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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上荆州中学2006/2007学年度上学期期 末 试 卷年级:高一科目:英语 命题人:孙洪云 审题人:邹 霞第一部分 听力训练(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1How much will the woman pay for the tickets?A1.5 pounds.B4.5 pounds.C7.5 pounds.2What does the woman ask the man to do?ABuy some stamps.BPost a letter for her.CBuy some books

2、.b5E2RGbCAP3At what time is the woman starting off?A120 pm.B140 pm.C3 pm.4What will the man do?ABegin to eat his dinner.BWait till his friend comes.CGive an order at once.5Whats the relationship between the two speakers?p1EanqFDPwAShop assistant and customer.BWife and husband.CTeacher and student.第二

3、节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。请听第6段材料,回答67题。6 Whats the weather like today?ARainy.BWindy.CSunny.7 Wheres the mans raincoat?AIn the cupboard.BIn the suitcase.CIn the hall closet.DXDiTa9E3d请听第7段材料,回答第810题。8 What kind of room does the man want?AA double room with bath.BA single room with b

4、ath.CTwo single rooms.9 What services will the man have with the room?AA radio, a TV set and a telephone.BA TV set, a telephone and a computer.CA TV set, a telephone and a newspaper?10Whats the mans telephone number?A021.B012.C021.请听第8段材料,回答第1113题。11What does the woman want to visit?AThe British Mus

5、eum and the Tower of London.BThe Hyde Park and the British Museum.CThe Westminster Abbey and the Tower of London.12How much will the the woman pay for her tour?A5 pounds.B50 pounds.C15 pounds.13When can the woman visit the Tower of London?AIn the afternoon.BRight after lunch.CIn the morning.RTCrpUDG

6、iT请听第9段材料,回答第1417题。14What is the woman going to do next week?APrepare sales figures.BMove to a new house.CLook for a house with a bigger garden.15What do we know about the woman?AShe needs a quieter place.BHer present house is too small.CShe wants a house with a garden.16Who has the woman sent the r

7、eport to?AMrs. Hansen.BMiss Grace.CMr. Hansen.17What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?5PCzVD7HxAAShop assistant and customer.BManager and secretary. (秘书)CHusband and wife.听第10段材料,回答第1820题。18Why is the No. 16 bus of no use to the speaker?AIts always late.BIts always full.CIt arri

8、ves after the No. 49 bus.19How long does the speaker often wait for a bus?AOne hour.BTen minutes.CHalf an hour.20How many passengers can a bus carry at most according to the rules?jLBHrnAILgA40.B60.C129.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21I knocked

9、over my coffee cup. It went right over keyboard.xHAQX74J0X You shouldnt put drinks near computer.Athe, /Bthe, aCa, /Da, a 22Im thinking of the test tomorrow. Im afraid I cant pass this time.LDAYtRyKfE ! Im sure youll make it.AGo aheadBGood luckCNo problemDCheer up 23The young man acted str

10、angely during the interview. He made a bad Zzz6ZB2Ltkon the employer.AexpressionBimpressionCeffectDopinion 24The house rent is high. I have to pay as I used to.dvzfvkwMI1Aas five times muchBas much four timesCmuch as four timesDfour times as much 25Usually when the teacher steps into the c

11、lassroom at the bell, everybody rqyn14ZNXIthings ready for class.AgetsBhas gotCwill getDis getting 26Yesterday I bought a new bike, was very reasonable.EmxvxOtOcoAwhich priceBits priceCthe price of whichDwhose the price 27The work were doing is quite difficult, so your support will certain

12、ly .SixE2yXPq5Amake any differenceBmake a differenceCbe very differentDbe of some difference 28Early settlers (定居者)in this land found great difficulty to the hard living conditions.6ewMyirQFLAto fitBfittingCto settleDadapting 29They often quarrel each other and dont have much _ common.kavU

13、42VRUsAabout, onBwith, onCwith, inDon, in30Were just trying to reach a point both sides will sit down together y6v3ALoS89and talk.AwhereBthatCwhenDwhich31He hurried to the booking office only that all the tickets had been sold out.M2ub6vSTnPAto tellBto be toldCtellingDtold32Why didnt you tell him ab

