



1、.精品文档.2018届九年级英语上期末试题2017-2018学年上期期末调研试卷九年级英语2018.01注意事项:1 .本试卷共8页,六个大题,满分 120分,考试时间 为100分钟.2 .本试卷上不要答题,请按答题卡上注意事项的要求直接把答案写在答题卡上,答在试卷上的答案无效一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)3 )1.hat heavy rain! e need an ubrella t keep ff rain.A./; the B. a; the ./; / D. a; /4 )2.-D yu have enugh students t lean the library ?一 N, I

2、 think we need .A. uh re B. any re . re uh D. re any()3.If yu study hard, yu great prgress.A. will ake a B. ake a . will ake D. ake()4.This listening aterial, tgether with this D-RS, well.A. is sld B. sell . sells D. are sld2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作法家原创1 / 21.精品文档.()5.The ld ver 90 nt nly by their fa

3、ily but als by the gvernent in any plaes.A. is lking after B. is lked at.is taken gd are D. are taken gd are f()6.- I dnt are what peple think.一 ell, yu .yu arent alne in this wrld.A. an B. ay . shuld D. will()7.一 D yu knw .一 Nt until next Friday.A. when will we have the sprts eetingB. hw sn we will

4、 have the sprts eetingC. hen we had the sprts eetingD. hw sn will we have the sprts eetingE. 8.The bk abut that faus sientist yu gave t e as a birthday present was lst by e.A. wh B. whih . wh D. what()9. thers the way yu want t be treated. S if yu want t get the respet f thers, yu shuld shw yur resp

5、et first.A. Treat B. T treat . Treating D. Treated()10.一Its a lng tie sine I last saw ane. I wnderif she a lt.-yes, she is taller and re utging.A. was hanging B. has hanged . will hange D. hanges()1l. Here is the bk. First it and then tell e what d yu think f it.A. lk int B. lk thrugh . lk up D. lk

6、after()12.- y parents are taking e t Sanya fr the weekend.-Luky yu! This trip is hat yu need, fr yu have been studying hard fr days.A. stly B. easily . exatly D. Hardly()13.- There are a lt f bike riding.-I agree, It s gd fr the envirnent and it saves ney.A. instrutin B. instruents . advantages D. p

7、rduts()14.y drea is t be a dtr t help sik peple and I will d everything I an it e true.A. ake B. aking . t ake D. will ake()15. ane Peter is war -hearted. Theyre ppular with ur lass.A. Bth; and B. Nt nly; but als . Either; r D. Neither; nr()16. The yung an is ne f the best in the restaurant.A. k B.

8、ks . ker D. kers()17.keep n ging and never , and then yu will sueed.A. Ik up B. bup int . thrw away D. give up()18. I want t ask rs. Anders if she wuld like t in ur dane. A. Gd luk, Peter. B. yu bet, Peter!.Hw did yu get n, Peter? D. hats up, Peter?()19.If yu write sething and it isnt very gd, yu sh

9、uld it.A. repeat B. reite . red D. rewrite()20. There will be a parents eeting trrw. But y parents ant e beause they t Shandng.A. has gne B. have gne . has been D. have been二、完形填空(每空1分,共20分)Adern life is ipssible 21 traveling. The 22 way f traveling is by plane. ith a dern airliner yu an travel in n

10、e day t plaes whih it tk a nth r re t get t a hundred years ag.Traveling by train is 23 than by plane, but it has its advantages. yu an see the untry yu are travelingthrugh. dern trains have frtable seats and dining ars. They even ake a Ingest urney enyable.Se peple prefer t travel 24 when pssible,T

11、here arelarge liners and river bats. yu an visit any 25 different plaes. Ships are nt 26 trains r planes, but traveling by sea is a very pleasant way t spend a hliday.any peple like t travel by ar. yu an 27 yur wn tietable. yu an travel three r fur 28 iles r nly fifty r ne hundred iles a day, ust as

12、 yu like. yu an stp wherever yu wish-where there is 29 t see, at a gd restaurant where yu an eny a gd eal, r at a htel t spend the night. That is 30 traveling by ar is ppular fr pleasant trips, while peple usually take a train r plane when they travel n business.()21. A. wish B. withut . within D. n

13、()22. A. fast B. faster . fastest D. fasttest()23. A. slw B. slwer . quik D. quiker()24. A. by plane B. by bus . by ar D. by sea()25. A. ther untries B. thers untries . ther D. the ther()26. A. s faster as B. s fastest as . s fast asD. as slw as()27. A. ake B. take . bring D. see()28. A. hundreds B.

