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1、1. 图解方位介词如:Be careful there is a heavy boover your headThe sun isabovethe mountain in the eastThere are some stampsn the deskThe position he pointed to was)elow the sea levelThe little mouse isunderthe table, so it is not easy to find itThe Great Wall winds its way from west to ea,stacrossdesert ove

2、r mountains, through valleys, till at last it reaches the seaThe crowd of people walkecpastthe City Hall to the Center Square2. at, in两词均表示地点,“在处”。at用于指较小的地方,如在门牌号码前;in用于指较大的地方。 如:We' ll meet each otheatthe park。我们将在公园见面。Mr. White lived in Hong Kong for 20 years 怀特先生在香港生活了 20年。3. in, on, to用在方位名

3、词前的区别用于表示较短暂的一段时间,可指某个节日或被认为是一年中标志大事的日子。如:atChristmas(2) in的用法表示在某个较长的时间内(如世纪、朝代、年代、月及泛指上午、下午和傍晚等) 。如:inthe 1980s in Qing Dynasty, in October, in the morning/afternoon/evening。表示在一段时间之后。如:I ' ll be backin an hour我将在一小时后回来。表示“及时” :in time。(3) on的用法用于表示具体的日子或一个待定的时间,)如某日、某节日、星期几等。如:on October the

4、first, on a rainy day on National Day。用于表示特定的早晨、 下午或晚上。 如: on the eve of victory, on the morning of January the third , on the afternoon of his arrival表示“准时,按时":0ntime。(4) by的用法表示“不迟于,在(某时)前"。如:He must have arrived therby now。他现在一定已经到了。1. by, in, on三词都表示旅行的方式(1) 不涉及交通工具的名词时用 by,名词前不带冠词。如 b

5、y sea by water; by land, by rail, by air 等。(2)涉及交通工具的名词时用by,但名词需用单数,其前面不加冠词或任何修饰语。如 by bike, by taxi, by plane, by ship/boat, by train, by spaceship。(3)当旅行方式涉及确定特指的交通工具时,用 on或in,名词前应有冠词、物主代词、指示代 词等修饰语。如: travel to New York in this plane leave on an early train go to school on my bik巡。说明:步行、骑马、骑骆驼均用

6、on。如:on foot, on horseback on a horse on the camel2. with, by, in三词均译为“用”,表示行为的工具、手段或方式。、(1) with用于有形的工具或身体某些器官之前,其后的名词多被冠词、物主代词等修饰。如:They are diggingwith a pick/spadaWe seewith our eyes hearwith our ear§ and walkwith our legs(2) by, in, on (over, through)等多用于无形的工具或方式手段之前。如 by hand, in ink, on

7、the telephone, over the radiq through the telescop妤。说明:使用语言、原料、材料时用in表示,如:in English/Japanese in blue ink。表达“用by means of方法/方式”时,所用介词分别为:in this/ that/ the same way2. It is + adj. + for sb. to do sth.当形容词说明不定式的性质时,用for。常见的形容词有important, necessarypossible impossible等。如:It is quite important for us to

8、 protect our environment t(二)on与in表示处于某种状态1. on用于表示动态状况,如正在从事某项活动或处于某种运动状态之中。如: on business差;on a visit在访问;on strike在罢工;on sale在出售;on show在上映;on watch在站岗/放哨;on fire 在着火;on vacation/holiday在度假。2. in多用于表示静态状况,如安全、危险、健康、涉及人的情绪等。如:in trouble陷入困境;in danger 处于危险中;in order有序,有条理;in surprise惊讶地;in silence默默

9、地;in high/lowspirits情绪高对K/低落。(三) besides except but, other than, except for的区另U1 .用于否定句时,besides except与but可相互替换。如:No other students passed the difficult math exaexcept/ besides/ butLin Tao and Wu Dong2 .用于肯定句时的区别(1) except意为:not including 除之外(不再有)。如:We all passed the examxceptTom。法,其后的宾语一般与句子所涉及的东西

