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1、2018年长沙市小学毕业质量检测注意卡同贴美豚WK“味曲七2用核盯MM股+8死靖4 7 T ri“,表,怙衲 IM ,.;/! i|JAH*b JinA *赵,KN I.AN :设 。,4Q M 4M.UJ 小 Q&S 学 Ml H* jfi? WO t?Listenino Part(听力部分).1.Kr :X picwrvH ptipkC plCOK 4 A lxn& h曲 vvC. hairi 5. A linkH listenc Ien”(1 cMmml i呻若T阳.*rt与你所内g0林的阳K .) lightQx k 人 r “ 小、。科 x e fl * * C MWluici th

2、e gtkr?I ted tiraL& No, die cant.How much is the cola?B. Seven ckillars.A. Five dollan;A. I Iom my hag.)2. Can Lingkng jump lug?A. Yd 冰 earn14 Where is Bill going this swnnxr?儿 lie is going io Linglaud.B He i going to AmeriOL 5. Whxi did Sum do lt night?A He watched TU B Jk foteacd U mmkUstco aiHl i

3、mteb. 标吉生自 机攫纬听科喜书活动和对应时 E在线.)(f翁)”1 Lhtenimd Jvdgc.(听青利析.新行勺子与田内桐杼打 不符打 ) (S分)VI. Lhtrn and write. I隹才枳中逸择正1的单词城写在叶应科收膻上”)(5分) 一 friend enjoyed kippinx English 而 gin,f)enr I il%“C,c gning to say goodbye soon Ill miss you to muchI our linic togedirr afta school. Wc did our borne*orkm Ihc library. Yo

4、u helped me with NUlhi and ! helped you with You were o good al Sofnetunes ue wciw to the playground io skip We also liked together, but vur siiter didnt like itYsre my Heiand I II fixjjrt you Wishing youhappinew every chy Love,Lmda Writing Part (笔试部分)I. UriivinWe jtc pomg in m-Ihh)1 i(i Scptcinbci.

5、Hdtni Keller couldn t see. She is3 fbrthe nx-mland Iricndt4 F hcsc uro stamps fnni (iftntL Dick h八 c on them W e need tbvd lot * ur picnit I ct rnuke a choppingIV ri人(lie KnkiiQ R4J , 土%种与枇丁旦攵小耳)(氏步)1. went lag( ”5 1here She . 2. uant you no(vdks Da some ?3. arc sand” ichc Tl ceating31s J. Mhcrc goi

6、ig QonHHTiw youarc ?. Read and ch,”z. J勺f 也,EX 心 淅仔不戈用耳九 下令的A格内.)f x力j题号 12314567gWhat did you do on Ilie Circa! Wull Ut sunimcr1-WeA,血 fhcrc _ ImIs of photos.H die luliiigC. kk爪many beiiijtilul p;irks in(alMt)uUi4A. he docsH he likes5. - Where is Hainan?-irs in the _ _ of China.A- westD. mirth6. .

7、The light ii red.A- Dtni f CfOKMH. Yuu canA arcB. itC. was3 . Whafs your tavuuriie season?My favouriM: smM)n isA- Monday B. winterC. Julv4 Docs your brother like placing football?-Yd,C. she doesU southC.Tum left7. This b(y ofteti helps the Mind girl. Ik iy very.A. naughtyB. nkcC sby8. Heiv riding ht

8、sbik5 i( suns u rain.A. MD. buiC. orVI. Red and match.(如更线 阳片与纣应欣手好I)U侪Birihdavs around the worldOn Jingjmges fina birthday her family pul u lot of things next io her & boolua8m 硬币) doll,Annes birtbcUy party is & picnic. Her friends have 眄 party hus.On Tors birthday, his friends play a game. They 叩

9、fishing-for ice cmniOn Raml birthday, she is having a Kpocwl meal with her (iniily.Lilys got a cake with eight candle8dsM0 Everyone sings MHappy Binhday” for het.VII. Read and aniwer Wt力和VSRIL 7 I(6余Rb opetM I want the chapes (4发宣晌)puua How much 作 心 MSevcn dollant,n *OK, Give me one.-Hue ix your piz

10、zxt says Bob.- Grundnu. lets cm iCtheboy Im not hungr) now., Lhe old wurnan sa”. Ihc hoy eats the PrZZd happily. Then Bob comcn with anottier (另一小)pom liaise me: Upcni ii nhop.2 How much i* the dicapcxt pizzaThe elephant3 Why dnex Rob give another pixza io the old utmum*1 (A.中遭一场用筌)Becaz Bob wanu io

