1、CS600 homework10 answerXiang Xu 10388813R-11.1Answer:8105392214761111113338105392214761111133338105392214761111633338105392214761114633358105392214761146633588105392214761476935108810539121476L1111111118105391214761111111118105392214761111111118105392214761111111138105392214761111111331L167412111111
2、18105391L1167412674121L111111111118105398105396741216741211111L1810539111L181053967412167412111L11L181053981053967412L1674121L1810539810539R-11.10Answer:During the setup process, a total of 20 messages are broadcast, each of which causes 20 messages to be sent by the flooding algorithm with sequence
3、 numbers in turn. So, 400 messages are sent.C-11.2Answer:Description: While sending candidate is messages, each processor sends a message with probability 4/n.Algorithm RamdomRingLeader(id, n)Input: The unique identifier, id, for the processor running this algorithmOutput: The smallest identifier of
4、 a processor in the ringm - idM - Candidate is mdone - falserepeatGet message M from the predecessor processor in the ringif (M is empty) thenthe predecessor processor did not send a messagedo nothingif (M = Candidate is i) thenthe same code with the textbookelsethe same code with the textbookif (do
5、ne = true) thenthe message M is leader isSend message M to the next processor in the ringelsegenerate a random number within 1, nif (random number = 4) thenSend message M to the next processor in the ringuntil donereturn MC-11.12Answer:For the verification, there is only one round. In the round, all the router sends its distance vector(routing table) to all its neighbors. After a router x has received all the distance vectors from all of its neighbors, it performs the following checks:for each router y in the network doget the nei
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