展,为提高保育员的水平和技能,规范幼儿保育工作,满足幼儿园参加升级评估等需求,我校将于近期举办幼儿园保育员培训班。培训班由资深专业教师进行授课、讲解。得以提高幼儿保育人员各方面综合水平。2、 教学的基本要求及内容:(1) 专 业理论课:保育员的职业道德、对学前教育的认识和理解、婴幼儿各系统生理卫生、小儿营养基础知识、集体儿童膳食管理、婴幼儿生活活动中的保育、配合教育活动等。(2) 专 业实操课婴幼儿游戏、学习、运动中的保育、配制幼儿园常用消毒液、婴幼儿意外事故处理、托幼机

12、构常用护理法、生活管理、托幼园所设备、物品的保管与环境卫生、安全工作、保育员专业技能技巧、保育员专业技能技巧、配合教育活动(3) 考 证考取保育员(初级)证3、 说明:保育员是一个实践性很强的专业课程,在保证专业理论知识的学习基础上,适当加强学员的技能训练是非常重要的,如婴幼儿生活活动中的保育、保育员专业技能技巧等力求使学员既掌握理论知识,同时掌握操作技能。ectificationand strengt heni ngthema nagementofdailyeducation,the spiritofreform shortofthecomplete system,pay cl oseatt

13、e ntiontosystem impleme ntation,reallymake theparty organizati ona nd partymember e ducation andstrict manageme nt,solid. Finall y,the "urge" workonthe lead,be sureto promoteeffici ency."Two"e ducation, not one ducationeducational,not workingwit hthe Centre tw o,muststi ck around

14、 theCenter,serving the overallsituati on, coordi nate,trulyresult-oriented andprom ote efficiency. Curre nt andfuturea period,totightly ar ound coordinationa dv ance "four af ull"strategy layout,wi nni ngfullbuilt societythis acentraland workoverall, putcarri ed out lear ning e ducationa s

15、pr omotedw orkofimporta ntopportunitie sand powerful powe r,gui de Generalmembersca dresinsisted devel opmentfirst pri ority, active adapted economi c devel opm entnew normal, consciouslypra ctice li nefive big development conce pt,effective grasp supplysi destructuralreform,to g uarantee s and impr

16、ove d liveli hood, construction m ore hig hecologi calvitalityha ppi nessofcity.Lastyea r,we carry out"three-t hree"activitie sasa "threethree"spe ciale ducati on im portant,fi nd e ducation a ndeffective platf orm tofacilitatethe com bination ofw ork.Referencet his agood practi

17、ces,provincial,a nd muni cipal deci dedi n "twolear n a do" learning education in t he carrie dout"fiveche ckfive promoti ng",the CountyDistrictunits t oinsistedput "twole arna do" learni ng educati on a nd"five check fivepr omoting"orga nicfusion,and commonad

18、vance, do one pla n layout,and one organization impleme ntation,put carried out"two le arn a do" situati on, and "fivecheckfivepromoti ng"situation as partyworkevaluation ofimporta ntConte nt,as an importa ntaspe ctof mutualevaluati on on party members, testing as an im portant b

19、asis for l eadi ng bodiesa nd leadi ng cadre s'performa ncea nd guide t he br oad massesofparty membersand cadresto studye ducation opens uptothe mai n economic a nd socia ldevel opme nt.Atpresent,the overallsmooth e conomi coperation i n our cit y,butdownwar d pressurei s stillhig h,face d anum

20、berof challe ngesa ndtests.Mea nwhi le, coincide switht hecit y,Countyandt ownshi p partycommitteesthis year generalele ctionyear, howt oreallychoosel oyal,cle anand serve s asa good cadre,ir on di scipline ofGeneralFe ng Qi ng Qi ,Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, isa realtest for a

21、llof us. Generalwork on "two"tost udy theeffectofe ducati on i nspecti on, ifthe tr ueserie s ofpartyrule sand Constituti on speaksw ellandtruly be come a qualif iedparty member,naturally we can deal wit h advance a nd retreat leftturntreatment, proper organizati onalarra ngementsa ndselec

22、ti on, proper treatmentof personali nterests. Toput carrie d out "twolearn a do" learning educationwith do reformdeve lopme ntstablet hework combi ne d up,a nd seriouslydo Centerw ork,and da ilyand job com bine d up,and guarantee s improve d livelihood, andpr omotesocial harmony combi ned

23、up, a nd complete d thetask combi nedthe party's fine sye, cay fowad Ie tradt onal "in v> ues, iracbl ng Ie S ocai s ce ues, vg orousy carry for-d Ie of Jia Yuu, Hong qi Canal sp" and sp" of pe e nc, honesty i npoilc* strc satesma n, sik t o Ie spiiua heght s of the Cmmui ss. F

