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5、分后,结晶的完善程度大大降低,结晶焓下降,共聚酯的Avrami指数n都在1.722.64之间,从而我们推测改性共聚酯结晶以异相成核方式为主。改性共聚酯的结晶活化能在13.27(kJ/mol·K)以上,明显要高于常规PTT的11.33 (kJ/mol·K),表明经过阳离子染料可染改性后的共聚酯的结晶能力变差,降温速率对改性共聚酯的结晶过程影响较大,因此,在改性共聚酯的加工过程中对降温速率的控制极为重要。【英文摘要】As a newly polyester, Poly(trimethylene terephthalate) (PTT) has wide application

6、prospects in clothing, carpets, non-woven fabric etc for its unique properties. However, there is no group that can form chemical or lonic bonds with dyes in the molecular chain of PTT, resulting in the PTT fibers only can be dyed with disperse dyes. Compared with cationic dyes, the using of dispers

7、e dyes has many disadvantages, such as the poor environmental effects, the incomplete of chromatography, not brilliant of the color and the huge investment in equipment, to a certain extent, limited the application of PTT in the fiber industries. In this paper, SIPP was synthesised, and then SIPP wa

8、s used as third monomer, PBA and PEG were employed as forth monomer to synthesis a series of modified PTT by polycondensation. The compositions and structures of copolyesters were determined by 1H-NMR. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) were used to analyze

9、the thermal properties of copolyesters. The rheological properties and the non-isothermal crystallization behavior of copolyesters were detected by capillary rheometer and DSC, which could provide basic data for spinning or other processing of modified copolyesters.The synthesis conditions of SIPP w

10、ere optimized, results showed that Ti(OBu)4 was a efficient catalyst and the amount of it was appropriate to 1000ppm, continuing to increase the amount of catalyst has little effect on the reaction rate. The best feeding ratio of 1,3-PDO and SIPM is 10.14:1. The reaction rate was faster and the prod

11、uct has good color when the reaction temperature was 173. The polycondensation reaction rate was accelerated with the rising of the reaction temperature, but the concentration of the end carboxyl was too high at the higher reaction temperature, the reaction temperature was controlled between 165 to

12、170as better. The introduction of the third monomer SIPP accelerated the condensation reaction rate, but the flowability of the melt was getting worse and it was harmful to the improvement of the product intrinsic viscosity, while the introduction of the fourth monomer PBA or PEG could improve the f

13、lowability of the melt. The analysis of the thermal properties showed that the Tg, Tc and Tm of PTT were 44.8, 68.9and 224.9correspondingly. With the increase of the third component, the Tg declined when a small amount of SIPP was introduced and then increased, Tc gradually increased, Tm decreased.

14、With the increase of the PBA or PEG the Tg, Tc and Tm of the copolyesters were all gradually reduced. TGA results suggested that all modified copolyesters thermo-gravimetric temperature were above 360, indicating that all modified copolyesters had good thermal stability, and could meet the requireme

15、nts for further processing.Rheological behaviors analysis showed that PTT and its copolyesters were tipically non-Newton fluid, exhibiting shear thinning behavior in the investigated shear rate range, and the non-Newton index of them were all less than 1. The introduction of SIPP made the rheologica

16、l properties of copolyesters become worse, while the introduction of PBA or PEG could improve the rheological properties of copolyesters, which was beneficial to the spinnability of copolyesters. The no-isothermal crystallization kinetics behaviors of PTT and its copolyesters were consistent with th

17、e Jeziorny equation, the Avrami exponent n of PTT were between 4.24 to 4.61, suggested a three-dimensional spherulite growth with homogenous nucleation mechanism. The Avrami exponent n of the modified copolyesters were approximately from 1.72 to 2.64, so we assumed that the crystallization mechanism

18、 of modified copolyesters was heterogeneous nucleation. The activation energy of modified copolyesters were abvious higher than PTT, suggesting that the crystallization rate of the copolyesters was more sensitive to the cooling rate. Therefore, it was of great importance to control the cooling rate

19、in further processing.【关键词】聚对苯二甲酸丙二醇酯 阳离子染料可染 流变性能 非等温结晶性能【英文关键词】PTT cationic dyeable rheological property non-isothermal crystallization property【目录】阳离子染料可染PTT共聚酯的合成及性能研究摘要8-10Abstract10-11第1章 绪论12-231.1 引言121.2 PTT 的发展历史及现状12-131.3 PTT 的结构和性能13-171.3.1 PTT 的大分子构象13-141.3.2 PTT 的结晶结构14-151.3.3 PTT

20、的结晶动力学151.3.4 PTT 的粘弹行为151.3.5 PTT 纤维的性能15- PTT 纤维的拉伸及弹性恢复性能15- PTT 纤维的染色性能16- PTT 纤维的其它性能171.4 PTT 的应用17-181.4.1 在服用领域中的应用171.4.2 在地毯领域中的应用17-181.4.3 在非织造领域中的应用181.4.4 在其它领域中的应用181.5 聚酯的阳离子染料可染改性技术概述18-211.5.1 聚酯的阳离子染料可染改性技术的研究进展18-201.5.2 聚酯的阳离子染料可染改性原理20- 第三组分的

21、作用20- 第四组分的作用211.6 课题的提出及主要研究内容21-231.6.1 课题的意义21-221.6.2 主要研究内容22-23第2章 SIPP 的合成工艺23-332.1 引言23-252.2 实验25-272.2.1 实验原料25-262.2.2 实验操作262.2.3 测试方法26-272.3 结果与讨论27-312.3.1 SIPP 溶液的酯交换率选择272.3.2 催化剂对酯交换速率的影响27-292.3.3 催化剂用量对酯交换速率的影响292.3.4 1,3-PDO 与SIPM 的初始摩尔比对酯交换速率的影响29-302.3.5 反应温度对酯交换速率的影响30-312.3.6 醚防剂的使用312.4 小结31-33第3章 阳离子染料可染PTT 共聚酯的合成及表征33-453.1 引言33-353.2 实验35-373.2.1 实验原料353.2.2 合成工艺35-363.2.3 测试方法36-373.3 结果与讨论37-443.3.1 缩聚温度的选择37-383.3.2 组分对缩聚反应速度的影响383.3.2.1 第三组分对缩聚反应速度的影响383.3.2.2 第四组分对缩聚反应速度的影响383.


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