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1、LS型输送机LSIIScrewconveyor使用说明书Operational Manual芜湖起重Wuhu Crane & Conveyor Co.,简介 Product introduction“奇威”牌LS输送机是LS 型,设计制输送机的更新换代造EN618 标准,结构设计贯彻标准化、系列化、通用化。“Qiwei” brand LSII screw conveyor is new generation product developingbased on LS type. The design and fabrication comply with EN618 standard,

2、 withits structure of standardization, series, and generalization.LS型输送机消化吸收了丹麦史密斯公司的先进技术,对该设备冷中间吊轴承的结构和轴承的材质作了较大的改进。铸铁作为吊轴承的主要材料。铸铁耐磨性能好,通常情况下不需要润滑,最高工作温度可达260,特适合输送水泥、煤粉、熟石灰、矿渣等中等以上磨琢性物料。Intermediate hanging bearing updates on the material and structure based ontechnology introduced from F.L.Smith

3、 of Denmark. Chilled hard cast iron servesas the major material. Parts adopt precision machining. The upper and lowerbearing shell need no machining. The material has good wareandgenerally no oiling is needed. The highest work temperature can be 260 . Thestructure is well applicable to conveying abr

4、asive material like cement, coalpowder, clink, slag, etc.LS型输送机结构新颖合理,技术指标先进,密封性能好,适用性强,整机噪音低,操作维修方便,进出料口的位置布置灵活,尾轴端配置速度装置。LSII has unique and reasonable structure with advanced technology indicators.The equipment is widely applicable with easy maintenance and low noise. Cover board has good seal pe

5、rformance. Layout of input and output is flexible and the tail shaft end has speed detection device.1输送机被广泛地用在各个工业部门,如建材、电力、化工、冶金机械 、。轻工、造纸、粮食及食品行业;适用于水平或小于 20倾角,输送粉状、粒状和小块状物料,如水泥、煤粉、粮食、化肥、灰渣、。This is widely applied in various industries, such as construction material,power, chemical, mlurgy, light

6、industry, paper, grain and food, etc. It is。applicable in horizontal or <20inclined conveying of powder, granular or smalllumps like cement, coal powder, grain, fertilizer, slag and sand, etc.机不宜输送易变质的、粘性大的、易结块的物料,因为这类物料在输送时会粘结在上,并随之旋转而不向前移动或在吊轴承处形成物料积塞,而设备不能正常工作。This is not applicable in conveyi

7、ng sticky or lumpy material, because suchmaterial will stick onto the screw and will not advance. Sometimes the materialmay conglomerate at the intermediate hanging bearing to influence the normaloperation of the equipment.LS型输送机驱动方式分为两种:Two types of drive unit for LSII:C1机长度小于 35m 时,驱动C1 methodScre

8、w conveyor length less than 35m, single end drive adopted;C2机长度大于 35m 时,双端驱动C1 methodScrew conveyor length more than 35m, both end drive adopted.吊轴承的种类分为:Intermediate hanging bearing categorized as:D材质轴瓦 Chilled hard material bearing shell2D1自润滑轴瓦Self oiling bearing shellD2润滑轴瓦Oiling bearing shellD3

9、滚动轴瓦Roller bearing shellLS型输送机的机械电气系统的安全要求,符合欧洲EN12100-1; EN12100-2; EN618 和 EN60204-1: 2006 标准的范畴。LEII type equipment in mechanical security and electrical system securitycomply with European EN12100-1, EN12100-2, EN617 and EN60204-1 : 2006standard scope.LS型输送机的制造材料为普通钢材,输送物料的最高温度80。当温度大于 80时可选用不锈钢

10、等特殊钢材制作。LSII is made of ordinary steel to handle material with the temperature80.“奇威”牌LS型号定义如下:LSII mdefined as following机LS××× × L n C1 D吊轴承类 bearing 驱动类别drive 转速r/min rotation机长度m length直径mm screw dia 二次改进型 second updated m S 为水平式 horizontal m L 为目 录 Contents3Screw conveyorn使用说

