人教新目标版英语九年级全册 Unit 14Section B (2a2e) 同步课时练习题 含答案_第1页
人教新目标版英语九年级全册 Unit 14Section B (2a2e) 同步课时练习题 含答案_第2页
人教新目标版英语九年级全册 Unit 14Section B (2a2e) 同步课时练习题 含答案_第3页
人教新目标版英语九年级全册 Unit 14Section B (2a2e) 同步课时练习题 含答案_第4页




1、.Unit 14 Section B 2a2e 同步课时练习题一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1The girl imagines the _绅士 as her father.2She found doing housework was a boring _任务3I would fly to you if I had _翅膀4He _分开 the two pieces of paper from that book.5_ 最后,I passed the examination. I will be given a certificate. 二、从方框中选择适宜的词组,并用其适当形式填空。 f

2、irst of all,set out,deal with, be proud of,along with6My parents _ my progress in English.7To be a successful manager,you have a lot to do. _,you should respect every member of the staff.8The baby's mother escaped from the fire _ two other children.9Ms. Lee has many smart ways _ the students who

3、 break school rules often.10In order not to miss the train,we _ for the train station before the sun rose.三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 11请把洋葱和面包分开,否那么他们会让面包沾染异味。 Keep the onions _ _ the bread or they'll make it smell bad. 12虽然鲍勃很穷,但是他对知识的渴望强于我。Although Bob is very poor,he is more _ _ knowledge than me. 13在我前面有

4、很多困难的任务。I have many difficult tasks _ _ me.14琳达总是对帮助过她的人心存感谢。 Linda is always _ _ the people who helped her. 15他负责旅馆里的一切。He _ _ _ everything in the hotel.四、阅读理解。 What does a typical day look like for a high school student in the United States?Well,everyone's is very different. I can describe my

5、normal day in high school for you.Our school day usually went from 8:30 am. to 5:30 pm. However,some days I had cheerleading 啦啦队 practice or play practice at 6:30 am. If I had cheerleading practice I got ready at school,and if I had time,I ate breakfast at the school dining hall.Then I would go towa

6、rds my locker and get my books for the first period.Each class went for about 50 minutes and we had 4 minutes to get to the next class.We studied everything from science to math and Spanish to PE.I played the flute 长笛 in band,so one of my class periods was used for that. Lunchtime would be at 12:30

7、pm. and then we had some time to hang out outside or by our lockers. At the end of the day there was a seminar 研讨会 period.It could be used for studying or meetings.After school,I would cheer at a basketball game,be a lifeguard 救生员 at work or have speech practice. My family always tried to have dinne

8、r together at around 7 pm.,but there wasn't always time. I would finally start studying at around 8 or 9 pm.So there you have it!That's my typical day in high school.16.How long did the writer usually stay at school on his school day?ASeven hours.BEight hours.CNine hours. DTen hours.17.Where

9、 did the writer eat breakfast if he had time?AAt school. BAt home. CIn a restaurant. DIn the park.18.When did the writer hang out with his classmates?AAfter the first class. BAfter lunch.CAfter breakfast. DAfter school.19.Which of the following is not the writer's afterschool activity?AHave meet

10、ings. BCheer at a game.CBe a lifeguard. DPractice speech.20.What does the passage mainly talk about?AOur school day.BEveryone's life is different.CThe afterschool life in the US.DA typical day in high school in the US.参考答案:一、 1 gentleman 2 task 3 wings 4 separated 5 Lastly 二、 6 are proud of 7 Fi


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