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1、PEF 人教小学英语四年级上册第一单元Unit1 My classroom试题姓名:听力部分(40分))5.A.One blackboard. B. No, thank you. C. No, it isn 听录音,将下面的句子按听到的顺序排序(10 分)Wow! It s nice and clean .()1.A. antB. handC. head()2.A. hot dogB. hamburgerC. hat()3.A. capB. faceC.cake()4. A. eggB. bedC. bag()5.A.beefB. boyC. big()6.A. BGDB. E I DC. D

2、GB()7.A. wi ndB. wi ndowC. wall()8.A. doorB. boardC. floor()9.A. ideaB.ice-waterC Good idea!()10 .A. deskB. chairC. teachers desk三、听录音,请为你所听到的句子选择恰当的答语。(10 分)()1.A.It s near the doBr .It s yellow.C. Thank you.()2.A .Tha nk you.B.OK.C. Goodbye!()3.A.Good job.B. How ni ce!C. OK.)4.A. Desks and chairs.

3、 B. It on the desk. C.CIose the win dow.(四( )( )听录音,请选出你所听到的单词(10 分)、听音,标序号(10 分)曰)Let me clea n the blackboard.)Let me clean the window.( )Let s clean the desks and chairs.笔试部分(60 分)五、按顺序写出 26 个英语字母的大小写,请注意书写格式:(10 分)七、读一读,选择最佳答案,并将序号填在题前括号内。(10 分)( )Good morning. LetsCheaclassroom.六、根据图意,完成单词1. w

4、ndw(10 分)拿3. cmpter()1.What s_the classroom?()2.We_ a new classroom. IA. on B. inC. ats very big. A. are B. has C. have()3.Turn _ the light. A. on B. inC. at()4. Lets clean the door. -_A. Tha nk you B. OK. C. Good job()5.Look at the picture.-_ A. Good idea. B. Oh, yes.C. Oh! It s nice.()6. Wheres th

5、e desk? Its_the door. A. nearB. on C. in()7.What colour is the door?-lts _. A. n iceB. gree nC. door()8._ is the green book ? Its under the teachesdesk.A. WhatB.WhereC. How many1. We have a new classroom. _2. Whatsi n the classroom?_3. Let me clea n the windows_4. Let me help you ._5. Where is it ?_

6、十、阅读短文,选择正确的答案,并将序号填在题前括号中。(10 分)I m Miss Liul am your English teacher. We have a new classroom. It is very big and clean. This is my new desk. There are some new En glish books. They are blue and white. Thesenew desks and chairs are for you.( )1.Miss Liu is_teacher.A. a Chin eseB. an En glishC. a m

7、ath( )2.They have a_ classroom.A. smallB. oldC. new()3.Their En glish books are_()9.当你同意别人的提议和建议时,说A. Good idea. B. All right.()10.当你打扰到别人时,说 _八、找一找,根据问句找答语。(10 分)A()1.Let s clean the classroom.()2.Where is my book?()3.What colour is the wall?()4.What s this?()5.There is a bee on the board.九、小小翻译家:请

8、把下列句子翻译成中OC. Good job.A. BlueB. whiteC. blue and white)4(亲爱的同学,别忘了要认真检查哟!祝你成功!has a new desk.A. Miss LiuB. Mrs LiuC. Mr Liu)5. The new classroom isA. clea nB. big and clea nC. bigPEP 人教小学英语四年级上册第二单元Unit2 My schoolbag试题班级_ 姓名_分数_听力部分1. A: Look! I have a newB: 11 svery nice.2. A: How many_ can you see

9、?B: I can see3. A: Whats in your_?B: There are 4_ .一 听录音,圈出所听到的图片的序号. (10 分)2.() ()三听录音,填上所缺的单词或数字.(10 分)二听录音,判断图片的对错,用“/或“X”表示.(10 分)4. A: What color is your_ ?B: Itsyellow.5. A: What in your六. 选出画线部分读音不同的选项()1. A. likeB five()2. A. bigB rice()3.A catB cake()4. A. kiteB. milkC fishB:crayons,erasers

10、 andpicture books.四.听录音,选择最佳的答语.(10 分)1. A. It blue and white.B. The door is gree n.C. It un der the desk.)2. A. Tha nk you.B. Sure. Here you are.C. Great!)3. A.I canB. I can see 5 pens.C. I have 30 chairs.)4. A. My pen is very long.B. My seat is n ear the door.C. My pen is on the chair.)5. A. My sc