11、明书根据客户的使用需求由以下This manual comprisesthefollowingbasedonusersrequirementsn6信息Product profile安全注意事项Security itemsn6n警告8Warning itemsn10特别提示Specia l notice一、概要 General特点和各部分12Product character ist ics and components二、型号定义、功能及外型Mdefinition,funct ion and outline1.13机的型号定义Screw conveyor mdefinition2.LS型输送机

12、规格、技术参数14LSII screw conveyor specification and technical data3.14设备各部分名称的外型Component name and outline data4.设备的工作原理及各部分作用说明16Operation fundamenta l of equipment and component funct ion5.设备的功率Equipment power17三、设备的搬运、安装Moving and insta lla tion1.设备的搬运、吊装Moving and hoisting172.设备的安装空间及操作室174Equipment

13、insta lla tion room and operation cabinet3.设备的安装19Equipment insta lla tion4.拆卸废品的处理22Disposa l of abandonedparts22四、机的使用维护保养与润滑Operation maintena nce and oiling五、所用轴承目录表Bearing contents sheet2525六、关于运转的安全警告Security warning of equipment operation七、故障分析27Operationa l problems analysis信息Product informa

14、tion5型号 mLS500 型机最大直径 largest screw dia.500mm输送物料 Material handled窑 灰 Silo ash输送速度 Conveying speed41r/min电机型号 Reducer motor typeZ.108M132M4电机功率Motor power7.5kwOutline sizes24120×675×680设备外型设备重量Equipment weight4320kg编号Product codeFabrication date制造日期安全注意事项:Safety notesn为了安全、正确的使用本设备,使用前务必认真

15、阅读本说明书事项,在熟记本设备的工作原理、安全信息及注意事项后使用。In order to use this equipment in a safe and correct way, please read this manualcarefully and well remember the work fundamental, safety information andsafety notes before start to use.n使用该设备的用户必须具备本手册,阅读后,请务必妥善保管,以便。The user must have the manual and keep it well f

16、or later consulting afterreading it.n本手册和设备的警告标志是指有关要求,不采取相应的安全措施,就有可能导致的和设备的损坏。The warning signals on the manual and the equipment means if the related rules6would not be observed, damage to equipment and people would occur.n要求Requirement on operator对操作本设备的在本设备上进行操作要熟悉设备的安装、调试,投入空载运行和负载运行的步骤和相关要求,以

17、及对可能出现的各种紧急情况采取相应的措施,并要求必须具备下列条件:The operator must be familiar with installation, testing, non-load and loadoperation procedures and requirements and should be capable of taking propermeasures at various emergencies. The following conditions are in need:经过培训,能够按常规和本手册规定的安全操作步骤工作,对设备上的电路进行接电、断电、接地、连接

18、等,并能对本设备进行维修 、使用和保护,同时还必须做到:Qualifiedafter training; capable of handlingsupply connection, cutting,grounding, etcaccordingtocommon rulesandspecifiedrulesof safeoperational procedures in the manual; Capable of maintenance, operationandprotection; The following should also be made:(1)检查安全装置是否正常;Daily

19、check of the security device;(2)确保开机前所有操作都要保持警戒;Keep operators watching before startup;(3)设备在运行中经常检视该设备各机件的工作状态;Often inspect the operation conditions of all parts of the equipment;(4)机的机盖在设备运转时不能取下,以免发生事故;The cover of the screw conveyor cannot be removed during operation to7avoid possible accident;

20、(5)机各运行零部件应经常加润滑油;Various moving parts need regular oiling;(6)未做好设备的保养、准备及妥善的调整前,不得开机。No start of the equipment before proper maintenance, preparation andadjustment.警告!Warning(1)本设备带有电压,设备接电后在运行和操作时,不得打开电柜门和电器箱,以免触电造成意外。Equipment with dangerous electricity. When operation with electricity, electricc

21、abinet and control cabinet door cannot be open to avoid electricity danger.(2) 本设备需具有良好的接地装置,输入的电源只连接性紧固电源线。The equipment has grounding device. Input supply must be connected to eternalfax electric wine.(3) 本设备在使用现场(地点)安装必须妥善的进行,并满足下列条件的要求:Site installation must be in a proper way and need satisfy t