10、不属同类。如:The composition is goodexcept for a few spelling mistakes这篇作文很好,只是有一些拼写错误。3. except和but/ other than后都可接名词、代词、动名词、动词原形,并且可以互换;但 except后接副词、介词短语、 when从句等时,but/ other than不可替换except如:He has always been in high spiriexcept recently除近来外,他总是精神饱满。(副词)The window is never openedjxcept in summer除夏季外,这扇

11、窗户从不打开。(介词短语)He has always been busyxceptwhen it is Sunda y除星期日外,他总是很忙。(when从句)4. but, except后都可接that从句作宾语,两者可以互换。如:I asked nothing from him but/ except that he should write to me every other week我只要求他每两周给我写一封信。5. besides可用作副词, 意为 “ in addition; also; moreover; furthermore (而且;还有)如:I don t want to g

12、o; besides I am too tired。1. at: at dawn拂晓;at daybrea梆晓;at sunrise日出时;at sunset/ sundown日落时;at noon在下午; at dusk在黄昏;at night在夜晚;at home在家;at table在用餐;at school在上学;at college在上大 学;at risk有危险,冒风险;at last最后;at res情|止不动2. from : from memory 凭记忆;from cover to cover从头至尾;from day to day 日复一日;from beginning

13、to end从头到尾;from head to toe从头到脚3. in: in high/ poor/ bad spirits 情绪高涨/低落;in tears热泪盈眶;in fear在恐惧中;in danger在危 险中;in peace和平相处;in safety很安全;in need需要;in good order彳艮整齐;in silence静静地;in good health身体好;in a fever在发烧;in love在热恋中;in public在公共场所;in doubt有疑问;in print 在印刷;in flower在开花(七)of +抽象名词=形容词of + gre

14、at/ much + 抽象名词=very + 形容词;of + no + 抽象名词=not + 形容词。如:It is of great/ much value =It is very valuableThe camel isof great helpto the Arab。=The camel isvery helpfulto the Arab。(八)to与情感名词连用to与情感名词连用,表示某种行动后产生的感觉。to one' s delight/ surprise/ horror/ sorrow/ joy/ regret=to the delight/ surprise/ hor

15、ror/ sorrow/ joy/ regret of sb.。这种表达法表示结果,用作状语,位 于旬前、中、后皆可。为了强调,可在前面加 much,意为“使某人的是”。(九)as和like的区另I2 .表示两种事物之间的相应关系或齐头并进的意思。如:With time passing they have grown into big boys and big girls随着时间的流逝,她们都长成大小伙子和大姑娘了。Temperature varywith the time of the year温度随着时节而变化。3 .表示“带有,带来,带走,携带”等,表伴随的意思。如:I have cal

16、ledwith a message for Mrs. Thompson我有口信带给汤普森夫人。He came downstairswith his coat over his arm他把外衣搭在胳膊上走下楼来。4 .引导一个表示方式的状语附加语。如:She lay back in the chawith her eyes closed她闭着眼睛背靠在椅子上坐着。He looked at mewith a frown。他皱着眉头看我。同样的用法还有:withasneer嘲笑的,withasigh叹声叹气地,withasob抽噎的,with a laughHe seized me)y the ar

17、mt他抓住了我的胳膊。5 .表示“由于的结果”的意思。如:He succeededby hard work。他由于努力工作而成功了。6 .含有“到的程度”的意思。如:This one is shorter than the otheby three inches这一个比那一个短三英寸。We lost the matchby one goal我们以一球之差输了那场比赛。7 .表示买卖东西时用以计量的数或量,或付酬时用以计算的时间。如:Milk is sold by the pint, butter by the pound, and eggsoy the dozen牛奶论品脱卖,黄油论磅卖,蛋类论打火。8 .表示“按照”或“根据”的意思。如:By my watch, the time is half past eleven按我的表,现在是十一点半(3) 要求用 with 的形容词: angry strict, careful, busy, popular, patient(4) 要求用 in 的形容词: weak,strict,rich, interested successful slow(5) 要求用 to 的形容词:next,good


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