11、 help herB. Because the M uuman buyn another one.V|. Red.Merik (看M 舂科川J*朱”汇.定版句九)(3分I(某考词汇;fish milk tkmxIIcs sandwiches nee coffee juice hamburgers)Wtut did Ihcy have tor lunch?The ik)g hud ndwishesCQtfeeThe mouse C ?M)had andThe nibbit【笔试部分】1 .Writing the letters.26个英文字母,清按字笔表顺序在嗨塔中写出每个字母的大/J0 (13

12、分)月日 Kb Ce Dd 上UU h J Kk LiM?n.Wnte the words.(参照例超,。出以所给字母开头的小河) 分i 例:bbook bird l fruit kx)d x urite word3. movie moon4. hour hand| _ /5. seasun6. gixd gamein Choose and write.(左句填空,从方框中选择合适的问汇写在横线二,完成句子。)(5分) blind famous middle list ThanksgivingWe are going to school in September.Helen Keller co

13、uldnt see. She is.On. peoplealways have a special meal.They ay Tliank you*fi)r rhe fbod, family and fi iends.Tlicsc arc stamps from Canada. They have people chi thm.We need Rxxi for our picnic. Lets make a shopping. 【答案】middle blind Thanksgiving famous list【解析】我并将在九月份上初中.middleshool廿初中的意思.嗨伦凯勒的照陪行不见

14、.她是盲人 Hind意里是“环的工头.在感恩节那天,人们经常会吃T页特殊的反。他们会对食物.家人和朋友说闾谢你 。11延5晚意为 在墟凰节那天J4这些邮票来自加拿大,邮票上卬有幺人 firnwus的后思是著幺的I famous people切幺人,5.“我们的好很要仃食物.让我们制作一个购物清单吧.力义的京阳是目录,清单,IVMritethesenUniLc Gi诃成句,注意库点符号和字印大小写)(8分) i. went last year there She .依析,句意为:她去年去过那里.want you noodles De some1W折:want sth,句意为:你想吃面条吗?3.

15、are sandwich The eating girls.解析:be doing sth正在做某事,句意为女孩们正在吃三明治.4. where going tomorrow you are解析:句蔻为:你明天将醛F什么?VRead and choose.(读句子.选杼正确答案.请将答案埴耳到下面的表格内.)(8分)产1k34567j I8产clABAcAlBlB1. -What did you duoiHhe Great Wall Lisi summer?We loU of phots.A takeB. arc takingC.took便析 C.lastsumnwr为去年曳天,表示过去的时何

16、。Take的过去式为took,因此迭C.2. There many beautiful parks in Chan审haA areB. is解析:A. Parks是切数应与搭因比选A.3. 一Whats your favorite season?My hvorite season is.A MondayB. winter解析:B.Season.季节*因此选R4. Does)our brother like playing football ?Yes,.AhedoesB. he likesC. wasC JulyC. she doesC. Turn leftC.shy雌析:A.一般疑问句用Doe

17、s提问,就用does回答.Yourbrother表不男性,因此选A.5. 一Where is Hainan?It sin the of China.A westB. northCouth第析;C常识知识;海南在中国最南部,因此选Csouth,南郃.6. . The light is red.A Dont crossB. You can cross偎析,A根据句意,红灯亮.不能横穿马路,因此选A7. Thia boy often helps the blind girl. He is veryA naughtyB.nice解析 B.根据句意,他经常帮助那个白人女孩体现他人很好.因比选8. He

18、is riding his bike it starts to rain.AsoB. butC. or第析:B.根据句意,他正在骑自行车,但是突然开始下雨了,我转折,因此选B.VIL Read aiidaiiswei.阅谀短文.根据短文内存回答何题。(6分)Bobopens a pizza shop. One day, an old woman and a boy come to the pizza shop. *Gin 1 help youTasks Boh The old woman sayst Yes, I want the cheapest(特使自的)pia. How much Kit7Seven dNIa” *OK. Give me one.*Here is your pizza, says Bob. Grandma, lets eat it. says the boy Im not hungry now, the old woman says. The boy eats the pizza happily. Then Bobcomes with another(另一个)pizzaExcuse me. Bob says to


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