11、hoolbag is un der the chair.B. My schoolbag is blue.C. Look! 1 En glish book and many no tebooks.笔试部分五.根据图片,1.填上所缺的字母.2.ice10 分)CpigC sixC dadacketabbits uirrel7.10.oodles4.,(10 分)oke5._eep8.3.ouse6.ock9.amp()5.A. makeB. cakeC what六.将下列单词填入空格,把对话补充完整.(10 分)havegreenelevenwallclassroombignicetoonearl

12、ikeSarah: Mike, we have a new_ .Mike: Really? Let go and_a look.Sarah: OK.Mike: Wow! It so_!Sarah: We have_lights.Mike: Look! The_is white. The floor is_ .Sarah: Look at the picture.Mike: It very_ . Where is my seat?Sarah: Its_ the door.Mike: I_our new classroom.Sarah: Me_ .八.选句补充对话,将正确的句子的编号填在横线上.(

13、10 分)A. How many picture books do you have?B. What color is it?C. How nice!D. What in it?E. May I have a look?Amy: Hi, Chen Jie. I have a new schoolbag.Chen Jie: Really?_Amy: It black and white. Look! It s so heavy.Che ne:_Amy: Some En glish books, some story-books, and many picture books.Che ne:_Am

14、y: Let me count. 1,2, 3, 415. I have 15 picture books.5. is , here, it (.)Che ne:_Amy: Sure. Here you are.Che n Jie: Wow! A fat pa nda!_九 阅读短文,判断对错. (10 分)Amy: Look at our new classroom.Joh n: Wow! So many books.Amy: How many Chin ese books can you see?Joh n: I can see twelve.Amy: How many desks and

15、 chairs can you see?Joh n: I can see thirty-five.Amy: Oh, my schoolbag is heavy.Joh n: Whats in it?Amy: Ten story-books and fifty picture books.Joh n: Oh, so many.()1. There are many books in the classroom.()2. I can see twenty Chin ese books.()3. I can see thirty-five desks.()4. Amy schoolbag is he

16、avy.()5. There are ten story-books and fifty picture books in the schoolbag.连词成句(10 分)1. is ,what ,it ,colour (?)2. your,in ,desk , what(?)3.have ,I ,no tebook ,three (.)4.lost ,my ,I , schoolbag (.)PEP 人教小学英语四年级上册第三单元Unit3 My friends试题一、写出下列字母的前后邻居。(10)1._ Cc_Ee_ 2.HhLI3._ Pp_ Ss Tt_ Vv二、翻译下列词组。(20

17、)1. have a new friend2.big blue eyes3.tall a nd thin4.a small nose5.short hair6.my best friend7.a big puter game9.scie nee teacher10.her n ame11.his mother12.l iste n to music13. do sports14.make friends15.a Chin ese friend16.a n En glish teacher17. play games18.a good stude nt19. an old book20.my p

18、hoto三、选反义词.(10)short, small, thi n ,long, old1.strong- ()3.short-()5.new-()2.- big-()4.- tall-()四给写列句子排序.(10)()Jimmy.()Yes. He has blue eyes.( )Mom, I have a new frie nd.( )Is he from America?()Whathis name?五、问答连线。(10)()1. Is your friend a girl?()2. Do you like music?()3. Whoyour best friend?A. Yes,

19、 she is.B.Yes, I do.C. I have many frie nds.()4. How many friends do you have?D. Zha ngPe ng is.()5. Is that girl quiet?E. No. My frie nd si a boy.Chen Jie is a stude nt.She has long black hair and a big mouth. She has a small nose and bigeyes. Shes cute. She has a new frie nd. He teaches Chen Jie E

20、n glish.He has short hair and smalleyes. His n ame is Mr Black. He is Che n Jiteacher.( )1.Che n Jie is a stude nt.( )2.Che n Jie has short hair.()3.Mr Black is an En glish teacher.()4. Mr Black is Che n Jies new friend.()5. Mr Black has short hair and big eyes.七、写单词(10)1.铅笔盒2.尺子3.教师 4.学生5.朋友()1. He

21、short hiar.A. haveB.hasC.is()2.your best friend?A. WhoB. WhosC.Whose()3. Whatsn ame?A. himB.heC. his()4.tall.A. HeB. hesC. Hes()5.Amymusic.A.likesB. likeC.is()6. Listenmusic.A. toB. ofC. for()7. Is that a boya girl?A. toB. andC.or()8. Shes a girl.n ame is Lucy.A.HisB.HerC. She()9. My friend likes.A.

