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1、书面表达书面表达 -A letter of giving advice 写作要点:写作要点:1.建议信:建议信:作者就有关问题进行分析并针对这些问题提出自己的看法和建议。2. 对象:对象:1)写给个人,就其遇到的某个问题提出自己的看法和观点;2)写给某个组织和机构,就改进其服务提出建议或忠告。3. 基本框架:基本框架:开头(开头(beginning)- 开门见山,向对方陈述自己的观点.(state your idea)主体主体(body)- 对所提出的问题进行分析并说明理由,接着提出自己的建议(reasons and evidence)结尾结尾(ending)- 呼应开头,重申观点(resta

2、te your opinion.)4. 注意事项:注意事项:1)建议信要写出写信的原因,建议的内容,提出建议的理由,提出的理由要入情入理,语气一定要礼貌当先。因此建议信要写得简明扼要、目的明确、具有合理性和说服力2)建议的角度要多样化,避免重复。可从政治、经济、文化、伦理、法律以及个人等多角度给出建议。3)符合英文信件的基本格式常用套语常用套语A建议信开头常用句式建议信开头常用句式 (照应材料照应材料,表明写作意图表明写作意图)1After I read your letter in the newspaper, I am sorry to know that 2I am very glad

3、to hear that you want to3I know you have trouble inafter reading your letter4.I am writing to you for the purpose of -5. I am writing to share some advice with you.6. You have asked me for my advice with regard toand Ill try to make some conductive suggestions.7. You have asked me for my advice abou

4、t English learning.B. 表达建议(表达建议(body)1.first,firstly,secondlythen,in the endfinallyMeanwhile, whats more2 .I think it would be more beneficial if you could 3. I would like to suggest/recommend that4. If I were you, I would5. You may consider doing6. I would seem to me that you could7. In my opinion,

5、 it would be wise to take the following action.8. I wonder if you have considered the following.9. When it comes to such a situation, I would like to suggest that you canC.建议信结尾常用句式建议信结尾常用句式 1. I believe you will take my advice into account/consideration.2. I hope you will find these proposals/sugge

6、stions/recommendations practical/useful/helpful.3. I will be more than happy to see improvements in this regard.4. I would appreciate it very much if you could consider my suggestions.5. I feel that it would be beneficial if you stick to it.6. In the end, I will be glad if you find my suggestions us

7、eful.写作模板写作模板模板一:模板一:Dear _,You have asked me for my advice about_(问题问题), and I will try to make some conductive suggestions here.In my opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions:_(建议内容建议内容).I hope youll find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you about further details.Good luck with your _(祝愿祝愿).Yours sincerely,Li Ming 模板二:模板二:Dear _(对象对象),I am writing to express my views concerning _(问题问题).First and for the mos


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