24、our to o.n.as, d pay a roe i nqualfytgOl - i Cmmusduty. Tull the payspurpose, . n fr the pepe tem-es, and 7 in,. oin, ” i g a. enterprsing ”t a clve a Ie w eiol exa p.ac - m ccntrbut ons. The i ncentve fuccin of pay organzains a al level s shoul d gve ul iby t i advanced m ode s, esai is are p.senta

25、tve, ava nce d and typica tmes,a nd t he br,ad masses of pay members to emulate InIe 95 anivesay of fudig - a .opportunity to awad in euggKn of a numberof ousa nd ng party members ' advanced grasr i os pay organi zalon* ousandigparty wrkes a nd put "pin tees. Th.、Ie "rfrm" efrs fo

26、r exmile be sue toca nge it. Lear nig t o teachE . order to s the problem, i i does not s the pr ob_, it w !frm, gos through t he moins. Tsenghe ntecnncioosne - of ad iId - ori ngleanl ng Ion, Iuly die p ivesiaI change, modiiat on.A ceked sW ng Leanig e - in progamme for paybuidi ng i our ily acuily

27、 prpooed I focus on sluin of uzy I as a I d belies - ve, conlUousesspupooe of the pary se nne, honesy a nd sefd si pie aw aene - snot .ng, depressd, sx ssesof etlicl mi scnduc s udy cntes se cfc pr oggrrnm - fr al pay m bes and l edi ng clde s abov e the cuny level sal focus onurter einmet I the pro

28、blms Secic to evey pay membe ad y dre al sre-irs a com biaI on of acu,a nd cntold, foouued a nd rra ly put y I use l i, people se t higs see wtIei ow n spedc problems , le a.Cns“nPary rues, - r - a ddes, so |re csin to-fid thep.blm, lyig a sl d foundaton fr “hecre cie aci on. B to mikechange For cec

29、k throughesal sed ecVlHI n awanaccuI a nd ale secal lupeviion, ad onlccunt PN, a"roac, itd do s de .s- modfed, ad that know ta modifed whie foouue d on put "wean a d" eani Ig iduuain iicat on wt h gras paly of mas ie e ducaion pact ce aciiis ad "Irie stic thrre ea" topi cld

30、- at.nprobem re cifcaton cm bine d u, consiat on ex anedhhs maeof ectiain rsuls stongycre ctd "fr ofice not fr", ad Ci ad ede>s core - d 'our wid", a id egulainmaslssde I f auues e nsue w ork ada m oe po r ul ad pr I blm slui on moe cm | eey. Thid w e mus cnsl e our a ci evmes.

31、 For more publc some pay membes who fcus on the oustadng iiss combining cncentatd四、课程设置及教学计划表课 程 性 质序号课程名称计划 学时各周教学计划安排12345678机 动专 业 理 论 课1保育员的职业道德4课 时222对学前教育的认识和 理解8课 时22223婴幼儿各系统生理卫 生5课 时2224婴幼儿心理保育与发 展5课 时2225小儿生长发育与体锻5课 时2226托幼机构常用护理法5课 时2227小儿营养基础知识5课 时2228集体儿童膳食管理4课 时229微生物基础知识与消 毒隔离4课 时2210

32、幼儿认知能力的发展4课 时2211学前教育机构中心的 一日生活安排5课 时222212婴幼儿游戏、学习、 运动中的保育4课 时2213托幼机构意外事故的 初步处理4课 时22214学前教育与家庭、社 区及小学4课 时2215相关的法律和法规知 识4课 时22实 操1配制幼儿园常用消毒 液10课 时4444nic fuuson, ad cmmon aan done pa n lyut and one orga I iain implme nain, put carid I ut "two le an a do" stuai on, ad "fw ck fveprmo

33、ti ng" siuainls pary wk evauain I f impora ntCn nt, a Impora nt as ct of mutal evauaton on pay membs tsing - a m port ant bass fr l edi I g bodis a nd llad I g cdre s ' pefma nce a nd gude t I e brood mases of paope o,azai I na arangimls andllcton, prper tament of peson,intessT put care d o

34、ut "wlara do" aningucain wtdo frm ie'elpme nt sale t he wk cmbi I e d u, a id seiusy do Cent w ok, ad da ly and job cm bied u, ad .aatts improvedlwiood and pr omo soia 'amony combi nnd up, a id cmpe d Ie aikcmbi nednot workng wi h the Cente w o, must stck arud Ie c. se vi ng Ieo<

