已阅读5页,还剩61页未读 继续免费阅读




1、posit onreated cnsum pin of cVi - rvants ha s bee ept by .a nce , consumer, egar dless of cst avga- and wase in Ie cVI sev poslin re d conlumpl on, abu. crru.nad embezement,eruptionsmportat.Then, unde Ie conUI ons of make ecnom y how to rfm the sing cvl duy conlumpl on maagemet, exloresa sur t preve

2、 nt ad lie post cnsumptin cruption ys -rre a maor ue facedby honest w orkReenty, I.reseaconthis-ue,this pr oblm on some humble opi nins. F M he - sig pubic servant s duty cnsumpti on t I e main pr s n - and reasons, irecentyeas, pubic sevas y cnsumpinusedby Ie a buses a nd not a per sn of iegiy,i s

3、one of Ie mjrproblmsithepayinGover nment is opeain or de h a negatV e eec on Ie pay a nd Gvernme nt organs, seri ousy -ma.gje mage of the party and Ie Gover nment, undemiigte realnshi p bewee pary ad Ie mases elec,opel ig up a I d e cnomc cns_I_in. FomI Ccuny i ecet yeas of govenanne si ion se, posi

4、i ons cnsmpin in t Ie pl-icd I f wno phe I omenon r eddeig four a f ues a isposiinscnsumpIon sy stmlst ha s due of bidi ng, rgt is ge r t han ruls, a nd rg It s ggeae Ia nmehod of eomeonmorehghi、I i s i posins cnnumpti on inlhe Camea Obcua opeain, ngemsWlposiins cnsumpII n i nI ha pe sona connumpI o

5、n, w l aepoins I it I pesna po、s to, maks| osIons cnsmpin insome ase - has ito posiins e|oy a d sldeai ng of meas thrie i s Iposii ons fa - , . mpesnaIr Ted of nngaie corruI on penome na -cis crruin ad miapp.priain. fu p s flw Ie fasin, , s l a nd pos cnsumpI on becm e a sm sloWig l-l Iei id pailes.

6、 Cauued by p c leva ns .,cnsumpI on I f many w phe nomenon i n wi ch peope relct t he bgggst problms ae( Ieofcilca prblms Maiy i nIrre ase cs one s t he lage buss cs ex leduie A ccrd I g I st!Bs unti Novmbe 2003, XX Ccuy IwnshipDearmentbus159caswhicparmentownsthebus145vei cis, ad showd a n incras ng

7、 Ied Fia nnjai - pess cs pe bus pe yea I35000yuan, and i ac evey cost up to 50000 yuan. Some ui s as ig ttmpoay dies and-pedtreon w. m a nd lubsdes Nessay I kep a ca, but a so de pe I da ns, eidig I age elenes. Secnd, gongcesiyngbee d unheat hy Iedencies S ome pe opie beive t ha now sme I us dies us

8、e onet hid, one thi d ead ng prvae one Iid uued for ofcia puroses Some pul c - vat s, m peca iedi ng ofas mot oig, cas fr prvae pupooes, voaI ng Ie - id sc pie rig ulIons a nd ee n led t oIfc acc deI. Accdi ng I sastcs f.meatd depamessi 4 t he ive s1ain i nour county- s n”, s 1rpre.” s only the is .

9、 pu po-s 0rsi 4 t he ive s” i nour county s nea1y 1 s 1rprvae.” s only the is . pu po-s 0r1 .下边三个图中都有一些三角形,在图 A中,有个;在图B中,有个;在图C中,有个。含 AABC2 .写出下面等式右边空白处的数,使等式能够成立:0.6 + 0.06+0.006+ - = 2002 t。3 .观察 1,2,3, 6, 12, 23, 44, x, 164 的规律,可知 x =。4 .如图,将一个三角形(有阴影)的两条边分别延长2倍,得到一个大三角形,这个大三角形的面积是原三角形面积的 倍。a/ A.

10、N b b b5 .如果规定ab =13沟b4,那么17派24的最后结果是。6 .气象局对部分旅游景区的某一天的气温预报如下表:景区千岛湖张冢界庐山三亚丽江=1冶 rc)ii/i8/43/-227/1917/3景区大理九寨沟鼓浪屿武夷山黄山rc)13/387-815/915/10/-5其中,温差最小的景区是 ,温差最大的景区是 ,7 . AOB是三角形的纸,OA = OB,图中的虚线是折痕,至少折次就可以得到8个相同的三角形。8 .有的两位数,力口 48,就变成3位数;减48,就变成1位数,这 样的两位数有 ,它们的和等于 。9 .甲、乙、丙、丁四个学习小组共有图书 280本,班主任老师提议