14、out the meeting?He rushed out of the room I could say a word.0YujCfmUCwAbeforeBuntilCwhenDafter33The big wind damaged many houses and business buildings; , it caused 20 deaths.eUts8ZQVRdAor elseBthereforeCafter allDbesides34Ive made not a single mistake this time. in the exam.AYou should never be to

15、o careful.BYou should be more careful.CYou shouldnt be more careful.DYou shouldnt be so careful.35Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isnt much help when it shopping and eating.sQsAEJkW5TArefers toBspeaks ofCbases onDcomes to 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)  阅读

16、下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题中所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。GMsIasNXkALast year I was put into a lower-level math class at school. The reason had nothing to do with my math 36 . I was blind. The school decided that it would be better for me to 37 at a lower level because it took me a great deal longer to

17、38 the homework.TIrRGchYzgThe only problem in this class was that I was surrounded by 39 students. These were boys who didnt do well in school. Their home life was 40 different from mine, and they were constantly (经常地) in trouble 41 the school.7EqZcWLZNXI remember sitting at my desk one morning, 42

18、what I had gotten into. We had already finished our lesson for the day, and 43 of the boys began to talk about what they had done at the past weekend. I tried not to 44 , but it was really impossible not to. 45 the teacher was in the room, that didnt stop my classmates from 46 the parties they had b

19、een to, and how drunk they had been.lzq7IGf02EOne Tuesday morning, I went to a 47 . There was a speaker talking to us about 48 for our enemies. I began to think about this and prayed for (为祈祷)the boys in my class. I had forgotten that they werent good boys; they were just 49 .zvpgeqJ1hkWhen I heard

20、their voices in class, I would pray, “Dear God, please 50”As time went on, my classmates became more than just 51 boys to me. There was something growing inside my heart, something that wasnt there before. They began to feel like 52 , and I was learning to love them in a way I never thought possible

21、.NrpoJac3v1I now see that praying is such a 53 act. When I pray for those around me, it also blesses my 54 , and it changes my ideas of others. I realize I need Gods blessings to 55 the world through my loving eyes. The prayers I said for others turned out to help me the most.1nowfTG4KI36AskillsBres

22、earchCproblemsDknowledge37AplayBlearnCteachDprogress38AcopyBgo overCshareDfinish39AwiseBfoolishCnaughtyDfriendly40AclearlyBhardlyConlyDterribly41AinBofConDwith42AdoubtingBplanningCwonderingDimagining43Athe restBthe otherCallDnone44AconsiderBlistenCcryDappear45AEven thoughBWhenCNo matterDAs though46A

23、celebratingBdiscussingCjoiningDthrowing47ApartyBshopCmeetingDclub48Ascolding(指责)BpraisingCworkingDpraying49AlostBmissingCgoneDdisappointed50ApunishBblessCofferDsave51Awarm-heartedBhumorousCtroublesomeDsimple-minded52Aa teamBstrangersCbrothersDa family53ApowerfulBfoolishCstrongDromantic(浪漫)54Alearnin

24、gBmathClifeDmind55AtouchBseeCfeelDforget 第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AA man from Sri Lanka on Friday broke the Guinness world record for the longest time spent watching TV. He finished with 69 hours and 48 minutes.fjnFLDa5ZoSuresh Joachim did his TV viewing in the lobby of WABC-TV as part of th

25、e “Guinness World Record Breaker Week ” on the TV talk show “Live With Regis and Kelly”.tfnNhnE6e5After passing the previous record of 50 hours and 7 minutes Thursday, Joachim continued until about 7 am Friday.HbmVN777sLSitting on a brown leather couch, he watched nothing but ABC shows.V7l4jRB8Hs“Im

26、 going to be a little tired of watching TV after this,” Joachim told reporters by phone during a brief break.83lcPA59W9Rules of Guinness for the couch potato honor, allow for a five-minute break every hour and a 15-minute break every eight hours. The viewer must be constantly looking at the screen.m