14、 hundred . hundreds f D. hundred f()29. A. anything interesting B. interesting eresting sething D. sething interesting()30. A. when B. why . where D. that BIt was a ld windy winter day and I was walking he fr wrk.y head pinted dwn against the 31 when I ntied an ld lady. She was walking n

15、 the sidewalk in her huse slippers (拖鞋).As I 32 her, I saw that she was well int her 80s, and she was hlding se 33 in her hands.I walked n and arrived at the traffi light. aitingthere, I saw the ailbx 34 the street. The light turned green. but I pretended( 彳服装)t hek y phne and waited fr her t ath up

16、 with e. In this neighbrhd, even rssing with the green light was 35, Drivers ften drve 36 thrughred lights and stp signs.I stayed there until she reahed e. I turned t her and tuhed her gently n the ar. She siled and tk y handin hers and 37 it. Her sail hand was sft and war. Hand-in-hand, we were wai

17、ting fr the light t hange.hen the light turned green, we walked tgether slwly arss the street, _38 the letters in the ailbx. Then I tk her bak arss the street.As I walked the rest f the way he, I uld still feel the 39 f her hand in y wn.Peple say the first language f all huans is tuh.A aring tuh hel

18、ps t ake a bad situatin 40 .And even nw, every tie I think f the ld lady, I an still feel the pwer f tuh.()31.A.rwd B. snw . wind D. rain()32.A.knew B. expeted . issed D. passed()33.A.letters B. pitures . bks D. flwers()34.A.arss B. ver . thrugh D. behind()35.A.strange B. razy . dangerus D. safe()36

19、.A.arefully B. quietly . wildly D. ally()37.A.pushed B. pulled . hit D. held()38.A.tk B. sent . drpped D. lked()39.A.warth B. trust . are D. lve()40.A.interesting B. neessary . ppular D. hpeful三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分)hy play gaes ? Beause they are fun, and a It re besides. Fllwing the rules,planning yur n

20、ext ve, atingas a tea eber - these are all“gae” ideas that yu willhave thrughut yur life.Think abut se f the gaes yu played as a yung hild, suh as rpe - uping and hide-and-seek. Se gaes are entertaining and fun. But perhaps re iprtantly ,they translate life int exiting dreas that teah hildren se f t

21、he basi rules they will be expeted t fllw the rest f their lives, suh as taking turns and teawrk.any hildrens gaes have a pratial side. hildren arund the wrld play gaes that prepare the fr wrk they will d as adults. Fr exaple, se Saudi Arabian hildren play a gae alled Bnes. It an be very helpful t e

22、xerise their hands and eyes, whih is needed in hunting.any sprts enurage natinal r lal pride. The st faus gaes f all, the lypi Gaes, bring athletes fr arund the wrld tgether t take part in the friendly petitin. Peple wh wath the event wave flags, knwing that a gld edal is a win fr an entire untry, n

23、t ust the athlete wh has gt it. Fr untries experiening natural disasters r war, an lypi win an ean s uh.Sprts an bring peple tgether. Ser is the st ppular sprt in the wrld. Peple n all ntinents play it-se fr fun and se fr a living. Nilette Iribarne, a lifrnian ser player, has disvered a way t spread

24、 hpe thrugh ser. He set up an rganisatin whih an prvide pr hildren with nt nly ser balls but als a hpeful future.Next tie, when yu play yur favurite gae r sprt, think abut why yu eny it, what skills are needed, and whether these skills will help yu in yur life.()41.The underlined part.' translat

25、e life intexiting dreas" in Paragraph 2 st prbably eans that gaes an .A. desribe life in an exiting wayB. turn real-life experienes int a play .hange peples views f sprting events D. teah hildren sething useful and iprtant ()42.hat des the underlined wrd. “it ” in Paragraph 4 refer t?A. The whl