35、;eal stuaton, coodinae, tuy reuloreed and prom oe efceny. Cue nt and uue a peid, ttg a oud cordnain a dv ane "oura ful" saegy layu, wnning ful bul sciey this a cental ad wI rk oveal, put carId out eaning e .caina s pr omoed w or of impora unitie s ad poweulthe party's fine sye, cay fow

36、a d the tradt onal "in v> ues, iracbl ng Ie S ocai s ce ues, vg orousy carry for-d Ieof Jia Yuu, Hong qi Canal sp" and sp" of pe e nc, honesty i npoilc* strc satesma n, sik t o Ie spiiuaheght s of the Cmmui ss. Four to o.n.as, d pay a roe inqualfytg. Ol - i Cmmus duty. T .full the

37、paryspurpose, . n fr the pepe tem-es, and 7 in,. oin, ” i g a. enter prsing ”t a clve a Ie w eiol exa p.ac - m ccntrbut ons. The i ncentve fuccin of pay organzains a al level s shoul d gve ul iby t . .- m ode s, esai is are p.sentatve, ava nce d and typica tmes,a nd t he br,ad masses ofpay members t

38、o emulate InIe 95 anivesay of fu dig - a i oiporkniy to awad in euggKn of a numberof ousa ndg party members ' advanced grasr i os pay organi zalon* ousandigparty wrkes a nd put "pin tees. Th.、Ie "rfrm" efrs for exmile besue to ca nge it. Lear nig t o teachE . order to s the proble

39、m, i i does not s the pr ob_, it w !frm, gos through t he moins. Tsenghe ntecnncioosne - of ad iId - ori ngleanl ng I on, I uly die p ivesiaI change , modiiat on. A ceke d sW ng Leanig e - in progamme for paybuidi ng i our ily acuily prpooed I focus on sluin of uzy I as a I dbelies - ve, conlUousess

40、pupooe of thepaly wek - nne, honesy a nd sefd si pie aw aene - snot .ng, depre ssd, sx ssesof etlicl miscnduc s udy cntes se cfc pr oggrrnm - fr al pay m bes and l edi ng clde s abov e the cuny lev el sal focus onurter einmet I the problms Secic to evey pay membe ad evey cadr* al sre-irs acom biaI o

41、n of acu,a nd cntold, foouued a nd rra ly put y I use l i, pe ople se t higs see wtIei ow n spedcproblems , le a.Cns“nPary rues, - r - a ddes, so |re csin to-fid the p.blm, lyig a sl d foundaton fr “hecre cie aci on. B to male change For ceck throughesal sed ecVlHI n awanaccuI a nd ale secal lupevii

42、on, ad onlccunt PN, a"roac, itd do s de .s- modfed, ad that know ta modifed whie foouue d onpu "w e an a d" eaniI giduuaton tficat on wt h graspary of mas lne educaion pact ce aciliis ad "Irie stic thrre ea" topi cld - at.nprobem re cifcaton cm bine d u, consiat on ex anedhh

43、s maeof ecIiaton rsuls stongycre ctd "fr ofice not fr", ad Ci ad ede - coreced "our wid", id eg ulainmaslssde I f auues e nsue w ork ada I ce m oe po ru, ad pr I blm slui on moe cm | eey. T hid w e mus cnsl e our a ci evmes. For more publc some pay m - bes wofouson Ie oulstading

44、iiss combi ning cncentatd课2生活管理15课 时44443配合教育活动15课 时44444婴幼儿意外事故处理15课 时44445安全工作15课 时4444考 证考证6合计学时数:140学时理论:70学时实操:70学时注:各周教学计划安排按实际情况可进行必要的调整保育员(初级)培训计划一、专业(工种)概述1 .名称及含义:保育员(初级)2 .招生对象:在广东省内务工的法定劳动力人员3 .学制:短期培训。二、培训目标:通过专业理论知识学习和操作技能训练,使学员能够达到以下标准:(国家职业资格五级)1、系统地掌握现代儿童保健科学及儿童教育理论知识。婴幼儿各系统、生 理特点与卫

45、生保健,小儿生长发育及体格锻炼,掌握小儿营养基础知识与合理 喂养、微生物基础知识与消毒隔离、小儿常见病的预防和护理。2、婴幼儿心理发展与保育、婴幼儿生活活动中的保育、婴幼儿游戏、学 习、运动中的保育。iciiain and sengt heni ng the ma nng-et of d- Iduaton,thesiiofrefrm cmpetesystm,ppycloseate ntion to systmimpeme ntatin, e- male thepatyor.n - t on a I d pary m - ber e d in ad srct mang-e nt, sold. F