27、ZkklkzaaPThe hardest part, Joachim said on Live With Regis and Kelly, was “I couldnt watch the people” the many, waving passers-by on the street outside the ABC studio.AVktR43bpwJoachim, who lives in Toronto but comes from Sri Lanka, now holds more than 16 Guinness records, including the longest dur

28、ation balancing on one foot (76 hours, 40 minutes) and bowling for 100 hours. He does it, he says, to raise awareness of suffering children.ORjBnOwcEd56Which paragraph shows the main idea of the passage?2MiJTy0dTTAThe first paragraph.BThe last paragraph.CThe second paragraph.DThe sixth paragraph.57H

29、ow many days had Joachim spent when the newcouch potatorecord was made?gIiSpiue7AAOne week.BTwo days.CFour days.DNearly three days.58Which of the following phrases can replace the underlined word “constantly”?uEh0U1YfmhAAll the time.BAt times.CSome time.DOnce upon a time.59Whats the biggest challeng

30、e for Joachim when he did his TV viewing?IAg9qLsgBXAThat Joachim could eat nothing.BThat Joachim couldnt watch the people outside the ABC studio.WwghWvVhPECThat Joachim felt very tired.DThat Joachim didnt have any time for a break.BReading is very important to help you learn English. To learn as muc

31、h as you can from reading, you need to read different kinds of English. This book provides not only different kinds of English but also a good way to check your reading ability.asfpsfpi4kThere are four parts in the book:Part 1 is Messages: In this part somebody wants to send information in writing t

32、o somebody else. There is a test on timetables and a test on text messages.ooeyYZTjj1Part 2 is People: In this part all the tests are about people. For example, there is an informal letter between friends. There is formal English in biography (传记). There is a job application(申请表) as a model to help

33、with your writing, as well as testing your reading.BkeGuInkxIPart 3 is Places: In this part, too, many different kinds of English are shown, some informal and some formal. There is the informal English of a holiday postcard. There is also the formal English in a letter of complaint(抱怨).PgdO0sRlMoPar

34、t 4 is Things: You will find some descriptive writing in this part. There are descriptions of clothes and of a computer.3cdXwckm15You can do these tests in any order you like, or you can do all the tests with a formal or informal text.h8c52WOngMI enjoyed writing this book and I hope you enjoy using

35、it.v4bdyGious60We can find the introduction to a product in .J0bm4qMpJ9APart 1BPart 2CPart 3DPart 461Which of the following is most probably written in informal English?XVauA9grYPAA letter of complaint.BA computer hand book.CA letter to a friend.DA story of president.62The passage is most probably w

36、ritten for .bR9C6TJscwAtest-designersBstudentsCtest-takersDteacherspN9LBDdtrd63Which of the following is the best title for the book?DJ8T7nHuGTATest your reading abilityBHelp with your writingCLearn different kinds of EnglishDPractice English in different waysCLooking back on my childhood, I believe

37、 that naturalists are born and not made. Although we were all brought up in the same way, my brothers and my sisters soon gave up their flowers and insects. Unlike them, I had no ear for music and languages. I was not an early reader and I could not do mental arithmetic (算术).QF81D7bvUABefore World W

38、ar I we spent our summer holidays in Hungary. I have only the dim(暗淡的) memory of the house we lived in, of my room and my toys. Nor do I recall clearly the large family of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who gathered next door. But I do have a crystal(水晶)clear memory of the dogs, farm animal

39、s, local birds, and above all, insects.4B7a9QFw9hI am a naturalist, nor a scientist. I have a strong love for the natural world and my enthusiasm (热情) has led me into varied investigations (调查). I love discussing my favorite topics and enjoy burning the midnight oil reading about other peoples obser

40、vations and discoveries. Then something brings these observations together in my mind. This has resulted in my publishing 300 papers and books.ix6iFA8xoXBut curiosity(好奇心), a keen (敏锐的)eye, a good memory and enjoyment of the animal and plant world do not make a scientist. A scientist, up to a point,

41、 can be made. A naturalist is born. If you can combine the two, you get the best of both worlds.wt6qbkCyDE64The first paragraph tells us the writer .Kp5zH46zRkAwas interested in flowers and insects in his childhoodYl4HdOAA61Blost his hearing when he was a childCdidnt like his brothers and sistersDwa

