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1、abrupt 突然的,意外的;唐突的,鲁莽的 2 次1 It is _ that women should be paid less than men for doing the same kind of work.(02.1 64) A) abrupt B) absurd C) adverse D) addictive 2 Even sensible men do _ thingssometimes.(02.6 52) A) abrupt B) absurd C) acute D) aptabsurd 荒谬的,荒唐的 2 次It is _ that women should be paid

2、less than men for doing the same kind of work.(02.1 64) A) abrupt B) absurd C) adverse D) addictiveEven sensible men do _ things sometimes.(02.6 52) A) abrupt B) absurd C) acute D)aptacknowledge 承认,承认 的权威;告知收到,确认;报偿,对 表示谢忱 5 次 They are wellwith each other since they once studied in the same universi

3、ty.(98.6-64) A.identifiedB. recognizedC. acknowledged D. acquainted The famous scientist_ his success to hard work.(00.1-51)A. acknowledged B.ascribed C. grantedD. impartedProfessor Hawking is _ as one of the world ?s greatest living physicists.(02.6-44) A) dignifiedB) clarified C) acknowledged D) i

4、llustrated Many great scientists _ their success to hardwork.(03.12 65) A) portray B) ascribe C) impart D) acknowledgeAnyone not paying the registration fee by the end of this month will be _to havewithdrawn from the program.(04.6 51)A) contemplated B) deemed C) acknowledged D) anticipatedactivate 使

5、活动起来,使开始起作用 2 次Lighting can be used not only to create an atmosphere, but also to _ features of thehouse, such as ornaments or pictures.(05.1 60) A) highlight B) underline C) activate D) upgradeThe medicine _ his pain but did not cure his illness.(02.6 42) A) activated B) alleviated C)medicated D) d

6、eterioratedacquaint 熟悉,认识。 2 次They are well _ with each other since they once studied in the same university.(98.6-64) A.identified B. recognized C. acknowledged D. acquaintedThe author of the report is well _ with the problems in the hospital because he has beenworking there for many years.(01.6.48

7、)A. acquainted B. informed C. accustomed D.knownAcute 严重的,激烈的;敏锐的;急性的 2 次 A humans eyesight is not as _ as thatof an eagle.(02.1 63) A) eccentric B) acute C) sensible D) sensitiveEven sensible men do _ things sometimes.(02.6 52) A) abrupt B) absurd C) acute D)aptadhere 坚持,依附 2 次If you want to set up

8、 a company, you must _authorities. (99.6-32) A. complyB. adhereE-mail is a convenient ,highly democratic informal_well to human needs. ( 00.6-63 )A. adheres B. reflectsC. conformsallege 断言,宣称,硬说 2 次It was _ that the restaurant discriminated against black customers.(02.6 41) A) addictedwith the regul

9、ations laid down by theC. confirmD. accordmedium for conveying messages thatD.satisfies精品文库欢迎下载2B) alleged C) assaulted D) ascribedAlle n will soon find out that real life is seldom as simple as it is_ in commercials. (03.6 45)A) permeated B) alleged C) depicted D) draftedambiguous模棱两可的 暧昧的,不明确的 5 次

10、(且 5 次全部是正确答案)The directio ns were so_that it was impossible to complete the assig nmen t.(98.6 41) A.C. no toriousD. ambiguouswe did not know which of the two roads to take. (99.6-41)C. arbitrary D. i ntricate_ stateme nts such as“ Your sorrows will cha nge.(01.6.60) A. philosophical B. ambiguousC.

11、 literalD. i nvaliThe damage to my car was_.in the accide nt, but I have a lin geri ng fear even today. (03.654)A) in sufficie nt B) ignorant C) ambiguous D) n egligibleThe first sentence in this paragraph is_ ; it can be in terpreted in many ways.(03.9 63) A)in tricateB) ambiguous C) duplicatedD) c

12、on fusedambitious雄心勃勃的 2 次The directio ns were so_that it was impossible to complete the assig nmen t.(98.6 41) A.ingeniousB. ambitiousC. no toriousD. ambiguousMy sister is quite _ and plans to get an M.A.Degree within one year. (00.1-58) A.aggressive B. en thusiasticC. ambitiousD. con siderateantic

13、ipate 预期,期望,过早使用,先人一着,占先,预订,预见,可以预料2 次 Thedoctors dont_that the patie nt will live much Ion ger.(03.12 67)A) mon itorB) mani festC) articulate D) an ticipateAnyone not pay ing the registratio n fee by the end of this mon th will be _to havewithdraw n from the program.(04.6 51)A) con templatedB) deem