22、pa intB. pai ntsC. pain ti ng六、选择填空。(20)C.is()10.How oldB.amyour frie nd? A.are六、阅读理解,判断正误。(10)PEP 小学英语四年级上册期中试题题号一一一二二二-三四五六七总分得分(20 分)根据图片选择正确的选项。)1、A. Chin ese bookB. maths book)6.)2.A. key)3.A. schoolbag)4.A. blackboard)5.A. computerA. strongB. candyB. hairB. glassesB. fanB. thin(A. wi ndowB.doo

23、rA. oneB. three()8.A. SarahB. Chen JieA. computer B. TV用书写体抄写下列单词。(15 分)quiettoywallfloorChinese()1.1 have a storybook.A. no tebookB.blackboard()2. Joh n is iaU.A. pen cilB. frie ndly()3. My friend has blue glasses. A. yellowB. cat()4. Open the door.A. lightB. short()5. Hs n ame is Mike.A.underB. he

24、r四、 根据英文选择相应的汉语意思。 (10 分)()1. l ong hairA. 又高又瘦()2. teachersdeskB.本英语书三、选出与划线词同一类的选项。(10分)()4. an En glish bookD.长头发()5. tall a nd thinE.讲台五、 给下列句子选择正确的意思。(15 分)()1. What s in your schoolbag?()2. Lets clea n the classroomA.让我们来打扫教室。B.让我来擦窗户()3. What colour is it ?A.它是什么颜色?B. 他的名字叫张鹏。()4. Put your pe

25、n cil box in your desk.A.把你的书放在你的桌子上。B.把你的文具盒放进你的桌子里。()5. It black and white.A.它是蓝白相间的。B.它是黑白相间的。六、情景会话。(18 分)()1.当你找不到你的钥匙时,应该问:A. Where is my key?B. Who is she?()2.你想告诉别人我的朋友穿着蓝色鞋子,应该说:A. My friend has blue glasses.B. My friend has blue shoes.()3.你想知道新同学的名字时,你会问其他同学:()3. a big classroomC. 一间大教室A.你

26、有什么?B.你的书包里有什么?A. Whatshis name?B. Where is he?()4.如果你想自己擦课桌,可以说:A. Let me clea n the desks.B. Let sclean the chairs.()5.别人帮助了你,你应说:A.Tha nk you.B. OK.()6.当你想关上窗户时, 你应该说:A. Turn on the light.B. Close the wi ndow.七、仔细阅读短文,并判断下列句子,正确的写(T),错误的写(F).( 12分)I have three friends, Theyre Ann, Mike and Bob, B

27、ob is tall and strong. He likes EnglishMike ii short and rhin. He is veiy fiiendly. He like maths bet. Ami is quiet. Slielias long hair and ynall mouth. She like Chinese be it()1. Bob is a strong boy.()2. Mike and Bob like English.()3. Mike is tall and thin.) 4- Ann has short hair and a small nosePE

28、P 人教小学英语四年级上册第四单元Un it4 My home试题笔试部分一、请从 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。()1. -Is this your bedroom?-_ .A. Yes , it isn t . B. Yes it is. C .Yes ,this is.()2. Where is the cat ?-_ .A. It s name is MimB. I like the cat. C. It s in the kitchen .()3. Where are the keysLook! They re_ the door?A. i nB. onC.

29、are()4. How many_ are there in your schoo?A. homes B. classrooms C. kitche n()5. There is a bed_ the window.A. inB. onC . n ear二、根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。1. Welcome to my_ (家).2. I like my _ (学校).3. This is my _ (房间)t s nice.4. Look ! My _ (教室)is big.5. Mom is watching _ (电视)in the living room .三、按照问与答的关系找朋友。(

30、)I.Where are my books()2. Are they on the desk)3. Where are you?)4. Is it a nice room?()5. Whats your narnteA. I am in the bedroom.B. My name s Dong Dong.C. Yes, it is.D. They are on the shelf.E. No, they aren t四、下面的句子与图画是否相符,相符用()1. Is this your home?Y es, it is.()2. Is this your studyQY es, it is.