26、e untry. B. The gld edal. . The event.D. The gae.()43.Arding t the passage, why is winning lypiedals s enuraging ?A. It eans a It fr a whle untry.B. It prves hw exellent the winners are.It helps the untryut f natural disasters.D. It brings the winners satisfatin and ney.()44.hih f the fllwing statee

27、nts is NT true?A. The st faus gaes are the lypi Gaes.B. Peple arund the wrld play ser ust fr fun, .The gae alled Bnes an be helpful t the Arabian hildren.D. Nilette Iribarne gives pr hildren a hane fr a better life.()45.hat is the passage ainly abut?A. The ppular gaes. B. Gaes and real life.The adva

28、ntages f gaes. D. hildrens gaes and the future.BTravel is fun and exiting, but its nt if yu get sik. yu ay think,“Nt e, I wnt get sik n y vaatin," Butfr any peple, that is what happens.A vaatin is suppsed t be a tie fr relaxing. But very ften it is nt, “ hat an I d when I a a turist? ” This is

29、what we shuld ften think abut. Usually there are s any plaes t visit: useus, shps, parks and hurhes. yu ay spend st days walking arund these plaes. This an be very tiring. yur feet ay hurt. And yu ay have a terrible headahe after a few hurs. If this is what yu feel, yu shuld take a rest. Dnt ask yur

30、 bdy t d t uh. A tired bdy eans a weak bdy. And a weak bdy an ake yu get sik easily. ust sit dwn fr a few hurs in a nie spt. In gd weather, lk fr a quiet park benh. r yu an rest at a afe. yu an learn a lt by wathing peple when yu have a rest.Sleep is als iprtant. If yu want t stay healthy yu need en

31、ugh sleep. yu ay have truble sleeping at night when yu travel. yur htel r ay be nisy, r the bed ay be unfrtable. If that is true, dnt be afraid t hange rs r htels. yu ay nt get enugh sleep fr anther reasn. yu ay want t stay ut late at night. In any itiesthe nightlife an be very exiting. Then yu shul

32、d plan t sleep fr an hur during the day. That extra hur an ake a big differene.Finally, if yu want t stay healthy, yu ust eat well. That eans eating the right kinds f fds. yur bdy needs fresh fruit and vegetables, and se eat, ilk r heese.hen yu are in a new untry yu ay want t try new fds but yu need

33、 t be areful abut hw uh yu eat. Lts f rih fd is nt very gd fr yu.()46.Traveling arund an be .A. the best way t relax B. very tiring . n fun D. unhealthy()47.Its a gd idea t when travelling.A. spend every night in htels B. hange htels.get se rest every day D. take lts f ediine()48.Arding t the passag

34、e, we an get t knw the lal peple by .A. wathing the B. visiting their hes.talking t the D. ging t the shps()49.If yu stay ut late at night, yud better .A. eny the night life f the ity B. eat re rih fd.sleep fr an hur during the day D. g fr a hliday ()50.hih is nt gd fr yur health?A. Fresh fruit and

35、vegetables.B. Se eat, ilk r heese.Se new fd.D. Plenty f rih fd.Parks are publi spaes. They prvide us with a plaet eny and rest. In rder t have a fun and safe tie, weshuld fllw the park rules. Here are se rules f se parks.Dlres Park RulesPark lses: 10:00 p. t 6:00 a. N Sking Dgs ust Be kept n a Leash

36、(拴狗的皮带) Dg alker ust Pik Up and Reve Dg aste Dn ' t Feed Birds r Anials N apingentral Park RulesPark lses at 1:00 a. keep the Park lean s Please Dn ' t Litter N Unleashed Dgs Exept in Se Areas N feeding Birds Dn' t Enter the Park After It Is lsed N PerfringBlin Park RulesPark Hurs: Sunri

37、se t Sunset hildren ust Be with Adults N libing n Any nuents( 纪念碑) N vernight aping Allwed Please Use aste ntainers( 容器) N Restrs in the ParkVeterans Park RulesPark Hurs: 5:30 a. t 10:00 p. N Skatebarding N Bike Riding r Rller Skating N aping N pen Fires N Littering N Sking根据表格内容,选择正确答案 )51.hen yu w

38、alk yur dg at Dlers Park, yu ust .A. be quiet B. keep yur dg n a leash.leave the dg waste there D. play with yur dg()52.Ale, a five-year-ld by, ant g t alne.A. Dlres Park B. entral Park . Blin Park D. Veterans Park()53.hn plans t visit the Veterans Park this weekend. He an there.A. feed birds B. g a