14、edC) ack no wledgedD) an ticipatedappropriate 适当的,合适的 2 次 For many patients, institutional care is the most_and beneficial form of care.(98.6-62) A. persistentB. appropriate C. thoughtfulD. sufficie ntFor many patie nts, in stituti onal care is the most_ and ben eficial form of care .(00.6-41)A. per

15、tinentB. appropriate C. acuteD. persiste ntapt 易于,有做某事的倾向;恰当的,适宜的;聪明的,反应敏捷的2 次 Shoes of this kindare_ to slip on wet ground.(02.1 65) A) feasible B) appropriate C) apt D)fitting Even sensible men do_ things sometimes.(02.6 52) A) abrupt B) absurd C) acute D)aptascend 渐渐上升,升高;攀登,登上 2 次All the people

16、in the stadium cheered up whe n they saw hun dreds of colourful ballo ons_slowly into the sky.(02.6 47)A) ascending B) elevating C) escalating D) lingeringHill slopes are cleared of forests to make way for crops, but this only_ the crisis.(03.1 68)A) accelerates B) prevails C) asce nds D) precedes a

17、scertain 查明,弄清,确定 3 次We shall probably n ever be able to_ the exact n ature of these sub-atomic particles.(02.6 ingeniousB. ambitiousHis_directi ons con fused usA. ambiguousB. complicatedFort un e-tellers are good at mak ing_精品文库欢迎下载346) A) assert B) impart C) ascertain D) notify精品文库欢迎下载4_ that the

18、dema nd for power continues to rise at the curre nt rate, it will not be long before traditional sources become in adequate.(03.1 56)A) Concerning B) Ascertaining C) Assuming D) Regarding The police are trying to_ what really happened.(04.6 53) A) ascerta in B) assert C)avert D)ascribeAscribe 把归因于,把

19、归属于6 次The famous scie ntist_his success to hard work.(00.1-51)A. ack no wledgedB.ascribed C. gra ntedD. impartedYou should_to one or more weekly magaz ines such as Time, or Newsweek.(01.6.52) A.ascribe B. Order C. reclaim D. subscribeWe should_our en ergy and youth to the developme nt of our country

20、 .(02.1 59) A)dedicate B) cater C) ascribe D) cli ngIt was_that the restaura nt discrim in ated aga inst black customers. (02.6 41) A) addictedB) alleged C) assaulted D) ascribedMore than 85 percent of French Canadas population speaks French as a mother tongue andtothe Roman Catholic faith .(03.1-61

21、)A) caters B) adheres C) ascribes D) subscribesMany great scientists _ their success to hard work. (03.12 65) A) portray B) ascribe C)impart D) ack no wledgeThe police are trying to_what really happened. (04.6 53) A) ascertain B) assertC) avert D)ascribeassert 肯定的说,断言;维护,坚持 2 次We shall probably n ev

22、er be able to_the exact n ature of these sub-atomic particles.(02.6 46) A) assert B) impart C) ascertain D) notifyThe police are trying to_what really happe ned.(04.6 53) A) ascerta in B) assert C)avertD) ascribeauthorize 授权,批准 3 次Some America n colleges are state-supported, others are privately_ ,

23、and still others aresupported by religious orga ni zati on s.(02.1 68) A) en suredB) attributed C) authorized D)en dowed1 told him that I would_ him to act for me while I was away from office. (03.669)A) authorize B) justify C) rati on alize D) ide ntifyA membership card _ the holder to use the club

24、s facilities for a period of twelvemon ths.(03.9 56) A) approves B) authorizes C) rectifies D) en dowsbarren 不生育的,不孕的,贫瘠的,没有结果的,无益的,单调的,无聊的,空洞的 2 次 With in tenyears they have tamed the _hill into gree n woods. (03.949) A) vaca ntB) barre nC) weird D) wastefulHe tried to hide hispatch by sweep ing hi

25、s hair over to one side.(04.6 46) A) barre nB) bare C) bald D) bleak精品文库欢迎下载5bewilder 迷惑,使糊涂 3 次by the citys complicated traffic system.(98.6-48) A. degradedSmall farms and the lack of moder n tech no logy have_agricultural productio n. (01.1.52) A.blun deredB. tan gledC. bewilderD.hamperedWhen the

