



1、九年级英语书面表达一、 历年考查题目:1、 2014 2015: The best moment in my life提示:在我们的生活中,时时都会有令人难忘的最美时刻,在那一刻让我们感受到战胜困难的快乐,自信;那一刻让我们感受到了亲人,朋友,甚至是陌生人给予的温暖;那一刻让我们感受到了我们的爱和付出温暖了整个世界。我们的生活因这些最美的时刻而更加精彩,人生也因此更有意义!请以生命中最美的时刻为题,记述你所经历的一件事,告诉大家你的感受。2、 2015 2016: An unforgettable提示:每个人都会有自己难忘的人或难忘的事,也有一些自己去过的难忘的地点。 请你以“An unfor

2、gettable 为题, ” 将题目补充完整, 写一篇文章。3、 2016 2017: Everyone needs help提示:什么是幸福?答案有许多,有人说给予是一种幸福,它能给人带来温暖和喜悦。帮助他人是一种幸福,它是人生最美好的体验。伟大的科学巨人爱因斯坦说: “生命的意义在于设身处地替别人着想,忧他人之忧,乐他人所乐。在你的成长过程中,一定有人陪伴你、帮助你、影响你、感动你,让你能够健康快乐地成长。请以“Everyone needs help为题,用英语写一篇短文。4、 2017 2018(州) : changed me a lot提示:在我们的一生中会遇见很多的人和事。总有那个人

3、或那件事让懵懂的你有了改变。 每一个人都给我们不小的震动, 每一段故事都留给我们深刻的印象。回想那人也许是在你处于困难时及时伸出援助之手,也许是在你需要帮助时给你的无私的爱,或者鼓励你面对困难时努力不懈的奋斗。请补全“ changed me a lot 的题目,写一篇短文,记叙一件难忘的事给你带来的改变。 ”5、 2018 2019(州): Happiness Around us提示:在我们的一生中有太多的幸福时光,有时候就是一件很小的事,比如在别人处于困境时你及时伸出援助之手,也有在你需要帮助时别人给你的无私的爱,更有你面对困难时执着的努力和不懈的奋斗。每一个人物都有花一般的美丽,每一段故事

4、都经得起诗的赞美。请以 “HappinessAround us”为题写一篇短 文,记述一件发生在你身上的事,并谈谈你对幸福的理解。二、部分范文:Helping others makes me happyEveryone needs help, and we can also help others. Because helping others is helping ourselves and it makes me happy.I still remember the thing that I helped others. Last Sunday, my classmates and I w

5、ent to the old people s home to help the oldg.oAtftheer rwee,we began to clean the rooms and wash the clothes for them. We also talked to them. After that, we played games with them. The old people were very happy.They laughed and laughed, and they said “ Thank you ” again and again. Though we were

6、tired, we were also happy because we will be old one day.I will not forget the happy thing for ever. Helping others makes me happy. I think if everyone gives a little love, the world will full of love.An unforgettable / unusual experience/ thingI had an unforgettable thing . Last vacation, I went to

7、 Beijing with my family. (开头)(中间事例用 My last vacation 即可)This was an unforgettable thing. I will not forget the happy thing for ever.I had a good time. I hope I can visit Beijing again. (结尾)An unforgettable / unusual experience/ thingI had an unforgettable thing. I think everyone needs help, and we c

8、an also help others.(中间事例用 Helping others makes me happy即可)This was an unforgettable thing. I will not forget the happy thing for ever.I think if everyone gives a little love, the world will full of love. (结尾)Love for my mother (给母亲的爱)Love is around everyone and it makes our lives colorful .Dear mum

9、 , I feel I am the luckiest child in the world ,because I have you as my mum .I still remember that day , my mother had a cold , she was too painful to eat anything . I was very worried ,b ut I didn t know what I can do . So , I took my mother to the hospital right away . I helped her buy some food

10、and medicine , then I saw her take some medicine and have a rest . I looked after her all the time ,when she woke up , with tears in her eyes . She said“ D.e”arI ,thank youwas deeply moved .After three days, my mother felt better, we were very happy.Dear mum , I love you all the time . I will become

11、 a person like you.Love from my mother/ Mother s Love (来自母亲的爱)Love is around everyone , mother lsove makes my life colorful .dear mum , I feel I am the luckiest child in the world ,because I have you as my mum .I still remember that day , I didn t pass the math test .I was too upset tosleep .I was a

12、fraid that my mother was angry with me . When I told her this thing , my mother wasn t mad at me ,she said :“ Don t be nervous , I believe youwill wi n . ” Her words encouraged me s,o I spent more time on it , when I had trouble ,I often asked my mother for help . With her help , I got good grades .

13、I was very happy . My mother was happy , too. She said she was proud of me.Dear mum , I love you all the time . I will become a person like you. Thank you for your love.Mother s LoveBeginning:Our life is full of love all the time , but I think my mother s love is the greatest in the world, it makes

14、my life beautiful and colorful.Ending:Dear mother, thanks for your love , I will study hard, and make your and my father s lives better. I believe I can do it.Help/LoveBeginning :(1) Everyone needs help , helping others makes me happy and getting help from others makes me feel lucky ,so we should he

15、lp others .(2) Love is around us , mother s love makes my life colorful .Dear mum , I feel I am the luckiest child in the world ,because I have you as my mum .Ending :(1) Pass the thing , I realize helping others is helping ourselves .If we give our love to each other , the world will be more wonder

16、ful and nicer .(2)Dear mum , I love you all the time . I will become a person like you.Happiness : 别人帮助你或你帮助别人幸福是什么?幸福是父母为你营造的温馨的家,幸福是老师望向你的赞许的目 光,幸福是孤独时朋友送来的一杯奶茶,幸福是 请以My happiness为话题,写一件曾经发生过的令你感到幸福的事情。Beginning:(1) Happiness is important and simple in our life. In fact ,happiness is always around

17、 you if you put your heart into it.(2) What shappiness ? Happiness is mother slove ; Happiness is teacher s encouragement; Happiness is other s help; In fact , happiness is around us.Ending :(1) I feel happy whenever I am in trouble, I can feel my parents' love. I want love.I want to be a good c

18、hild for my parents.(2) From the thing ,I feel teacher s love ,it makes me realize happiness is aroundus all the time. we should treasure it .中间事例用“love” 和 “helping ” 即可Believe in myself , I will winIn our lives ,we often meet problems ,when we meet problems ,we should believe in ourselves ,we will win .I still remember that day , I didn ptass the math test .I was too upset to sleep .I wa s afraid that my father was angry with me . When I told him this thing , my father wasn t mad at meh,e said :“ Don t be nervous ,I believe you will win .His wor


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