



1、【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流用动词的适当形式填空100道题.精品文档.一.用动词的适当形式填空:1. Look, your dog_(run) after a cat.2. What are you doing? I_(read)a book.3. Where is Tom? He_(go)over his lessons in his room.4. She says that she_(write )a novel.5. My father_(sharpen)the pencil for me at this moment.二.用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. Wha

2、t is he_(do)? He is_(talk) to his friend.2. What are you_(do)? I am_(sweep)the floor.3. What are they_(do)? Are they_(play) in the garden? No, they are _(have) lunch now.4. It is Sunday. There_(be )a lot of people in the park. Some_(walk)by the lake. Others_(sit) on the benches(长凳)or on the lawn. Un

3、der an old tree, some children_(play)games. A teacher_(be) with them.Nearby(附近), there_(be) an ice-cream man. Some people_(eat) ice cream. They_all _(have) a good time.三.用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. George_(make) a bookcase now. He_(work)very hard. The bookcase_(be) not for himself(他自己).It_(be) for his daughter,

4、 Susan. George_(go) to paint the bookcase pink, because pink_(be) Susans favorite color.2. I_(do) my homework. I_(go) to see a film this evening. 四.用所给动词的适当形式填空:1._(not make)too much noise. They_(have)lessons.2. We are not going to_(take) her any flowers.3._(Be careful). The bus_(come) towards us.4.

5、 _he_(listen) to the radio now?5. Please_(wait)for a minute. My mother_(wash) the dishes.6. When_he _(go) to see us?五.用所给词的适当形式填空:1. There is some_(milk) in the bottle.2. Are there any_(child)behind that tree?3. There arent any_(box) on the floor.4. There are some_(woman)in the shop. They are_(house

6、wife).5. Take this_(magazine)to your father.6. Put some_(sugar) in the tea.7. Give me a bottle of_(ink), please.8. Give them some_(knife)quickly.六.用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. Can you_(see) the plane in the sky?2. There_(be) some cheese on the plate.3. Must I_(open) the door now?4. A watch_(be)small and we can_(put) it in our pocket.(口袋)5. _(be)there any chairs in the room?6._(show) me your tongue, please.7._(sweep)the floor and_(dust)the sideboard.8. It_(be) eight oclock now. We_(hav


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