39、ping . skatebard D. ride his bike()54. Arding t the aterial, lse at the sae tie.A. entral Park and Blin Park B. Dlres Park and Blin Park.entral Park and Veterans Park D. Dlres Park and Veterans Park()55.Arding t the aterial, visitrs are NT allwed t ske in park(s).A. ne B. tw . three D. fur DThree da

40、ys has passed sine the headteaher ritiized( 批 评) her. at the sprts eeting but a ining,14.still felt unhappy.The headteaher ritiized her fr wearing tight(紧身的)lthes instead f the shl unifr. He said that a thught t ush abut being pretty. 56 .“I was wrnged, “ a said. "I felt angry and sad.” any stu

41、dents e arss siilar things like a. Seties, as teahers dnt fully knw the situatin, they ake udgeents (评价)arding t their previus (以前的)experiene. Iteasily leads t isunderstandings (误解).57 .Zhang Xiayu, 14, fr Anhui thught the best way t talk t teahers “in private( 私下)" after se tie. “ 58 ,” she sa

42、id.Li hunying, a teaher fr Heilngiang, agreed with Zhang. She said any teaher hurt students feeling withuteaning it. "Students are sensitive (敏感的).After all, teahers annt knw everything, " she said.“_59 . ”Fr thse wh feel t shy t d that, a ffered anther hie. 60 .“He talks t e later n and n

43、w were gd, " she saidhappily.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选由能填入中空缺处 的最佳选项,使短意思通顺、内容完整,并将其标号填在下 面题号后的横线上.A. Refuting(反驳) teaher n the spt is iplite andwill ake teahers ebarrassed r angrierB. She wrte a letter t her teaher.But atually the Hangzhu girl wre thse lthes t run faster and was ging t put n the shl un

44、ifr after the raeD. S I hpe students an e t teahers t lear up(消除)the isunderstandingsE. Suh things are nt nly bad fr the relatinship(关系)between students and teahers, but als the healthy develpent f students56. 57. 58. 59. 60.四、词语运用(每空 1分,共15分)A.用括号内所给词白适当形式填空.61. Gd (help) thse wh help theselves.62.

45、 I an d nthing but (tell) the truth.63. Its n use (live) in the past.64. She has a habit f (play)with her hair when she is nervus.65. Deng yaping says that she isnt (lever) than anyne else, but she has a very strng will.B.阅读短,从下面方框中选择恰当的词并用其正确的 形式填空,使短通顺,意思完整 .请将答案写在下面题号后 面的横线上.每空限填一词,每词限用一次,有两个词是多

46、余的.S, we, wh, teah, bright, different, he, eye, shw, heart, plete, understandFew peple tday eduate the hildren abut the value f epathy(同情).st peple feel s hard t 66 their lve and are twards thers and t atually understand what they are ging thrugh.hen I was a hild, I was 67 t g ut f y way t ake sene

47、else happy. y u wuld tell e t say at least ne kind ne kind wrd t sene else every day. I adit that it wasnt very easy t d. But as sn as yu see the lk f thanks in that persns 68 , yu ust want t d as uh as yu an.I had an experiene with a yung an 69 peple werealways aking fun f. Every tie I saw that hap

48、pening ,I knew in y heart that it was wrng. I deided I wuld try t be his Friend. I started walking with hi and intrduing hi t peple arund 70 . I was aking hi happy- by ust ding that. And I lved the fat that I was really aking a 71 in his life.After a while, I realized that he wasnt the kind f persn

49、everybdy thught he was. e still really gd friends tday, Peple have alst 72 stpped aking fun f hi. But he is still what he was, hat had hanged was the attitudes f thers twards hi.Fr this experiene I have 73 that I shuld be re lving twards ther peple Already. hat I did fr y friend was s easy, and at the sae tie I had a lt f fun, 74 I hpe that everyne uld say a kind wrd t sene else at least ne a day. I an prise it will be the best feeling yu an ever get.ne kind wrd uld ake senes day 75 . hy nt d it fr nw n?66. 67. 68. 69. 70.71.72. 73. 74. 75.五、补全对话(每空 2分,共10分)根据下面的对话情


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