31、()3. Look, this is my school.()4. Is this your schoolNO, it isn t.This is my bedroomt is a nice room.There is a shelf in the aresome books on the shelf.There is a bed near the window.There is a cat under thebed .Its n ame is Mimi.There is a desk in it ,too.There are some flowers on the desk.Doyou li

32、ke my bedroom?()1. The bedroom is a nice room.()2. The shelf is in the bedroom.()3. The cat is on the bed.()4. On the desk there are some flowers.五、v),错的打(X)bedroom.There()5. The books are on the desk.PEP 人教小学英语四年级上册第五单元Unit5 Dinner s read 试题一、选出不同类的单词()1、A、plateB、knifeC、cake()2、A、pare ntsB、teacherC

33、、driver()3、A、forkB、juiceC、Coke()4、A、coffeeB、vegetableC、 soup()5、A、schoolB、chopsticksC、room二、根据图片把下列单词补充完整1、br_ d2、_ gg3、m_ Ik4、w_ t_ r三、单项选择题。()1、What would you like?A、I d like some beef.B、Let me try.C、Help yourself.()2、Can 1 have some rice, please?A、Thanks.B、Sure.C、Let me try.()3、Mom, can 1 help?A、

34、Yes. Pass me a fork. B Me too.C、I d like an egg.()4、See you tomorrow.A、Thank you.B、Good night. C、See you.6、5、r_ c_b7、ch_ ck_ n 8、f_ sh()5、What_ you like?A、areB、do C、would()6、Id _ some vegetables.A、love B、good C、like()7、_ yourself.A、TakeB、Make C、Help()8、Let _ show you.A、my B、me C、I()9、Sure, here_A、ar

35、e you B、you are C、you()10、Can I have some_ ?A、noodlesB、noodleC、noodles()11、Whats_ dinnerA、to B、forC、in()12、_ books do you have? I have 6.A、WhereB、WhatC、How many()13、_in it? 20 story-books.A、What B、WhatsC、How()14、Whats_ name? His name is Zhang PengA、hisB、it C、her()15、The wall _ white.A、are B、it C、is(

36、)16、He_ big eyes and a small nose.A、 hasB、 haveC、 Is()17、IChinese food.A、likeB、likeC、would()18 Ilike some fishA、wouldB、amC、 have四、 认真看看, 为下面单词选择相应的汉语。A、蔬采B、筷子C、叉子D、面条E、汤F、谢谢你G、 饥饿的H、刀I、盘子J、勺子1、()hun gry2、()tha nk you3、() fork4、()soup5、()chopsticks6、() knife7、()vegetable 8、()plate9、() noodles10、( )sp

37、oon五、认真读一读,为下面的句子选择相应的答语。()1、What would you like for dinner?()2、Can I have some noodles, please?()3、I like Chinese food.()4、Is this your bedroom?()5、What can you see in my room?()6、How much?()7、Where are the keys?A、They re ithe door.B、Yes, it is.C、I d like an egg, some milk and a hamburger.D、Six yua

38、n.E、Sure. Here you are.F、Me too.G、I can see a chair and a desk.七、补全对话,把正确答案的序号填在横线上B :_ C、Vegetables and rice D、What would you like?A :I dont like vegetables.B :?A :Id like some no odles and soupB :OK!A : Can I help me?B : Sure!_A : Here you are!()1、Pass me a fork)2、Give()3、Wash the plates)4、Cut wit

39、h the knife ()5、Use the chopsticksA :MomA、Wait and seeB、Pass六、根据图片,选择句子八、连词成句2、soup some I like would5、 use can I chopsticks6、Chinese like food I8、ready is dinner九、阅读理解,根据对话内容判断正误(T 或 F)Mike: Mom, Im hunger. What dinnef?rMom: Wait and see. What would you like?Mike: I d like some noodles, some beef,

40、some fish and soup.Mom: What would you like for dinner, Amy?Amy: I d like some fish and vegetables, please.Mom: What would you like, dear?Dad: I d like somoodles and some fish.Mom: Everything s ready.Amy: Thank you, Mom.Mike: Great!Dad: Than ks.()1、Mom: What would you like?Mike: I d like some noodle

41、s and some vegetables.()2、Mom: What would you like?Amy: I d like some fish andgetables.()3、Mom: What would you like?Dad: I d like some rice and some fish.()4、Mom: Everything s ready.Mike: Great.()5、There are five people in Mike s family.PEP 人教小学英语四年级上册第六单元Unit6 Meet my family!试题听力部分一、句子排序A. How many

