



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2018-2019学年江南中学初三下学期3月月考一 单选 1. -_will the invitations be sent to our guests? -In three days.A.How often B.How soon C.How long D.How far2. Hearing the shout for help, little Jack jumped _the rubbish bin and rushed out of the room.A.into B.out C.over D.off3. According to the local rule,

2、children under the age of 12 _ride a shared bike in Wuxi.A.neednt B.shouldnt C.mustnt D.may not4. What you are supposed to do _you dont like a thing is to change it. Dont complain.A.when B.where C.what D.why5. This is your first time to do this kind of job. But, to my surprise, it _to be excellent.A

3、.turns out B.works out C.puts out D.comes out6. -You are always so lazy! I have never seen _bedroom before.-Sorry! I will clean it at once.A.an untidy B.an untidier C.the untidiest D.the untidier7. -Youre looking very smart in a new suit today.-Thanks. But to tell you the truth, I _it for quite a fe

4、w years.A.bought B.have bought C.had D.have had8. Tom was late this morning and again he said his clock didnt wake him up. But Ill never buy that! The word buy in the sentence means _.A.believe B.expect C.prove D.understand9. _progress he has made since he came to this language school!A.What much B.

5、What a great C.How much D.How great10. -Would your sister go to Hainan this summer?-If I dont, _.A.so will she B.so does she C.neither will she D.neither does she11. -Im afraid that you look a bit fatter than before.-Yeah. I need to start exercising and get back in _.A.size B.height C.style D.shape1

6、2. -Do you think Im suitable to be the chairperson of the helping hands club?-Itll be difficult _youve got experience of community work.A.while B.if C.unless D.because13. -I hear well take a trip to the Turtle Head park after the examination.-Thats not bad at all. But I wonder _.A.when and where sha

7、ll we start B.what shall we get away for itC.if there will be heavy rain that day D.that well go there by bus or on foot14. -Chris didnt even look at me. I did say hello to him with a big smile!-_. But that is just so Chris. Hes always living in his own world.A.No wonder B.No worries C.I bet you did

8、 D.I doubt you did四词汇运用 A 根据句意和汉语解释,写出单词的适当形式。1. After hearing it, the doctor put down his _(筷子) and left at once.2. As we all know, seed are often _(使散开)by wind.3. _(比较)with your city, our city is less polluted.4. Why have you bought so many _(电子的)products for such a little boy?B 根据句意,写出括号内所给单词的适当形

9、式1. When it came time to turn these _(invent) ideas into real products, the work was sent to China.2. The president has this painting _(hang) in the White House as a celebration of American art.3. Who let out the news that still remained _(know)? It made the boss really angry.4. Im sorry you are _(c

10、omplete) wrong. Youve made a serious mistake.五动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空1. No one in the department but Tom and I _(know) that the director is going to resign.2. -Since I have spent so much time playing computer games these days, I would rather work harder than before _(pass) the exam.-Well. I hope so.3.T

11、he children _(teach) to skate last year and now they can skate very well.4.-Do you want to go to the talk on recycling?-Great! I _(look) for some information for my article on the topic.5.Attention, please. We dont allow _(skate) here.6. Its said that the price of houses in Wuxi _(rise) by 15% recen

12、tly.七完成句子 根据所给汉语,用英语完成下列句子1. 到目前为止,可以确定森林大火已经再消防队员的控制之中了。So far, it is certain that the forest fire _of the firemen.2. 明星该如何得体吸引粉丝注意,网上对此曾有热议。There was a heated discussion on _3. 能在这么短时间内开展调查问卷,领队对于这一点感到很满意。The team leader was _the survey in such a short time.4. 我真后悔弄得这么一团糟,我不得不从头开始。I really _that I

13、 had to start all over again.5. 突如其来的大雨使得他们毫无选择只得缩短了行程。They _their journey because of the sudden heavy rain.6. 不同类型的花将覆盖这个新花园的四分之三。_different types of flowers.八书面表达 学校科技节组织征文大赛,邀请同学们讨论人类搬去其他星球生活的话题。请你认真阅读征文启事,并根据写作要点和注意事项写一篇征文参加比赛。Life on another planet People believe that humans could live on anoth

14、er planet in the near future. Do you know how we can get there? How much time does it take? What do we eat on another planet? What are the houses and schools like? What are the forms of entertainment on it? What kind of money will be used there? If you can answer all the questions, youre welcome to

15、take part in our competitions. Come on!The technology club注意事项:1. 文章内容须根据写作要点自拟,要求语句通顺,意思连贯,符合语境;2. 词数90个左右,征文的首尾已在答题卷上给出,不计入总词数;3. 征文内容必须写在答题卷的指定位置。Life on another planetPeople believe that humans could live on another planet in the near future because of the development of science. _I think life o

16、n another planet would be interesting and exciting. Im looking forward to that.二 完型 Two years after I finished medical school, I began my internship(实习)in a hospital. There, I met with a patient named Benny. I discovered that he was 1 for a heart transplant(移植). He'd seen so many

17、fellow patients during his stay that he felt comfortable giving tips to the2 men and women.    "You have got a minute?" he asked me one day.    "I have a minute."    "I see a new group of interns here every month. But I think

18、 I have to say something to you. Matt, it seems that you're always in a 3 and that talking to me is another box to check for you,"' he said.    These words were 4 for me. No one wants to hear that his patients think he doesn't 5 about the

19、m.    "Take a look at what you're doing. You're sitting down, and we're having an actual6. Usually you just," Benny said.    "Plan to run away as soon as I enter the room. "    "Yeah"    From that d

20、ay on, I found myself7 in to see Benny often, not only to examine him but also to talk about how I was working hard8a new doctor.    As the months passed, I was becoming a better doctor, but nothing happened to Benny. One evening, I couldn't help asking, "Anything going

21、on with the wait list?"    "No news is9news," he said softly. "But I'm sure I will."Finally, Benny got the heart.    Standing in front of his bed, I felt so 10" Take good care of this guy," I said to the other doctors softly.

22、"I'm not his doctor anymore. Nowjust a friend."1.A、looking B、waiting C、asking D、going2.A、brave B、busy C、serious D、nervous3.A、dream B、mood C、hurry D、mess4.A、hard B、wise C、special D、valuable5.A、talk B、care C、worry D、think6.A、conversation B、introduction C、operation D、presentation7.A、cutti

23、ng B、pushing C、breaking D、stopping8.A、for B、as C、with D、against9.A、good B、bad C、secret D、right10.A、bored B、tired C、excited D、moved参考答案单选:BCCAA BDAAC DCCB词汇:chopsticks, spread, compared, electrical, inventors, hung, unknown,completely动词:Knows, to pass, were taught, am looking, skating, has risen完成句子:1. has been under control 2. how stars should catch the attention of f


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