42、s born into a naturalists family65The writer cant clearly remember his relatives probably because .ch4PJx4BlIAhe didnt live very long with themBthe family was very largeChe was too young when he lived with themDhe devoted himself to observing nature66It can be inferred from the passage that the writ

43、er was .qd3YfhxCzoAa scientist as well as a naturalistBnot a naturalist but a scientistConly a born naturalistDfirst of all a scientist67According to the writer, a born naturalist should first of all be .E836L11DO5Agood at mathsBfull of enthusiasmCknowledgeableDself-disciplined(自我约束)DTo reach the wo

44、rlds richest country, you dont need to set out for the Middle East, but for the South Pacific, to a tiny dot just south of the equator, called Nauru. Only 8.2 square miles in size, the whole of this county can be seen form the air as the plane comes into land. The blue South Pacific Ocean reaches fo

45、r thousands of miles in all directions, the nearest piece of land Ocean Island 200 miles to the east.S42ehLvE3MNauru is so small that the plane lands in what is best regarded as the capitals main street. The seaward side of the runway has traffic lights at each end to stop cars when planes are landi

46、ng. The tiny bus station outside the airport is crowded with well-fed and brightly clothed Naurans with their modern cars.501nNvZFisWith Naurans now getting an average of $44,500 a year, the islands 60,000 people seem to have little to worry about. A trip to the islands central hump (隆峰) tells a sli

47、ghtly different story.jW1viftGw9The hump with a great deal of phosphate (磷酸盐) round is Naurus wealth. When Nauru gained freedom from the British government in 1968, about 40 million tons of the earliest 100 million tons of phosphate were left. Since it has taken out another 10 million tons, the rest

48、 is only enough for another 20-25 years.xS0DOYWHLP68The best title for the passage should be .LOZMkIqI0wAWealth and population of NauruBThe most beautiful country in the worldCA small island surrounded by the South Pacific OceanZKZUQsUJedDA small but rich island country69It can be inferred from the

49、passage that .dGY2mcoKtTANauru has not build a runway in the airport yetBNauru is not large enough to build a runway of the planerCYbSWRLIACthe Naurans are not rich enough to build a runway of the planeFyXjoFlMWhDno cars run on the main street70From the last sentence of the passage we can learn that

50、 the writer wants to tell us TuWrUpPObX .Awhy Naurans are so richBsomething more about NauruCsomething for Naurans to worry aboutDhow the British robbed Nauru of their wealth71How many tons of phosphate will probably be taken out in Nauru per year?7qWAq9jPqEA2,000,000 to 2,500,000 tons.B2,800,000 to

51、 3,500,000 tons.C1,200,000 to 1,500,000 tons.D400,000 to 500,000 tons.EPets are no strangers to the White House. Many of Americas Presidents have been animal lovers. In recent times, White House pets have been tame (温顺的) dogs and cats. Long ago, however, presidential pets, like our nation itself, we

52、re wild!llVIWTNQFkIn 1806, President Thomas Jefferson lived in the White House. Passersby often caught sight of his pet bears. Explorers had discovered these fierce (凶猛的)bears, caught a pair of small ones, and sent them to Jefferson. While the President was excited about his bears, his enemies in Co

53、ngress constantly laughed at his pets, calling the White House “The Presidents Bear Garden”.yhUQsDgRT1By 1825, the bears were long gone from the White House scene. The building was home to President John Quincy Adams and his crocodile (鳄鱼). The green beast actually belonged to General Lafayette, a F

54、rench hero who had helped the United States win the Revolutionary War. When Lafayette asked Adams to keep the crocodile for him, the President couldnt refuse.MdUZYnKS8IWhen President Martin Van Buren moved into the White House in 1837, he brought his tigers with him. At least, Van Buren said the tigers were his. The Sultan of Oman had sent the tigers when Van Buren was elected, so Congress argued(争辩说)that the cats belonged to the American people. A fight over the tigers continued for months. In the end, Congress sent someone to seize the tigers and


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