11、让四个组的书一样多,得到拥护,于是从甲调 14本给乙,从乙调15 本给丙,从丙调17本给丁,从丁调18本给甲。这时四个组的书一 样多。这说明甲组原来有书 本。10 .幼儿园老师给几组小朋友分苹果,每组分 7个,少3个;每组 分6个,则多4个,苹果有 个,小朋友共 组。11 .在a = X2002和b=X2003中,较大的数是 ,它比较小 的数大。12 .小明的家离学校2千米,小光的家离学校3千米,小明和小光的家相距 千米。13 .甲、乙、丙三人中只有1人会开汽车。甲说:“我会开。”乙说: “我不会开。”丙说:“甲不会开。”三人的话只有一句是真话。会开车的是。ee dv g v 1cte sai

12、 skide ciissa .ig egais s u lr I_ I kii ef I esg a vii sIaI efi r I -vssesat s v xaiIel y s14 .为了支援西部,1班班长小明和2班班长小光带了同样多的钱买了同一种书44本,钱全部用完,小明要了 26本书,小光要了 18本 书。回校后,小明补给小光28元。小明、小光各带了 元,每 本书价 元。15 .长方形被分成了4个小长方形,图4中的数字是它们每个的面积,阴影部分的面积是 。19574616 .天气预报说:今天的降水概率是30%,明天的降水概率是50%, 后天的降水概率是35%。下雨可能性最大的是 天。

13、17 .如图,水平桌面(桌面不反光)上放有两个同样大小的足球 M、N, 每个足球的正上方悬挂有相同的灯泡。 A灯泡位置比B灯泡位置低。 当灯泡点亮时,受光照部分更多的是 球。cnsumpI on t hee ae big dawba cs. c deputes a nd CPPCC m ber s and the br ood mas - ae cnnernd a bout. ,cndiy t3lo_I onr -ns ption of-ii -ants has b ept by - a nce , .onnumer, ”r , of -H, n、ane and in the .ii sev

14、poliin . .onnumpIon, a buse - rr.ina. elbiezlelent,一,ptins mportat. Then, .ndlethe -on-Ions of -ku - nom y how to refrm the nig c-Vlduty .onnumpI on -、leI e.lorrs a sur to preve nt ad c-rbthe ” - nsptin.ruption ysrnety a or by hon w orkReently I -nd-UeL r_U on this ,this pr ob on sme humble opinins.

15、 Fis、t he sig pull- t s d-ty -nnumpI on t I e main prs n Ie inBlUglin and rens, ire.let , public 一. d-ty - nnumptin-L_L by the abus_ a nd not a per sn of integiy,i s one of the mjrprob s i t he pay in Go- nment - opeain or de h - a n party and G-rnment organs, 一 oy gng Ie of Ie pay and the Go- nment

16、,.n.lemiigIe r.ain.hi p bewee party ad Ie mases He.,opel ing up a I d e-nom-ns、r-in. FomI Cuny ire-et yeas of goerna nce stuuai on se, postions -nsmpin in t he pro I f wno phe I omenon r eddeing four a feaulesa is posiins -nsumpI on sy s-lst ha s due of bindi ng, rigt is greaer t han r uls, a nd rig

17、 It s. . Ianmehod of.h.om.onmore hghl” I i s i posins - nnumpti on inlheC.a Obb-ua opeain, ng terms wl posiins -nsumpI I n i nI ha s pe sona .onnumpI on, w aepoins I int .p.sna poins to, maks.sins -nsmpin insome ase -s ha s iI postions e|oy ad mlaing of meas thrm i s Iposti ons fraud, a impesnaIr, T

18、edof nnga .orruI on plenome na - - -rruin ad mppropriain. fup s flw Ie fasin, rvar , seul a nd pos -nsumpI on becme a l-lIer id、 ca pa-ties. Cauuad by pul. mrva ns duy-nsumpI on I f many w phe nomenon i n wi .h people rel-t t he bggst prob s ae(a Ieof-a-a prob s Many i nIrre ase -s one S t he lage b

19、uss -S ex | eddure A-.rdiI g I satsIcs unti Nvmbe 2003, XX Cuy Iwnship Deartment bus 159.as w hi. de partme nt owns Ie bus 45 veis, ad showd a n in-ras ng Ied Fna nnial pess -S pe bus pe yea I35000 yuan, and i a- evey cost up to 50000 yuan. Iome ui s as I iig tuporary ddiers and pedIre on wigls and(

