1、 Explore the biological, psychological, and social aspects of the human stress response. Describe the difference between adaptive and maladaptive coping strategies. Understand coping strategies that increase resilience to promote productive living and healthy aging. Diminished Immunity Headache Fati
2、gue Weight gain Dyslipidemia Hypertension Heart Disease Psoriasis/Eczema Digestive problems Anxiety Depression Alcoholism Substance abuse Insomnia Irritable bowel syndrome Fibromyalgia Decreased sex drive Stress: A state of disharmony or a threat to homeostasis Physiological changes increase alertne
3、ss, focus, and energy Perceived demands may exceed the perceived resources Coping: The ability to maintain control, think rationally, and problem solve Resilience: Resistant quality that permits a person to recovery quickly and thrive in spite of adversity Eustress Manageable Stress can lead to grow
4、th and enhanced competence Distress Uncontrollable, prolonged, or overwhelming stress is destructive. Acute Stress Immediate response to a threat or challenge Chronic Stress Ongoing exposure to stress, may seem unrelenting External causes Family, work, economics, work, school, major life changes, un
5、foreseen events, etc. Internal causes Worry, uncertainty, fear, attitudes, unrealistic expectations, etc.For patients Uncertainty Fear Pain Cost Lack of knowledge Risk for harm Unknown resourcesFor nurses Poor patient outcomes Risk of making an error Unfamiliar situations Excessive workload Inadequa
6、te resources Alarmwhen one feels threatened Activation of the fight or flight reaction Resistancemobilization of resources to solve the problem Continued stress causes adaptation Exhaustion Adaptation fails and level of function decreasesCatecholamines Increases cardiac output Dilates airways Dilate
7、s pupils Mobilizes glucose Causes vasomotor changes Decreases digestion Enhances coagulationCortical Steroids Elevates glucose Increases amino acids Increases NA resorption Increases extracellular fluid volume Inhibits histamine and bradykinin Suppresses the immune response Adaptation occurs Activat
8、ion of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis continues The stressor may be resolved The body returns to homeostasis May progress to exhaustion Stress continues as resources are depleted Occurs when the demands of the stress exceeds the persons ability to adapt. Functioning declines May result in h
9、ealth problems Physical symptoms Mental symptoms Cognitive Decreased concentration, comprehension, & memory Behavioral Irritability, withdrawal, violence Emotional Fear, anxiety, depression, fatigue Physiological Increased BP, HR, Respirations, etc Somatic symptoms Decreased immune responseGenet
10、ics Genes control the stress response Individuals have different responses to stress There is a genetic component to: fearful behavior anxiety disorders Neurobiological responseDevelopment Life experiences can affect a persons stress response Social support Strong support is protective Early life st
11、ress Increases stress reactivity as an adultCoping Ability to control emotions Ability to perceive reality Ability to think rationally Ability to problem solve Culturally definedResilience The ability to bounce back The positive capacity to cope with stress Provides resistance to negative events Har
12、diness, ResourcefulnessAdaptive Coping Contribute to resolution of the stress responseMaladaptive Coping Strategies that cause further problemsActive Coping Actively seeking resolution to the stress Realistic expectations Set realistic goals Planning Anticipate problems, have a backup plan Reframing
13、 Change the way you look at things Relaxation Learn relaxation techniques, take time-out for leisure Discuss the problem Utilize existing social supports to problem solve Training Prepares for stressful events Nutrition Eat healthy, avoid skipping meals Exercise Include regular exercise Sleep Get ad
14、equate sleepavoid fatigue Blurring of boundaries Avoidance/withdrawal Negative attitude Anger outbursts Alcohol/Drugs Hopelessness Negative self-talk Resentment Violence Positive Role Models Optimism Humor Moral Compass Altruism Religion & Spirituality Social Support Transmit: Attitudes Values S
15、kills Patterns of thoughts and behaviors Positive Beliefs Associated with well being Cognitive reframing Positive thinking Refute the negative thinking Believe in a meaningful cause It is important to acknowledge relevant negative factors Highly effective Mature coping mechanism“Another of the souls
16、 weapons for the fight for self-preservation, it is well known that humor, more then anything else in the human makeup, can provide an aloofness and the ability to rise above any situation, even for a few seconds.” Viktor Frankl Conduct a moral inventory “Look not for any greater harm then this, des
17、troying the trustworthy, self-respecting, well-behaved man within you.” Epicetus Maintain your integrity “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Viktor Frankl Unselfish regarding the welfare
18、 of others Believe in a meaningful cause Mutual cooperation Activates of the brains reward center Associated with psychological and physical well being Guards against despair Provides social support Provides positive role models Provides a positive mission Social support has a profound effect on lif
19、e expectancy Patients have better outcomes with strong social support Isolation and poor social support are associated with a poor stress response Few hardy individuals “go it alone” Recognize skills and talents Inventory strengths Use your strengths and talents Decide what works Actively cope Apply
20、 concepts to enable active coping. Stress is part of everyday life It can promote growth and competency If unrelenting or overwhelming it can cause adverse effects Adaptive coping enhances resilience Maladaptive coping causes additional problems Enhanced coping increases resilience while diminishing
21、 the adverse affects of stress, thus promoting health Set realistic expectations Exercise regularly Eat healthy Get adequate sleep Maintain a work-leisure balance Positive Reframing & optimism Enhance social support Building resilience: http:/ Diet, exercise, stress and the immune system: http:/
22、/disorders/chronic_fatigue_syndrome/hic_diet_exercise_stress_and_the_immune_system.aspx Exercise: Rev up your routine to reduce stress: http:/ Positive thinking: Reduce stress, enjoy life more: http:/ Stress management for patient and physician: http:/ Stress management: Unders
23、tand your sources of stress: http:/ Stress reduction techniques: A must for a healthy lifestyle: http:/ List your current sources of stress. Conduct an inventory of coping strategies that you use or have used in the past.Include maladaptive strategies List your signature strengths and factors that m
24、ay enhance your resilience. While considering the above, develop a personalized stress management plan to enhance your coping and resilience. Ahern, N., Ark, P., Byers, J. (2001). Resilience and coping strategies in adolescents. Paediatric Nursing. 28(10).Beckmann-Murray, R., Proctor-Zentner, J., &a
25、mp; Yakimo, R. (2009). Health promotion strategies through the life span. New Jersey: Prentice HallBhui, K., King, M., Dein, S., & OConor, (2008). Ethnicity and religious coping with mental distress. Journal of Mental Health. 12(2).Copstead, L. C. & Banasik, J. L. (2010). Pathophysiology: Biological and behavioral perspectives (2nd ED.) USA: W. B. Saunders CompanyFielding, R (Undated) Retrieved September 25, 2007 from:
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