42、 people are there in your family?B. My father is a driverC. Meet my family.D. My family has six people.E. Is this your baby brother?1._2._ 3._ 4._ 5._二. 根据所听录音,完成短文。Hello, my name is Amy. My family has six people. My_, my_my_, my_ , and he is my_7. How many people are there in your family?_8. My fam

43、ily has nine people. _9. Is this your baby brother?_10. My father is a cook. _Unit 6 Meet My Family!班级_姓名_ . And me!一.英汉互译1. 这是我的姑姑。2. 我的父母和我。3. 他是我的表弟。4. Mike 是 Amy 的婴儿小弟弟5. 那是你的叔叔吗?6. Meet my family!笔试部分This is my_.My _ and me.He is my_.Mike is Amy .Is that your?词汇积累练一、你认识这些单词吗?(15 分)1.people_3. b

44、aby_5. only_语句应用练二、 火眼金睛选一选。(35 分)( )1.There_three books on the desk.A. amB. isC. are( )2.Who_ they?A . amB. isC. are( )3.How many_ are there in your family?A . peoplesB. peopleC . peoples()4.My_has four members.A . familyB . un cleC . aunt()5.There_a shelf i n the study.A . amB . isC . are()6like b

45、eef, _ my sister likes vegetables.A. butB. orC. and()7._ is that man?Hes my un cle.A . WhenB . WhoC . What三、连词成句。(25 分)1 . how, you, pens, many, have, do(?)Part A (2)2.member_4.puppy_2.family , six, has, her, members(.)3.my, tall, strong, is, dad, and(.)4.who, they, are(?)5.there, bag, on, is, a, de

46、sk, the(.)情景交际练四、给句子选择恰当的答语。(25 分)()1.How many apples are there on the tree?()2.Who are they?()3.Whats your aunt?()4.Wheres my pen?()5s this your un cle?A . They are my parents.B . Shes a teacher.C.No, he isnt.D.Twenty.E.Its on the chair.答案一、1人2成员3婴儿4小狗5仅仅,只有二、1.C 2.C3.B4.A5.B6.C7.B三、I.How many pens

47、 do you have?2.Her family has six members.3.My dad is tall and strong.4.Who are they?5.There is a bag on the desk.四、1.D 2.A3.B4.E5.CUnit 6 Meet My Family!Part A (3)词汇积累练_ 、选出不同类的一项。(20 分)()h A.fatherB. uncleC. man()2.A.teacherB. weC. I()3.A. au ntB. sisterC. family()4.A.brotherB. tallC. mother(Q A.b

48、oyB. heC. she三、选出错误的选项并在横线上改正。(20 分)、family have . members)1.My 亍 six C ._spell these word)2.Can you、BC?_Thisi_L friend)3.AisB C .-一、开动脑筋,你来写。(28 分)(姐妹)()4.Theyis Amys parents ABC .How much books.()5.ABC - 一四、根据图片,选择正确的句子。(20 分)()1.A.My sister is a student.B. She is my mother.0W()2.A.Johns brother l

49、ikes sports.B. Johns father likes sports.五、你会称呼他们吗?(12 分)1. fathers father_2. mothers mother_3. fathers brother_4. mothers sister_答案一、1.father 2.mother 3.brother 4.sister二、1.C2.A3.C 4.B5.A三、1.B have改为has2.B these改为this或C word改为words3.B I改为my4.A is改为are5.B much改为many四、1.A2.A五、1.gra ndpa(gra ndfather)

50、2.grandma(grandmother)3.uncle 4.auntPEP 小学四年级上册英语期末试题题号听力部分读写部分总分-一-二二三四五六七八九得分Listening 听力部分(56 分)、Listen and choose.听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(12%)()1. A. can tee n()2. A. lu nch()3. A. potato()4. A. sheep()5. A. go to bed()6. A. art room、Listen and tick.听单词,在相应图片旁边的圈里打“/” 。(12 分)B. carrotB. lambB. tomatoB. s

51、hortsB. go to schoolB. classroom、Listen and number 听录音,给图片排出先后顺序。(10%)四、Listen and circle 根据听到的内容,圈出正确的单词。(12%)1. This dress is very ( cheap / colourful).2. (How much / How old ) are your shoes?3. My ( slippers / san dals) are yellow.4. It (warm / hot ) in Shanghai.5. A pair of ( jea ns / pants ) for


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