20、ubsdes ssay I kep a .a, but a so Ie pe I da nS, eldig I large e|ene s nd, gonn-hesyng breed unheat hy Ienen.ies ome pe ople beivetha now sme I us ddiers use onet hird, one thi d lead ng privae oneIid uued for of-apurposes Some pul.lervats, (spe-aly ledi ng oflcas mot orig, -as fr privae pupooes, vil

21、Ing Ie (el.s.pie rrg ulaIons a nd ee n led t oIf- a-. des Accrdi ng I SaSIcs fromelatd depamessice 4 t he .ore- ive svin inour cunty-ve s nealy s fr privaepupo- s ony the is i, pupo-s or18 .用20厘米长的铜丝弯成边长是整数的长方形,这样的长方形不只一种。其中,面积最小的,长 厘米,宽 厘米;面积最大的长方形的长 厘米,宽 厘米。19 .在一个正方形水池的四周,环绕着一条宽2米的路(如图),这条路的面积是12

22、0平方米,那么水池的面积是 平方米。20 .下边是一个六位数乘以一个一位数的算式, 不同的汉字表示不同 的数,相同的汉字表示相同的数,其中的六位数是 。小学希望杯赛X赛9 9 9 9 9 921 .甲、乙两辆汽车从A、B两地同时相向开出,出发后2小时,两 车相距141千米;出发后5小时,两车相遇。A、B两地相距 千米。22 .小琴、小惠、小梅三人报名参加运动会的跳绳,跳高和短跑这三 个项目的比赛,每人参加一项,报名的情况有 种。23 .下图是一个正方体木块。M是AB的中点,N是AD的中点。用 一把锋利的锯,过M、N、G三个点将木块锯成两块,使截面是平的, 这个截面是 边形。ee dv g v

23、1cte sai ski. e ciissa.igeyuTiig1 i-sisveysIIIeIgcIIifIfaIrryte-11clieauve-nIcesacsuiaegera e asi-Iti s g i ie Ii v I ve ii a e ir.1” it . d e iigic i iv.- sva-sisisIIiii-ii-cc.ici-lII, ssial.- sva.cuiI d d aiiiecelsg1gddgiieaioaedveesslaeis-sigaisis.lrth-kii ee. e Sgaviis-iiicuiaddg-i.iiseuiecuecsc

24、cigciese-iIiidcieiiks.Iwkia_ieecese-i11slalaiiyaikegs.i-I.eeIiaseeildsarg.ic se siiuI-iiiaisiivHieIi-eckgp.iev.sieasii-siiicsit g skieaiel iieviiuesliisieiages.cuisssiseieesetaiselcIieaidy-sIH eem r t e -vssesatc-v s v xa-ielystieai-es-gtsyteesiWleeakeisiiscsevigiiIitetsiie.sv-.eatuiea-eestieeeisvsi

25、tiiyseeael111tt-scsuIieiiseaIIe-uceIdlltees-eatys-laieem-s1tdeteievIueeeeeeiesite-IgFisli-svsi1dGeeiee24 .师生共52人外出春游,到达后,班主任要给每人买一瓶矿泉水, 给了班长买矿泉水的钱。班长到商店后,发现商店正在进行促销活动, 规定每5个空瓶可换1瓶矿泉水。班长只要买 瓶矿泉水,就可以保证每人一瓶。25 .下图是一所小学的科技数,它有 4层,正面每层的三个圆形窗 户由左向右表示一个三位数,这些三位数是:837、571、206、439,但是不知道这四个数和哪一层的窗户对应,请你观察一下,然

26、后画出表示2008的四个窗户。第一届小学“希望杯”全国数学邀请赛四年级 第2试1 .计算:3X2 攵 2X6 与受+5 3 =。2 .观察右面的五个数:19、37、55、a、91排列的规律,推知a = OeaedV g v lcc eca seacci skid e .am u-g egalsis - isrtkt klIn efom eShg .Vii st.efm rtt eiV.i- - aiIely s-n.- p. on t here . bg - b. . NPC -. a nd cppcc . 一 s ad Ie br .-.- nnernna a bout、-ndy, tpos

27、it onreated cnsum pin of cVi - rvants ha s bee ept by .a nce , consumer, egar dless of cst avga- and wase in Ie cVI sev poslin re d conlumpl on, abu. crru.nad embezement,eruptionsmportat.Then, unde Ie conUI ons of make ecnom y how to rfm the sing cvl duy conlumpl on maagemet, exloresasurtpreventad l

28、ie post cnsumptin cruption ys -rre a maor ue facedbyhonestworkReenty,I.reseaconthis-ue,thisproblmonsomehumbleopinins.FMhe - sig pubic servant s duty cnsumpti on t I e main pr s n - and reasons, irecentyeas,pubic sevas y cnsumpinusedbyIe a buses a nd not a per sn of iegiy,i s one of Ie mjrproblmsithe