26、farmers visited the city for the first time, they were_by its complicated trafficsystem.(01.6.49) A. evokedB. bewilderedC. divertedD.u ndermi nedbleak 寒冷的,阴冷的,荒凉的,凄凉的,黯淡的 2 次At first everything vent well with the project but recently we have had a number of With the machinery(04.6 45)A) disturba nce

27、s B) setbacks C) outputs D) bleakHe tried to hide hispatch by sweep ing his hair over to one side.(04.6 46)A) barre nB) bare C) bald D) bleakblunder 错误,大错 2 次I think that I committed a_ in ask ing her because she seemed very upset by my questi on.(99.1-51) A. blu nderB. reven geC. reproach D. scan d

28、alSmall farms and the lack of modern tech no logy have_ agricultural productio n. (01.1.52) A.blun deredB. tan gledC. bewilderD.hamperedbrisk 敏锐的,凛冽的,轻快的,活泼的 2 次The new secretary has written a remarkably _report within a few hundred words butwith all the importa nt details in cluded. (03.9 45)A) con

29、 ciseB) brisk C) precise D) elaborateShe gave_ direct ions about the way the rug should be clea ned.(05.1 51) A) explicit B) briskC) tran sie nt D) opaqueCCater 满足需要,迎合;提供饮食及服务,办酒席 2 次We should_ our en ergy and youth to the developme nt of our coun try.(02.1 59) A)dedicate B) cater C) ascribe D) cli

30、 ngMore than 85 percent of French Canadas population speaks French as a mother tongue andtothe Roman Catholic faith.(03.1 61) A) caters B) adheres C) ascribes D) subscribescertify 证明,保证 2 次Sometimes the bank man ager himself is asked to_cheques if his clerks are not sure aboutthem. (03.12 52) A) cre

31、ditB) assureC) certifyD) accessHigh grades are supposed toacademic ability, but john ?s actualperforma nee did not confirm this. (04.6 42)A) certifyB) clarify C)classify D) notifyCharge 价钱,费用;管理,照管;控告,指责;索价,收费 2 次The price of the coal will vary according to how far it has to be transported and how e

32、xpensivethe freight_ are. (02.1-45)A) payments B) charges C) funds D) pricesMany tourists wereB. bewilderedC. evokedD. diverted精品文库欢迎下载6He is the only person who can_ in this case, because the other witnesses were killedmysteriously. (02.6-43)A) testify B) charge C) accuse D) rectifycherish 珍爱,怀抱(希望

33、等)3 次Most people in the modem world _ freedom and independence more than anythi ng else. (03.6 68)A) embody B) cherish C) fascinate D) illuminateThe old couple now stillfor their beloved son, 30years after his death.(04.647) A)cherish B) groa n C) immerseD) mournHe still_the memory of his carefree c

34、hildhood spe nt in that small woode n house of hisgran dpare nts. (05.1 57)A) no urishes B) cherishes C) fan cies D) sca nsclaim 声明 2 次When he tried to make a_ , he found that the hotel was completely filled because of aconvention.(98.6-67)A. reservati onB. claim C.mess D. revisi onWhen he tried to

35、make a_, he found that the hotel that he wan ted was completely filledbecause of a conven ti on. (99.1-43)A. compla intB. claimC. reservati onD. decisi on compact adj.紧凑的, 紧密的,简洁的 n.契约,合同,小粉盒 2 次We all enjoy our freedom of choice and do n ot like to see it_whe n it is with in the legal andmoral boun

36、 daries of society.A) compacted B)restricted C) dispersed D)delayed (03-6-43) In mountainous regi ons, much of thesnow that falls is_ into ice.A) dispersedB) embodied C) compiled D) compacted (04-6-62)competitive竞争性的2 次Because a degree from a good uni versity is the means to a better job, educati on

37、 is one of themost_ areas in Japa nese life.(98.6-42)A. sophisticated B. competitiveC. con siderateD.superficialEven when textbooks are _ through a school system, methods of teaching may varygreatly.(99.1-52) A. com mon placeB. sta ndardizedC. competitive D. gen eralizedcomplement 补足,补充 2 次Moive dir

38、ectors use music to_the acti on on the scree n. (98.6-46)A. con tam in ateB. complime ntC. con templateD. compleme ntThe Christmas tree was decorated with shining _ such as colored lights and glassballs.(01.1.35) A. orn ame ntsB. luxuries C.exhibitsD.compleme ntscomplime nt恭维,称赞 2 次Moive directors u

39、se music to_the acti on on the scree n. (98.6-46)A. con tam in ateB. complime ntC. con templateD. compleme ntDespite almost uni versal_of the vital importa nt of wome n$ literacy, educati on remai ns adream for far too many women in far too many countries of the world.(01.6.69)A. ide ntificati onB.