22、he following:a.本设备安装至少应在机正式安装以前20 天浇灌完成其基础,其基础应能可靠地支承机不因地基支承力过小而发生本设备的下沉和额外变形,保证本设备在运转时具有足够的稳定性。The foundation of the screw conveyor need to be finished 20 days prior to theinstallation. The foundation must be strong enough and ensure the equipment of8no sinking or deforming because of insufficient

23、support. The foundation mustprovide the equipment enough support for its stable operation.b.本设备安装以前,必须将那些在途中或卸箱时粘土垢的零部件加以,该设备经专业安装安装调试完毕,所有的联接螺钉拧紧至可靠的程度,经过运转后,任何非专业不得任意改变,如确定要进行调整,应指定专业进行。Before installation, all parts spurred with earth in transportation need to becleaned. The equipment should be i

24、nstalled and tested by the professional staffand all bolts should be reliably fixed. After operation, no alteration will bemade by any non professional staff. If any necessary adjustment, it should bemade by professional staff.(4) 防止儿童和非本设备操作接触或接近本设备。No approach for children and non operator of the

25、equipment.(5)在安装和调试设备之前,请仔细阅读这些安全规则和警告,以及设备上粘贴的所有警告标志,确保警告标志在醒目的位置,并更换损坏和脱落的标志。Before install and test the equipment, please carefully read the safety rules andwarnings and all the warning labels on the equipment. The warning labels mustbe put at apparent location and should be changed in time after

26、 wearing out.(6) 只有熟悉本手册所有安全说明和有关安装、调试、操作和维修的规定,正确地进行装、拆、维护,是实现本设备投入运行的可靠保证。Tokeeptheequipmentinsafeandreliableoperation,alltherulesaboutinstallation, testing, operation and maintenance on the manual should be9familiarized.特别提示!Special notes使用本设备的安全事项:Safety notes for using this equipment(1)输送机开启运行前

27、,请注意仔细检查各紧固件是否松动,如果发现有机件松动,则应立刻拧紧螺钉、螺母、使之紧固。Before start, please check all fixing members. If any loosening found, oneshould right now tight up the screw and nut.(2)机应在机壳内没有输送物料时,即无负荷起动。起动后再开始向输送机槽内加料。The screw conveyor should start unloaded when no material in the casing.After start the equipment,

28、the material can be fed in.(3) 设备在输送物料时,物料内不得混入坚硬的大块状材料,避免叶片卡死造成设备的损坏。In conveying materials, no big and hard lumps should be put in, which mayblock the moving screws and damage the equipment.(4) 应当特别注意联接与中间吊轴承螺栓是否松动掉下或者剪断,如发现此等现象应当立即停机,并马上更换。Pay special attention to the bolting connection between s

29、teel shaft andintermediate hanging bearing. If loosening or tear-up found, the equipmentshould be stopped immediately.(5) 为了保证输送机无负荷起动要求,输送机在正常停机前应停止加料,等机壳槽内输送物料已被输送完毕后,方可停止运转。10To satisfy non loaded startup of the screw conveyor, the screw conveyorshouldstopfeedingandwaittocompletedischargingbefore

30、stopequipment.(6)机的盖板在输送机运转时不应打开,以免发生。During operation, the cover board should not be open in case of the possibledanger.(7)机的各运动部件应经常加润滑油。All moving parts should be oiled regularly.一、概要 General11“奇威”牌LS型输送机是 LS 型输送机的更新换代,设计制造符合EN618 标准,结构设计贯彻标准化、通用化。“Qiwei” brand LSII screw conveyor is new generati

31、on product developingbased on LS type. The design and fabrication comply with EN618 standard, withits structure of standardization, series, and generalization.LS型输送机结构新颖合理,技术指标先进,密封性能好,适用性强,整机噪音低,操作维修方便,进出料口的位置布置灵活。LSII has unique and reasonable structure with advanced technology indicators. The equ

32、ipment is widely applicable with easy maintenance and low noise. Cover board has good seal performance. Layout of input and output is flexible.输送机是一种不带挠性件的输送设备。槽内松散物料通过叶片向一定方向输送。在输送中的物料受其自重和叶片推进力的相互作用沿着叶片表面滑动前进。Screw conveyor is a type of conveying equipment without flexible members.Loose material m