46、inal y the "uge" wk on the liadbesuetoprmoteefcie"Tw"e ducainld . aional not workng wi h the Cente tw o, must sti ck arud the Ceer sevngtheo<eral stuati on, coodi nae, tuy reuloreedandpromoteefceny.Cuentandutueapeid,totigtyaoudcordnainadvane"ouraful"sategyu,wnningful

47、bulscieythisacentaladwIrkoveal,putcarId out ea ning e .caina s pr omoted w or of importa tunitie s ad poweul powe r, gui de Geea m - bes desissvlopmet fis pri oiy ac - a pttd ecnom c devl opm et new ,oml> connciu- pra cie l ne f<e big deveopment cnne pt, efec gas supy s de structual re om, to

48、g uaantte s ad impr<e d livl I ood, cnsrrcin m ore hig I eclogi ca vialy ha ppinnss of cty LLst y- r ry out " thrret hel" ictvite s as a "hrreff i. ltftfiitthlit f w i R f t hiIviliilii"wl"liIithit"ihIIvti"thCtyDtitittiitt"wl"liI"ihiioti"i f

49、i-l1ytztiltItit"wl"itti"ihkiti"ittiwk-lIfittCttitttftl.ltIbttiittbiflibili'fitibfIbtt-ItIiiiivltAtthvlIitiii-btwwiIlhihfbfhlttMwhliiwitthi-CttwhiIitthi-llt-hwtlad sle s as a god ccde, i on dscie of Geea F ng Qing 1 , Qi Qi Shu, sapppd ou Jru good stuain, is a ral es fr al of

50、us Geneaworkon"Iw"IsudyIefctofeduuatoninsecion,ifIeIuesesofparyrule s and Cnsttui on s Is w ad tuy be come a quai id pay membe, nauah wecadelwi h advace a nd r ea f urn te'e、propeo,aizai I na ara ngimels a nd ielct on, prper teament of peson,intessTputcaredout"wlarado"aninge_

51、cain wit do efrm1 lpme nt sale t he wk cmbi I e d u, a id seiu sy d"e w ok, ad - ly and job cm bie d u, ad .aatte s improve d lwiood and pr omo sca 'amony combi nnd up, a id cmpe d Ie aik cmbi nedthe party's fine sye, cay fowadIetradt onal "in v> ues, iracbl ng Ie S ocai s ce ue

52、s, vg orousy carry for-dIeofJiaYuu,HongqiCanalsp" and sp" of pe e nc, honesty i npoilc* strc satesma n, sik t o Ie spiiua heght s of the Cmmui ss. Four to o.n.as, d pay a roe i nqualfytg Ol - i Cmmus duty. Tull the payspurpose,. n fr the pepe tem-es, and7 in,. oin, ” iga.enterprsing”t a cl

53、ve a Ie w eiol exa p.ac - m ccntrbutons.Theincentvefuccinofpayorganzainsaallevelsshouldgveul iby t i advanced m ode s, esai is are p.sentatve, ava nce d and typica tmes,andthebr,ad masses of pay memberstoemulateIn Ie95anivesayoffudig-a.opportunity to awad ineuggKn of a numberofousandngpartymembers&#

54、39;advancedgrasriospayorganizalon*ousandigpartywrkesandput"pin tees.Th.、Ie "rfrm" efrs for exmile be sue tocangeit.LearnigtoteachE.ordertostheproblem,iidoesnotstheprob_, it w !frm, gos through t he moins. Tsenghe ntecnncioosne - of ad iId -ori ngleanlng Ion,IulydiepivesiaI change,modi

55、iaton.AcekedsWngLeanige-inprogammeforpaybuidingiourilyacuily prpooe d I focus on sluin of uzy I as a I d belies - ve, conlUousesspupooeof the pary se nne, honesy a nd sefd si pie aw aene - snot .ng, depre ssd, sx sses of etlicl mi scnduc s udy cntes se cfc pr oggrrnm - fr al pay m bes andledingcldes

56、abovethecunylevelsal focus onurter einmet I the problms Secictoeveypaymembeady drealsre-irs a com biaI on of acu,a nd cntold, foouued a nd rra ly put y I use l i, pe ople se t higs see wtIei ow n spedc problems , le a.Cns“nPary rues,-r-addes,so|recsinto-fidthep.blm,lyigasldfoundatonfr“hecrecieacion.Btomike change For ceck throughesal sed ecVlH I n awanaccuI a nd ale sec al lupevii on, ad onlccunt PN, a"roac, itd do s de .s- modfe d, ad that know ta modifed whiefoouuedonput"weanad"eaniIg


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