40、complime ntC. con fessi onD.ack no wledgeme ntComply 顺从,答应,遵守 2 次精品文库欢迎下载7It is fortun ate for the old couple that their sons career goals and their wishes for him_ .A) coincide B) comply C)conform D) collaborate (03-6-44) We find it impossible to_with the latest safety regulations. A) accordB) unif

41、y C) obey D) comply(03-12-69)compulsory 必需做的,必修的,被强迫的,被强制的,义务的 2 次Many coun tries have adopted systems of_ educatio n in order to promote the average levelof educati on. (03.6 58)A) compulsory B) card inal C) con stra inedD) conven ti onalThey have done away with _ Latin for university entrance at H

42、arvard.(03.9 57) A)in flue ntialB) in dispe nsableC) compulsory D) esse ntialcoincide相符和,相一致,相同2 次Mary once_ with ano ther musicia n to compose a piece of pop music.(98.6-54) A. mergedB. collaboratedC. coincidedD. constitutedWhen you put up wallpaper , shouldyou _ the edges or put them next to each

43、other? A. coincideB. extendC. overlap D. collideconceive 构想,设想 2 次It is difficult to_ of a plan to end poverty.(00.1-52)A. speculateB. conceiveC. pon derD.reck onTo_is to save and protect, to leave what we ourselves enjoy in such good con diti on thatothers may also share the enjoyme nt.(01.1.54)A.

44、con serveB. con ceiveC. convertD. con triveconfirm确定,批准,使巩固,使加强 2 次If you want to set up a company, you must _ with the regulations laid down by theauthorities. (99.6-32) A. complyB. adhereC. confirmD. accordAll students have to _ to the rules and regulations of the school.(01.1.54) A. confirmB. con

45、frontC. confine D. conformconform vt.使一致,使遵守,使顺从 vi.符合,相似,适应环境adj.一致的,顺从的 4 次All in dividuals are required to_ to the laws made by their governmen ts.(99.1-54) A. obeyB. conformC. con cedeD. observeE-mail is a convenient ,highly democratic in formal medium for conveying messages thatwell tohuman nee

46、ds. ( 00.6-63)A. adheres B. reflectsC. con forms D.satisfiesAs visit ing scholars, they willi ngly_ to the customs of the country they live in. A) submit C)subject B) conform D) commit (03-1-60)One wit ness_that hed see n the suspect run out of the bank after it had bee n robbed. A)convicted C) reto

47、rtedB) con formed D) testified (05-1-49)con siderate 考虑周到的 2 次Because a degree from a good uni versity is the means to a better job, educati on is one of themost_ areas in Japa nese life. (98.6-42)A. sophisticated B. competitive C. con siderate D. superficialMy sister is quite _ and plans to get an

48、M.A.Degree within one year. (00.1-58) A.aggressive B. en thusiasticC. ambitiousD. con siderate精品文库欢迎下载8Consolidate 巩固,加强;把.联为一体,合并2 次His successful n egotiatio ns with the America ns helped him to _ his positi on in thegovernme nt. (02.1 52)A) con trive B) con solidate C) heave D) inten sifyI found

49、it difficult to_my career ambiti ons with the n eed to bring up my childre n. (03.642)A) con solidate B) ame nd C) recon cile D) Inten sifyconspicuous引人注目的,受人注意的2 次精品文库欢迎下载9Very few people un derstood his lecture, the subject of which was very_.(00.1-66) A.in telligibleB. obscureC. dimD. con spicuou

50、sA visitor to a museum today would notice _ changes in the way museums areoperated.(01.6.56) A. cog nitiveB. rigorousC. con spicuous D. exslusiveconstrain 强迫,勉强(某人)做某事 5 次Her interest in redecorating the big house kept her _for a whole week.(98.6-44) A.con stra ined B. domin atedC. restrictedD. occupiedIn our highly tech no logical society, the nu mber of jobs for un skilled worker is_ . (99.1-45)A. shrinkingB. obscuringC. alteringD. constraining Mike just discoveredthat his passport had_three mon ths ago.(99.6-37)A. abolished B. expiredC. ame ndedD. con stra inedEuropes earl


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