三年级下册英语教案Unit5 How old are you?(第1课时)译林版(三起)_第1页
三年级下册英语教案Unit5 How old are you?(第1课时)译林版(三起)_第2页
三年级下册英语教案Unit5 How old are you?(第1课时)译林版(三起)_第3页
三年级下册英语教案Unit5 How old are you?(第1课时)译林版(三起)_第4页




1、.Unit5 How old are you? Story time 一、教学目的1.知识目的:1三会日常交际用语How old are you? Im How lovely! Here you are。2可以纯熟地数出数1-10。2.技能目的:1 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在老师的引导和帮助下表演课文内容。2 让学生会初步地用英语表达生活中的数字。3学会朗读的技巧和方法,培养一定的英语语感。3.情感目的:激发学生对英语学科的好奇心以及学习兴趣,在小组活动中能与其他同学积极合作。二、教学重、难点1三会日常交际用语How old are you? Im 2四会数字单词nine, ten.三、教

2、学准备:多媒体课件、头饰、图片、不同年龄阶层的玩具。四、教学过程Step1. Warming up.1. Lets enjoy a nice song “Ten little Indians. 2. Teach “welcome.1T: OK, boys and girls. The bell is ringing. Its time for our “Everyday English! Lets welcome a nice teacher Miss Pan. “Welcome!2 P: Class begins.Ss: Stand up.P: Good morning, class.Ss:

3、 Good morning, Miss P: How are you ?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?P: *,open/ close the S1: OK/Yes, Miss P: Sit down, please.3) Read “Welcome! 1T: Thank you, Miss ! Wonderful! Welcome to Miss Gaos class.2Read: Welcome3T: Today there are many new teachers in our class. Are you happy? Lets say “Hello, t

4、eachers. Welcome!Step2.Septation.1. Learn “Welcome to Toy Museum!1 T: Oh, you did very well. Ill take you to an interesting place. Do you want to join me? Where? Let Mr Tom tell you. 引出“Welcome to Toy Museum!2. Learn “How lovely!1T: 出示图片 Wow! There are so many toys in it. What do you want to say? 引出

5、“How lovely!2 Read “How lovely!3.Learn: How old are you?1T把玩具放在书桌里,让一学生问: S1: Whats this ?T: Its a toy car. Do you like it?S1: Yes.T: How old are you?S1: Im T: Here you are.S1: Thank you. How lovely!T: See you!2揭题Unit5. How old are you?3Teach “ ten, eleven, twelveThe way: T: If you are, please stand

6、 up. Ss: Im 4) Practice in pairs.3. 温馨小提示:1) T:Look! These toys are for the children from one to three2) 小结:So different toys are for different ages.Step3. Story time1. T: Boys and girls. Now were in the toy museum. Mike and his family are in it too. They are very happy. Look at the picture.2.Talk a

7、bout the pictures.1 Who are they?S: Mike, Helen, Tim, Uncle John, worker.板书人物图片 2 T: Now I know your ages. But I dont know their ages. How old are they? Lets watch a cartoon.3.Task1. Watch and answer1 Check2 Ask Mike/ Helen/ Tim How old are you ?3 Read and spell “nine/ eight/ two4.Task2. Read and ma

8、tch1T: Now we know Mike is , Helen is , Jim is What toy do they get? Please read the story loudly, then match . 2T: Mike is nine. What toy does he get?.S: A robot. Step4. Read “Story time 1.Task3: Listen, look and follow. 2.Task4. Read in roles.1Read in groups.2Read in four pairs.3. Task5. Lets dub.

9、1Dub in groups.2Check.Step5. Act the story.1.Look at the blackboard and say the story together.2.Act the story.1Make a model.2Use the sentences and make a dialogue in four pairs.Welcome! Look! Whats this? How lovely! I like it.How old are you?Sorry, its not for you.Would you like this ?Yes, please./

10、 No, thank you.What about this ?Id like this This is for you. /Here you are.Thank you. Step6. Homework1.听录音熟读课文5遍,注意人物语气。2.运用所学句型和你的好朋友一起去玩具店挑选一件适宜的玩具吧!。【板书】Unit5 How old are you? 图:营业员Welcome to Toy Museum Mike图 Helen图 Tim图 nine eight two Robot图 图Dog Panda图 How lovely!【教学反思】本节课我以Toy Museum为主线,教学思路明晰,教学重难点突出。通过创设带着学生去玩具博物馆,与Mike一家相遇,在一系列的情境中展开词句的教学。在课的开始我让一学生自己组织“Everyday English教学,这样不仅调动学生的学习积极性,而且可以为每位学生提供一个口语交际的契机;在How old are you?句型的处理上,老师通过真实语言情境的引导,让学生体会语言运用的真实性,从而教学单词ten, eleven, twelve, 虽然后两个单词不是本课的教学内容,但学生在后面的表演中要用到,便于学生进展真实有效的语言交际;


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