29、payin Gover nment is opeain or de h a negatV e eec on Ie pay a nd Gvernme nt organs, seri ousy -ma.gje mage of the party andIeGovernment,undemiigte realnshi p bewee pary ad Ie mases elec,opel ig up a I d e cnomc cns_I_in. FomI Ccuny i ecet yeas of govenanne si ion se, posii ons cnsmpin in t Ie pl-ic

30、d I f wno phe I omenon r eddeig four a f ues a isposiinscnsumpIonsystmlsthasdueofbiding,rgtisge r t han ruls, a nd rg It s ggeae Ia nmehod of eomeonmore hghi、I i s i posins cnnumpti on inlhe Camea Obcua opeain, ngemsWlposiinscnsumpIIninIhapesonaconnumpIon,wl aepoinsIitIpesnapo、sto, maks| osIons cnsm

31、pin insomease- has ito posiins e|oy ad sldeai ng of meas thrie i s Iposii ons fa-,. mpesnaIr Tedof nngaie corruI on penome na -cis crruin ad miapp.priain. fup s flw Ie fasin, , slandposcnsumpIonbecmeasmsloWig l-l Iei id pailes. Cauued by p c leva ns .,cnsumpI on I f many w phe nomenon i n wi ch peop

32、e relct t he bgggst problms ae( Ieofcilca prblms Maiy i nIrre ase cs one s t he lage buss cs ex leduie A ccrd I g I st!Bs unti Novmbe 2003, XX Ccuy IwnshipDearmentbus159caswhicparmentownsthebus145vei cis, ad showd a n incras ng Ied Fia nnjai - pess cs pe bus pe yea I35000 yuan, and i ac evey cost up

33、 to 50000 yuan. Someuisasig ttmpoay dies and-pedtreonw. m a nd lubsdes Ne ssay I kep a ca, but a so de pe I da ns, eidig I age elenes.Secnd,gongcesiyngbeedunheathy Iedencies S ome pe opie beive t ha now sme I us dies use onet hid, one thi d ead ng prvae one Iid uued for ofcia puroses Some pulc-vats,

34、mpeca iedi ng ofas mot oig, cas fr prvae pupooes,voaIngIe-idscpierig ulIons a nd ee n led t oIfc acc deI. Accdi ng I sastcs f.meatd depamessi 7 t he ive s1ain i nour county- s n”, s 1rpre.” s only the is . pu po-s 0r3 .小明喜欢:踢足球、上网、游泳、音乐、语文、数学;小英喜欢: 数学、英语、音乐、陶艺、跳绳。用圆 A、圆B分别表示小明、小英 的爱好,如图1所示,则图中阴影部分表示

35、 。4 .玩具店的玩具每卖出一半,就补充 20个,到第十次卖出一半后恰好余下20个,则玩具店原有玩具 个。45-210 1+- 0.25-0.25x1-5 .计算6 .将边长为a的正方形各边的中点连结成第二个正方形,再将第二个正方形各边的中点连结成第三个正方形,依此规律,继续下去,得到下图。那么,边长为a的正方形面积是图中阴影部分面积的倍。7 . 表示实心圆,。表示空心圆,若干个实心圆与空心圆排成一行如下:在前200个圆中有个实心圆。8 .过节了,爸爸妈妈给小光和小强每人买了一盒弹子(数目相同),打开后发现,小光的弹子全是红的,而小强的弹子全是绿的。第一天玩弹子时,小光输了 10枚弹 子。第二

36、天小光又同小强玩弹子,结果 小光赢了 10枚弹子。这时,是小光盒里的绿弹子多,还是小强盒里 的红弹子多?答。9 .下图是王超同学为“环境保护专栏”设计的一个报头,用到基本的 几何图形:线段、三角形、四边形、圆、圆弧,其中用得最多的一种 图形是。10 .数一数:图中共有 个正方形11 .星期天,妈妈从超市买了 4支小梦龙和3支可爱多冰淇淋,用去24元钱。妈妈对小丽说:“上星期天我买了 3支小梦龙和5支可爱多冰淇淋用去29元钱,你算一算,小梦龙每支 元,可爱多冰淇淋每支 元。”ee dv g v 1cte sai ski.eciissa.igeyuTiig1 i-iisveysIIIeIgcIIi

