



1、四年级人教版下册英语填空题实验学校习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Do you like _(go) _(swim) in the river.2Yang Ling can _(have) picnics this Saturday.3Helen usually makes _(snowman) in winter.4Its a _(sun) day today. Lets go to the park.5Is this _(you) box? Yes, it is my box. I

2、cant carry it, can you help _(I)?6Are you hungry? Here _(be) some bread for you.2. 根据句意或汉语提示,选词填空。learn  our  Friday  visit  Wednesday1.Today is Thursday and tomorrow is _ .2.Today is _ and tomorrow is Thursday.3.Robots will do _ (我们的)homew

3、ork.4.On Friday I''ll _ (看望)my grandma.5.They will help children _ (学习).3. 根据内容,选词填。1Steve _(enjoy/enjoys) reading comics.2_ (Let''s/ Shall we) go to the cinema!3My friends and I _ (go/went) to Ocean Park last weekend.4He is brave. He often

4、0;_(try/tries) outdoor sports.5The lion is _ (stronger/strongest) than the rabbit.6My little brother likes _(watch/watching) films.4. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1We like _ (go) swimming in summer.2It is a _ (sun) day today.3Su Yang _ (have) a new schoolbag.4_ (who)

5、 snowman is it?Its Liu Taos.5Here _ (be) your cap.6I like going _ (skate).5. 选词填空,每词限用一次。up  are  and long help  pens1Let me_you. 2My shoes_ black.3Wang Yun has_hair. 4I have two_.5Put _the picture. 6I have a&#

6、160;toy_ a pencil.6. 将词归类,按要求写在横线上。twenty, first, library, second, forty, near, in, computer room1基数词:_2序数词:_3介词:_4教学设施:_7. 用be动词am, is, are 填空。1Where _ my skirts? 2I _ hungry.3How _ you? 4It _ in the living room.5They _ on the bed. 6W

7、here _ my dress?7Your books _in the desk. 8Where _ your father?9My brother_ a student. 10Tim and I_good friends.8. 选择正确的单词补全对话或句子(只填序号)。A. have B. has C. What D. Her E. Who F. are1_ is her name?Her name is Kate.2He _ glasses and his shoes _ blue

8、.3She is my good friend. _ name is Sarah.4_ is he?Oh, he is Zhang Peng.5I _ a friend. His name is John.9. 给下列单词分类。fish, grandmother, teacher, doctor, beef, knife, aunt, milk, chopsticks water, spoon, hamburger, brother, farmer, noodles, fork, Coke, bread, chicken,  soup

9、, mother, driver, rice, uncle, plate, nurse, father, egg, sister, cake1职业类_2饮料类:_3食物类:_4餐具类:_5家庭成员类:_10. 看图,选词填空。girl   bird   nurse   hamburger1Look! The _ is so cute.   2I''d like a _ for lunch.   3My mother is a _. 

10、;  4This _ is my friend.   11. 写出更多字母ir, ur发 /:/ 的单词。1ir:2ur:12. 单词分类。A. art  B. hot dog  C. chicken  D. Chinese  E. hamburgerF. PE G. noodles H. science I. meat J. music1food: _2subject: _13. 看一看,选一选,根据图片内容完成句子。1Welcome to m

11、y_( home; classroom). 2Look! My_(bedroom; school)is big. 3Can I have some_(water; milk)? 4My uncle is a_(farmer; teacher). 5I can use_(chopsticks and spoons; knives and forks). 14. 将下列单词的小写形式写在横线上,并在括号内写出汉语意思。1PANTS(_)2CLOTHES  (_)3SKIRT (_)4DRESS(_)5HAT_(_)6S

12、HOES(_)7THAT (_)8THOSE(_)15. 根据句子意思, 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Lets _ (go) to the park.2Do you think it is a good idea? No, I _ (not think) so.3Do you have a _ (draw) lesson on Friday?4She _ (have) lunch at home.5 Can you _ (skate)?No, I cant.6Its nine

13、 oclock now. Its time _ (go) to bed.7Can you draw these _ (flower)?8I dont have _ (some) lessons today.16. 选词填空。come  some  for  play  close  have1Its seven oclock. Its time _lunch.2Open your books. Dont _your books.3May I _in?4-How many bananas do you_?-Six.5Id like _sweets.6-Can you _basketball?-Yes, I can.17. 选择括号内正确的单词填空。1I


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