33、ove to a certain direction through screw action. In screwconveying, the material under the interaction of self weighting and propellingforce of the screw, will slip along the screw surface.本设备由以下几个主要部分组成:Major parts composed标准中间节Standard middle casingLS型输送机的规格型号和结构可根据用户的生产能力和实际需要进行12出料口Output进料口Inpu

34、t尾节机壳Tail flight casing尾部轴承装配Tail bearing assembly吊轴承装配Hanging bearing assembly机壳Head flight casing头部轴承装配Head-bearing assembly驱动装置Drive设计。设计的机械安全标准和机械电气系统的安全需求符合EN12100-1、EN12100-2、EN618 和 EN60204-1:2006 标准的范畴。LSII type specifications and structure can be adjustable according to users capacityand pr

35、actical requirement. Mechanical safety and electrical systemdesign complywith EN12100-1,EN12100-2,EN618 and EN60204-1:2006 scope.型号、定义及外型Mdefinition and outline二、1.型号定义 MdefinitionLS500×22 41C1D吊轴承类 bearing驱动类别drive转速r/min rotation机长度m length直径mm screw dia二次改进型 second updated mS 为水平式horizontal

36、mL 为Screw conveyor2.LS型输送机规格、技术参数:LSII specifications and technical data13规格型号1001602002503154005006308001000 M直径Screw dia.1001602002503154005006308001000螺距Screw spacing100160200250315355400450500560n807163504032Q2.271322316298140200280n112908071636550403225Q1.7610160220n90716356504540322520Q1.45814

37、176N71565045403632252016Q1.13.16.21115.43150771021403.(见图 1)设备的各部分名称和外形Equipment parts and outline size (Refer to drawing 1)14头部轴承装配轴机壳中间吊轴承进料口标准节机壳尾部轴承装配驱动装置选配节机壳尾节机壳he ad b ea ri ngas se mb les c re w re am erhe a dca si ngdr i vi ngd evic ehang in g be arin gi nlets ta ndar d ca si ngta ilb ea ri

38、 nga s se mb leco nf ig ura ti on c as in gta il c as in g出料口o ut le t96 82 26 55设备的各部分名称和外形each part's name and size of the equipment图 1drawing 14.设备的工作原理及各部分作用说明Work fundamental and functions of the various parts4.1 本设备主要由驱动装置、头部轴承装配、机壳、若干标准中节机壳、尾节机壳、尾部轴承装配、进料口、出料口及电气系统组成。除机壳、尾节机壳和选配节外,各节管及机壳均

39、具有互换性。在出料端管为卸料,安装时请注意位置。设备起动后开始向输送机的进料口加料,在通过叶片旋转向出料口输送物料。The equipment is made up of the drive unit, head bearing assembly, headflight casing, several middle casings, tail flight casing, input, output andelectrical control system, etc. Except head, tail flight and adjustment flight,other screw pipe

40、 and casings are interchangeable. At output end, the screw pipeis discharging screw, whose position need to be paid attention in installation.After start up, feeding material through input and conveying them to thedischarging end.4.2 驱动装置由一台齿轮马达电机承担,在头部轴承座内装有一对单列圆锥滚子轴承,可承受移运物料时而产生的轴向力。The drive unit

41、 is gearbox. A pair of the single column roller bearings is fixed inthe head bearing house and bear the axial force out of material moving.4.3机壳内设有吊轴承,机壳下方有支承底座。每一中间节吊轴承(整体滑动轴承),用以支撑管轴。Intermediate hanging bearing is fixed in the head flight casing. Supporting seatis under the casing. Between each m

42、iddle flight, a intermediate hanging16bearing(slip bearing) is used to support screw pipe.4.4 在输送机的尾部装有双列向心球面球轴承用以支撑管轴和补偿长度的误差。At thescrew conveyor end, double column centering ball bearing is used tosupport screw pipe shaft and its sleeve can compensate the length deviation.4.5 电器系统Electrical contr