37、fIfaIrryte-iiiliuve-nIcesaiaegera esi-Iti s g i ie Ii v I ve ii a e ir .1“ it . d esIg-iiv.- sva-sisisIIiii-ii-cc.ici-lII, ssial.- sva.cuiI d d aiiiecelsg1gdd.iieaioa edvevessiaeis-sigaisis.lrth-kiieemeSgaviisviiic u i a d d g-i. i isiecuecsccigciese-iIidcieiiks.Iwkia_ieecese-i11slaiiyaikegs .i- I.e

38、e I iaseeiidsarg.icsesiiuatiiiaisiivHieIi-eckgp.iev.sieasii-siiicsit g skieaiel iieviiuesiiisieiages.cu i s ssiseieesetaisielcIieaidy-sIH eem r t e -vssesatc-vsvxa-ielystieai-es-gtsyteesiWleeakeisiiscsevigiiIitetsiIe.sv-.eatuiea-eestieeeisvsitiiyseeael111tt-scsutiees-iseatie-ucetdlitees-eatys-Iateem

39、-s1tdeteievIueeeeeeisesaeiirg Fisl i - svsi1dGeeieecnsumpt on t hee ae bg dawba cs. c deputes a nd CPPCC m ber s and the br ood mas_ ae cnnernd a bout. ,cndiy t heposit onreated cnsum pin of cVi - rvants ha s bee ept by .a nce , consumer, egar dless of cst avga- and wase inIecVIsevposlinredconlumpl

40、on, abu. crru.nad embezement,eruptionsmportat.Then, unde Ie conUI ons of make ecnom y how to rfm the sing cvl duy conlumpl on maagemet, exloresasurtpreventadlie post cnsumptin cruption ys -rre a maor ue facedbyhonestworkReenty,I.reseaconthis-ue,thisproblmonsomehumbleopinins.FMhe-sigpubicservantsduty

41、cnsumption t I e main pr e s n from ” and reasons, irecentyeas,pubicsevas y cnsumpinusedbyIe a buses a nd not a per sn of iegiy,i s one of Ie mjrproblmsithepayinGovernmentisopeainordeh a negative party andGvernmentorgans,seriousy -ma.、 Ie image of the pay andIeGovernment,undemiigte realnshi p bewee

42、pary ad Ie mases elec,opel ig up a I d e cnomc cns_I_in. FomI Ccuny i ecetyeasofge.a nne si ion se, posii ons cnsmpin in t Ie pl-icd I f wno phe I omenon r eddeig four a f ues a is posiins cnsumpI on sy stmlst ha s due of bidi ng, rgt is ge r t han ruls, a nd rg It s geae Ia nmehod of eomeonmorehghi

43、、I i s i posins cnnumpti on inlhe Camea Obcua opeain, ngemsWl posiins cnsumpI I n i nI ha s pe sona connumpI on, w l aepoins I it I pesna po、s to, maks|osIonscnsmpininsome ase - ha s iI posiins e|oy ad -lalng of meas thrie i s Iposii ons fa-,. mpesnaIr TedofnngaiecorruIon penome na -cis crruin ad mi

44、apprpriain, fup s flw Ie fasin, , sl a nd pos cnsumpI on becme a sml-l Iei id、 pailes. Cauued by pui c leva ns .,cnsumpI on I f many w phe nomenon i n wi ch peope relct t he bgggst problms ae( Ie oldca prblms Maiy i nIrre ase cs one s t he lage buss cs ex leduie A ccrd I g I st!Bs unti Novmbe 2003,

45、XX Ccuy Iwnship Dearment bus 159caswhicparme nt owns Ie bus 45 veicis,adshowdanincrasngIedFiannjai - pess cs pe bus pe yea I35000yuan,andiac evey cost up to 50000 yuan. Someuisasig ttmpoay dies and-pedtreonw. m a nd lubsdes Ne ssay I kep a ca, but a so de pe I da ns, eidig I age elene s Secnd, gongc

46、hesiyng beed unheat hy Iedencies S ome pe opie beive t ha now sme I us dies use onet hid, one thi d ead ng prvae one Iid uued for ofcia puroses Some pulc-vats,m peca iedi ng ofas mot oig, cas fr prvae pupooes,viaIngIe - id sc pie rig ulIons a nd ee n led t oIfc acc deI. Accdi ng I sasIcs frm elaid d

47、epamessi 4 t he ive s1ain i nour county- s n”, s 1rpre.” s only the is . pu po-s 0rposit onreated cnsum pin of cVi - rvants ha s bee ept by .a nce , consumer, egar dless of cst avga- and wase in Ie cVI sev poslinre d conlumplon, abu. crru.nad embezement,eruptions mportat. Then, unde Ie conUI ons of

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