43、ol system是本设备的枢纽,电气原理图的电气元件集中安装于电气柜内,电气室与本设备按钮及各显示仪表设置于室的电气柜面板上的。操作在室内操作。As the control center of the equipment, electrical members from the electricalfundamental drawings are collected in the electrical control cabinet. Thecabinet is separate with the equipment. Control buttons and various meters a

44、reset on the panel of the electrical control cabinet in the separate room. Theoperator work in it.5. 设备的功率:Equipment power7.5kw三、设备的搬运、安装Movement and installation1.设备的搬运、吊装:Moving and hoisting本设备采用铁制包装箱(架)包装,可用铲车或吊车进行装卸。Iron frame (box) packing and easily handled by the forklift and crane.2.的安装空间及操作

45、位置图(按图 2 虚线)Equipment installation room and operation position drawings (according todrawing 2 spotted line)17出料口o ut le t68维修走廊 t he w a lk wa yfo rm ai nt a i n i n g维修走廊 t he w a lk wa yf o rm ai nt a i n i n g2 3 8 15设备的安装空间及室柜cont rol boxin stal lati on s pa ce a nd c ontr ol r oom图 2drawing 2维

46、修走廊thew alkw ayf orm ai nt aini ng8 408 0 0 100069 0 3.设备的安装Equipment installation(1) 打开包装箱(架)后,用吊车分别把各部件吊到地面上,必须将那些在途中或卸箱时粘上尘垢的机件加以。并检查零部件各部分是完好无缺。Unpacking box (frame), all parts are put onto ground by crane. Dust orearth wrapped on them during transportation need to be cleaned and checked.(2) 现场安

47、装必须妥善地进行,并满足本技术条件的要求。Site installation should be made in proper way and satisfy technicalrequirements.a.机正式安装以前 20 天浇灌完成,输送机安装基础至少应在该基础应能可靠地支承输送机不因地基过软和额外的变化,保证螺旋机在运转时具有足够的稳定性。The foundation of the screw conveyor need to be finished 20 days prior tothe installation. The foundation must be strong eno

48、ugh and ensure theequipment of no sinking or deforming because of insufficient support. Thefoundation must provide the equipment enough support for its stableoperation.b.相邻机壳面应连接平整、密合,机壳内表面接头处错位偏差2毫米。Neighboring flange surface should be flat and close tight. Inner sidesurface at connection point mis

49、alignment 2mm.c.机壳间垫橡胶石棉板带调整机壳和管长度的积累误差。安装时应从头部开始,顺序进行。29Between casing flange, rubber asbestos gasket is allowed to place to adjustthe accumulated tolerance for casings and screw pipe.叶片外径与机壳内壁的间隙应符合表 1 规定,最小间隙不得小于d.名义间隙的 50%。The gap between screw outline diameter and inner side of the casing shoul

50、d comply with form1. the minimum value cannot be 50% less than the nominated value.表 1 (form 1)mme.机各中间吊轴承应可靠地固定在支承角钢上,与相邻联接后转动均匀,不得有卡住现象,安装时可以通过调整上、下支承角钢的位置以保证各吊轴承同轴,安装后体轴线的同轴度应符合表 2 规定。Intermediate hanging bearing should be fixed firm to the supporting anglesteel. After connection with the neighbo

51、ring screw, the rotation should keepsmooth. In installation, the upper and lower supporting angle steel can beadjusted to ensure all hanging bearing coaxial and to satisfy the coaxial degreeof the assembled screw with the following form2.表2 (form2)f.电机轴的同轴度应符合GB1184-80(形状和位置公机主轴与差、未注公差的规定)附表 4 中的 10

52、 级的规定。20机长度L(m)315153030505070同轴度(mm)Coaxial degree46810公称直径DScrew dia1001602002503154005006308001000名义间隙Nominated gap7.51012.51520The coaxial degree of screw conveyor main shaft and reducer shaft shouldcomply with 10th class on standard GB1184-80 annex 4.g.机的各底座在机壳装配妥善后,应使之着实后再拧紧地脚螺栓。After proper assembly of the screw conveyor body, the bolts of supportshould be tightened.h.设备的所有


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